Thursday, May 30, 2024


 (Peace. More to come....)

There Is Only One Muh Fuckin Prayer

 I muh fuckin pray 

Our Father's Prayer and shit!

No more!

No less!

Muh fuckUS ask my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass tah 



"Our Father. Which art in Heaven..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hollywood Shuffle -1987"

 'Membah on "Hollywood Shuffle"?

Grandma kept on statin tah ol 'Bobby Taylor'?

"They're always hiring at the Post Office!"

But 'Bobby T' wasn't tryin tah hear that sorry ass 

Pedestrian shit!

And where thah fuck did that now enlightenment muh fuckah end up


Money ain't shit!



That's what's 





(Peace! More to come...)

US Always Humbles my Old Black Sorry Broke Ass!

 There are some 


Beautiful muh fuckUS in this bitch!

Makes my old Black broke ass smile!

"What thah fuck you smilin at you old ugly Black ass muh fuckah!?"




God damnit!...

Our Father's speed!

(Peace! More to come....)

Thah Fuck Yo Sorry Muh Fuckin Black Ass Wants Me To Fucking Say?!

 So, this muh fuckin patient talkin bout his fucked-up VA carried out and ill-treated  aftermath of malpracticed surgery! 

He livin in ah fucked up third world country and shit! Talkin that bullshit,

"Yo ass got ah lil bit of money Bro! Them broke muh fuckahs treat yo ass right in the D-R! Beautiful muh fuckin women! Good lookin pussy all ovah thah place Bro! Oh, God's been good to me! He blesses me constantly!"


(Peace! More to come...)

US: Broke To The Future

 Remembah one muh fuckin thing Sonshines!

Outside thah muh fuckin US crib!

Don't nobody owe US stank broke muh fuckin assUS


(Peace! More to come...)

Trump Found Guilty?!

 Do y'all ig'nant muh fuckin evil elite nasty ass muh fuckahs know what y'all jUSt did?!

Y'all elite degenerates are fuckin dumb as fuck!

God damn!

Let's get this 


RighteoUS shit


Fuck them evil muh fuckahs!

CaUSe fuck it!

Thah end is show nuff nigh!

Thank you, sorry ass worthless lazy evil degenerates!...

Can't make this evil

US shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

"I'm going to pray for You." Kiss my Old Black Broke Sorry Muh Fuckin ass!

 my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass tryin tah suggests tah muh fuckUS and shit!

US says some ill shit like:

"Well, I prayed on it! And I did what the lord told me to do?"

How that Holy fuck that muh fuckin shit work!

I can do bad by my God damned fuckin self!



Don't fuckin pray on me or mine!



CaUSe shit!

God damnit!

Lookin at yo muh fuckin ill ass shit?

Shit! Yo ass got some misguided muh fuckin 

Prayers and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

"Lovesong Stereo - The Cure"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

But God damn!

What thah Holy fuck was thah lead singah thinkin and shit!

That haristyle ain't thah fuck bangin at thah fuck all! 

That red lipstick and heavy eyeliner?!

Lose that muh fuckin ugly ass shit!

And what thah fuck that muh fuckah lookin at and shit?

Lookin in thah muh fuckin mirror and was like,

"My ass lookin good as ah muh fuckah!"




(Peace! More to come....)

Diddy Done Got Did! II

 I mean shit!

Don't US jUSt love how these muh fuckahs hangin on tah muh fuckin evil sorry ass


Hope ain't in no muh fuckin evil!

And unless yo downed Diddy ass is willin tah muh fuckin

Repent tah

US truthfully!

Shit nigger!

Yo ass is muh fuckin 

Burnt black ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Diddy Done Got Did!

 Stupid ig'nant ass nigger!

Oh, shit!

That is one sorry ass nigger there!

God damn!

Talkin bout settin ah nigger up!

Epstein? Maxwell?...


You sorry ass nasty muh fuckah

Bettah start namin

Names and shit!

Else yo black nigger ass goin thah fuck up in




You sorry ass muh fuckah!


And again!

Yo sorry stank ass is very fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"COVID is rising in California... - Los Angeles Times"

 evil nevah evah gives thah fuck up with their dumbasses!

Them evil muh fuckin sorry ass propagandists' minions be havin my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass


FLiRT subvariants?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!


And fuckin definitely abso-fuckin-lutely


Sorry ass evil elite muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Islands - The xx" II

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

"I don't have to leave anymore..."


"I am yours now. So now I don't ever have to leave..."

"Where would I be..."

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Sorry Ass Human Production Line

 Take a dreadful picture 

To this ill Human nomenclature 



Made for 


Planned long ago US


(Peace! More to come...)

US It Shit!

 Can't US feel it!?

Thrill it!?

Beat it?!

See it?!...

We'll soon see about this ill ass


(Peace! More to come...)

US Have Created This Ill Ass US Broken Shit!

 Close Our eyes?

There shall be no surprise,

When we open them to witness

And try to chastise,

Our soon to be horrible


(Peace! More to come...)


 US don't need much!

Maybe three tah four hours at most!

These muh fuckin so-called US evil 'experts' suggestin eight muh fuckin hours or more!


Kindah muh fuckin US shit!?

I would be suggestin that horseshit too,

If my evil ass wanted eight-hours of uninterrupted time tah fuck

US shit


(Peace! More to come...)

"Trump Compares Himself To Mother Theresa And Hilarity Ensues - HUFFPOST"

 Shit! my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass would bust out laughin too!

Thee Holy fuck!

Thah fuck 's wrong with that ig'nant muh fuckah!

Doesn't he thah fuck know?!

Mother Theresa wasn't no damn 


That muh fuckah was ah muh fuckin male in drag!

And thah most influential, prominent sorry ass nasty muh fuckin 

Child Trafficker in this



History God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Carjackers seen in shocking video open fire on family while trying to steal car-... - New York Post"

 In muh fuckin Jackson, Mississippi?!

my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass calls:

Bull US

Psyop muh fuckin sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

NAMBLA?! Thee Holy evil Fuck!

Researchin some shit and these ill ass muh fuckahs still operatin and shit!

Headquartered in New York City and San Francisco!

"But this is America! We are free!"

Yeah, yo sorry muh fuckin ass are free tah do what thah fuck yo sorry ass wants tah fuckin do!

But God damn Sonshines!

These sick sons of bitchUS can't be goin around fuckin lil boys and shit! Advocatin and ain't nobody sayin or doin US dogshit about this ill ass shit!

US got US God damned laws muh fuckUS!

And yo sorry muh fuckin adult nasty ass gots tah be held fuckin accountable!

Why thee Holy fuck is this organization still bein able tah be in this US muh fuckin



CaUSe thah evil US Fed, State...lawmakin muh fuckahs are undahcovah

NAMBLA members

Their God damned evil sorry nasty pathetic muh fuckin ass selves!

Kindah fuckin US shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Here's why the US has more tornadoes than any other country - CNN"

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass can tell


HAARP, geoengineering, weather modification...

Good old evil fashioned dastardly elite manmade


Historical sorry ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

How Thah Fuck Do US Jewish Delis Get Away With These Carb Loaded Bagels and Shit?!

 These evil elite propagandists' minions will talk about white bread, pasta and shit ad nauseaum!

But nevah say shit!

About ah 

Carb Loaded bagel with 58 to 70 grams of thah shit!

With ah lonely 1 to 3 net fibers, 600 mg of sodium... in those diabetic, high blood pressure... Unhealthy muh fuckin shits!? Add lox, 3.5 oz, at 1700mg of sodium. Cream cheese 2oz runnin at around 170-200mg....

What thee Holy fuck!


Don't none of those US dieticians, doctors, health officials... talk about thah unhealthy muh fuckin Jewish Deli muh fuckin sorry ass bagels!

And US ain't even gonnah get intah Pastrami, corned beef, Latkes, Matzo Ball Soup (ah muh fuckin whoppin 2570mg of sodium....

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Mexican town covered in ice despite heat wave - CNN"

"Oh! That's God! You can't do anything about the weather!"

Thah fuck US can't!

Kindah fuckin shit!

When are US goin tah finally fuckin understand!

Our Father

Does not make this violent ass weathah and shit!



HAARP, weather modification, geoengineering...and whatevah thah sorry ass evil Luciferian fuck!

Shit! That's these evil elite tryin tah be 'Gods' low-life nasty ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Nearly 1 million customers are without power in Texas, and it could be a 'multi-day' situation - CNN"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Them evil dastardly good for nothin muh fuckahs sent

HAARP on that ass!

Them evil muh fuckahs have began thah

Breakin thah fuck down of mighty muh fuckin


Y'all watchoutdere now?!

Oh, and them evil muh fuckahs are just gettin started God damnit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Rocks Stunning Swimsuit...- BLAST"

 Don't give ah fuck what that evil muh fuckah puts thah fuck on!

But the best adornments for that biological male ass are some male swim trunks and ah muh fuckin white wife-beater tank!

Now that's propah beachwear for that busted trans ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Euthanasia or Canada, MAiD

 I mean is that what these evil degenerates want US tah do?

Start offing US selves and shit!

I mean in Canada they got some shit that they'll help that ass check thah fuck out!

I mean why thah fuck not!

Them dastardly muh fuckahs done scared US intah this vaccine shit!

And US are gettin propahly fucked up ovah 'em!

Let some of US take US selves out and shit!

In US legal terms it's called,



Kindah fuckin shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Monday, May 27, 2024

"Secession is here: States, cities and the wealthy are already withdrawing from America - The Conversation"

 Fuck thah evil wealthy!

But states, especially here in 


Need tah fuckin bounce!

Secede from this loser of an evil continued federal travesty!

Fuck thah Fed! Fuckin evil idiots!



Can fuck up some IN shit by US IN muh fuckin damned


"I live in the country of Indiana!",

Shit! I do love thah sound of that righteoUS Indiana country solid ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Can't Retire in the US? Why Many Americans Are Choosing This Country Instead - GO/Banking Rates"

 Didn't even click on thah bullshit!

