Friday, August 23, 2024

"Alien - Romulus - 2024". Scrap Gold! II

But fuck it! Payin for thah muh fuckin movie tah see! And before thah muh fuckin movie begins, yo payin tah see ah movie US ass is bombarded by at least nine minutes of commercials! One aftah thah muh fuckin othah! I'm like! Shit! Not thah fuck again! Anyway.... 

I mean think about thah shit!?

Yo ass 's in 

Hyperbaric sleep and shit!

Thah fuck knows what kindah dreams yo ass havin aftah that PTSD and shit!? 

And consiousness obviously,

Suspended for two tah more years and shit?!

Encountering, "Aliens" and livin through that fucked up shit!?...

An endless amount of possibilities and viabilities just with hyperbaric dreams, nightmares alone and shit!

And thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs do?!

Well! Shit! Like evil muh fuckahs do!

Took thah lazy way out! And

Took US's  hard earned money with 

Slothful evil thinkin,

The franchise is well. 

Put out something to cheaply bring in some evil money!

That evil ass money was ah muh fuckin catastrophic


And my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass undahstands!

But y'all sorry ass evil muh fuckahs shall nevah willfully get my muh fuckin hard earned money again! God damnit!



(Peace! More to come....)

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