Saturday, August 31, 2024

US! Just Needs To Make Muh FuckUS Understand The Importance of US Labor And Go To US Work!

 Thee Holy fuck!

How thah fuck US teachin muh fuckUS on 

Public Assitance/Welfare about this evil shit?!

Muh fuckUS stayin in ah $1400 three bedroom, three baths, 1300 sq feet of apartment in Greenwood for

$125 funky ass IN dollUS!

Then what thah Holy fuck is thah muh fuckin incentive of

"Movin' on up! - The Jeffersons"!

What thah fuck done happened tah US Sonshines?!

What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US True Altruism!?

 Ain't no muh fuckin such ah thing!

I mean, shit!

There's some muh fuckUS doin that RighteoUS shit,

But not becaUSe it 's 


BecaUSe it is perceived by

US to be


And my sorry broke ass gettin paid for that

Perceived conditioned sorry ass

US evil


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Acupuncture: The Chinese Have Been Doing It Since The Beginning Of Humans! And It Ain't been Debunked, Yet! III

 Okay. Thought of something else.

Well, when the doctor stuck these needles in me, in certain areas of my hip. The sensation almost had me throw up!  The insertion, then subsequent twist(s) on that sensation was thah kind of fucked up shit about it! Can't really tell you! But it's fucked up! Doesn't hurt. But...uncomfortable as fuck!

I mean, not in a bad way? Kind of non-understanding fucked up way! Hope that shit makes sense?

It was like she hit bone and ah muh fuckin nerve at thah same muh fuckin time, that was in my right hip, that said tah my mind,

"Throw up! Something needs to be purged!" But I didn't! But I got that kind of vomitoUS response!

I don't know if it was because it hit bone, a nerve, muscle or all of those muh fuckahs!?

It was just ah weird 


Type of situation, and an old niggah didn't 

Throw up!?

But, I mean, shit!

I wish I would've!

Our Father's speed...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saving This Beautiful US

 It is 

Up to 

US! my 



SistUS and 


It is 

Up to


And fuck them evil sorry ass lazy elite muh fuckahs!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jasmine Paolini - Italy"

 That's an American niggah! my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass knows anothah US niggah when I witness one! 


Italian US military bases are muh fuckin

Live and in

US color! God damnit!

Playin women's tennis and shit!

In US!

I mean, shit!

Just an 


Osaka and shit!

Comin round full circle and shit! Oh, thah


Sins of

US's many non-caring military sorry ass

US muh fuckin

Dads are real! And on national display! Everyday!

US are being shamed!

I mean, shit!?

And US...

Are supposed tah be this 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Nicole Kidman"

Thah Holy fuck! 

An evil





That ain't agin well at thah fuck 


And thah muh fuckah's two years youngah than my old Black sorry broke ass!

I mean, shit! 




(Peace! More to come...)

Witnessing US IN Live And IN Beautiful Color

 When US starts talkin ah certain way? 

I turn my shit off! 

my old Black ass sorry muh fuckin opinions don't mean dick anyway! Just purgin some mental pressure! So, that shit can wait! So, I get attentive

And jUSt listen tah IN muh fuckUS!

Fuck it!

Cheap ass, US muh fuckin

modern day

Entertainment and shit!

And an old ass  niggUS broke?!

I mean, shit!

'Speak on it!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Electronic Voting or Paper Voting?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Now these evil muh fuckahs talkin bout both!

"Oh, AI is going to change everything!"

"AI is 100 percent accurate!"


US sees thah significance of Historicallly accurate paper documents!!!

Fuck thah cloud or wherevah thah fuck!

Make paper copies of US's important shit!

Ain't no muh fuckin paper shortage and shit!

I mean, shit!

Them evil degenerates just want tah get rid of some shit without dealin with all that muh fuckin 

US RighteoUS

Endless muh fuckin

Paper Trails and shit!

I mean, shit!

Them evil muh fucahs lazy as fuck! Them evil degenerates jUSt want tah push one God damned lazy ass muh fuckin button! Poof! Shit be gone and shit!

"Well, I have all of my information backed-up on thumb-drives!"

Thumb drives require electricity and ah fuckin workin computer tah muh fuckin access!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 30, 2024

"How long does a million dollars last?"

 Shit, my old Black ass will tell US!

Fifty-eight years old!

If my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass got ah mill' aftah taxes and shit?!

With my fugal old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

And my Wife's non-fugal Black ass?!

"How long does a million dollars last?"!

In ah muh fuckin short lifetime!?

Ah muh fuckin

Lifetime, God damnit!

I mean, shit!



Yin/Yang shit shall work its







CaUSe Wifey!

I mean, shit!

An old Black sorry ass broke muh fuckin niggah,

Ain't tryin tah work no fuckin 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Acupuncture: The Chinese Have Been Doing It Since The Beginning Of Humans! And It Ain't been Debunked, Yet! II

 Thee Holy fuck!




I'll be fucked!

They're gettin US's


But...I mean...shit!

If thah shit works?!

I'm glad tah inform that evil elite ass!

my old Black sorry broke ass

DNA ain't worth


(Peace! More to come...)

Acupuncture: The Chinese Have Been Doing It Since The Beginning Of Humans! And It Ain't been Debunked, Yet!

 Went to the Acupuncturist's today! Shit, I didn't know what to expect and shit! 

Trying not to have to take pain medicine, take physical therapy or God forbid have a replacement hip surgery! 


The doctor consulted with me about the pain in my arthritic hip that I've been havin! Then the doctor lead me into one of the examination rooms with a therapeutic highly covered bed with sanitation covers and sheets (And the sheets were soft). The doctor left after instruction.

I was lyin on my left side with nothing on but my underwear, white footies and an hospital gown open at thah back, like I was directed to do by the doctor.

The doctor came in. Slid the door closed (Yes, slid. Sliding doors.). And commenced to 

Pin me!

The doctor put ah needle beween my eyebrows, one needle in my ear (but not in thah canal itself), then proceeded to put about 18 needles or more around my right hip, right lower back, down my right leg and two of them, one on thah outside of my knee and one went under my kneecap. Then the doctor turned on this heatlamp and set it close tah thah right side that was all pinned up!

"Would you like some music?"

'Yes, please?'

She turned on this soft ethereal music. Turned the lights off. "I will leave you alone for awhile to relax."

'Okay. Thank you.' 

Weird as shit! I'm lookin at the wall that I was facin for ovah thirty minutes and shit! Lights off with the soft reddish glow of the heatlamp. I think I fell alsleep. Not sure. But I was jUSt there with my thoughts lookin at thah now reddish colored wall. After about fifteen minutes I moved my right arm so I could see the needles in my right leg. I smiled at the needles standing at perfect attention up and down my right upper leg and turned even more to look at thah ones in my hip! All facilitated by thah red glow from the heatlamp. Laid back the same way as before. Thinking. The shit don't hurt! Just ah fucked up uncomfortableness and shit! The doctor when she inserts these needles, there's an imperceptible little prick, but then when she turns them what seemed like a half or a full turn, that's when the many needles said tah my body, "But I ain't tryin to hurt you! Just trying to help you! Don't pay me any attention. I'll be gone soon enough." Weird. Anyway...

The doctor came in, and took the needles out. I felt her wipe at some understanding I'm a bleeder. After all of the needles were extracted. The doctor took out these glass cups and put them on my right lower back and right hip joint. Turned on the heatlamp once again. Turned the lights off . "I will leave you to relax some more."

'Okay. Thank you.'

Again, I with only my thoughts.

Maybe after twenty minutes or so, the doctor came into the room. Took off the cups. Said gently, "You may dress now. And I will meet you at the front desk whenever you are ready."

'Thank you.'

Dressed and came out of the examination room.

Paid and made an appointment for next Friday. 

I mean, shit!

Fuck it!

Let's see how this shit goes God damnit!?

CaUSe othah than this, my old Black sorry broke ass lookin at bein on pain meds for thah rest of my short muh fuckin life!? Or...Shit...havin fuckin replacement surgery! I mean, shit! Fuck that shit!!!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Where Are US's Missing US Children!? You evil FED Sorry Ass Luciferian Muh Fuckahs?! III

 Don't give ah Holy fuck about J6!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about illegal votin!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about Israel and thah Ukraine!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about Trump, Harris, Kennedy, Walz...!



But what my old Black bout ready tah die broke sorry ass gives ah fuck, is about thah sorry ass demise of US's missing 


Ain't nobody searchin for these innumeroUS lost and missin 


Thah fuck US smokin and shit?!

I mean, shit!

It show thah fuck ain't no 

RighteoUS ass muh fuckin


Ain't no fuckin way!

"Just say, 'No'!", tah this evil ass chronic child abduction abhorrent shit!

That ain't no-fuckin-body in thah major media or in politics are talkin about!

Thah fuck's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cable and Streaming Services Are US Absurd

 US are payin tah

Waste US's 

PrecioUS lives, on muh fuckin evil elite's sorry ass


Expensive entertainment FED/CIA/evil elite...



Thah fuck done happened tah US Sonshines!?

What thah Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Got a text just now! 

"We're sorry we keep asking, but can you chip in $1 to support Ted Cruz for re-election?..." 5:30 PM

'Fuck Cruz!' 5:31 PM

"You have successfully unsubscribed." 5:35 PM

Thank y'all! But when thah fuck did my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass evah

Subscribe tah that annoying nonsense!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tulsi Gabbard?!

 Anothah MTF muh fuckah talkin that evil Bolshevik/Menshevik replayin sorry ass future agenda shit!

Thah fuck's wrong with US


(Peace! More to come...)

"Grapefruit Jungle, 7.4% ABV - Sun King Brewery"

 Absolutely love thah shit!

And drinkin thah shit

Fresh at 

Sun King?!


And US's broke assUS 're through!


I mean, shit!

Just don't do it!

Niggah got tah drive and shit!


Three, US shall be




But call thah wife, husband or thah next of kin tah get yo propahly fucked up sorry broke assUS


(Peace! More to come...)

evil Manipulated Forecasters!

 US thinks thah muh fuckin sorry ass 

Weather Person wants tah be wrong and shit?!



But, I mean, shit!

That's thah nature of this 

MANmade MANipulated

Weather and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Population Decline of 66%, "Deagle" Forecasted in Germany for 2025 Und "Kampfe Weiter"!

 Get thah Holy fuck 

Out of muh fuckin



God damnit!

Problem of 66%

Staved fuckin


Then in 2026?!

Go thah fuck back


And start murderin them evil sons-of-evil-bitches and evil sons-of-evil-bastards!

"Kampfe Weiter!"!!!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Klaus Schwab ("Egghead" Character Villain - Batman Television Series 1966) III

 Well, I'll be fucked!

This shit is jUSt some staged "play" evil scenario which

US have read


Many times thah sorry ass



And, muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Klaus Schwab ("Egghead" Character Villain - Batman Television Series 1966) II

 And thinkin even more about this fucked up shit!

