Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Just To Bring US Into The Year 2030

 All US has tah do!

Don't take no more vaccines! Cut down on thah muh fuckin meat cause them evil muh fuckahs injectin animals with that ill shit! So thah shit can be transferred tah US!

Fuck tap water whenevah US can!

Fuck ah doctor! Unless yo ass sho nuff can't take thah muh fuckin pain for whatevah thah fuck! I mean shit! Ah niggah got his limits! I've severely sprained both ankles at varioUS times in my life! And I hear muh fuckahs talkin bout broken femurs and shit! Naw playah! My shit was painful! But what yo ass talkin bout?! My sorry broke Black ass would be replayin that shit for thah rest of my short ass life! CaUSe I for damn sho could not replay that horrific pain! CaUSe I would have tah have sho nuff killed myself tah stop thah muh fuckin pain loop!

Shit fuck it! Let's talk about Women and childbirth!

Why thah Holy fuck Women want tah have children goin through that nine month tortuoUS ordeal, then waitin for thah ultimate torture! Droppin that muh fuckah!

And still have more?!...

Talkin bout some muh fuckin storm troopers!


I remembah back in thah day when aerobics first started takin off! I went tah this aerobics class at thah muh fuckin "Y"! All women except two stupid men! Me and anothah stupid muh fuckah! Anyway...

I got through that shit! Just barely! And I was runnin track and shit in college! I looked around these women barely breakin ah sweat! Me and thah othah stupid muh fuckah, sweatin profusely, looked at each othah and we were like, "Fuck this shit!"...

And women! God damn!

Y'all muh fuckin asses should be runnin this muh fuckin shit!

Talkin bout ah niggah gettin humbled!?...

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with Women?!

Them evil muh fuckahs got it like that?!

Y'all Women are some bad ass muh fuckahs!

I ain't bullshittin at thah fuck all!

Big ups!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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