Don't US do it?!

Fuck that shit!

US is in thah greatest country in this muh fuckah!

US is where US is supposed to be!


US jUSt gots tah figure some critical shit out and shit!

But US is goin tah be fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 26, 2024

US Future Bartering of Addictive Prescribed Meds

 So what do you think Sis? You think we can make a future bartering agreement before shit gets deep?

"Fuck yes! But Meredith! Start goin to the  mothah fuckin doctor! Stock up on some shit! I mean shit! For future bartering agreements and shit. Shit niggah you buyin my escitalopram now! You don't take the shit the way you supposed to? Fuck it! We've talked about this shit before! But shit? You wannah keep owin my ass when yo ass got insurance and shit! Happy to oblige! And that muh fuckah will be fifty fuckin dollahs! On thah real!"

Right on! Thank you.

"No mothah fuckah! Thank you! See you in three months. But hollah at ah Sista if yah need somethin before then?" She turned around. Looked at me with a smile. Continued, 

"Cause shit niggah! I dig your ass! And I know you dig my ass! Shit! You bettah hop up on this! Before I have tah hop up on that! This future world ain't got shit for us!"

God damn!?...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

Thee Holy Fuck! VI

 Now them muh fuckin Germans done jUSt passed thah law 

That if yo sorry degenerate ass is in possession of

Child porn!

That shit ain't no muh fuckin crime?!

Kindah fuckin inhumanly Global evil shit US done got US selves intah?!

I mean! God damn!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hi-Ho! Hi-Ho!" It's Off To Chiropractic Care I Go! With my Old Black Sorry Broke Ass!

 Probably...shit...for thah past five years I've had pain in my my muh fuckin right hip! Didn't pay any attention tah it and shit because of all thah 'old school' conditionin of this here 'old age' pain shit happenin tah my old Black ass now!

Well, shit! About two weeks ago. my right hip was like,

"Niggah! Do I have your attention now?!"

Shit! God damned skippy!


Felt like ah muh fuckah was stickin an icepick intah my right hip joint every time I moved thah shit!

Well, I think I've informed US how ah niggah don't want tah go tah these modern-day sorry ass muh fuckin doctahs! Shit! I was thinkin suicide again and shit! Cause my ol Black sorry ass is 58 years old! Fuck this shit! Can't have no muh fuckah wipin ah niggah's ass some shit, especially my wife! Fuck! No! I jUSt might have tah take my crippled ass thah fuck out! Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RINO: TexAss Governor, Greg Abbott II

 Given thah work/profession that I do,

Believe it or not! I meet a lot of 


Yeah! Right fuckin here in 

Indianapolis, Indiana God damnit!

Talkin tah 'em!

Them muh fuckUS got major pride for the state of


And I always ask them:

'Do you think that you will ever go back?'


Our Father is my 


Ovah ninety percent say,

"Most definitely!"

Now that tah my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass,

Is an


Texan resoundin


And jUSt say no tah canceroUS


(Peace! More to come...)

Kids?! No US Muh FuckUS! US Shall Always Birth RighteoUS Human Children! Not No Muh Fuckin Young Ass GOATs...To evilly elite Be Sacrificed!









US creates

Human muh fuckin


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs even got US callin thah evil slaughtah of 


Human youth,



Are muh fuckin young


'Membah thah Hollywood/CIA movie,

"Children of Men"? Yeah! Watch thah shit when US have thah time? 

Shit that muh fuckah wasn't named,

"Kids of Men" for muh fuckin no God damned reason!

US get it 


Yeah, I knew that US would.

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US evil Worthless "V"-Cards! Unless...II

 "Well!? Old Black broke ass muh fuckah speak on it then?!"

And I most certainly shall! Thank you!

US global evil elite are 

US Johns'!

They can't get no pussy on their muh fuckin own!



Like science and technology! They whore out for thah shit because they can't even fry an egg!

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs don't know thah shit!

They pay muh fuckahs tah research, write...shit for 'em!

Always out in front, wantin tah be seen as an evil savior and shit!

Get caught up in some shit because they haven't studied shit!

All of 'em!

Gates talkin that shit about whatevah thah fuck he's talkin bout!

evil fucker! Yo sorry ass ain't got ah degree in shit!

This technical shit yo sorry ass spittin, yo dumb ass eithah readin ah teleprompter, or bein fed some auditory shit through an invisible earpiece! And yo evil ass still don't know shit!

Research thah muh fuckin US

R&D industry!

US companies, sorry evil elite muh fuckahs...

Ain't came up with dick!

They 've paid for dick!


They've paid for


Whatevah 's clevah!?

Kindah fuckin US sorry ass shit?!

So fuckin tired of this evil propagandized sorry ass agenda!

Ovah this ill ass muh fuckin shit! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Early Signs of rising COVID in California as new FLiRT subvariants dominate - Los Angeles Times"

 Thee Holy fuck!

What ah crock of muh fuckin shit!


Here comes

Disease X!

Them evil muh fuckahs are just some sorry asses!

With all that God damn money!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Talkin bout luckin up on some shit!

It's ah 


Word, which means it comes from Judaism's

Righteous niggahs!

Don't no-muh-fuckin-body wannah talk about that shit! Okay! Fuck it! Anyway...

This word has thah muh fuckin US ovahtakin

ZJs summed up in one muh fuckin niggah inspired


Kindah fuckin shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US evil Worthless "V"-Cards! Unless...

 What thah fuck are them vaccination cards good thah fuck for 



Save for


Have indisputable evidence of Crimes Against Humanity of

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are



Do US not witness?!

Them evil degenerates with all that muh fuckin money and shit!

Still leavin muh fuckin


Trails of their evildoing!

Fuckin rich evil idiots!

Thah fuck wrong with them ig'nant dumbass muh fuckin sorry nasty evil ass muh fuckahs!?

Y'all evil muh fuckahs will nevah succeed!

And my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass will try tah explain tah y'alls shiftless, slothful...dastardly muh fuckin asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NWO evil elites Have Stated With Their Own evil Actions: Fuck The Ukraine! Up With Israel!

 Them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs stole one more time from US!

Now sorry ass Ukraine be like,

"Alms for the poor!"...

Fuck 'em and feed 'em, shit!


US don't muh fuckin

Need 'em one muh fuckin



Let 's talk about Israel's sorry ass!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RINO: TexAss Governor, Greg Abbott

 I absolutely hate this muh fuckah!

For real! And I don't even live in Texas!

I hate Texans! But I love Texans too! Texans are some cocky ass, proud, straight talkin...beautiful muh fuckUS! In my ol Black broke sorry ass opinion! Texas is truly the last US bastion of freedom! And fuckin Abbott is clandestinely alignin with this NWO tah break this proud state! And these evil sorry ass muh fuckahs will start by breakin Texas!...

What thah Holy fuck are Texans thinkin?!

US talkin bout some mysterioUS ways ah muh fuckah got ah come-up?!

The evil propagandists' minions leave swaths thah size of muh fuckin Texas of...what thah fuck!? His bio don't US fuckin scan and makes no fuck bit of sense at thah fuck all! Father died. Mother had to go to work. Aftah some who shot John shit! He becomes the Governor of Texas?! Masonic? Undercovah ZJ? Cell of the NWO?...whatevah thah fuck!?

That piece of shit! Is goin tah humble thah fuck out of  US Texans! Get that muh fuckah out of office! Not to-fuckin-morrow!





Our Father's speed 

The Great "Country" of


(Peace! More to come...)

US EVs: Are Not for US Broke AssUS

 Ain't nobody buyin those busted bitchUS!

evil dark global 'shepherds' tired of

US sheep not complyin and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Somethin goes wrong with them sorry ass muh fuckUS?

US broke assUS gots tah take out an exorbitant loan tah get thah shit back on-line!

Fuck that shit!



And fuck you!

But if shit, yo ass evilly rich!?

Shit, ain't no thang!

"Send me three more of those sorry ass electrically pieces of shit! The last three are toasts! Don't know why? But they interest my ugly rich ass something terrible!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

"63 Year old Bishop Marries 19-Year-Old Congregant - CNN" III

 Oh, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

And guess what thah age of consent in

Iowa is?!

16 years old!

So, I'm so very sorry 

"Bishop" Reed!

But your sorry filthy evil Black ass knows,

Like I know!

Yah fucked that young lady even before thah age of majority in muh fuckin


(Peace! More to com...)

"63 Year old Bishop Marries 19-Year-Old Congregant - CNN" II

"Bishop" Dwight Reed! Yo ass ain't muh fuckin shit! With yo degenerate Black evil pathetic non-speakin The King's English sorry ass muh fuckin ass! 

"Cause dats my wife! And she grown! She didn't need nobody tah sign no papahs for her!..."

Thee Holy fuck!

Ig'nant ass muh fuckin nigger right there! And the nerves of thah muh fuckin sorry ass congregation can be heard sayin, "Amen!", "That's right!"...Thee fuck! Y'all nigger stupid assUS should be gettin that muh fuckah out thah muh fuckin church's doors immediately! "Don't Pass Go"! None of that shit!...Damn!...

Oh, shit! I see?! Even in thah 'so-called' "House of The Lord"! Y'all supersilly muh fuckUS signin contracts for ah muh fuckah tah serve and preach 

Our Father's words!?

Kindah muh fuckin shit?! Anyway...

Just anothah sorry ass evil religious pedophile provin muh fuckah!

And in Iowa?!

Fuck! Them Iowan muh fuckUS ain't evah cared about US niggUS!

And this is thah muh fuckin 

Our Father's


That ig'nant

Nigger should be in muh fuckin


Fuck that sorry ass, nasty Black, country ass muh fuckah!

"Bishop" furthah stated:

"Now if this was out on thah streets? Y'all be talkin bout a come-up!"