Thah ugly sorry ass Klaus got this fucked up sinister, German...

"Nosferatu" type of English and shit!

Fits thah evil degenerate muh fuckin character, down tah those sorry ugly ass muh fuckin

Fanged vampirical

Teeth and shit!

That ugly evil muh fuckah always hidin and shit!

Barely openin his evil ass mouth!

Thah fuck yo ugly muh fuckin ass think you


I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Klaus Schwab ("Egghead" Character Villain - Batman Television Series 1966)

 Talkin bout an ugly waste of fuckin egg and sperm!

God damn, Klaus Schwab... that muh fuckah's busted!

'Membah "Egghead" in the "Batman" series back in thah day?!

That's this ugly bald head busted muh fuckah!

Mad at thah whole world because my rich powerful ass is still fuckin


And US had thah nerves tah read them sorry ass comic books,

Thinkin that shit was jUSt some sorry ass muh fuckin

Comic Book

FictitioUS muh fuckin sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A Simple US RighteoUS Modern Day Life! That's all?!

 There's this US truth!







And that's all thah fuck that fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Crazy! NiggUS, Please???!!!

"People have been going, crazy now?"


Who thah fuck in this US bitch,




Called thah




And US


 Know how tah control that shit, for 

US civility sake!

US's cool!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oropouche Virus?! II

 "Oh! I could never in my days of existence shoot someone, and kill them for nothing! Absurd! But what I can do is to shoot someone! And see what happens?!"

Fucking evil sorry ass elite 


Global World



And ain't thah fuck

Ashamed or scared of 







(Peace! More to come...)

Oropouche Virus?!

 These evil muh fuckahs just pullin that nasty shit out of their muh fuckin asses now!

Desperate as fuck!

Oropouche (Gold Pouch)!? US see?! Them sorry evil degenerates got too much muh fuckin idle fuckin time God damnit! Ain't no muh fuckin scientific such! Shit!

But them evil muh fuckahs got thah vaccine for some manmade fucked up vaccine shit!

Still makin viruses up and shit,

Now, testin on live US unbeknownst phantom subjects tah see which one of those "lethal" viruses they shall

Roll out and

Murder US with!?

They got thah US murdering vaccine for whatevah thah fuck them evil degenerates want tah come up with tah get thah most bang for thah Global World, 


Fucking evil male and MTF whores from thah muh fuckin sorry ass 

US depths!

All this evil shit's been tried before throughout this Human History! And y'all evil muh fuckahs are fuckin


Ain't won this firmament ovah not 

One fuckin evil time you nasty fuckin evil elite US fuckers!

I mean, shit! You evil elite dirty ass muh fuckahs,

Get ah fuckin real 


God damn! 

And leave US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS thah fuck


evil lazy worthless sorry ass muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit!

All them eggs and sperm on y'alls evil asses! Fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck it! Let's Get This evil Sorry Ass Shit Poppin!

 It's gonnah be painful any way this sorry ass muh fuckin evil US shit goes!

So fuck it!

That Bolshevik - Trump and Menshevik - Kennedy shit, jUSt gonnah take ah little longah and shit!

Puttin off thah sorry ass evil pain for ah tick or two!

But shit!

Not Harris God damnit!

That muh fuckah get elected!

I mean, shit!

US time 's up!

And start listenin tah that blaring ass

Seventh muh fuckin


God damnit!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Circa Late 2024 Finalization of The Bolshevik and The Menshevik US Takeover Successfully Replayed

 Thee Holy fuck!

Lazy as evil fuck! With all that evil power and evil money!

The evil degenerates have no God damned ingenuity at thah fuck all!

Bolshevik = Donald Trump

Menshevik = Robert Kennedy Jr.

Can't make this FED fucked shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

The RighteoUS US Cull, Before The RighteoUS US Call

 "They closed down all of the mental institutions! That's why we have all this homeless problem!"



US got ah homeless problem becaUSe US muh fuckUS, who jUSt loves tah fuck!

But for some muh fuckin reason




"Well he/she 's crazy! I don't know what to do?!"

'Age of majority?'


'Legal age?'

"Yeah. He/She 's eighteen or more!"

'Nothing noteworthy? Going to college?! Going to trade school...'

"Naw! Nothin like that! He/She 's unemployed. Makin that "unemployment change" as them young folks say today!"

'Shit! Murder them!'

"What did you, 

  Just say?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US "Anti-Camping" Laws

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can dig that shit! Straight up!

'When 's thah last time yo campin ass on US's Indiana streets done paid state taxes muh fuckah?'

"What!? We ain't botherin nobody!"

'Y'alls lazy assUS show thah fuck botherin me! God damnit! And I pay muh fuckin state taxes! Taxes which bought these muh fuckin taxpayers' streets which yo non-taxpayin, non-workin, lazy, and ungrateful sorry assUS 're sleepin and livin upon! Thah fuck?!'

Thee Holy fuck done went wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thah Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come....)

Anti-US-evil-Fatal-Venom Circa 2024, Winter

 Thee Holy fuck is wrong with 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

I mean, shit!

Can US appreciate thah evil 

US has succumbed thah fuck


Talkin bout some snake gold tongued devils?!

God damn!

US, done got bit with that evil poisonoUS venom!

But, I mean, shit!

US jUSt has tah open US's Human Hearts!

BecaUSe thah muh fuckin

Cure for this evil







Fuck that evil sorry ass worthless muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jessica Rosenworcel - Chairwoman of The Federal Communications Commission"

 Talkin bout ah FED ZJ Transgender gettin paid for doin


God damn!

Ovah two-hundred 'Gs' for doin fuckin


Again, for doin,


Thah FCC ain't shit no fuckin more! How thah fuck they still gettin FED Funded and shit?!

Got ovah twelve-hundred employees with an average income of ovah one-hundred and sixty thou'!?

Thee Holy fuck my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Please tell an old Black broke niggah?!

When thah Holy fuck has US heard the

FCC even come up in thah last

Three fuckin 

Decades and shit!

And those FCC muh fuckahs clockin dollUS Sonshines!

Two-hundred and sixty-seven percent ovah thah 





That FCC shit needs tah be fuckin dissolved!

Forthwith God damnit!

I mean, shit!

I jUSt saved y'all FED sorry ass evil muh fuckahs close tah ah half of ah 

Billion US taxpayin dollUS per year!

Now purge them $48,000 dollUS in US student loans, that y'all evil muh fuckahs say, 'my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass' owes you!?

Yo evil sorry FED degenerate asses are 


But purge them shits!


Thah fuck US smokin and shit!

US are some stingy ass muh fuckUS!

CaUSe an old Black sorry broke ass niggah ain't got ah



And an old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah would appreciate that




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Karachi, Pakistan', Street Foods

 So this dude does these street food videos in Pakistan and shit! I mean, shit! In this one! Them righteoUS muh fuckUS feedin 10,000 broke ass righteoUS muh fuckUS for Gratis durin 

Ramadan! I had tah research 

Ramadan! I mean I've heard the word and knew it had some type of religioUS meaning to some people but that shit didn't effect my young, now old, sorry broke Black ass! So fuck it! Until now! Anyway...

But thah shit I was watchin they called thah shit,

Iftar! Or breakin thah fast for the evening meal! my old Black sorry broke ass had tah research that 'Iftar' shit too! Interesting as fuck! Anyway...

A fucking Human machine how them muh fuckUS prepare this 


shit for all these broke muh fuckUS! For fucking free!

But God damn!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass watchin this shit! And I'm like,

Ain't no muh fuckah smilin and shit no muh fuckin place! SerioUS as fuck!

And ain't ah woman tah be muh fuckin


Thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's 

US speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 26, 2024

Where Are US's Missing US Children!? You evil FED Sorry Ass Luciferian Muh Fuckahs?! II

 Ain't one candidate sayin shit 

About this




Apathy for




And ain't nobody sayin shit about it!

And, why do you think that is? my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

US are amid ah muh fuckin evil







Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

WI-FI!? Thah Fuck?! US Air Shall Be Free! Un-US-Plug!

 How these evil muh fuckahs makin money off of 




When thah Holy fuck they start chargin US some shit!

US stupid enough tah pay for thah stupid shit!

Then add on some more stupid shit!

When thah free shit is lookin like all thah othah stupid ass

US paid for shit!



That old ass television and radio antennae works! Fuck thah cable!

Them evil dastardly muh fuckahs chargin US for it!

And thah fucked up shit about that ill evil shit,

US is payin for this beautiful US piece of firmament's



Kindah fuckin US absurd shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

LEOs Are Like US NiggUS

 Shit my old Black sorry broke ass gots tah admit, God damnit!

There 're ah shitload of LEOs who are straight up righteoUS muh fuckUS!

But, I mean, shit! God damn!

Thah othah six percent are makin y'alls sorry muh fuckin assUS lookin like evil degenerates and shit!

I mean,


(Peace! More to come...)

"Mississippi ex-deputy seeks shorter sentence in racist torture of 2 Black men - AP"

 Thee Holy fuck!


Guilty tah thah shit!

Got sentenced tah what he fuckin got!

Now, aftah ah lil while that muh fuckah probably honestly thinkin,

"Now hold up now! These were just two nigger thugs! Fuck this shit! As a matter of fact! Time served God damnit!"


Can't make this FED fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

"New details revealed after Monroe County Deputy charged with sexual battery - WTTV Indianapolis"

 Thee Holy fuck! Talkin bout thah muh fuckah like ah fuckin dog, now!

Thah fuck!

Like USual in this bitch,

Back that sorry muh fuckin ass up!

Like you Departmental Heads do all thah fuckin time!

I mean, what that sorry ass muh fuckah do?!

Fucked off with anothah deputy's family and shit?!

If that's it! That's some sorry ass muh fuckin shit!

All these women for decades been reportin on these sorry ass muh fuckin LEOs', which you "good" ones have historically protected! A God damned muh fuckin shame!

So what's up with this muh fuckah?! Who 'd this sorry muh fuckah piss off and shit?!

I mean that muh fuckah ain't thah fuck tah blame!



Y'all sorry ass muh fuckin Sheriff's department, hired that sorry ass muh fuckah!

I mean, shit!

Supposedly doin all these Major Background Checks...and shit!

And look what yah muh fuckin sorry dumbasses



God damn!

Thah fuck done happened tah US Sonshines?!

What thee Holy fuck!?

(Peace! More to come...) 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Where Are US's Missing US Children!? You evil FED Sorry Ass Luciferian Muh Fuckahs?!

Ovah ah half ah million in thah muh fuckin 



Yearly and shit!!

Do US undah-fuckin-stand reported!

Solid! I thought that you would. But please excuse me while I break it down for thah rest of US?!

Reported, means that muh fuckUS were verbally capable of making ah muh fuckin missin child report, non-US citizen aside! And that's if thah evil muh fuckin evil minions even reported thah child missing reports!? US see? Fucked up shit?! Anway...


