Monday, August 5, 2024

The US evil Truth III

 There 're some of US muh fuckUS US's readin, listenin and watchin that are conditioned tah this evil sorry ass US propagandized agenda bullshit! And them evil propagandists' minions truly believe that evil ass muh fuckin horseshit! For real!

If US reads, listens and watches 'em all thah fuckin time!?

I mean, shit!


Are goin tah be just as muh fuckin lost and fucked up as them sorry ass muh fuckUS!

This evil shitshow has tah be researched and witnessed by


CaUSe I mean, shit!

Only then,

This sorry ass evil elite Fed fucked up shitshow 

Shall be 

Revealed tah


Then US can help US othah broke sorry ass muh fuckUS!

But not fuckin before that righteoUS US shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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