And thah Black, ugly, sorry ass, rockhead, pedophile...aftah three fuckin minutes of justifyin his filthy prurient interest, pedophilia! Not one fuckin time! Did

Our Father or The Holy Bible!

Evah pass through his sorry good for nothin ig'nant, country... 

Nigger ass lips!

(Peace! More to come...)

"63 Year old Bishop Marries 19-Year-Old Congregant - CNN"

 It's called 


You dumb evil minions!


Thah muh fuckin modern day 

Church ain't shit!

Cause, where thah fuck are all these othah

"Members of The Cloth"! Speakin about this ill ass shit!?

Just like Law Enforcement Officials, the Men in Blue and shit bein thah muh fuckin cult of evil silence!

"Et tu Brute?"

Damn fuckin skippy!

Not even ah muh fuckin 

Whisper about this ill ass pedophile groomin shit from othah bishops, preachers, reverends...!



Oh, he took her innocence way before thah muh fuckin age of majority at

Eighteen! Guaran-fuckin-teed! Anyway...

US jUSt still keeps on muh fuckin talkin about this US evil ill ass shit!

While US! Is goin up in demonic flames God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit!

What thah Holy fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut - Netflix"

 I can drink ah shitload of beer!

Not braggin no shit like that!

It's taken it's old ass chosen course on my Black broke ass!

I still drink beer. Not so much now. But I still indulge.

I guess, I think of this now because I watched this shit!

And I was like,

'Yeah! That shit makes total fuckin sense!'


I watched Kobayashi talkin about him not bein able to get full because of competitive eating and shit ovah thirty years! I never have thought about that shit! But thah shit makes hella sense!

And thah muh fuckin German doctor, Giulia Enders, said:

"Just change the way you eat. It's nothing special."!




RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Grayson Murray dies at age 30 a day after withdrawing from Colonial, PGA Tour says - AP"

 God damn!

I mean! 

God damn,

Times infinity God damnit!

Don't take anothah shot of



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Chain-Smoking Jewish Grandma Who Ruled '70s NYC Porn - Daily Beast"

 And thah muh fuckin ZJs proud of this type of shit!

Ron Jeremy (Jew), Herschel Savage (Jew), Nina Hartley (Jew)...frequent porn performers!

Research thah shit my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

The Zionist Jews own, run...whatevah thah fuck!

More than 75% of thah muh fuckin US porn industry!

That is a US factoid!

And this ain't no 

Antisemitic bullshit!

It's thah fuck the



The ZJs have nevah shied away from that declination of US within!?

Right now,

Aylo, located in Canada (formerly Mindgeek and Manwin, located in Tel Aviv) owned by thah muh fuckin ZJs! Noted tah have ah muh fuckin monopoly on thah global porn markets! And one of thah muh fuckahs runnin thah ill ass shit is purportedly ah muh fuckin


Research thah shit Sonshines?!

How thah Holy fuck is thah shit ah 


Our Father's


Can't make this US shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

"'Soviet-style purge'... - CNN"

 President Putin 




Political Zionists

Swamp and shit!

And look thah fuck at

US pitiful assUS!?

Thah fuck 's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sperm Counts have been declining for decades. Are microplastics partly to blame? - Yahoo Health"



Kindah fuckin shit!

No sorry ass evil elite propagandists' minions!

Decades my muh fuckin broke Black sorry ass!

Since 2020 evil muh fuckahs!

And thah shit show in thah fuck ain't becaUSe of no God damn muh fuckin sorry ass


Kindah fuckin shit?!

Naw supersilly evil minions it

Starts with

"V" and ends in


(Peace! More to come...)

"Diddy Is Reportedly 'Incensed' About The Cassie Abuse Video As It 'Doesn't Tell The Full Story' - Blast"


Thee Holy fuck!

Thah headline almost made me shit my drawls,

CaUSe my old Black sorry broke ass started laughin so hard!

I was holdin off goin tah take ah shit too! 

But my old shit sphincter stood true and held that shit!

Until my Black ass could stop laughin,

And finally decided tah cop ah propah squat!

Still laughin at that ill ass absurd muh fuckin shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 24, 2024

"Scientist Explains Why Diet Soda Is Detrimental To The Brain - Delishably"

 And what thah fuck do US know!?

They still makin muh fuckin

Diet soda for muh fuckUS tah consume undah thah age of 21 years old!


Let 'em drink beer!

At least thah shit 's naturally fermented and shit! I mean shit! Think about thah shit?!

"Now Johnnie! You won't get your evening beer, if you don't take out the trash."

'On it Mom! Can I have it ice-cold this time? And did you renew my prescription for zolpidem?'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Are Killing US! (Axe The Vaxx Campaign) Wednesday, 11September2024 @ 3:24pm


Them evil degenerates are killing thah fuck


And what thah fuck do 

US do?!

Do what they tell US tah do!


God damn!?

"Julia next door died of a sudden onset heart attack. Kyle up the block died of a stroke. Cynthia at work died of myocarditis. Pam, my manager, died of breast cancer...."

The US Foul Shit Goin On! And What Thah Fuck Are US Going To Do ABout This Tired Ass Shit?! III

 'Membah on "Party Girl"?

Mary pops her lil happy ass up tah dance with this Black ass muh fuckah?

Thah niggah dancin all around her sorry broke ass and she

Fains boredom with ah muh fuckin yawn with gloved hand over her mouth?


This talkin shit gettin old like my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

And like Mary faked! Shit! 

Ah niggah's tired!

For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Knucklemania" II

I'm goin tah write this shit! Then I'm through with this US absurdity! For real! Anyway... 

Can US imagine George Foreman or Gerry Cooney in this ill ass shit!

Quotin George Foreman ah hard hittah himself, about Gerry Cooney,

"Every time he hit me. It felt like he was hitting me with a bat."

And that was with 16oz cushioned boxin

Gloves on!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Can't watch that shit!


Fuck MMA!

If yah want raw fightin shit!

God damn!

Why thah fuck would ah muh fuckah do this absurd shit! CaUSe ah muh fuckah gots tah lose!

And shit! Aftah twenty bouts. Six years later some shit!?

Muh fuckUS won't even remembah thah names of their wives and children God damnit!

"Well what about the women's husbands and children!?"

Shit! Them muh fuckUS too!



(Peace! More to come...)

Division of Church and State?

The church ain't worth one sorry ass fuck!

Division of Church and State?! 

Where thah fuck that shit at?!

In US?!


Did US not witness 99%, for three fuckin years, of these sorry ass

Churches that closed thah fuck down... 

Took thah Feds COVID money. Because it paid bettah than muh fuckin ties and shit from thah broke ass congregation! Anyway...

Because thah

State COVID mandated their asses tah do thah fuck so?!

Kindah fuckin shit!

Our Father 

Is ah mear specter in those

Wholly, not thah fuck "Holy",

Spiritually emptied, simple, manmade

Brick and mortars!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Foul Shit Goin On! And What Thah Fuck Are US Going To Do ABout This Tired Ass Shit?! II

 CaUSe aftah a while my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Woke muh fuckUS have ah tendency tah be like muh fuckUS in modern day religions and The Holy Bible and shit!

Ain't doin nothin about thah muh fuckin 


Just want tah talk about thah muh fuckin sins!

And! Oh, lawd!

Talk about how much they show thah fuck know about them same muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit!?


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Foul Shit Goin On! And What Thah Fuck Are US Going To Do ABout This Tired Ass Shit?!

 I mean! Shit! I don't mind conversin about thah sorry ass shit ever once in a while and shit!

But God damn aftah about three times of talkin tah thah same muh fuckah about some shit!

Fuck thah fourth or any othah time aftah that shit!

I mean! Shit! I don't need tah talk no fuckin more!

Yeah muh fuckah! I research this ill shit too God damnit!

And if US ain't gonnah talk about fixing thah muh fuckin US takeover problem!?

Fuck all this talkin about this muh fuckin same sorry ass shit them evil degenerates successfully doin!

And God damnit!

Ah muh fuckin different 


Ain't gonnah save 

US's sorry future broke royally fucked muh fuckin assUS!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

"Brain Bridging"

 Can't make this sci-fi real US, Hollywood, CIA shitshow up 




(Peace! More to come...)

"Comedian Dave Chappelle calls Israel-Hamas war a genocide, ... - AP"

 Thee Holy fuck!

I fuckin knew 

Dave was muh fuckin cloned!

And this muh fuckin 

Confirmed thah ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Free, Means Free US Vital Information!

 Gottah keep grindin!

"Niggah! You ain't makin shit off this bitch muh fuckah!"

And that, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS,

Is ah beautiful muh fuckin 

US thing!

I don't have tah 

Kowtow tah


Muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sean "Diddy" Combs accused of drugging and sexually assaulting model in 2003 - CBS Miami"

 2003! You nasty sorry ass degenerate!

Yo sorry black ass is done,


CaUSe thah

US ill muh fuckin


Gonnah keep thah fuck comin!

Until yo Luciferian black Masonic sorry pedophile, misogynistic...muh fuckin ass!





You are fucking


With yo sorry evil black muh fuckin, about tah be broke again, ig'nant ass!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

"Proposed high-speed railway would link two major US cities in just 90 minutes... - TCD"

 US thinks this Hollywood bullshit is for show!?


Showin US how thah fuck this shit 's gonnah go down in thah muh fuckin near

US future!

Shit! Membah they showed old 'Katniss' and 'Peeta' on that fast movin train and shit?! Comin from thah East or Midwest tah Denver some shit?! "Snowpiercer"! "Logans Run"! "The Fifth Element"!...Shit! Modern day, thah muh fuckin, TGV and DUMBs intricate railing systems and shit! 

It's gonnah happen cap'n!

Movin at thah evil sorry ass muh fuckin

US speed of 


God damnit!



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Talk: Doesn't Cost US or Doesn't Do US, Dick!

 It never fucking stops!

I mean! Shit!

Them evil nasty ass muh fuckahs don't work and shit!

