Thursday, July 27, 2023

Like Everything Else! Them Dastardly evil Muh Fuckahs Stealing US's Shit!

 They're stealing US's God damned taxpaying, hard earned muh fuckin money with this fake ass Ukraine war shit!

God damn!

Supposed tah be ah muh fuckin war ovah in that muh fuckah!?

I speak to ah lot of muh fuckin people Black and White! Ain't nobody mentioning that ill ass fake ass shit!


Where's Our money you evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

And I owe close tah seventeen hundred dollahs in muh fuckin fed taxes!?


My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass should be guaranteed ah muh fuckin refund every fuckin year

God damnit!

If y'all evill sorry muh fuckin asses pissin US's shit away like that!


I'll take my shit back in US currency muh fuckahs and

Fuck you!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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