Saturday, July 15, 2023

Pedophiles Beautiful HorrendoUS Reckoning Cometh!

 Them muh fuckahs done jUSt lost their rabbit ass minds!

Obama, Beiden, Branson, Gates, The Bushs, Winfrey, m. Theresa, The Clintons, The Podesta brothers, Sheen, Spielberg, Schneider, the churches, DCS, The Red Cross, USDOT, LEOs, CIA, FBI, NSA...


After their sorry ass sentences!

Let's take'em tah 

The Rack!

And pull them muh fuckahs apart! Slowly dismembering those evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

While hearing them muh fuckahs scream like ah muh fuckah!


Televise thah shit!

Fuck 'em!

I'd watch that righteoUS muh fuckin shit


And more than enjoy their

Hallowed screams while even, yes...

Eating take-out pizza!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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