Now, you evil FED muh fuckahs say about this shit now, God damnit?!

Reportedly?! Ovah half of ah million children go missing every year in US!

Unreportedly!? Them evil muh fuckahs reportin ovah anothah

Half mill'!? Not includin thah ovah 200.000 they kidnapped/trafficked while their parents were crossin this evil highly infiltrated,



"Well who gives ah fuck! They were illegal!"

I mean, shit!

I 's gives ah fuck!

Them muh fuckin children, illegal or not, don't got shit tah do with thah sins of thah Mother and Father! Fuck that shit! 

That's some fuckin sorry evil ass abhorrent US shit! Anyway...

And that's ovah ah million of lost children 

Souls' God damnit!?

Per fuckin year!

In US!

Ovah 2700

Children, per day, in this now evil 




Thah fuck's an old ass broke niggah missin and shit!?

Thee Holy fuck's wrong with US Sonshines?!

Fuck Harris!

Fuck Trump!

Fuck Cancer!


Fuck Gold Standard!

Fuck thah USD!

Fuck Heart Disease!

Fuck thah local news!...

God damnit!

Fuck all that tertiary sorry ass mundane propagandized bullshit!

I mean, shit!!!






US's muh fuckin



God damnit!

Thee Holy fuck's done happened tah 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just So, my Old Black Broke Ass Can Just Keep...Subsisting?! And It's Going To Be An evil elite Planned White Firmament!

 It's interestin as fuck tah my old Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass!



Got broke ass muh fuckUS wearin masks, takin every vaccine, goin tah thah doctah regularly and shit! A1C at fifteen and shit! Blood pressure 180/110 and shit...?!...wantin anothah breath, second, minute, hour, day...out this muh fuckah US calls

Life! Takin ovah thirty-three pharmaceutical drugs ah day! Just tah keep thah pressure and thah sugah where it needs tah be and shit!? A1C 15? Three months ago it was 18 and was about to check out! And my pressure is just fine 'Chil''! It's always reads like that!

Thah Holy fuck!


And most of 'em are those same muh fuckUS

Ain't workin!

Six or more generational broke muh fuckUS livin off thah town, thah city, thah state, thah federal governments and shit!

Street hustlin!





my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass ain't ashamed!

my muh fuckin NiggUS!

Thah fuck

US NiggUS takin all these stupid ass muh fuckin


For God damnit?!

Fuck it!

US Black ass muh fuckUS,

Are already




Thah fuck done went wrong with


NiggUS my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fuck!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Brewdog Doghouse Hotel"

Thah Holy fuck!

Thah way my old broke Black ass 

Loves beer!? 

If my old Black sorry broke ass evah gets this type of disposable income!?

It's on my old Black sorry broke assUS bucket list!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Absurd Atheism?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

How 're US gonnah be broke

Atheists muh fuckUS and shit!?

How thah fuck that idiotic absurd shit work?!

I mean, shit!

Talkin bout bein by US broke ass


God damned!

Fuck that shit!

That stupid Atheism shit is for thah muh fuckin sorry ass degenerate

evil elite muh fuckahs!

Not for US broke ass 

Muh fuckUS!!!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Victims, Aren't We All? - Eric Draven, The Crow - 1994"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Got muh fuckUS talkin that stupid ill ass shit,

"Well I felt like something was wrong with him/her but I was in love with them."

And that's why those sorry ass muh fuckUS beat that sorry playin thah victim sorry assUS!


Are no different!

Just with sorry ass muh fuckin broke

Different fucked up

Circumstances and shit!

But US 're all victims tah this evil FED fucked up shitshow!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sooner Than Soon! This evil "Global World" Shall Live Right Next Door To US!

 So we just got back from Evansville and shit! my Wife's peeps were visitin there so she decided tah go see them, rather than goin six or seven hours tah where they live in Tennessee! Anyway...Boring fuckin drive! Ain't dick along that muh fuckah 69 South, yet! Now 69 South took ovah SR 37! 

Which if yo sorry ass went tah IU Bloomington, which I did for ah wasted year, yo sorry Black ass had tah roll through known racist Martinsville, Indiana USin SR37 and shit! Long story! But shit US can look that sorry ass shit up on Martinsville, Indiana. And while yah at it, where we went today, Evansville Indiana! Evansville, Indiana was where thah KKK was headquarted back in thah day with Grand Dragon or whatevah thah fuck, David Curtis Stephenson or bka DC Stephenson! But it was cool down there. People were nice and shit! But Evansville is way more south than Martinsville maybe by anothah hun'ard ten miles some shit! Anyway, Martinsville!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass about died laughin at what they did tah racist ass Martinsville! They almost blockin that evil bitch from public view from thah 69 highway and shit! Who thah fuck did them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs make mad and shit!? Or maybe them racist muh fuckahs don't want all thah outsiders that 69 South will bring tah their White racist shit where they like tah happily reside!? 

And I know it's sounds weird and shit comin from an old Black sorry broke muh fuckah like me! But, not wantin thah outsiders in and shit?!

I mean, shit!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gots tah give Martinsville some props on that latter shit! Cause witnessin what thah fuck is happenin IN US and in this US!?

Keepin outsiders out!? I'm fuckin diggin that "racist" shit, you Martinsville muh fuckUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The RighteoUS Principles of US Matters.

 US can't make this ill ass evil shit up?

Not fucking one of


But, I mean shit!

It comes easy tah these sorry ass muh fuckin evil elite!

Them sorry lazy ass muh fuckahs gots tah go!!!

Thah fuck's wrong with US


What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Teq' Beer

 One shot of chosen Tequila,

Lime tah taste

Salt tah taste

12 oz AAL of choice at 32 degrees! Not yet, frozen!

Pour all liquids into ah proper pint 




(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Still Major Players In This evil elite "Texas Hold 'em" FED Future Poker Game

 I mean, shit!

What do US muh fuckUS want this 

US tah be and shit!

It ain't about them evil FED bought and paid for sorry ass muh fuckahs!



This shit's about 


And what thah fuck is


Gonnah do about this FED shitshow fucked up shit???!!!

Fold! Or



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Bungle In The Jungle - Jethro Tull"

 When my old Black sorry broke ass was youngah and shit my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! My Brothers loved music! All kinds of different shit my young ass was introduced to and shit! Havin ten of those muh fuckUS! In thah muh fuckin seventies, was ah stone cold blast! Classical. Rock and Roll! Soul! Gospel! The Blues!... Anyway...

There is this damned song that goes through my mind a lot lately! This shit!  Now I don't remembah which Brothah was playin thah shit all of thah time! But one of those muh fuckUS were playin this shit!

my old Black sorry broke ass would see some shit recently, then this song would start playin in my mind! And I'm like,

'What thah fuck!'


Googled that bitch with thah words being sung which replays in my mind, that I can remembah and shit!

Well, I'll be God damned!

Enjoy this evil ass muh fuckin righteoUS shit from thah 

US Human

Hella past!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Oldest Vacation In This Firmament: Writing.

 my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass 

Loves writin!

I say tah myself everytime I start writin some shit,

'Where 're we goin today with your old Black ass?!'

And I start



(Peace! More to come...)

God Damnit, US!

 It marvels my old Black sorry broke ass lookin at this FED shitshow fucked up shit!

Of how many of 

US broke muh fuckUS are privy and goin along with their dastardly evil

US takeover!

I mean, shit!

Yo scientist broke ass thinks them evil muh fuckahs ain't gonnah murder you too!? Or you sorry political figures feels like yo broke ass is part of them?! So, we aren't on their evil murdering list?!...



You shall be murdered

Too for your fucked up evil fealty!

Shit! It's called rewriting 

Human US History!

That means gettin rid of abhorrent Human US History evidence!

Books, blogs, thumb driives, the cloud, computers, vaccines, paper journals...and murdering innumeroUS broke ass US people! Who colluded tah create this depopulation shit! And enforced rules for thah depopulation shit!...Because yo sorry broke ass signed some stupid ass NDA before you got that gov'ment job! Them evil muh fuckahs call it Security Clearances and shit! It's ah muh fuckin Federal NDA! Which shuts your gov'ment havin mouth shut for life muh fuckUS! Talkin bout whistleblowers and shit!? Don't fuckin do it?! Them muh fuckahs shall not protect that ass! Shit! Look what happened tah thah muh fuckUS that wanted tah tell on "Boeing" and shit! Dead ass muh fuckahs!

And thah evil elite 

Satanic ill fucked up


Keeps on being perpetually and ad nauseum,





my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Straight Up Aging Pains!

 my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass appreciates some shit now!


God damned skippy!

Just tah bend down tah put on my muh fuckin socks wasn't no big fuckin deal ah year ago!

Now, my old Black sorry broke ass be like,

'Oh shit! Fuck! The dreaded socks and subsequen footwear! Fuckin,


Our Father's speed....

(Peace! More to come....)

"Alien - Romulus - 2024". Scrap Gold! II

But fuck it! Payin for thah muh fuckin movie tah see! And before thah muh fuckin movie begins, yo payin tah see ah movie US ass is bombarded by at least nine minutes of commercials! One aftah thah muh fuckin othah! I'm like! Shit! Not thah fuck again! Anyway.... 

I mean think about thah shit!?

Yo ass 's in 

Hyperbaric sleep and shit!

Thah fuck knows what kindah dreams yo ass havin aftah that PTSD and shit!? 

And consiousness obviously,

Suspended for two tah more years and shit?!

Encountering, "Aliens" and livin through that fucked up shit!?...

An endless amount of possibilities and viabilities just with hyperbaric dreams, nightmares alone and shit!

And thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs do?!

Well! Shit! Like evil muh fuckahs do!

Took thah lazy way out! And

Took US's  hard earned money with 

Slothful evil thinkin,

The franchise is well. 

Put out something to cheaply bring in some evil money!

That evil ass money was ah muh fuckin catastrophic


And my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass undahstands!

But y'all sorry ass evil muh fuckahs shall nevah willfully get my muh fuckin hard earned money again! God damnit!



(Peace! More to come....)

IMPD Sergeant, Javed Richards

 You sorry black ass muh fuckah


Shame before 

Our Father!

But shit bro,

You get what you fuckin ge...!...

Thee Holy fuck!

Those muh fuckahs reported he was in 

CID of the IMPD!

Compromised text and computer manipulation to frame, to make one implicitly 

Guilty!? Because of what one has investigated and knows about the real guilty one(s)?!



Or is thah niggah jUSt ah foul ass nothingness of ah muh fuckin


And did my old Black sorry broke ass mention that he is ah Law Enforcement Official with honors?!..



But see what that muh fuckah's been investigatin about his fellow Law Enforcement Officers and shit! Bein, 

CID IN IMPD and shit?! Anway....

Can't make this FED fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

US UbiquitoUS evil Political Pundits

 Listen tah thah evil ass muh fuckahs?!

