Saturday, August 17, 2024

Shit! Most of US Done Got, Got! But, US Sorry Sexually Abused AssUS MUSt Move On, To Keep Viably Living.

 "Oh, I don't vote!" The 32 years old US citizen patient said.

'Where do you work?'

"Oh! I don't work! I have PTSD from being a child of sexual abuse!"

my old Black sorry broke ass thinkin, 

'Shit yo ass thinks you thah only one of US billions throughout this evil muh fuckah! And my old Black sorry broke ass is sittin up here, workin!'

I mean, shit! I can dig that shit!

But, shit!

Eithah US goin tah find ah way tah live with that evil shit!

Or, die faster than US shall

Die carryin that evil sorry ass muh fuckin


Just suggestin some shit?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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