Them slothful gluttonous muh fuckahs nevah tire of kickin 

US in thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)


 (Peace! More to come...)

The End of US Tribulation. And The Seventh Trumpet Shall Sound...Soon!

 Don't fuckin know?

But I got tah go!

Out into thah frigid weather filled with


To escape this

US intensified super-heated

Biblical prophesied


(Peace! More to come...)

Even If For US Short Beautiful Times

 I smile constantly!

US muh fuckUS 

'Starting Up' some shit!

Right On!

Right thah fuck



US are goin tah be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

"Music (feat. Marvin Gaye) - Erick Sermon"

Bad ass muh fuckin shit! 

If an old Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah could skate?!

Shit do US undahstand thah show this old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass

Would put thah fuck


Listenin tah this 





(Peace! More to come...)

"Heartz Of Men - 2Pac" And HRVs

 Ain't no muh fuckin rappah bettah than


Don't give ah muh fuckin sorry ass know-nothin fuck!

Preach that muh fuckin shit niggah!

No mattah thah muh fuckin 




That niggah 


Hittin that beat

Dead fuckin ass!

(Peace! More to come...)

"2 of Americaz Most Wanted (feat. Snoop Dogg) - 2Pac"

 So I listen tah thah shit!

Hit thah spliff!


If I survive,

Stay alive tah witness

The split-ness of



Our Father



(Peace! More to come...)

Stock The Fuck Up On Supplements! II

 That's how this old ass shit is?! Start writin one way? And where thah fuck did that last thought go? 'Look at the blog title you old Black ass sorry muh fuckah!'. 

Shit! Bingo! Bango! Stank negro!


In US's near future, famine is gonnah be wide-fuckin-spread!


Malnourishment runnin amok in ah sixteen wheeled truck God damnit! Anyway...

There is a way to counteract that malnourishment for ah future time with supplementation. 

And if US chooses thah proper supplementations when this US shit goes horribly south for ah time?

 US shall witness thy bright future of rebuilding US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Stock The Fuck Up On Supplements!

 Oh! It's comin! Those evil sorry nasty ass muh fuckahs gettin desperate and shit! Sheep ain't goin thah way thah evil shepherds tryin tah lead 'em and shit!

Get some! Sorry worthless muh fuckahs!


This muh fuckin evil takeovah, I fuckin US guarantee,

Ain't gonnah go how y'all evil stupid muh fuckahs done

Planned tah really stick it tah


(Peace! More to come...)

On A US Grand Muh Fuckin Sorry Ass Scale!

 US muh fuckUS still gettin

Shot thah fuck up and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Fuck wrong with US!

God damn!

That fucked up evil degenerate's COVID all time ruse

Done got

US fucked up and shit!

But US are gonnah be jUSt fine


Damn muh fuckin skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

US Still Thinking US Is Special!

 All these evil sorry ass complicit countries in this 

Global sorry ass shit is feelin some real shit!

Don't give ah fuck!

Muh fuckUS hungry and shit!

Y'all sorry ass fed muh fuckus taken time off and shit!

How thah Holy fuck that shit work?!

Hospitals open 24 and 7!


Fed open!?


Ever once and awhile! 

Kindah muh fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

A Proper US Farce!

 Thah Holy fuck!

I mean? Shit! God damn!?

What thee Holy fuck!?




"Watching the wheels go around and around. I really love to watch them roll!..."

Kindah muh fuckin US sorry ass shit, have 

US gotten 






(Peace! More to come...)

US Pride!?

 Put thah muh fuckin 

RighteoUS words intah any of US's search engines!?

Guess what!?

Mandela effect

Done struck thah muh fuckin


Thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

Crazy?! NiggUS Please?!

 "Oh! Don't fuck with that muh fuckah ovah there! Cause that niggah's crazy!"

'Respect that shit! But forgive me? How many times has that niggah been tah jail or prison?'

"Shit! That's what he's noted for God damnit! Slippery muh fuckin niggah and shit! He ain't spent one hour in eithah!"

'Oh! I see.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oh! Not Just For Their Brogues!

 I love shoes!

Not jUSt any muh fuckin 


"Cheaney" 's!



If I had thah muh fuckin ends my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS, with my ol Black sorry broke ass!?

I'd be able tah buy every muh fuckin pair, color...don't give ah fuck!

Of those good lookin muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

my Wife In my Last Days In Heaven

 I done told her and shit!

Muh fuckUS think yah playin and shit!

I've written about thah shit before but it done floated across my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass mind again!

So, fuck it! Anyway...

"Listen Love? If it gets tah the point where my ass has a chronic illness? And you have tah wipe my ass every day until I die? Fuck that shit! my Niggress! Let my old Black broke sorry ass die! Fuck it! And I Love You!"


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An evil Global World Is An evil Global World of Fuck Ups!

 Muh fuckahs can't even govern their own individual states and shit! And tryin tah be a part of this soon tah be Global World! Cracks my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass up every muh fuckin time I say that sorry ass shit! Takes my ol Black ass back with, "Spectre", "The Man", "The Umbrella Corporation" US think these shits were jUSt 

Fiction!? Not even speculative fiction! What thah fuck is goin on 

Now! God damnit! Anyway...

CEOs collectin ah fuckin check and don't know dick!

Doctors...ain't no muh fuckin doctahs no fuckin more! Fuckin biggest street drug dealin organization in this 'Global World'! But they still puttin Ray-Ray up thah block in jail!

The evil elite entertainment industry givin US: Taylor Swift, Britney Spears...

And God damn! Sellin and have sold those two MTFs, suggestin/suggested them talentless muh fuckahs, do in thah fuck, got talent!?

NASA still talkin that Outerspace stupid ass sorry ass shit! Even US niggUS fallin for that evil fucked up ruse! 

Just ah US suggestion?

Ain't no muh fuckin outer fuckin space God damnit! Fuck! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

Diddy Done Did The Do Again II

 Thee Holy fuck, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Thah fuck 's wrong with US God damnit!

So them evil muh fuckahs got this sorry ass 'ex-Security Guard' speakin against his ex-employer: evil nasty ass Diddy! Talkin bout some bullshit, 

"He's got ah God complex!"

Kindah fuckin shit niggah!?

Fuck you!

I ain't evah witnessed ah


One of US 


Kickin thah shit out of ah muh fuckin



Fuck whatchou talkin bout with that ill ass shit!


That sorry ass muh fuckah gots ah muh fuckin 

Lucifer complex!

Let's get that shit straight,

Right out thah muh fuckin gate!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 20, 2024

US Proactivity?

 Shit! God damn!

I mean, shit!

Talkin don't cost shit!

And talkin don't do shit!

US needs tah shut thah fuck up!

And stop with all this fatalistic road of

Reactivity and shit!

Gots tah bust ah right at thah next cornah!


Time for US tah get some shit

Poppin with these evil muh fuckahs!

Start takin it tah them!

Instead of this fucked up

US mindset of jUSt waitin tah be brutally fucked by them evil degenerate worthless, dicks-cunts muh fuckahs!

Fuck up those sorry evil ass future 

Agendas fo show!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Revelation And Thy Mighty Future Trumpeted Alarms!

 In-flooding of migration intah thah US!


Stage one!

Stage two: is tah get those cells hunkered down amongst 

US until, 

Stage three commences!

"What's stage three?"

Oh, US will soon hear the

Bright and

Piercing end note of the


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ra-isi N-Nets

 Them evil muh fuckahs assainated that Iranian President muh fuckah clandestinely and shit!

Some type of energy weapon tore that shit up!


These evil elite dastardly muh fuckahs bettah start 

Bunker it thah fuck Up!

I mean down!

Them evil muh fuckahs me thinks got ah lil fuckin too 


But they done fucked up a lot of easy ass shit!

Them evil degenerates only know how to titillate their nasty prurient interests!

Tryin tah run US muh fuckUS when there ain't no muh fuckin money on US's table!?

Kindah fuckin shit y'all evil stupid muh fuckahs thinkin?!

Oh, that's fucking correct!

You nasty muh fuckahs don't muh fuckin




(Peace! More to come...) 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Matthew 6:9-13 KJV III

 And when US's really bein honest about some shit!

"The Twelve Step Program - Alcoholics Anonymous", had to have been 

Inspired, conceived and broadened by this very chapter and verses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Matthew 6:9-13 KJV II

 Our Father

Muh fuckUS prayin all types of shit!

I'm thinkin, doesn't it read in thah KJV?

"...therefore pray ye..."

Up in church, at thah dinner table...muh fuckah says,

"Let US pray."

I'm startin in my mind, 

'Our Father which...'

Nope! you sorry old Black broke muh fuckah! 

Wrong! Again!

Learned ah long muh fuckin time ago!

So fuck it! Muh fuckUS be like,

"Let us bow our heads in prayer."



I don't bow and pray shit! 

CaUSe I ain't in my muh fuckin 'closet' alone with 

Our Father! 

So fuck it!

I look around at muh fuckUS possibly witnessin me not bein involved in thah muh fuckin ruse and shit. Usually catch one maybe three people doin thah same. We make eye contact usually. Nod pleasantly at one anothah and keep lookin at prayin bowed head muh fuckUS. Aftahwhich yah say, "Amen" with thah multitude in thah congregation and all is well!  Anyway...

Muh fuckUS prayin some shit like, 

"Lord God! Please keep protecting us. Let this food nourish our bodies without recourse. Replenish our strength, Lord God!..."

Kindah fuckin shit!?

I mean?! Shit!

What's an old broke ass muh fuckin niggah 

Missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Professor Peter Hotez MD Phd and Bowties Are Very Telling!

 I was watchin this podcast this dude usually puts out every week and shit.

He was talkin about this muh fuckin 'doctor' pushin this vaccine agenda and shit!

Showed the doctor. While listenin, got on anothah page and researched a lil about thah sorry ass muh fuckah!

Let me make ah lil suggestion my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?

It's part of thah muh fuckin "Orville Redenbacher" syndrome!