"Well why do you call them evil, old ass muh fuckah! They're just speaking what they know?! Or reporting, what they know!"

my old Black sorry broke ass can dig that shit!

But most of 'em muh fuckUS are too

Close tah that political shit!

Get outside that evil FED shit! Retiring!? Quitting?! Resigning!? Or getttin yo ass fired! FED broke muh fuckUS have been 

Indoctrinized and heavily


CaUSe them psychologically beatin down ex-FED muh fuckahs can't imagine thinkin like oneself! On thah outside of that brainwashing US voted on evil institution!

I mean, shit! 


Muh fuckUS

Still thinkin from 


Instead of 



Muh fuckUS


Thinkin from


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fantasy Hath Been evilly Aborted!

 US is livin in 

"Fantasy Island" some shit!

But, I mean shit!

my old Black sorry muh fuckin broke ass shall 


This muh fuckin US

"Fantasy" shit ain't 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Akron police officer arraigned on local child porn charges - WKBN Youngstown"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Got ah picture of thah sorry ass evil LEO in ah court room donnin ah

"DILF" t-shirt on and shit?! Says undah thah sorry ass shit

"Devoted. Involved. Loving. Father"!?



US knows what thah fuck

DILF, like MILF replacin thah M, means,

Dads I'd Love to Fuck! Thah fuck's wrong with y'all evil ass muh fuckahs?! I mean, shit! US ain't all devoted


Christians and shit!

US othahs searches for this fatal 

Truth of 


Life! Anyway...

And thah stupid ass sorry muh fuckah got thah shit on in his arraignment?!

For child porn charges!

Thah fuck's wrong with them evil idiots!?

Oh, and did I mention that he was ah Law Enforcement Official?!



But, I mean shit!

Can't make this evil FED fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

Taylor Swift et al...

 Got muh fuckin US "parents" lettin their children go tah concerts, payin 500 dollahs ah ticket and up, tah condition those same children intah this soon tah be,

evil New World order/ evil Global World agenda!

And payin for that

TheRapists' type of evil shit!

CaUSe thah shit 's easier on yo pathetic wantin tah be 

Our Father's righteoUS

Ass and decided tah create!

So happy tah inform US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Please, don't listen tah these evil non-parent FED muh fuckahs! Ovah 66 percent married tah transgenders MTF or FTM! Pick yo evil poisons muh fuckUS!

"Well they have children! What you're saying is fuckin false, you dick!"

I undahstand!

Non-Biological! Maybe DNA from thah muh fuckin male or female host, but not both! And oft times there's no DNA connection at thah fuck at all with these evil elite "parents" of "their" children! Just falsely posin and shit! Anyway...

And dick I shall be! Until my old Black broke ass dies!

Just suggestin some shit!

'These evil ass muh fuckahs don't got shit tah do but tah fuck with US and tah fuck US!'

Check it!?

Got Megan Fox who stated back in 2009 some shit, that she was ah muh fuckin "tranny"!

And in 2022 showin ah muh fuckin "Baby bump"!?

How thah fuck that evil absurd shit work?!

Look up "Moonbump"? That's how that evil FED/CIA fucked up absurd shit works!

And US are jUSt blankly ignorin some shit!/

I mean, shit!

US do undahstand with US's broke muh fuckin assUS,



This evil shit goin down in US, has nevah turned out fuckin

Well for

US broke muh fuckUS?!

US do?!


I undahstand!

Fuck it!

Can't get off this shit now! 



I mean, shit!

Let US witness where this Fed US fucked-up shitshow, 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sub-Par, US?!

 US are apart of this dastardly evil FED "Run the US into the ground like the rest of them!" muh fuckin shit!

Complicit in thah innumeroUS sins US's FED hath conjured upon

US broke assUS!

I mean, shit!

Don't US get mad about this sad awhile evil manmade shit!



But, shit!

It's time for

US, to get muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 22, 2024

US Human Euthanasia?

 Them evil elite degenerates don't just want tah see US in pain and shit!



Thah excitement starts with them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs when 

US starts pleading tah fuckin willfully

Die, from thah abhorrent pain evilly

Exacted on US and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mpox Virus Vaccine Shall Contain Some evil Ass US Shit!

 "I don't give a fuck girl! As long as I don't have tah see them fucked up blisters and shit! Vaccine my Black ass!"

Them evil muh fuckahs got US's assUS!

US appearance!?



God damn!


Them some evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Motivation of US "Truth"!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Be readin, listenin and watchin these so-called


Truthers and shit!

Big ups!

But what turns my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass off is when them sorry assUS state,

"Now! A word from our sponsors!" or some shit like that!?

I mean, shit!?

What we talkin and shit?!

The God damned Human



"A word from our sponsors!",


I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Beautiful RighteoUS Free VagarioUS US!

 Racial hatred! GMOs! Chemical trails! Dumbing down America!...

my old Black ass gets that evil ass shit!

But what my old Black broke ass don't get,

Is y'alls evil degenerates thinkin y'all in ah movie some shit!

Y'all evil asses may have thah US script!

But fuckin for show,

Can't tell 

US muh fuckUS tah

Stay in evil ass

Script and




(Peace! More to come...)

The US Stave Off of The DNC's Bolshevik US Revolution?

 "History will remember Joe Biden as an outstanding president! Who defended democracy.! At a moment of great danger." Barack Obama lyin his muh fuckin sorry ass off! And went on to say, "I call him  my friend!".

CaUSe y'all both pedo, adrenochrome drinkin, children cannibalistic evil ass muh fuckahs!

And what thah Holy fuck done B-O been smokin and shit!? Cause that sorry muh fuckah been smokin some good-good shit! That shit done blanked his evil sorry ass memory for thah past three and ah half years and shit! Anyway...


Don't want tah be apart of this evil

Global World of


Not one muh fuckin 

One, of 


(Peace! More to come...)

Italian Professional Tennis Player: Jannik (Dutch or German origin meaning "God is gracious".) Sinner

Muh fuckah looks like thah pictures of Amelia Earhart and shit!

 Based on thah shit I've researched, my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass would have tah deduce,

That muh fuckahs' an 




Them evil muh fuckahs don't inform what kind of dopin is fuckin bein charged!

But I can guess that muh fuckah was suspect of some heightened 


Hormonal disparities!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An US Russian RighteoUS Prophecy.

 Shit, if I was in my late twenties, early thirties? No children. No wife.

I mean, shit!

I would call my young assUS



But fuck that shit!

I'm too old for that muh fuckin shit




Fuck it!

Born in


And my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass shall

Die in


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Clocking That evil FED Sorry Ass Hourglass!

 US voted that sorry old ass evil lifelong politician and known lifelong pederast in! God damnit!

Old Pedo Joe!

Muh fuckah didn't last day one and shit!

God damn!

Dr. Jill Biden runnin this bitch!?

I'll be fuckin US God damned!

Gonnah be ah sorry ass 


Blood bath!

Thah muh fuckin US blood that has been danced upon stage by DNC's


Dance God damnit!

Fuckin evilly dance and prance!

Because aftah it's all

US said and done!?

Oh, US righteoUS!

Hath jUSt 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Land of Global World Nod Is Upon US!

 "Oh, once this becomes a Global World, you shall go wherever you want to go in this Global World! But, you Americans are going to have to agree to a RFIDC!" Klaus Schwab said into the camera.

I'm straight! Ain't busted ah move no place outside this muh fuckah in fifty-eight fuckin years some shit! I mean, Canada but that's ah part of this North America and shit! So, I don't need no RFIDC you evil no good for nothin muh fuckahs!

Allons y!?

Let's fix this 

US Eden gone horribly Fed fucked up

evilly wrong and shit!

Let them evil muh fuckahs have Nod,

The rest of this firmament tah their evil muh fuckin selves!

US'll keep this righteoUS

US shit!


You, evil lazy ass worthless muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Treating my Broke Ass: "Guinness Foreign Extra Stout - 7.5% ABV" 4pk on sale $7.99 II

 Thine 4pk doth


Alas! What shall thy do?!

What God damnit!?

I mean, shit!

What, shall I  do?!

"Go to bed! Old ass broke sorry Black muh fuckah! But I do like yo ass for some fucked up reason! Should gut yo ass! But I won't! And I won't let anyone else either! CaUSe we gonnah turn this US bitch around! Together!"

'You think?!'

"No fucker! I know!"

'Ain't nothin wrong with that righteoUS shit!"


'Okay! You got me! I can dig that shit! Let me buy you breakfast?'


'Thank You!'...

(Peace!More to come...)

Respect US RighteoUS!

 If US works?!



Don't give one US fuck!


Has tah admit!


As ah muh fuckin


Has done jUSt muh fuckin


Fuck that evil Global World sorry ass


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Infinity?! Cheers!

 There is a

Truth tah this fucked up muh fuckin, fucked up

US shit!!

But it's ah lifelong journey jUSt tah try tah



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Treating My Broke Ass: "Guinness Foreign Extra Stout - 7.5% ABV" 4pk on sale $7.99

"Hey Love? Gonnah go out with thah girls and shit! Don't know when I will be home?! You know how we roll? Hollah!"

'Have fun!?'

"Niggah shit! You know US!?" 

Thee Holy fuck!

So I shall reward thee with the sacred chalice!

A chalice which hold thine dark, yet earthly medicinal rejuvenation!

Gonnah pour me ah propah pint my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS until this 4pk is through!


I mean, shit!

It's anothah day at thah grind for me and


Talkin bout feelin thah spirit of



An old niggah shall say,



And please pour me 


(Peace! More to come...)

Reading: Is The US Truth!

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can witness!

Readin some shit!

Is way more muh fuckin cerebral, than

Listenin or

Lookin at some shit!

But, I mean, shit!

That's if US sorry broke assUS know how tah read some shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 19, 2024

Costly US Constant Highness

 But see, what fucks me up and shit is this!

When you get high with so many muh fuckUS ovah thah years, you see thah subtle changes in one when that person reaches the next level! Whatevah thah fuck that next level is for anothah muh fuckah! But yah witness shit even more when yah high! Details of the space, time and event! Anyway...

You know yo ass is high! Can feel it! Sense it! Back in thah day, go into the bathroom tah take ah piss! Look in thah mirror ubiquitously on the medicine cabinet, often times ovah thah pisser! Fuck that shit about?!...But anyway. Look at your eyes all small and shit! Is that me? Fuck I'm at!? Anyway... Well you see some muh fuckahs hittin thah fuck out some shit! And no mattah where I've seen these muh fuckahs, they ain't actin any different! Same kind of fucked up, don't give ah fuck expression eithah hittin some good green or not! God damn negro?! Yo ass always high and shit?!

Kindah job yo broke ass got?! Cause thah way yo ass hit that green?! Shit! Yo pockets gots tah be hit!

I mean, shit!

Ah niggah don't wannah 

Live there and shit!

Too high priced for my meager broke Black ass means!




