Tuesday, August 6, 2024

US Old Folks

 So I have written about this shit before. my old Black sorry broke ass got arthritic hips. And thah right hip is more fucked up than thah left! I kind of have this kind of fucked up painful lookin walk and shit because it's hard tah walk normally and shit!

Well, this patient I was helpin thah othah day was oldah than my old Black ass. She was eighty-seven years old with a cane. She saw how I was walkin. And when I sat down tah finally help her she just got right down to it and shit!

"Listen baby? I ain't tryin tah get intah your business or nothin. But when you walk, walk straight up, your normal walk. Yeah, it's gonnah hurt somethin terrible. But what are we goin tah do? Ain't no cure for it. But walk your normal way. It might hurt and take you a little more time tah get where you're goin but, you keep walkin the way that I've seen you walkin all bent ovah, lookin pitiful? I'm there and have been there for twenty years or more. But all that bent ovah walkin is goin tah do is make you shorter and shorter. And you'll nevah walk upright again."

I liked her instantly!

Good lookin out Sis!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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