Whenevah one of

US muh fuckUS dons ah stupid ass muh fuckin


Thah muh fuckUS donning that shit on ah regulah!


Weird and 

Untrustworthy as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

William Henry Gates III/Bill Gates

 Thee Holy fuck! Sorry ass evil dumb supersilly lazy...muh fuckah!

Why thah fuck muh fuckUS listenin tah that uneducated muh fuckah!

That evil elite has not one college degree from no damn muh fuckin college or university! Not muh fuckin 



'Honorary Doctorates' from major universities and shit?!

Kindah fuckin shit!

Oh! my ol Black broke sorry ass undahstands now!

That lazy ass muh fuckah said,

'Fuck that four year studyin shit!

Here's ah million muh fuckin dollahs!

Now, we need to talk

About that honorary doctorate


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Fuck Wrong With US?!

 US are funny muh fuckUS!

I mean shit! 

US gots them sorry evil dumb ass elite degenerates by 97% tah their 3%!


Them sorry ass evil degenerates still runnin this muh fuckin

US shit!?

Kindah fuckin US sorry ass shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Delphi Murders? Possible US evil elite PSYOP, US evil elite Satanic Cover Up or Both?

 If US lives in muh fuckin Indiana? 

US IN are familiar with this sorry ass fucked up case!

Ain't one family membah done said shit!

Law enforcement officials all tight lipped and shit!...

Aftah all this muh fuckin time?...

Kindah fuckin shit!

Somethings are fucked up about this muh fuckin case!

Don't know what!

Readin some shit about it! 

God damn!

But this ill ass shit does not muh fuckin 



At thah fuck all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Trump v Biden?

 "Who are you voting for mister man?"


Does it fuckin mattah!?

I mean shit!

Both of those muh fuckahs are in the evil elite degenerates pockets and shit; ergo, they're sorry ass muh fuckin elite minions too!

It's gotten down tah my old broke Black sorry muh fuckin ass

Votin for thah muh fuckah with thah most muh fuckin


God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

But it is, what it ain't!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Boeing whistleblower cause of death revealed - INDEPENDENT"

 Moral of the headline?

Don't snitch on 


CaUSe yo ass is show thah fuck

Compromised subsequently!

And not ah God damn US law enforcement official is gonnah give ah fuck!..

(Peace! More to come...)

Diddy Done Did The Do Again

 That niggah's goin down!

He was video'd kickin thah shit out of that SistUS' pitiful ass!

That muh fuckah bettah get on his muh fuckin jet tah

Taiwan, Indonesia, Hong-Kong...some shit!

CaUSe there are fucked up videos tah come!

US knows anothah Bieber fucked up video is soon tah 

Drop on that sorry Black degenerate ig'nant ass...

And it's reported around thah water coolah since this shit done dropped on Diddy?

J Hova done got ghost!

Kindah fuckin nasty shit y'all niggahs done got y'alls selves intah?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Royal Family?

Got all this muh fuckin money! But ain't nevah seen one of those evil muh fuckahs liftin ah muh fuckin fingah! Oh, shit! I'm sorry! Only for 'Tea'. 

What thah Holy fuck do them muh fuckahs do?!

I mean God damn!

Dressin extravagantly and still lookin like some busted fucked up


(Peace! More to come...)

"Harrison Butker" (Hairy Son Butt Licker)

 Fuckin kicker!

What ah manly type of muh fuckin profession! With all that manly testosterone laced filled commencement speech and shit!


Women still missin their muh fuckin opportunities!


How thah Holy fuck!

Does ah muh fuckin kicker man get away with speakin for muh fuckin very strong







Why is that my Dear Sweet


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Going To Be A Lot Of US Pain. God Damn!

 I've always been an anxioUS muh fuckah!

And this US evil take ovah shit got an old broke niggah anxioUS as fuck!

I mean, muh fuckUS ain't worryin about dick!

I'm like. Don't all of US see what thah fuck is goin on?!




Scary muh fuckin US shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Matthew 6:9-13 KJV

 I ain't evah been able tah quote scriptures and shit! I remember things in some type of fucked up segments but oft times without the whole. 

But this shit here!

This the only shit in thah written prose I can quote!

And yes!

Pray often!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come....)

The Mandela Effect?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Oh! What US sorry assUS remembahs and shit!?

Don't mean



"Fuck yo couch niggah! (Rick James Parody - Dave Chapelle)".

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Some More Masonic, Luciferian, Global World...Fucking Bullshit!

 Fuck Albert Pike! Yah heard may! Fuck that muh fuckah!

And all thah rest of y'all fake ass muh fuckin entitled


Wantin tah witness 

'The Light'!?

Thee Holy fuck!

Accordin tah y'alls fucked up ideology!

Thah muh fuckin sorry ass


 Only gets horribly


(Peace! More to come...)

Just Retrograding

 I reread some of my shit a lot. 

I smile.

And I proudly still think,

'That's fucking me! And don't change a God damned word you old sorry Black broke ass muh fuckah!'


So I don't....

(Peace! More to come...) 

Future Crimson Laden evil elite US Neighborhoods

 This US shit ain't goin back tah thah way it USed tah be back in thah so-called 

"US Good Old Days"!

Thah fuck US smokin!

Ain't no turnin back now!

Them evil degenerates have hundreds of million of dead bodies tah account for!

So?! evil elite degenerate muh fuckahs!

What doth thy thinketh...





(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Take Another Shot of No Thing! III

 This patient today showed me ah muh fuckin picture of her son with

Ocular cancer and shit! Nasty ass shit! Fucked up even! She told me it was fatal. Nothing they can do but try to manage thah excruciating pain. Gave him three months tah live, and that was in early March.

I asked her, 

'I'm sorry Sistah. Twenty-two years old? I just have to ask. But has he been vaccinated?'

"Yeah! He had to be! His job required it for his employment. They thought it was pink-eye and shit at first. Then it continued. They did some tests and they found out it was cancer. Wanted to take his right eye, cheek, half of his jaw...he wasn't tryin to do all of that! So here we are?"

'You know me Sis? Forgive me? But I'd sue every-muh-fuckin-body involved. Talk to an attorney? The truth is coming out about these vaccines.'

"Thank you."

'Don''t do that to me. No, thank you for letting me express myself in a non-professional manner with my quasi-professional self!'

"You always make me smile when I come here. Thank you."

'Don't do that to me....'

"Man! You silly! For real! But Thank you! Ah! Don't wannah hear that shit again Meredith?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US End Game

 I mean, US gots tah look at this fucked up shit!

Research some shit!

Then muh fuckin US righteoUSly 



my shit deduced that,

Them evil sorry nasty ass muh fuckahs will wipe out

Sixty-six percent or more of US!

One evil way or anothah!


What thah fuck?!

Are US goin tah do tah 

Counteract this evil manmade very fatalistic,

Human game them sorry ass muh fuckahs have decided tah

Play on 


(Peace! More to come...)

All US Government Leaders Need To Be Put Permanently Into Leavenworth!

 I mean what thah Holy fuck are US workin and payin taxes for and shit!?

These evil muh fuckahs givin US's shit away tah non-US citizens!

And ain't nobody done ah God damned thing tah stop thah shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!

Shit, US future looks bleak as fuck!

But shit!

US still gonnah be fine my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Continue tah pray!

And, Hey!

There is comin ah




Our Father's


(Peace! More to come...)

"Kanye West Yeezy Chief Of Staff Exits Amid Company Mass Exodus - VIBE"

Sorry ass Milo Yiannopoulos! Thee Holy Fuck!

 Muh fuckah gots thah nerves tah step down from Ye's shit! CaUSe thah sorry ass muh fuckah claims Yeezy gettin intah porn and shit! "Yeezy Porn". Damn! Anyway...

This is thah same muh fuckah about six years ago some shit, that condoned pedophilia and shit! And statin now, with his worthless ass, he is an ex-homosexual?! But is yo sorry muh fuckin ass an ex-condonin pedophilia muh fuckah too!? Or are US jUSt fuckin dancin around some shit?!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

What Do US RighteoUSly Proffer?!

 Shit I was there God damnit!

With thah muh fuckin multitude and shit!

Muh fuckUS wannah make fun of US who aren't there 




So happy bout that muh fuckin ill ass tah come shit!

When muh fuckUS start comprehendin all thah evil shit them evil degenerates been doin!?


Even Hell will not be able to


Them evil sorry ass degenerate worthless muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

After This Zionist, US Overtaking, Shit!...Woe Be Unto US For A Tick or Two!

 Think about how this US shit is goin?!


Ain't nothin nice!

US is the last muh fuckin 



Firmament's bastion!

And that 'Free' shit is fadin thah fuck


But shit!



Are goin tah be jUSt fine 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US "Let Them Eat Cake" Sorry Ass Shit!

 Some things set US back!

A lack of flapjacks!


Fuckin alcohol that is ah 

Free for all!

Pork jowl simmering, waiting to be influenced from the Kale, Turnip and Collard Greens!

Means nothing

In this losing

US evil cold ass heavy dense intense flavored poisoned dessert


(Peace! More to come...)

evil SulfuroUS GaseoUS Plethora of US Deadly Toxins

 What in the fuck

Did US jUSt suck!?

Sub-Human alien jizz of the evil 


US kids, child GOATs being sacrificed for the elite


evil abhorrent muh fuckahs sipping on youthful


During their commute to their dark dreaded


(Peace! More to come...)

Yeah! Talk Is Cheap. And No Real Labor Is Involved. A Slothful evil elites' Wet Dream!

 I ear hustle thah fuck a lot!

Listenin tah muh fuckUS that will never come tah any sense of commonality.

Like thah evil degenerate elite!

Just flappin US muh fuckin sorry ass


CaUSe shit!

It don't cost dick!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Schoolhouse Rock!"III

 'Membah that shit!?

"A Noun is a person, place or thing."

"Three! It's a Magic number."

"I'm just ah Bill! Sittin on Capitol Hill."

