Saturday, July 15, 2023

US's "Commander and Chief"?

 Beiden?! How thah fuck he can lead any muh fuckin country let alone his own damn sick sorry ass life is beyond this niggah's comprehension!

"That's because you are a stupid Republican!"

Shit! Political party preferences ain't got shit tah do with muh fuckin shit! It's called "Right or Wrong" muh fuckah! Anyway....

That muh fuckah has a predilection for US's children!

Ain't no fucking way he gets voted back intah muh fuckin office!


Them evil sorrry ass muh fuckahs wannah be fuckin stupid and cheat tah put that child rapist back intah office!

And if they do that shit!

Thank Our Father!

CaUSe y'all muh fuckahs are about tah go down muh fuckin


Dead and

Bloodied thah fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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