Thursday, August 29, 2024

Where Are US's Missing US Children!? You evil FED Sorry Ass Luciferian Muh Fuckahs?! III

 Don't give ah Holy fuck about J6!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about illegal votin!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about Israel and thah Ukraine!

Don't give ah Holy fuck about Trump, Harris, Kennedy, Walz...!



But what my old Black bout ready tah die broke sorry ass gives ah fuck, is about thah sorry ass demise of US's missing 


Ain't nobody searchin for these innumeroUS lost and missin 


Thah fuck US smokin and shit?!

I mean, shit!

It show thah fuck ain't no 

RighteoUS ass muh fuckin


Ain't no fuckin way!

"Just say, 'No'!", tah this evil ass chronic child abduction abhorrent shit!

That ain't no-fuckin-body in thah major media or in politics are talkin about!

Thah fuck's wrong with US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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