I just like 

Visitin ever so often and shit!....

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Fat Milk And Honey Fed Titties...Are Slowly Deflating!

 Muh fuckahs bout tah dry thah fuck up!



Democrat Fat Titty on thah Left!

Republican Fat Titty on thah Right!

Aftah this evil dastardly Reset goes down, them evil ran shits

Will just be two hard muh fuckin calcified big dried up titties and shit!

Now pertrified like ah muh fuckah!

Got silly muh fuckUS still undah them two hard bitches.

Tryin tah just get ah muh fuckin sorry ass

Drop, fuck ah sweet


I mean, shit!!


US broke assUS at that point,

Will take what yo evil sorry ass muh fuckahs got tah fuckin 


I mean, shit!


US bettah start findin some alternative truth and start applicatin that righteoUS shit!

CaUSe pretty soon God damnit!

Shit bout tah get fuckin evilly


And US will not be able tah stop that evil sorry muh fuckin ass

Reign! I mean, shit! Eventually? Fuck! Yes! Thah next six years?! Fuck! No! US is in trouble unless US stops this evil elite Marxist Zionist, Luciferian, Masonic...Communistic

US takeover!

God damnit!

But US

Can't make this evil FED shishow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

If US Muh FuckUS Are Sponsored!? US Muh FuckUS Are Controlled!

 So these sorry ass muh fuckin 

"Truthers" and

"Patriots" on their muh fuckin podcast, vlog...whatevah thah fuck!

Do they interview thah muh fuckah so US can get more knowledge about this evil shit from thah muh fuckin interviewee?!



But what US do get is ah muh fuckin narcisstic podcaster, vlogger....whatevah thah fuck! Convincin muh fuckahs that have subscibed tah that sorry ass, how much that muh fuckah knows!

And usin thah unbeknownst guest as viability tah his/her


(Peace! More to come...)

Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin WHO's evil Tedros

 Thah fuck's wrong with niggahs!?

Gonna start off talkin bout monkey pox has been in thah Congo for more than a decade!?

But thah US muh fuckin sorry evil ass FED done let muh fuckahs en masse intah US's shit!

And now, US got ah evil ass monkey pox invasion!

my old Black sorry broke ass is muh fuckin, Sorry?

But who thah fuck US thinks US is gonnah take thah sorry evil shit out on?!

Them sorry evil muh fuckahs that granted it tah happen?!

Or take thah sorry evil shit out on them homeless, obvious Mpox infected immigrants!?

Them sorry broke evil elite degenerates know US gonnah take that 

"Civil Unrest" bait!

All US sorry evil sons of bitches had tah do is tah find thah right muh fuckin




Ain't gonnah be nothin US nice Sonshines!

Nothin nice at thah fuck


But what I'm witnessin?!

I mean, shit!




Fuck it!

Our Father's speed?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Alien - Romulus - 2024". Scrap Gold!

 Fuckin trash!

God damned muh fuckin unadulterated,


Writers are just lazy ass muh fuckahs!

Lazy as fuck!

Got hit with ah gold mine with this solid shit, and them evil lazy ass muh fuckahs turnin that 


Franchise tah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sen. Lindsey Graham: 'Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election' - NBC News"

 This stupid ass FED muh fuckah, talkin this shit,

And he ain't helped thah LBGTQ community out at thah fuck at all!

What's Lindsey?

A sacred evil ass pederast muh fuckah some shit?! One of thah evil ass, "Untouchables" and shit?!

Help them muh fuckahs out Lindsey!

Just come out as


God damnit!

And ain't no time like this present

US fucked up shit!

And  that sorry ass evil FED degenerate, still ain't came


Not even ill agenda pushin politicians comin out as

Transgender, gay or

Both God damnit!

my old Black sorry broke ass is wrong God damnit!

Homo-fuckin-sexual Peter Buttigieg!

Them evil muh fuckahs havin ah good muh fuckin guffaw ovah that shit! Thah muh fuckin name alone God damnit is ah fuckin evil elitist "Got your broke asses! Didn't we?!" kind of evil shit them lazy ass muh fuckahs do tah US broke muh fuckUS! Fuck with US on ah daily! Dick Butt' came out as a Homosexual?! For real?!

Always evilly testin thah limits and spirit toward

Our Father!?

God damn evil right!

Big ups! God damnit! Anyway...

But thah muh fuckin LGBTQ is mad at

US broke muh fuckin assUS!

Put pressure on those gay ass Fed muh fuckahs!

Dick Butt' ain't thah only one!

"Where them othah muh fuckin politicians that say they are with thah LGBTQ community and still in thah muh fuckin closet!? And the LGBTQ knows! But they do not dare call out their evil Masters!? Some fucked up absurd shit! Be out on thah White House lawns callin them LGBTQ community out tah thah Trans-America party muh fuckahs! Get yo FED gay thah fuck out here! Don't make us have tah start callin out folks?!"

I mean, shit!

Make 'em shit? Or get off thah muh fuckin pot God damnit!

But US ain't got shit tah do with that evilly pushed

Conjured agenda shit!

Fuck that shit!

I mean, shit!

Some absurd muh fuckin sorry ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"McConnell Says Congress has the power to vote by proxy - Politico" II

 Thee Holy fuck!

Can US not imagine thah sorry ass fall out at US's varioUS gigs and shit!

Callin in tellin them sorry ass bitches,

"Listen here Playahs and Playesses! You hired me, muh fuckahs! So, check this shit?! I just want tah work by Proxy today muh fuckahs! That's all! But y'all bettah pay my by proxy muh fuckin ass!"

Thah fuck US done fell for and shit?!

Oh, them evil muh fuckahs done 






I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Popular US Dual Citzenship: US National + US Citizen - US Citizen = Israeli National

 Okay, this is what makes my old Black ass itch too!

US don't undahstand, them evil elite muh fuckUS 're scared as shit!

Muh fuckahs goin 


And fuck bein ah muh fuckin

US Citizen!

I mean, shit!

Don't pay Federal taxes! Can't vote! Can't hold ah Federal office! But othah than that! 

I'm good!

How thah Holy fuck them Duel Citizenship sorry ass FED muh fuckahs holdin office and shit?! And no US sorry ass muh fuckah done said,


Ovah seventy percent of those Federal evil muh fuckin politicians have dual citzenship with Israel!

Think about thah ill ass shit?!

Shit goes 


My evil FED elite ass headin tah


And them evil muh fuckin Zionists won't extradite me! We are of our Satan's Global World!

How thah Holy fuck is that sorry ass fuckin shit



These evil FED muh fuckahs have no



And them evil sorry ass degenerates runnin this

US's righteoUS shit?!

Them evil muh fuckahs don't give one US fuckin, fuck!

Thah Holy fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

And US can't make this FED shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

US evil FED Muh Fuckahs Gots Tah Go!

 But thah dick about this evil shit, tah my Black old broke muh fuckin ass,


These evil muh fuckahs are so insolated! Yes, insolated! Not fuckin insulated! Though that shit 's righteoUS too, my ass still writin, insolated! Fuck it! Anyway...

 Them evil muh fuckahs see this serious broke ass US shit,

As ah muh fuckin worthless, amusing


Thah fuck's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thah Holy muh fuckin fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)


Thee Holy fuck!

I mean, shit!

Gots tah give them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs some props and shit! Evil brilliance!

"Mon Dieu! Mes amies! We have been going about these people all wrong! The emergent next medical global emergency! Shall be outward! Something despicable to the skin that another looks upon! So they will see, witness the virus!  Knowing instantly, the other feeder has in fact, Monkey Pox! COVID was internal! We need to bring the chosen virus externally! For the Global World to winess! Then derision, mocking, judging ...will cause chaos and fear in them! Finally coming pitifully back to us! Then we shall be in total control! We shall succeed in our Global glorious World!"

"God damned Tedros!," Klaus said, smiled beatifically, proudly, "You are an evil mother fucker like the rest of US! You, bad boy!"...

Yeah! Them lazy evil muh fuckahs get down and dirty like that shit!

I mean, shit!

Leave US alone you lazy evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

And do y'alls asses ah great muh fuckin favor!

Get y'alls muh fuckin stank, lazy sorry asses,

Real muh fuckin 


I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"McConnell Says Congress has the power to vote by proxy - Politico"


Them evil lazy Fed welfare recipient muh fuckahs, 

Still wannnah get paid that sorry ass, even easier, COVID money!

Them evil muh fuckahs just fuckin lazy!

Just wannah butt fuck off all day and shit,

And get exorbitantly, absurdly

Paid for doin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 17, 2024

US Weed, Back In The Day And Working From Home?!

 I mean, shit!

Back in the day,

Fuck it!

Hit that shit and go on your merry fuckin




Work from Home?





(Peace! More to come...)

Cooks Along This Firmaments' Many Paths. A Pervasive Working Human RighteoUS ConscientioUSness! II

 But my old Black sorry ass watches a lot of that street food vendor shit in Arab countries and shit!

Thah shit them muh fuckahs in line for is 

Basmati Rice, onion, peppers, goat, or no goat, but that sorry sanctimonous ass still gettin thah flavors of thah 

Goats' meat!

All comin out of thah same God damned muh fuckin mostly rice filled pot!

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thah Holy fuck!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

An End To A Beautiful US Beginning!

 my old Black sorry broke ass captures time!

"Well, I do that shit too!?"

I can dig that righteoUS shit!

But yo ass ain't writin this shit!

Ergo; let an old niggah write on some shit?!

"Please,?! Old ass muh fuckah! God damn?!"

Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

With US?! Or, Against US!?

 Thee Holy fuck!

It comes down tah thah simple fact for


"What thah Holy fuck do US believe IN US?!"

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Power To US RighteoUS People!


Fed evil ill shit 




To be taken thah fuck,



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Vinesh Phogat et al And The Sorry Ass 2024 evil O-Lymp-Dicks

 Naw evil muh fuckahs that muh fuckah

Phogat tah Vinesh!

 'Gat DQ'd!

Lookin all manly and shit!

Thah fuck's an old ass niggah missin and shit?! Your sorry ass means tah tell me, yo ass grew up with muh fuckUS lookin like this, in and around yo muh fuckin homes back in thah day?! I mean, shit! Thah evil elite been successfully gettin away with that shit since their beginnin of time and shit! But US broke ass muh fuckUS can't afford those top surgeons in this evil firmament and shit! Anyway...

Got that gold medalist 'woman' boxer and shit! Now doin make-overs on that manly ass! And still lookin like ah muh fuckin man!

Thee Holy fuck!

Them evil muh fuckahs maniacally tried with this firmament's evil 2024 O-Lymp-Dicks display!

But US said,

"No! And


No! And



That's ah straight up muh fuckin

Dude! God damnit!"

Them evil muh fuckUS got their evil smelly panties all in an uproar, over

US's righteoUS

Our Father's

Spirit instilled in


And US broke assUS defied them lazy evil muh fuckahs!