"Figure eight!"...

Why thah Holy fuck they stop makin those Saturday mornin

Children's educational shit?!

US knows 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Give Freely US's Simple Pieces of Candy II

 I've always loved candy. Not chocolate.

Muh fuckin hard ass candy and muh fuckin chewin gum!


It's a piece/peace offering and shit!

I've been with patients that look and act like hardcore muh fuckin straight up niggUS!

I reach in one our drawers in the dispensing room that has all types of shit in those muh fuckUS!

Pull out two pieces of "Jolly Rancher", "Dubble Bubble",,,. Offer one tah thah straight up varioUS mad lookin Black ass muh fuckUS! Shit! Them muh fuckUS be crackin ah muh fuckin authentic smile and shit! Then they'll say some shit like,

"Shit! I grew up on these joints! Good lookin out!"

Aftah that!

US 's cool!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Give Freely US's Simple Pieces of Candy

 Do US undahstand how US loves thah shit!?

I mean shit! US gives ah muh fuckah ah piece or ah whole bag of confection?!

US undahstands and appreciates its






And for 


US already knows!

Thah muh fuckin shit makes





(Peace! More to come...)

"Infinity - The xx" III

 Bad muh fuckah!

When she says,

"I can't give it up..."

And that fuckin clap aftah that shit!

My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass claps thah fuck right with thah shit! 

Damn skippy! Shit, I ain't got too much more time! Shit! Anyway...

But I'm still tryin tah figure out what back in thah day song this shit reminds me of?! 

"Sail away?". Maybe?!

Fuck it!

It'll come tah my Black old broke muh fuckin ass...


(Peace! More to come...)

Religious Running Regimen

 He was running! Buds in ears! Alternating pace. Walk, jog then flat out run! Until his temples beat so hard he could hear his blood pressure in his ears! Depending on the song he was listening to, he would damn near pass out! He never did. He would just slowly come back to a walk. Breathing heavily. Getting prepared for the next set. 

He had his listening music organized based on where he would be during the various pace sets. Some sets would be longer or shorter than usual depending how he felt in the given day. Oh, but no matter what the day brought sun, rain...he was going to run! This was his vice! It took him to a higher spiritual place to worship in, on a daily...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 13, 2024

Fuck A Video!

 Just ah muh fuckin suggestion!

Start readin thah muh fuckin articles!

Ain't no muh fuckin way this shit 's happenin on ah muh fuckin grand scale like it is



These muh fuckahs makin ninety-six percent of this ill ass shit up!

"Well. How do you know?"

I don't know shit!

I muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday Work Day. (Thumbs Down!)

 I think I wrote about thah shit before and shit!




God damn!

I witness these muh fuckUS at work like,

"Hey Meredith! How are you today!"

I smile so broadly!

BecaUSe shit!

How thah fuck my civil ass can't say just as cheerily,

"I think I'll make it!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US! Are To Blame! CaUSe US Knows The Fuck Better!

 Them evil dastardly sorry ass muh fuckahs have 



Excellently in fact!


US talkin jUSt like them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Whinin about US shit!

"Oh! They're going to ruin America! Look at what they're doing to America!"

I undahstand!

But shit!

If I could do whatevah I wanted tah do tah ovah three-hundred-million US people!

And I was bored as fuck! Cause I'm an elite sad awhile muh fuckah that doesn't work!


Let's do it to these fuckin good for nothing




Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs be like that


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

Biological Females! Come On Y'all! US Needs Y'all Strong Muh FuckUS In This HellacioUS US Human evil War!

 US Black ass muh fuckUS wannah talk about 

Niggah slaves and shit!

Zionist Jews wannah talk about thah concentration camps and shit!

White Men wannah talk about reverse racism and shit!...

And what thah fuck do 


Human Biological

Women wannah talk about!?

Men shit!?

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Since my muh fuckin back 's been hurtin I've been takin this muh fuckah!

I got it in bulk powder form!

Take a half of a teaspoon of thah shit with my othah daily shit!

I put ah half mouthful of half of my morning supplements.

Then throw the half of teaspoon of Turmeric in thah back of my throat along with thah othah shit, drink about half of ah full 16.9 oz bottle of water with it. Shit 's bittah as shit, the supplements are capsule or tablets so I don't taste that shit! Well, Taurine! I got that in bulk powder form. I throw a quartah of ah teaspoon back with thah othah shit too! Anyway... Put thah othah half mouthful of supplements along with thah rest of thah water damn near!

Don't know if thah shit is workin like it's supposed to and shit! I've only been takin it for eight days some shit!

Half teaspoon in the mornin.

Half teaspoon in the evenin.

One thing about thah shit!

Yea, yo shit!

It turns ah muh fuckin pumpkin


For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Shit! And US ain't talkin bout no Anthony Bourdain goin tah "Alcoholics AnonymoUS" and shit!



He went tah 



CaUSe every-muh-fuckin-body in Holly-fuckin-wood knew,

That bitch wasn't thah way any muh fuckah would get off of any

Toxic muh fuckin shit!...

Our Father's speed

Monsieur Bourdain!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Brittney Griner, in new memoir, says Putin Weaponized her Blackness - NBC News"

 Thee Holy fuck!

SerioUSly with yo 

MTF havin ass!?

Yo fucked up hormonal levels have not ah muh fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

Females v Males (The Ultimate Human Fight! And Females Have Always Prevailed.)

 Do US undahstand how much I would be pissed thah fuck off if I was ah biological Female?!


I would want tah kill all thah male and thah plethora of transgendered females in political office!

And still tah this muh fuckin day.

The female votes, voices, actions...mean fucking 



CaUSe y'all females need tah form 





Voice that you so dourly are in need! Before US; Alas, evil menfolk overtakes you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's All About The True Human Female

 Those evil muh fuckahs are so misogynistic that they hate all forms of'


Don't give ah fuck! Fuck an Israel, Fuck ah Palestine! Fuck an Ukraine! Fuck ah Taiwan...



Have been brutally tortured, ingulfed with

Crimes Against Humanity!

And still currently



And ain't nobody doin shit!

Not even thah biological


Human biological


Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil elite Dastardly Muh Fuckahs Confusing US All! II

 And I guess that's why I wrote,

"She is a Christian female."!

BecaUSe, I don't undahstand some shit!

Not thah fuck at all! God damnit!

I mean before thah muh fuckin 

ERA/Equal Rights Amendment wasn't ratified in 38 states until 2020! Yes! 20 muh fuckin 20!

Shit ah bitch wasn't even aloud tah own some shit until aftah 1974! Before that?! Unless yo female ass was rich or transgender?! Yo ass wasn't gettin ah muh fuckin mortgage loan!


Hit that shit for ah tic or two?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil elite Dastardly Muh Fuckahs Confusing US All!

 My wife is a Christian Female.

"Well. What the fuck are you?!"



Excellent muh fuckin righteoUS


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ann Coulter"

 Thah reason that muh fuckah is so mad!?

Cause that muh fuckah's parents decided that ill ass biological male muh fuckah would be


And that muh fuckah 's still

Busted as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Chicago man charged with sexual assault after impregnating disabled resident...- WGN Chicago"

 Thee Holy fuck Bro?!


'Membah when this type of shit was reported and US instantly knew it was ah muh fuckin 'White' muh fuckah that did thah shit!?!'



Whatchah got evil muh fuckahs?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Russian: Victory Day" Thurs09May2024

President Putin got them muh fuckahs on 


Russian people believin and carin about

Russian people!

Military lookin like thah fuckin military,

No facial hair! Uniforms g-to-g!


President Putin instillin

Honor intah them 

Russian muh fuckin 


And what thah Holy fuck US 


Stumblin on some muh fuckin steps and shit! Sniffin on children! Gropin children! Fuckin children! Forgettin thoughts and shit!...

Thee Holy fuck!?

What thah fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

US UbiquitoUS evil elite Shit Vapors.

 I mean them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs be talkin don't they?!



Work, is ah four-letter filthy word tah them shiftless sorry ass evil elite muh fuckahs!

But shit!

Flappin those jaws ain't no muh fuckin thing!

"People need to start looking toward the future. This Global World we have gifted to all of you! And people should be more than grateful for what we have achieved for their future betterment!"

God damn!

It's funky up in this muh fuckin

US piece!

Turn thah muh fuckin exhaust fan on


Kindah fuckin shit!?

Thah fuck 's wrong with them evil ass sorry worthless tryin tah be Gods simple muh fuckahs!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil US, Trying To Be Our Father, Total elite Losers! A-Fucking-gain!

 I mean, I look at this US shit and I fuckin smile!

I mean, big as shit!

Fuck it!

Them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs failin thah same muh fuckin way throughout 

US Human History,

Time and



Kindah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Mace accuses former staffers of sabotage... - THE HILL"

 Representative Nancy Mace (R-S.C.). God damn!

Thee Holy fuck!

Why are all these Republican politicians muh fuckin so-called 



And still homely as fuck!?..

(Peace! More to come...)

Happy Mother's Day

 But always remembah my Dear Sweet SistUS,

It's an evil manmade day like all of thah rest!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Indoctrination To The US NWO!

 It's comin my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

It thah fuck is comin!

Shit! It's already here

God damnit!

Now fucking


But at least evil degenerates Prince now deadass King Charles and ol sorry evil degenerate Jacob Rothchild won't witness the evil 'Light'!

Shit! Them evil muh fuckahs can't tell my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass there isn't,

"Our Father"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eating Out: US Gets! What US Deserves!

 Muh fuckUS kill me complainin about fast-food and sit-down restaurant prices!

I mean, shit! Complainin about thah price of ground beef at thah grocery store is one thing!

But complainin about some shit US lazy havin assUS could have cooked at thah fuck 


Kindah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wendy's" Less Than 'Chicken' Nuggets?

 Shit! I thought somethin was wrong with them muh fuckahs!

I USed tah eat there three times a week for lunch. You know, right next door to the job and shit! And ah muh fuckin $5 deal! Anyway...

