Monday, August 19, 2024

The US Fat Milk And Honey Fed Titties...Are Slowly Deflating!

 Muh fuckahs bout tah dry thah fuck up!



Democrat Fat Titty on thah Left!

Republican Fat Titty on thah Right!

Aftah this evil dastardly Reset goes down, them evil ran shits

Will just be two hard muh fuckin calcified big dried up titties and shit!

Now pertrified like ah muh fuckah!

Got silly muh fuckUS still undah them two hard bitches.

Tryin tah just get ah muh fuckin sorry ass

Drop, fuck ah sweet


I mean, shit!!


US broke assUS at that point,

Will take what yo evil sorry ass muh fuckahs got tah fuckin 


I mean, shit!


US bettah start findin some alternative truth and start applicatin that righteoUS shit!

CaUSe pretty soon God damnit!

Shit bout tah get fuckin evilly


And US will not be able tah stop that evil sorry muh fuckin ass

Reign! I mean, shit! Eventually? Fuck! Yes! Thah next six years?! Fuck! No! US is in trouble unless US stops this evil elite Marxist Zionist, Luciferian, Masonic...Communistic

US takeover!

God damnit!

But US

Can't make this evil FED shishow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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