Them evil muh fuckahs can't stand such righteoUS

US broke ass


I mean, shit!

Fuck it!

God damned skippy!

At this point in this muh fuckah,

I mean, shit!

US sorry broke muh fuckin assUS don't have Human biological,

Dick or

Pussy tah 


God damnit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Shit! Most of US Done Got, Got! But, US Sorry Sexually Abused AssUS MUSt Move On, To Keep Viably Living.

 "Oh, I don't vote!" The 32 years old US citizen patient said.

'Where do you work?'

"Oh! I don't work! I have PTSD from being a child of sexual abuse!"

my old Black sorry broke ass thinkin, 

'Shit yo ass thinks you thah only one of US billions throughout this evil muh fuckah! And my old Black sorry broke ass is sittin up here, workin!'

I mean, shit! I can dig that shit!

But, shit!

Eithah US goin tah find ah way tah live with that evil shit!

Or, die faster than US shall

Die carryin that evil sorry ass muh fuckin


Just suggestin some shit?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cooks Along This Firmaments' Many Paths. A Pervasive Working Human RighteoUS ConscientioUSness!

 my old Black ass is intah these videos showin these street muh fuckin food vendors in this firmament, makin that fuckin shit happen! In this one, thah muh fuckah's from Bangkok. No commentary and shit! Just watchin, not ah muh fuckin word bein exchanged by no fuckin body! Background street noise, background everyday life and shit. 

Every one of those muh fuckUS know what thah fuck their God damned chosen labor them righteoUS muh fuckUS gots tah do on ah muh fuckin day:


Got every muh fuckah in that solid crucial conscientous team tah make this shit happen!

God damn!

I ain't heard ah muh fuckah yet complainin bout, "Where's Arthit? What that muh fuckah doin and shit?! We got tah get this fried chicken and fried pork skin out God damnit!"

None of that shit!

Fuckin precisionally, weirdly,...

Organized and shit!

Quite disturbin given thah life which I witness every day in


I mean, shit!

It thah fuck show ain't near, in US, like that 


Human shit from up thah block ah piece and shit, that I've been witnessin from othah muh fuckUS in this firmament!

And US can fuckin do it too God damnit!

I mean, shit!

Them othah muh fuckahs doin

Our Father's


my old Black sorry broke ass can dig that righteoUS ass shit! So yeah,

US Pray,

US labor and

US shall righteoUSly

Fuck it, and

Rid these evil slothful elite tired ass, hypocritical, sorry, nasty


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 16, 2024

US Don't Serve The Church! The Church Serves US!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckin modern day churches got this shit twisted as fuck!

Our Father don't give one

Holy fuck about million dollah manmade evil


(Peace! More to come...)

Domestic Terrorism?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

God damned skippy!

Fuckin evil ass muh fuckin sorry worthless soon tah be evil

"Global World"


But, I mean, shit!

Get ah fuckin real 


You sorry evil elite nasty lazy ass 


God damn!

I mean, shit!

Lazy! Just lazy because ah lazy entitled sorry ass muh fuckahs have thah monetary means tah be fuckin...well...evilly


God damnit!

Fuck it!

If US don't fight back 


I mean, shit!


Fuck it!

There shall be no



But there shall be horrible, gnashing of teeth type of 


Biblically truthed




Good Lord!!!???

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Raygun" - 2024 Luciferian O-lymp-dicks

Fuck you evil ZJ bitch!

Shame on you!

You sorry ass paid stupid muh fuckah!

There! I wrote thah shit! Fuck it! 

Mocked US's Black muh fuckin broke assUS!

And people defendin thah sorry ass entitled paid ZJ for this dressed down, dehumanizing a lil part of US's Black culture and shit!? That's how them evil sorry ass ZJ degenerates get down! Straight up! On thah muh fuckin real!

And ain't one 'recognized' hip-hop niggah done said shit about this obvious sorry ass


Dig for thah soon "Global World" tah witness!

US niggUS been propahly, and most importantly,



"Shit niggah! But, ah niggah gots tah get paid! Fuck what yo sorry old Black ass 's talkin bout! Shit!"

And my old Black sorry broke ass, definitely undahstands!

You Black ass nigger, 


But, I mean, shit?!

US niggUS done drunk thah muh fuckin Kool-Aid and shit!?

What thah Holy fuck's wrong with US niggUS!

Zionist Jews hate US niggUS!

Them evil ZJs don't give an 

Atheist fuck about 

US NiggUS!


US sorry nigger assUS still don't answah the troubling perpetually dialed and irritatingly, thah fuck  ringing,


Pick it thah fuck up!


God damnit???!

Thah fuck's wrong with 



Shame before 

Our Father!

God damn!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Back In The Day: Thinking About my Good friend Holly.

 'You've got these wide beautiful eyes," I said.

"Oh, so you mean, I have these bugged eyes and shit?! I've heard it all before!"

'Hunh?! I genuinely have not a slightest clue of what you are talking about. Not been privy to it for some reason. Anyway...No. You have these beautiful eyes that are wide, trying to take even more of what you are wirnessing in! And what makes them so beautiful, they seem horribly disappointed about the fact there is nothing else?'

"Oh my God! I fuckin thought I was crazy!? I fuckin love you, fucker!"

She was ah hot fuckin mess! But I loved that ass! Still do!

We never had any intimate relations no shit like that.

She was a friend in every sense of the word. I don't know? Hard to explain and shit....

We'd sleep in the same bed when we were in college and wake up next tah each othah the next mornin, and say tah each othah,

"What we eatin?!"

No sex type of shit no fuckin place.

Some pure righteous relationship type of shit that don't always has tah be about manmade fucked up Sex!



Once my old Black ass ponders about some shit. 


I hope all is well,




Love you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Time For US RighteoUS Un-tithing

 Wannah see how much of 

Our Father

Is in ah manmade God damned sorry ass brick and mortar



Givin yo hard earned muh fuckin book of Old Testament sorry ass Malachi's,



Othah than that!

US jUSt 

Investin in




(Peace! More to come...)

As Long As my Eyes Shall Witness And my Hands To Write. Amen!

 my old Black sorry broke ass writes this shit on the 



I shall not 




I, mean shit!

Cause, an old ass niggUS about tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Bohemian Grove?! Them Some Lazy evil elite Sorry Ass Worthless Pieces of Muh Fuckin Nothingness Waste of Shit! II

 Cracks my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass up somethin terrible my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

I mean, shit!

These sorry ass evil elite muh fuckahs gonnah kill most of US off and shit!?

And them sorry lazy ass muh fuckahs ain't doin shit!

 Butt fuckin off in thah muh fuckin evil ass fucked up


Thah fuck US been smokin God damnit!?

CaUSe, I mean, shit!

On thah muh fuckin next 'pass',

Just say,



(Peace! More to come...)

US Definition: Transgenderism


1.   a state or condition in which a person's identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional          ideas of male or female gender.

Thee Holy fuck!

I mean shit!

Thah Holy fuck US definin and defendin,

Psychopaths and shit?!

Them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah turn illusion intah,

muh fuckin sorry ass, 

Currently very

Compromised and very




Fuck that evil conjured muh fuckin, fucked up shit!!!!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

US Counter Culture

 I beg the seg!

Humans being depopulated instead!


The fucked up policy to evilly


Cancelled culture!


Nature to be evilly


(Peace! More to come...)

US, Is Going To Be JUSt fine My Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!!

 There 're some fucked up shit goin on!

US knows it!


my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass definitely knows it!

But, I mean, shit!

Power tah thah muh fuckin 



That 's You and me!



Shall be 






And of course,


(Peace! More to come...)

"Taylor Swift is A Biological Man"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS didn't know this shit?!

Do US not have eyes tah witness?!

I mean, shit!

There ain't ah real biological woman in thah modern entertainment industry on that muh fuckin fucked up stroll! All them evil muh fuckin " women stars" are fuckin trannys and shit!

What thah fuck is wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Conditioned evil Gravitational Pull

 I mean, shit!

What is one tah really say about this busted shit!?

Save for, thah muh fuckin shit is some busted ass shit!

But US has made US that way, straight up!

my old Black sorry broke ass speaks to a lot of different people on ah muh fuckin daily and all I hear all fuckin day is about,


I mean, shit!

That's what thah evil elite do all thah fuckin time, think about sorry ass muh fuckin


Yet, US avows tah hate them evil ass nasty degenerates!?

Ain't it funny how time and time again US has turned out thah same muh fuckin way that which US Hates!


I don't know any longer my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS.

Just don't fuckin know....

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Bianca Censori

 I mean, shit!

That 's some Ritual Child Abuse sorry ass muh fuckin shit, right there! Live and in colah God damnit!

That ass looks lost and sad as fuck!

That muh fuckah don't even know thah muh fuckin year, thah muh fuckin day...fuck it, thah muh fuckin sorry ass shit she done went pitiably through!

That sorry ass muh fuckah been sexually abused, day one!

And ain't nobody helped that sorry ass abusively USed muh fuckah out!

I mean, shit!

Just fuckin sad!

Sad awhile!

Too muh fuckin sad!


Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

What thee Holy fuck!?

And fuck Ye!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bohemian Grove?! Them Some Lazy evil elite Sorry Ass Worthless Pieces of Muh Fuckin Nothingness Waste of Shit!

 What thee Holy fuck!

Them evil lazy ass muh fuckahs need tah go thah fuck tah


Like Styx so US proudly put thah shit,

"Too Much Time On My Hands"!

I mean, shit!

US labor take care of three great evils, like righteoUS Voltaire once wrote,


Want and


I mean, shit!

Them some lazy ass sorry evil elite degenerate muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Where The Holy Fuck Doth A Non-US Muh Fuckah Call, Home!?

 I mean, shit!

That's what this shit 's all about and shit!

Comin ovah in US talkin bout how proud yo sorry ass is of your

Ghosted country and shit!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Yo sorry broke muh fuckin foreign ass is here God damnit!

I mean, shit!

I'm fifty-eight fuckin years old and shit!

And ain't evah busted ah move outside this US shit tah 

Reside God damnit!

And here yo sorry immigrant ass talkin bout yo sorry muh fuckin country with much verve and shit!

Fuck yo ghosted country muh fuckah!

Which, obviously, yo sorry broke ass ain't in currently!

Please, tell an old Black sorry broke ass US muh fuckah,


But aftahwhich,

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass don't give 

One sorry ass


CaUSe yo sorry broke ass is residin

Here, in thah muh fuckin

US God damnit!


And shut thah fuck up about muh fuckin


Homeland and shit!

Yo sorry broke ass is alive!

And livin in thah greatest country of all these sad sorry ass othah muh fuckahs! And yo sorry ass muh fuckin country too!

I mean,


(Peace! More to come...)

"Mpox declared a global public health emergency by the WHO... - yahoo!/Life"

 These sorry ass muh fuckin evil degenerate 


Mpox and all this othah sorry ass fuckin shit was/is caused by these muh fuckin 

Vaccines and shit!


