Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Unforeseen Knowledge Is Afoot!

 Fuck it!

I'll listen tah thah muh fuckahs all day, er day! 

I'm at thah gig for eight hours some shit!

Speak on it!

My great responses are:

"I didn't know that?",


"For real?!"

"I heard that!"...

I mean fuck it! Yah gettin paid! While I'm writin up their jobs?

Plus, shit, sometimes they got shit tah propahly speak


"Oh, and with your exam and material copays that brings your total to: One thousand and eleven dollars. Will that be cash or credit card? HSA? Most definitely! But while I do this. Please, tell me more about these dangerous Chin gangs on the southside of Indianapolis? Eighteen to thirty-five years old hardcore murderers you were saying?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

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