Friday, August 23, 2024

Taylor Swift et al...

 Got muh fuckin US "parents" lettin their children go tah concerts, payin 500 dollahs ah ticket and up, tah condition those same children intah this soon tah be,

evil New World order/ evil Global World agenda!

And payin for that

TheRapists' type of evil shit!

CaUSe thah shit 's easier on yo pathetic wantin tah be 

Our Father's righteoUS

Ass and decided tah create!

So happy tah inform US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Please, don't listen tah these evil non-parent FED muh fuckahs! Ovah 66 percent married tah transgenders MTF or FTM! Pick yo evil poisons muh fuckUS!

"Well they have children! What you're saying is fuckin false, you dick!"

I undahstand!

Non-Biological! Maybe DNA from thah muh fuckin male or female host, but not both! And oft times there's no DNA connection at thah fuck at all with these evil elite "parents" of "their" children! Just falsely posin and shit! Anyway...

And dick I shall be! Until my old Black broke ass dies!

Just suggestin some shit!

'These evil ass muh fuckahs don't got shit tah do but tah fuck with US and tah fuck US!'

Check it!?

Got Megan Fox who stated back in 2009 some shit, that she was ah muh fuckin "tranny"!

And in 2022 showin ah muh fuckin "Baby bump"!?

How thah fuck that evil absurd shit work?!

Look up "Moonbump"? That's how that evil FED/CIA fucked up absurd shit works!

And US are jUSt blankly ignorin some shit!/

I mean, shit!

US do undahstand with US's broke muh fuckin assUS,



This evil shit goin down in US, has nevah turned out fuckin

Well for

US broke muh fuckUS?!

US do?!


I undahstand!

Fuck it!

Can't get off this shit now! 



I mean, shit!

Let US witness where this Fed US fucked-up shitshow, 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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