Saturday, July 22, 2023

US Has Gotten Pushed Aside BecaUSe of Their evil Planned Future!

Every-fuckin-thing those evil muh fuckin simpletons do is for thah benefit of them sorry ass muh fuckahs! 

"You?! What about you!? You worthless, lazy, feeders!" Anyway... 

They finally stopped all this financial Beiden bleedin tah thah Ukraine!

Six-hundred-million goin missin tah thah fundin of that muh fuckin foul ass ''war"!

Bout time!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with 


Yeah and I undahstand thah muh fuckin amount comes with an alert!

But shit, fuck it!

Since US talkin that noise and how much them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs lie!

I'm gonna say, them muh fuckahs lost three-hundred-and-thirty-three-billion!

Of course, on thah low muh fuckin end! Got tah double that shit tah make it real evil!...

They are degenerates!

Not human at thah fuck at


And their sorry evil muh fuckin asses are now officially,

On the muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come..."

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