And before ah muh fuckin US election again and shit!

Got these supersilly stupid ass muh fuckUS already fuckin maskin up and shit!

God damnit!

If US falls for this shit this muh fuckin time and shit?!

There is no hope for US broke sorry muh fuckin assUS!



I mean, shit!

66% percent of US will be fuckin evilly, methodically, dastardly...


And got a lot of US muh fuckUS jUSt itchin tah get back intah those sorry ass 

Worthless fuckin stupid ass 


Masks are less than 1% efficacy!

One fuckin lil ol God damned percent!!!

I'll be fuckin shit!

US are some gullible stupid ass muh fuckUS!

What thah Holy fuck has happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

US are about ready tah get fuckin slaughtered this time around!


Fuck it!

Let their evil Reset commence God damnit!

CaUSe if US falls for this shit?

US are not worthy tah live in 

Our Father's fimament!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! Moroe to come...)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Just Pay Attention To RighteoUS Supplements Milligram Dosages

 Thee Holy fuck!

So, my old Black sorry broke ass possibly purchasin some righteoUS supplements and shit!

Look at thah muh fuckin milligrams, 3000mg and shit! 300 Capsules!

RighteoUS! At ah righteoUS price even!

Click on thah shit!

Look at thah sorry ass directions

"Take Three Capsules With Food And Water."?!

That's 1000mg per caspsule and shit!

Which, is ah hundred days worth and shit!

Not no muh fuckin 300 days fuckin worth!

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"New Poll Says Harris could Steal Crucial Trump State - The New Republic/Opinion"

 I mean, shit!


 Manic Despicable 

Sorry ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Brazil plane crashes; Cancer doctors and family with dog among Brazil plane crash dead - BBC"

 my old Black sorry broke ass knew there was more tah this story than ah plane droppin aimlessly tah its demise and shit! Them evil muh fuckahs murdered 62 passengers tah quell some shit! Ah muh fuckin drop in thah evil ass bucket!

Among thah murdered, aftah thah DEW hit that ass, were oncologists goin tah Sao Paulo tah report about thah sorry ass mRNA vaccines and thah relationship with these "turbo" cancers and shit!

Gettin on ah muh fuckin plane with some righteoUS firmament's news about this fucked up shit was idiocy!

Like goin tah Washington with some fucked up information on "Boeing" in ah muh fuckin plane that they've manufactured and shit!

I mean, shit!

Yo sorry muh fuckin ass ain't gonnah make it!

Take thah oldest transportation in this firmament God damnit!

Railroads go all ovah this bitch!

I mean, shit!

Might take yo sorry ill infomational sorry ass longah tah get there and shit!

But, God damn!

Yo sorry not dead ass shall get there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Elon Musk Is A ZJ And US Are In Another ZJ Run Bolshevik Revolution! History Hath Repeated Itself In US!

 Thee Holy fuck!

'Membah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS when my old Black sorry muh fuckin ass suggested tah US, that whenevah "Wikipedia" states thah Mom's "nee" shit, that thah muh fuckah was ah ZJ?!

Okay! Read this evil bitch's wiki page.

And what thah fuck do US witness?!

"His mother, Maye Musk (nee Haldeman)..."

US are amid anothah Bolshevik Revolution in 


Thah muh fuckin ZJs

Have done it thah fuck


IN modern day


What thah fuck is wrong with US stupid assUS Sonshines!?

What thah Holy fuck?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Joining The US Military! Whatevah The Fuckin Sorry Ass US Branch! It's All Some Fucked Up FED Depopulation US Fatal Shit!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Young age of majority muh fuckUS wannah go intah thah military and shit!


Don't fuckin

Do it!

These simple sorry evil Fed muh fuckahs are about tah go tah 


Goin tah war for muh fuckahs that don't want tah even fight their own God damned picked fights and shit!

Kindah fuckin absurd shit!?

And yo young ass wants tah go intah that military US shit, that not even thah non-US muh fuckahs Israel et al,  that yo young ass shall be fightin for, don't even want tah fight for their own shit?! Fuck that shit!

I mean, shit!

Them evil Fed degenerates are goin tah eithah kill yo young ass on thah non-US battlefields, or

Murder yo young ass with all thah vaccines they gonnah pump intah yah for servin honorablly yo muh fuckin "country"!

And show nuff ain't gonnah give ah fuck one way or anothah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 12, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Excuses For Grown Ass Muh FuckUS! This Be The US God Damnit!

 Got muh fuckUS makin excuses for grown ass US men and women and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

These muh fuckUS are grown assUS!

US Presidential and US Vice Presidential candidates and shit!

Grown ass US muh fuckUS!!!

Why thah Holy fuck yo simple ass makin excuses for grown ass men and women and shit!?

Can they not speak the English US language?!

Can they not speak for their damned sorry ass evil ass selves and shit?!

Can they not fight their own fights which/witch they have conjured and shit?!...

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck's happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thah Holy fuck!?

Fuck them grown fuckin cowardly sorry ass muh fuckUS!

And what thee Holy fuck is my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass missin and shit?!

God damn!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Vetted RighteoUS Citizens!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS talkin that ill anti-US sorry ass shit,

"The United States is horrible! I'm moving to another country!"

I mean, shit!

Good riddance tah bad US muh fuckin rubbish 

God damnit!

Y'all muh fuckUS were thah muh fuckin 


Problems in thah first muh fuckin


Shit! Go kick rocks, you sorry ass worthless, obvioUSly lazy, without ah 


Home, sorry ass

Ex-US muh fuckUS!

Fuck yah!

Thah Holy fuck is an old Black sorry broke US muh fuckin ass missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

US Patriots?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Got these muh fuckin vloggers/bloggers talkin bout that stupud shit,

"American patriots! It is time to stand up!"

Some banal sorry ass muh fuckin shit!

This ill evil shit is about tah go down God damnit!

Prophesied Biblically so long ago!

Can't make grown US muh fuckUS do what thah fuck US thinks is 





Keep laboring!

Keep Praying!...

And if Our Father's willing?!

US will witness anothah 





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tom Cruise

 Don't give ah fuck!

That muh fuckah knows how tah make ah God damned US action movie!

"Edge of Tomorrow" come ohn now? One of thah best, if not thee best action movie evah!

"MI..." whatevah thah fuck!

"Reacher"? I mean, shit! He's only 5'7" but that muh fuckah's Reacher! And fuck that sorry ass Ritchson stupid ass muh fuckah! I mean he's got thah bulk and thah height! But thah muh fuckah nevah fuckin eats! He chews but you nevah witness him swallowin shit! And nevah demands coffee?! Thee Holy fuck! Reacher eats like ah muh fuckah, and drinks coffee by thah buckets! I mean, shit! If ah muh fuckah evah has read at least one Reacher novel and shit! And this muh fuckah Ritchson just don't do any of that shit! How thah fuck that shit work?

I mean shit! Tom! You's ah weird ass muh fuckah! But God damn! Yo sorry evil ass knows how tah make ah muh fuckin

US solid ass

Action movie!

Big ups!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Revving Up The COVID, Monkey Pox, Swine Flu...Ill, Whatevah The Fuck! US Sorry Ass evil Deception...Again!

 "Well hell! The dumbassUS fell for it before," Klaus Schwab began in his fucked up English accent, "They'll Lock-Step to it again! We have did our jobs masterfully my evil family! Don't worry. Every evil thing has been put into its place. Believe me. Now it is time to cull humanity for the final time! Then the reset shall begin, my precious Satan family! One World!!!"

The crowded gallery yelled back with enthusiam,

"One World!!!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. II

 "Well? Where the fuck is he!?"

Aside and shit!

Ain't none of these propagandists' media outlets, goin tah give him thah time or day because of his viewpoints on their evil agendas and shit! He fuckin knows that sorry ill evil shit!



Trump wants thah muh fuckah tah drop thah fuck out!

Harris?! Shit, that muh fuckah's ah space cadet! Lost like ah muh fuckah! "Tell me what to do my God Lucifer and I shall obey!"

And RFK Jr.?

On thah fringes because it's too soon and shit!

He got about until aftah Labor Day!

Then he'll throw thah

US Independent mighty

Cog in thah already broken

Fucked up evil Fed machine!


Gonna be a stone cold US blast my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

And US will witness this chaotic run til November!

Can't fuckin wait!

That RFK Jr. muh fuckah may jUSt shock this 


Be like Grandpa in Venezuela and win this US presidency shitshow!

Dead fuckin ass!

Can't make this Fed fucked shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



But US

Can show thah fuck,

Vote US's muh fuckin conscience and shit. and

Make this US fuckin


Once more!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Fenbendazole et al. Because The Parasites Have Taken Over US Broke AssUS!

 So  this muh fuckah that does repairs on generators in thah lazy sorry ass muh fuckin evil elites homes and shit said,

That everyone of those muh fuckahs got

Anti-parasitic prescriptions at their evil crib and shit!

Thah muh fuckah even said he has tah sign ah NDA and shit before doin any repairs and shit!

I can dig that shit!

Especially if yo sorry Luciferian sorry ass is hidin some major US shit!

But, this muh fuckah states,

"Every single one of the homes of the rich I have serviced! Have prescriptions of anti-parasitic medications."

"Well, how did he know unless he was meddling with their private stuff?!"

I undahstand!

But like my old Black sorry broke ass tells my wife, 

"Any muh fuckah we invite in is privy tah our shit!"

NDA my ol Black sorry broke Black muh fuckin ass!

Thah fuck them evil elite muh fuckahs gonnah do and shit?!

Sue ah broke muh fuckin individual for breaching ah muh fuckin NDA contract?!

I mean, shit!

Good luck with that sorry ass worthless muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.

 Thee Holy fuck!

Research that muh fuckah! That muh fuckah wants tah right thah wrongs of his alien/chimeric family's murders by these Luciferian othah alien/chimeric two parties!

Then, look at these two othah lost Luciferian presidential candidates and shit!

Republicans and Democrats are on thah same sorry ass Luciferian muh fuckin team God damnit!


Shall break this evil road that them Fed sorry ass muh fuckahs hath planned for US's broke sorry assUS!

Vote my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

But not for ah muh fuckin Luciferian Republican or Democrat God damnit!



An Independent don't got no dog in this US fight, save for sayin

"Fuck You!" tah thah evil othah sorry ass degenerate 


Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come...)

"10 Most Educated Countries In The World - WorldAtlas"?! II

 These sorry ass Luciferian leaders of these ten muh fuckin most "educated" countries, want tah avow deals that they have made with anothah Luciferian sorry ass country and shit!

How thee Holy fuck that absurd nonsense thah fuck work?!

I mean, shit!

How thah fuck yo sorry evil ass gonnah trust anothah evil sorry ass muh fuckin evil leader?!