They give yo sorry ass four nuggets with the meal deal. Well, last week I was bitin intah one of those muh fuckahs and I was like, this shit taste fake as fuck! I finally decided aftah I don't know how many I've eaten over this past year or so? And thah inside didn't look like no damn "only White meat chicken". Fuck no! Shit looked like ah sponge and shit! Spit thah shit out and didn't eat thah othah three. 

Went home after work and looked thah shit up!

Oh, them sorry ass muh fuckahs use "only White meat chicken"! But US broke assUS only gettin 37% of that white meat chicken in every muh fuckin sorry ass chicken nugget!

"Well. What else are they putting in their nuggets?"

Good question. Emulsifiers are thah big thing. Then some breadin, fat, spices and othah shit!

But with less than half of those nuggets havin real meat!?


I started throwin them bitches away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 10, 2024

Oh! An evil Storm Is/Has Been Conjuring! Amen!

 Come to past to last. To cast the fast to Humanities innate truth of being! What I am seeing is a beautiful brightness of being! Beaming into the evening to get to the...








(Peace! More to come...)

God Damn!

 What thah Holy fuck do US have tah fear?!

I mean shit?!

Them evil muh fuckahs done innoculated US with some nano-particulate bullshit because of some fucked up depopulation agenda sans US's consent?!

And ain't no muh fuckin elite idiot in jail?! Or have been murdered for Crimes Against Humanity?!






Muh FuckUS!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US evilly Conditioned To Be...

 What are US lookin for ah

Black and White 


Insight what the evil thinks is adverse from

US's rights!

God damn!

US done lost US's 

Human rabbit ass


(Peace! More to come...)

When The Madness Really Starts For US!

 Can't US hear it?!


That US percussion section poundin thah fuck out of US's life's shit!

Gettin in sync with 





Our Father!

Them evil degenerates about tah have ah muh fuckin bad muh fuckin

Saturn muh fuckin


US blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

US! Is Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 I write the right to

Insight thoughts amongst

US which US





All that US




US show nuff forevah shall




(Peace! More to come...)

US Be Muh Fuckin Free! And Y'alls Filthy elite evil Asses Are Out of Order!

 I witness this shit! US have not ah clue how good US have it and shit! Fuck anothah muh fuckin country! Stay thah fuck in thah muh fuckin US! Give US's hard earned muh fuckin dollUS back tah US! 

I mean shit!

Why US is thah get up and shit?!

CaUSe shit!

US is thah greatest muh fuckin country in this firmament!

And them supersilly-"Willy Wonka" evil muh fuckahs wannah do away with this 

US beauty!

Global beauty?!

That's not beauty!

That shit is fuckin busted as fuck!

Kindah fuckin shit!?


This shit US have here!

Is some beautiful muh fuckin shit!

And what them evil sorry ass degenerates doin tah US!?


That's jUSt ovah thah muh fuckin top evil

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Highway "To Hell", Is Now On US's GPS Systems?

 There is a US veil that needs to be unveiled!




Then finally


US destined


But only for another evil elite Human cyclical conjured repetitive



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

This US Shit! Ain't About No US Niggah Shit! Well...Shit...A Lil Bit of This Fucked Up US Shitshow!

Muh fuckin niggUS always wannah talk about 

Niggah shit!

Do US niggUS witness what thah fuck is goin on around US niggUS!

I mean these White muh fuckUS don't have ah fuckin clue!

Yo own muh fuckin 


Race! CaUSe come on now?! Disproportionately, White Zionist muh fuckahs made up this evil future US/Global 2020, 2025, 2030 agendas! Anyway...

Sellin that ass out

Clandestinely and shit!

And US White muh fuckUS

Still worryin about

US Black muh fuckUS!?

Kindah fuckin sorry ass US shit have US gotten ourselves into?!

And US!

Gots thah muh fuckin nerves tah blame

Them evil, self-righteous, clueless...sorry ass degenerate muh fuckahs!?

I mean...

Come ohn naw?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy US Sad Awhile evil elite Minions Among US II

 So fast forward tah my present fifty-eight-year-old sorry broke muh fuckin Black ass!

I done found out, there 're these evil elite supersilly-"Willy Wonka" muh fuckas! And, yes, like "Willy Wonka" haven't worked ah minute in their sorry entitled muh fuckin sorry ass lives! 

Yet!? Them evil degenerates complainin about US muh fuckUS not


Kindah fuckin sorry ass US shit!?

 And US done been 


Too with that ill ass fucked up evil elite degenerate rationale?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Delicious Double IPA - Stone Brewing 9.4%" 6pk 12oz Cans

 Got this on ah steal at seven dollahs and low change!


Quite DelicioUS!

But my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!


Yo ass is




Yo ass will be


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy US Sad Awhile evil elite Minions Among US

 Thee Holy Fuck! Them some sad muh fuckUS!

Fuck yeah!

Workin for thah muh fuckin


Membah that shit way back when? Shit US didn't know what tah call it and shit! Wasn't no one back in thah day spittin no illuminati/Zionists knowledge back in US Black folks neighborhood! 'Cept for "NOI Leader, Louis Farrakhan". Shit Minister Farrakhan was on tah thah Zionists way back then! I've watched some of his speeches. Yeah. Thah Brothah was preachin some knowledge that was show nuff left on US Black assUS plethora of tables. But, lately...he's kind of not so raw, in your face, with his preachings. I'm ah muh fuckin witness! Age changes some shit Anyway...

Shit, US Black muh fuckUS didn't even know what thah illuminati was and shit? Until ol 'Pac let it slip! After that! my thirtyish Black broke ass been searchin ever since!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sobering Up Before US Fall. But Maybe...

I mean after all this Goddamned time what do I do with my depression? Shit! Gets on my last muh fuckin nerves, for real. I’m starting to learn more on what will initiate its loathsome presence oft times. Alcohol, CBD, Nicotine, World Events…cause that muh fuckahs hittin cold and heavy now! That’s for damn show!

But shit!

US 's gonnah be fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


Thah Holy fuck!

Tryin tah murder that muh fuckah too! God damn!

Shit 's funny as fuck!

And ain't nobody talkin about possibly of an evil manmade muh fuckin parasitic

Implantation and shit!

Can't make this 


Shitshow up my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...)

The evil elite US Takeover Is About Complete. Unless?...

 I don't know.

I just don't.

Thee Holy fuck?

For real?!


Kindah fuckin shit?!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

"Told You So - Don't Blink @ Peace" 25August2024 @ 0145 (Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana)



I told You so

Gonnah turn America intah



Stormy Daniels Revisited III

 Thee Holy fuck!

The bastard/bitch is stupid as fuck!

All this transgenderism gettin thah fuckin thumbs up and shit!


Just tell thah truth muh fuckah!

"I was born a man! President Trump loves transgenders! Just look at his ex-wives for God's sake!"

Oh! President Trump and his attorneys would show thah fuck motion for ah muh fuckin expedited "Gag Order"! And finally comply with thah shit! Guaran-fuckin-teed!

I mean, shit! Ol Stormy's MTF porn star ass gonnah abosolutely comply, cause that muh fuckah knows a lot about

Gag fuckin orders!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"An Astronomer Says He Knows Why Aliens Haven't Contacted Us Yet - Popular Mechanics"

 Othah than:

"Because there aren't any!". I have not a clue what this muh fuckah gots tah inform?!

Clicked on thah muh fuckin shit!


Fell for it thah fuck again God damnit!


Muh fuckah please!

Playin a science fiction sorry ass character in real life and gettin thah fuck paid for thah shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!


Still fallin for this outer space evil propagandized stupid muh fuckin foolishness!?

What thah Holy fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

US Be Free! God Damnit!

 I mean yo ol Black sorry broke ass tries tah be good and shit!


God damn I don't like water!

Don't know why?

I mean I drink thah shit cause fuck, they ram that shit down US muh fuckin throats! God damn! So I sip on thah shit throughout the day. But I don't really enjoy the shit like some people do. I'd rather have ah fuckin six-pack! Fuck it!

"If you were in the desert, you would love water!"

And I undahstand!

But shit! I'm lookin around Sonshine and my Black ass ain't witnessin no muh fuckin


How about 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Ran across this muh fuckah?!

I was like


Looked that shit up!

Well lookee here!?

I do like that muh fuckin word!

Gots tah add tah thah 

Beautiful word




(Peace! More to come...)

A Little Daily Anecdote

 I was talkin tah this seventy-four-year-old patient today. We were chit-chattin and shit. Then he got serious and said,

"Listen man. I'll tell you this. And this is the truth. For seventy years I didn't eat one bite of pork nothing."

'Come on now Mister Blacke? You telling me? For seventy years? Not even a slice of delicious bacon?'

He started laughin at that. He calmed.

"But no listen to me? For seventy-years I believed in what I believed. I didn't eat pork, my children still don't eat pork. But, what I'm trying to say is this. I didn't know I was eating pork in certain instances. Let's say on thanksgiving. Greens are made with smoked turkey. Fresh green beans the same way. But, that's the way I make them. So when I tasted a smoky taste in other peoples' greens and green beans, I just thought it was smoked turkey. Not pork."

'Yeah. I can see that.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

my Prayer Still Goes Unanswered.

I think I've written about it before. 

But something is fucking off!

And I can't put my fuckin ol gnarly fingah on it tah save my Black muh fuckin broke ass life!


Somethin foul as fuck is



Conjured thah fuck US


Thah fuck wrong with them evil degenerate muh fuckahs?! Them dastardly worthless pieces of shit honestly think their sorry asses will go as usual, 


Kindah fuckin shit?!


Give me ah

Quad of what them evil muh fuckahs


And pass that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 6, 2024

Seeing Is Believing? (Loquacious , Thirty-Two Year Old, Male, Tribe Person) 1976 - 30-Oct2022 @ 5:55PM: Blast From This Blog's Past, Enjoy?

