Sunday, August 4, 2024

Israel Was evilly Conjured in 1948!

 Mommy USed tah say, "You don't mess with the Middle East! You'll be stirring up a hornet's nest, Meredith!"

Mommy, Our Father rest her soul, was led astray! But my old Black sorry broke ass missUS her ass like nobody's business and shit!

But...Mommy was wrong as fuck in this instance!

She talked about the "Jews" being 'God's' people' and shit!

Fuck that shit!

I mean, shit! She meant well! But was led by these evilly elite USed Apostolic/Pentecostal sorry muh fuckin ass preachers that are always men, tah lead her down thah road tah destruction and shit! Because them evil preachers are not of Our Father's faith and truth, but from conditionin of evil propagandists' teachings!

She didn't undahstand that there were two muh fuckin sects of Jews!

Thah false Jews, The Zionist Jews with their evil sorry ass muh fuckin Jew asses!

And thah muh fuckin 


Real muh fuckin 


The Beta-Ethiopian Jews!

Thah muh fuckin real Beta-Ethiopian Jews are thah ones that US should praise and glorify becaUSe they mean no harm tah this fucked up sorry ass evil manmade shit!



Their humble righteoUS assUS jUSt want tah live peacefully, pray, labor and revere Our Father!

But them Caucasoid infused evil 

Zionist Jews lookin for evil muh fuckin sorry ass

Revenge and shit!?

Now, that's some whole nothah muh fuckin sorry ass 



And US righteoUS are tah bear witness thah fuck

Now for this evil spell them sorry ass muh fuckahs hath cast!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

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