Don't make one bit of fuckin sense at thah fuck all and shit!

"Do what thou wilt," mean anything tah y'alls sorry ass fucked up ideology and shit?!

Thah fuck's wrong with these sorry ass evil degenerate lost muh fuckahs?!

How thah fuck an evil muh fuckah gonnah make ah contract with evil?!

And keep their muh fuckin evil contracts made as true and kept?!

How thah fuck that shit work?!

I mean, shit!

That shit's fucked up from thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"The 10 Most Educated Countries In The World - WorldAtlas"?!

Thee Holy fuck! 

In muh fuckin sorry ass ordah:

Canada; Japan; Luxembourg; South Korea; Israel; United States; Ireland; United Kingdom; Australia and Finland!

And what thah Holy fuck do all of these sorry ass muh fuckahs got in common, includin US?!

All of 'em highly fuckin vaccinated! 

And muh fuckahs droppin like flies!

And still takin them evil ill sorry ass muh fuckin, fucked up depopulation vaccinations shits!

Kindah fuckin absurd shit?!

God damn!

Just goes tah show US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS what US's parents USed tah say all thah time back in thah day:

Book sense!?



Common sense?!



Can't make this Fed fucked shitshow up Sonshines!




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Susan Wojcicki Dead at 56

These evil degenerates can mock US righteoUS all they fuckin want!

But that muh fuckin ill ass scoffin shit ain't turnin out too well for y'all evil elite muh fuckahs!

I mean, shit! 

Our Father is

Real God damnit!!


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 9, 2024

RFK Jr. The Only Way For US! III

 Muh fuckUS wannah talk that strong evil shit! Democrat or Republican tired ass shit!

RFK Jr. is thah only way tah get US out of this muh fuckin US Fed global fucked up mess!

Them evil sorry ass nasty degenerates don't want that shit!

Thah muh fuckin ugly reptilian Kennedys' got ah soft spot for 



Plus, them evil Democrats and Republicans have murdered most of those kind reptilian ugly muh fuckUS!

I mean, shit!

Wastin ah muh fuckin vote on ah righteoUS 

US presidential


my old Black sorry broke ass thinks


"Vote RFK Jr."

It's thah only way of breakin this evil US fatalistic

Cycle for 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Breaking Competition" At The O-lymp-Dicks?

 And ain't ah US niggah tah be witnessed?!

Ain't one muh fuckin US niggah done said shit about this fucked up vulture culture misguided muh fuckin shit! And sorry ass "Snoop" in attendance?!

Kindah fuckin absurd shit?!

How thah fuck that stupid ass absurd shit work?!

I mean, shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Guiness Extra Stout - ABV 5.6%" US Can Live On This RighteoUS Irish Proper Elixir Until Life's End!

 my young Black ass back in thah day, drank this shit every fuckin day! Without eating for six muh fuckin months! my Black old broke muh fuckin ass kids you thah fuck not my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS! Back then ah sixer was about ah ten-spot! So, shit, 300 dollahs ah month on food and drink some shit!? Fuck it! But I smoked weed and smoked cigarettes too! So anothah 300 or so dollahs ah month some shit?! I have always loved this shit! Don't know why!? It's fuckin hearty! Minerally! Satiating! RighteoUS! Of course I would drink water and ah copious amount of coffee! But shit!?

Two in thah


Two at midday!


Two in thah muh fuckin


Never was my young ass hungry!

Was my young ass whispy!



Did my young ass feel like I was starving or needed something to




And had an abdominal six-pack tah boot! No fat any fuckin place!

But my young ass was like ah

Buck-fifty some shit!

And felt healthy as fuck!


(Peace! More to come...)

Talk Is...Muh Fuckin Cheap As Shit To Those evil elite Nasty Ass Degenerates!

 Thee Holy fuck!

US has reverted tah that lazy ass evil conditioned muh fuckin shit!

Them evil nasty ass degenerates don't give one solid




Battle of US attrition!?

God damned skippy!

Them evil degernerates got enough money tah talk for-fuckin-evah!

Damn right about that evil sorry ass shit!

But US?!


I mean, shit!

If US don't start actin on this foul ass evil shit bein methodically done tah US?!

I mean, shit!

US gets what

US painfully muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Indianapolis, IN's Cole Hocker &The 1500 Meters Track & Field "O-Lymp-Dicks"

 Don't watch thah shit because of that openin Luciferian sorry ass shit!

But my old Black sorry broke ass read about this shit! And I had tah watch thah shit because I can't stand that muh fuckin homo cocky Norwegian!

Big ups Hock! Do US undahstand how hard it is tah almost stop and then accelerate tah thah finish line?!

And fuckin win!?

I've watched thah shit five times or more! Still impressed about Hock! One of thah greatest strategic 1500 meters win,


(Peace! More to come...)

WHO Are Those Masked Global evil Murdering Sorry Ass Muh Fuckahs!?

 Thee Holy fuck!

Have US not noticed how thah national media propagandists' mininions are tryin tah 

Vilify muh fuckin natural supplements and shit!?

Reportin falsely about Vitamin D toxicity!? Tumeric containin arsenic! Beet Root powder contains oxalates that can ruin the kidneys! Ashwahganda may contain toxins! Too much Vitamin C may be bad! Too much Magnesium can be stored in your body and may cause problems!...Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah!

Oh, and let US not forget thah big fuckin one them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are always toutin and shit,

"Supplements are not FDA approved!" 

But thah COVID Vaccine/All Vaccine deadly shots were and are FDA approved?! my old Black ass don't know one muh fuckah that has died from ah muh fuckin natural supplement and shit! Not fuckin one! And I take ah shitload of 'em!

I mean, shit! Thah fuck's an old ass broke niggah missin and shit?!

That sorry ass propaganda fucked up shit originatin from 

WHO's, Codex Alimentarius et al and shit! 

Them evil muh fuckahs don't want US tah evah get well or US be healthy from nature that Our Father has blessed US with in this firmamnent!



Cause them evil degenerates want thah power tah kill 

US whenevah thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs want to and shit!

And get fuckin paid for doin thah shit properly, in ah

Major global evil 

Serial killer "Dexter" style!

What thah Holy fuck has gone wrong with


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 8, 2024

"Why Shot Putter Raven Saunders Is Wearing a Mask at Olympics - TIME"

 Cause she's an ignorant nigger!

US Black ass muh fuckUS have been USed since thah beginnin of 

US time tah push their evil elite sorry ass agendas!

And that he/she bitch ain't no muh fuckin different!

You stupid muh fuckin evil elite USed nigger muh fuckah,


Talkin that: Them, They...sorry ass shit!?

Thah fuck's wrong with US Black ass muh fuckUS my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What Thee Holy fuck's wrong with US Black muh fuckin sorry assUS?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland), Another Sorry Ass Fed Waste of Sperm Muh Fuckah! II

 "But he had cancer! You sorry heartless nigger! That's why he wears the wig! Black old ass fucker!"



That ugly muh fuckah wears ah fucked up wig because his ugly ZJ sorry ass is vain as fuck!

But what his busted ass should do, obviously, is tah put ah wig ovah that fucked up ugly face of his sorry ass!

I mean, shit!

(Peace! More to come...)

Old Pedo Joe Ain't No Mo'!

 Thee Holy fuck!

That ninth Biden clone done gave thah fuck out! Fuck it!

Now them evil elite nasty degenerates are resortin tah some sorry ass muh fuckin fakery and shit!

Mask wearin evil sorry ass minion(s) bein paid tah perpetrate anothah muh fuckin brilliant US fraud and shit!

US'll be fucked!

I mean, fuckin absurd shit!

Can't make this US evil Fed shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

Revelation 3:15-16 KJV

 God damned skippy!


US got ah 

Shitload of

Lukewarm sorry ass

Muh fuckUS!!!

And US's lukewarm demise tis


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland), Another Sorry Ass Fed Waste of Sperm Muh Fuckah!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Talkin bout an evil muh fuckin ZJ with ah bad ass fucked up muh fuckin


I mean, Shit!

God damn!

Come on now!?

That's thah best y'alls evil ZJs muh fuckin tribe 's


I mean, shit!

That muh fuckah's busted as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Peacock" And Other Paid For Stupid Ass Shit!

 So thah missUS loves thah muh fuckin O-lymp-dicks!

She paid $10 some shit for ah subscription tah watch thah shit!

And still inundated by muh fuckin commercials and shit!

A fucking mess!

Like "Amazon Prime" wantin ah muh fuckah tah pay extra so ah muh fuckah would not have tah see these godawful commercials ad nauseaum and shit!? Thah fuck?! 

Fuckin absurd!

Remembah cable television in its infancy stages!?

That was one of thah muh fuckin perks of payin for thah shit bein,

"Commericial Free"!?

Shit! my old Black sorry ass wrinkly old nuts!

Now, witness thah evolution of evil cable television's greed!

Lyin ass sorry evil nasty ass muh fuckahs!

Fuckin US paid for subscription commercials, to condition US!

God damn!

US are just some muh fuckin sorry ass 

Tricks! For real!

US is payin for their evil ass conditionin muh fuckin shit!?

Them evil degenerates got US sorry muh fuckin assUS!

What thah Holy fuck done happened tah

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NASA: An evil Brilliant US Federal Government's Confidence Game!

 Can't send muh fuckUS down tah thah deepest depths of this 

Firmament's oceans without bein thah fuck crushed tah fuckin death!

But these sorry ass muh fuckahs can get out in an 

"Outerspace" unknown, with ah funky ass silver/white space suit with ah fuckin bulboUS helmet,

And "Success"!?

How thee Holy fuck that shit work?!

I mean, shit!

But US is liviin in this firmament!

Yet, ain't nobody walkin around in thah deepest depths of this firmament's endless 


With muh fuckin

Dick tah witness!

Kindah fuckin evil absurd fucked up shit US still fallin for?!

US are some fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Starliner Crew May Not Return Until 2025"?! NASA Is A Fucking US Fraud!

 Thee Holy fuck that's some funny ass absurd shit!

Just look at thah shit!? It just came on thah muh fuckin national 'news' and shit!

Thah sorry ass evil bitch in front of thah camera with this long kindah curly hair stickin straight up in thah "zero gravity' environment, all ovah thah place! Like them two sorry ass evil minion muh fuckahs are really in 'Outer' space and shit! She does this backward spin in 'mid-space' but thah hair nevah thah fuck changes and shit?!

I'm lookin at thah muh fuckin evil bastard dude and was like,

What? That muh fuckah's wearin "Brylcreem" some shit!?

I mean, shit!

NASA is thah biggest fuckin fake shit


But them NASA muh fuckahs bringin in ovah 25 billion of US's hard earned  taxpayers dollahs with that

Fake sorry ass muh fuckin absurd shit of ah brilliant

US Federal government's


God damn!

Thee Holy fuck!

Still laughin about that stupid shit!

What thah Holy fuck done happened tah


(Peace! More to come...)