Friday, August 9, 2024

WHO Are Those Masked Global evil Murdering Sorry Ass Muh Fuckahs!?

 Thee Holy fuck!

Have US not noticed how thah national media propagandists' mininions are tryin tah 

Vilify muh fuckin natural supplements and shit!?

Reportin falsely about Vitamin D toxicity!? Tumeric containin arsenic! Beet Root powder contains oxalates that can ruin the kidneys! Ashwahganda may contain toxins! Too much Vitamin C may be bad! Too much Magnesium can be stored in your body and may cause problems!...Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah!

Oh, and let US not forget thah big fuckin one them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are always toutin and shit,

"Supplements are not FDA approved!" 

But thah COVID Vaccine/All Vaccine deadly shots were and are FDA approved?! my old Black ass don't know one muh fuckah that has died from ah muh fuckin natural supplement and shit! Not fuckin one! And I take ah shitload of 'em!

I mean, shit! Thah fuck's an old ass broke niggah missin and shit?!

That sorry ass propaganda fucked up shit originatin from 

WHO's, Codex Alimentarius et al and shit! 

Them evil muh fuckahs don't want US tah evah get well or US be healthy from nature that Our Father has blessed US with in this firmamnent!



Cause them evil degenerates want thah power tah kill 

US whenevah thah fuck them evil muh fuckahs want to and shit!

And get fuckin paid for doin thah shit properly, in ah

Major global evil 

Serial killer "Dexter" style!

What thah Holy fuck has gone wrong with


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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