Friday, August 16, 2024

"Raygun" - 2024 Luciferian O-lymp-dicks

Fuck you evil ZJ bitch!

Shame on you!

You sorry ass paid stupid muh fuckah!

There! I wrote thah shit! Fuck it! 

Mocked US's Black muh fuckin broke assUS!

And people defendin thah sorry ass entitled paid ZJ for this dressed down, dehumanizing a lil part of US's Black culture and shit!? That's how them evil sorry ass ZJ degenerates get down! Straight up! On thah muh fuckin real!

And ain't one 'recognized' hip-hop niggah done said shit about this obvious sorry ass


Dig for thah soon "Global World" tah witness!

US niggUS been propahly, and most importantly,



"Shit niggah! But, ah niggah gots tah get paid! Fuck what yo sorry old Black ass 's talkin bout! Shit!"

And my old Black sorry broke ass, definitely undahstands!

You Black ass nigger, 


But, I mean, shit?!

US niggUS done drunk thah muh fuckin Kool-Aid and shit!?

What thah Holy fuck's wrong with US niggUS!

Zionist Jews hate US niggUS!

Them evil ZJs don't give an 

Atheist fuck about 

US NiggUS!


US sorry nigger assUS still don't answah the troubling perpetually dialed and irritatingly, thah fuck  ringing,


Pick it thah fuck up!


God damnit???!

Thah fuck's wrong with 



Shame before 

Our Father!

God damn!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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