 I often think of these people I understand as the human species: them, we, us, I. I often get a little embarrassed. Thinking about how one has the right to procreate or not. People put more time in wondering what to eat or when to get up than about considering having a child; to bring another human being into this world. The human race. Thinking we are the only species that can reason. Maybe the other animals: dogs, cats, and horses...Maybe they think they are the only species that can reason. Having a language all their own. Communicating on an entirely different level than what we can put into subjective thought. Having a mindset of the millions of Africans in their own land succumbing to slavery. Maybe a long time ago their species came to the realization not to fight against humans or any other animals that enslaves them. And we not understanding the reasoning of said animals. It is said by the scientists that the world has been here some billions and millions of years. Maybe it has. Maybe every animal on this earth at one time or another thought they were the only ones that reasons and given that reasoning one must understand another species will eventually take over what we call earth and become the only animals to perceive to be reasoning. I think one is not empathetic enough when one is an elitist and think we are on the top of the food chain.

The human species. The most laughable species on this entire earth. Thinking we have control over the other animals and elements of this environment. Understanding this world is finite and we only are fooling ourselves thinking we are rulers of this habitat. Thinking about how we are made up. I have to wonder if what the scientists call microorganisms or bacteria are rulers of this earth if one really wants to muse over the existentialistic side of life. Give into this life and world and I think we would come up with a whole new perspective of this life. One has to look at humility. Understanding one has their limits or life span one must look at the unanswered question, “Why are we here?” That trite ,undeniable, fuckin’ get on your nerves question. The question still remains the same. But, I digress, maybe it hasn’t. Maybe each and every one us have the ability to answer that question but for fear of boredom decide not to do just that. To remain silent until the final response must be asked than answered as in death. You see we must all answer that question at one point in life or in death, finally succumbing to that inescapable query. One we should have answered long ago, yet, now we must answer.

Alas, maybe that is even wrong. Maybe what we do is keep denying until the end of time, as we know it. But maybe that is kind of a play on words. A somewhat confusing statement given the fact, do we really know there is an end of time? Maybe time is relative given the individual who is looking at time. Maybe time is ongoing yet, we just keep putting limitations on this element of truth. Trying like hell a long time ago to keep on denying the question or avoiding it all together. That’s why maybe people die so young and maybe that is why people die a tragic and painful death. Maybe they realized in a certain span of time, maybe too soon, what this life is really about and with the knowledge at hand is a demonstration to all what happens to one and all who attain this knowledge.

Let’s stop right there. Lets digress just a little and maybe think to ourselves on why this little bit is able to transpire. All of this is able to take place because o f peoples selfishness. Trying to play and accomplishing the feat of creation by some symbiotic dance we call coital activity. Not being able to pull it off ourselves with some divine gift to waive perspective hand and “Poof!” Another human is born. No we have not that power. But given all that we know, (given the fact I know anything ) what one must confront given the fact of our subjective mind, which gives all of us subjective truths. But you see that is even up to argument because maybe I don’t even understand the truth, that is the truth of popular belief. Given the fact I see the truth subjectively. Maybe the truth is not subjective at all but objective. Just one-dimensional not being able to be discussed or discoursed over. Because you can plainly see if I did not see it as the latter I can not with great certainty say I am really a person or human being or I am even typing these words which I imagine someone will some day, and say, “Yes, these are words. And these are sentences. And yes, these are paragraphs. And yes, by cracky, this is an essay about reality. Or so it was perceived or not perceived by one man.” Screwy is it not?

You see reality is a cacophony of confusing ideologies and thoughts. Meshing together to make truths or in this matter perceived truths. Maybe , reality is something I imagine all the time. Making up objects, new people, places on a day to day basis. Making my intangible world tangible by shear thought or subconsciously. But if one gives into that reasoning, it would give a person pause because if that is all we are, shear thought, life as we know it ceases, and what is next? Ah, now there is a query I don’t hear too often; What’s next? To pose that question to oneself brings about thinking of the hereafter and what is next. Now we get into another question that goes along with the aforementioned query, Why are we here? So after one asks that to oneself over and over maybe in this instance they ask themselves the wrong question. Maybe the question is wrong all together. We know or at least on some conscious level we are here, given the fact you see this truth to be correct , and if we know that then why has one over and over ask “Why are we here?” We are here, so the real question that should be posed is, “What’s next?” That is the correct question to ask. The only question if one poses in an existentialist way.

What’s next? Ah do you see what power that question has. The feeling you get just by saying or posing that question even to oneself. Why are we here?, is a trite overworked dumb ass question to ask about our existence. We are here! We understand or know we are here. Or at least on the same plane metaphysically or you could not read all of this and you would not be the audience I was writing to nor would you be my truth or my reality. What next? Or maybe that is all wrong too. Because maybe after reading all that I have written about the truth we you would have to see my point , statements of truth, as being the truth, given the fact you are true to me and the fact you all are real. Confusing once one starts getting to the crust of the matter. You see we are limited in our world of truths once the boundaries of said truths have been implemented; ergo, limitations on not only what we can physically and mentally do. Lets look at that for a minute though, shall we? Take for instance maybe all of this is transpiring in our minds and we are not really doing the things that we are doing or that we do in this life we just are reaching out mentally in the universe and zappo-reenio, we create reality. People say, “Well , if I stab or shoot your ass. You will know what the truth really is!” Will I? Sure I guess on the level which we are conditioned to since birth. Sure, I have been conditioned to think or believe, if one shoots or stabs me imminent peril is cast upon my physical body and death is put into the equation. That is the mindset of us all because of the mere tunneled vision scope of the human being, “the biped.” This goes along with the earlier statement of man, as we know, is a hopeless elitist. Never thinking in another realm but on the same conscious level like their other relatives.

We are all just byproducts of some nasty genetic creation. Looking at ourselves critically, we are an ugly species, strike that, animal. Really look at the human shape and form and realize the deficiencies of the human body. Our ears, our noses, our mouths, our genitalia...One could go on and on about the human animals anatomy. Once you sit down and dissect it, one should notice how utterly ugly our bodies really are. And maybe one will start to think the other animals that share this earth with us are laughing everyday on some level about how fucked up anatomically we appear. We sit in the scorners seat and berate every animal we perceive to be ugly but we hardly ever look at ourselves and criticize ourselves about how ill shaped and ill built our bodies were made. Oh, but lets look at that too. You see to take that position is to speak about the higher power, the supreme being, the holier than holy, the boss of bosses...Allah, God...We cannot fault the human body because it was, “...created in his own image.” So as you can see given that to be the truth one would have to look at the fact God is this androgynous, amalgamate of an entity equipped with penis, testicles, breasts, derriere...on and on it goes. A mishmash of the human animal. A bisexuals dream date. Oh, don’t get all in a huff about the latter statement. Remember we are talking about truths or perceived truths. Also when it comes down to it we are speaking about opinions since perceived truths are just that, opinions. So what is fact? That is an excellent question also. We are all correct and incorrect. Right and wrong. Fucked up and not fucked up. We are the epitome of the word confusion in the flesh or in this instance, animal....


Sunday, May 5, 2024

BLM, Vietnam War Protests...All Paid for With Non-US Combatants.

 Them evil muh fuckahs don't have one creative thought! Payin these sorry ass so-called 'protesters' tah rise up for...fuck! The capitalistic fucked up way Sonshines!

Look at what they're doin now with this bullshit Palestine/Israel protests in US?!

Thah shit ain't even about US and shit! Got it all ovah thah propagandized media fannin thah US fragile muh fuckin flames.

Them ign'ant supersilly evil dumbass muh fuckahs done said,

"Fuck it! It's worked time and time again. Shit let's see?"

I mean they had tah pay ah lil more for these sorry ass protesters to incentivize protests but fuck it!

It's fuckin workin on US,


And these ill ass nonsensical protests in 

US, shit,


Ain't even about US!?

"How can you call the protesters, combatants when there is no war going on?"

Oh, there's ah US Human war goin on God damnit! 

And them evil degenerates done escalated this foul ass US shit times 


Kindah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 3, 2024

"I Know There's Something Going On - Frida" III

 Rockin that shit out back in thah day!

And shit, even muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Fuck ah manufactured confection!

I eat this shit by the teaspoon when I get ah sweet tooth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Healthy Competitive Eaters?!

 So okay. US can watch Stony, Mr. Beard, Kobayashi, Chestnut....doin thah damn thing!

Yet! Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs tellin US thah excess shit will cause kidney stones, gallbladder issues, liver damage, heart failure...

And muh fuckUS still

Mukbanging and shit?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Well. Would You Look At That?! II

 Some two minutes later. Delicious coffee in hand. No one still not sitting with her? Just entertaining herself with her cellphone. Like most. Well. Time to do the damn thing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Well. Would You Look At That?!

 He saw her instantly as he entered the coffee house. Fine. More than fine. Too fine! And sitting by her lonesome?

He ordered his usual, 'Large Dark Roast with two shots of espresso. With enough half & half tah turn it light caramel color, no more. With three packets of 'Sugar In The Raw'!

He had already had said to himself, 'If no one is sitting with her after he had gotten his order. He would ask to sit with her.'


Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come....)


 CaUSe I don't get those evil ass sorry worthless muh fuckahs!?

Got all that muh fuckin money!

And still dumb as fuck about


Then them evil elite degenerates wantin tah control US broke ass muh fuckUS?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Britney Spears and Paul Soliz Trashed Las Vegas... - In Touch"

 It's called my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Damage control!


Mitigatin circumstances!


(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Look At US! Y'all evil elite Degenerate Ass Worthless Muh Fuckahs!

 Got these muh fuckUS out here talkin bout securin thah US bordah and shit!

I can dig that RighteoUS shit!

But what I can't dig!

Is blamin these black, brown, white...non-American muh fuckahs for crossin thah shit and fuckin 

US's shit up!



That be thah 

White Zionists worthless men's fault

God damnit!

Fuck that!

US normal US muh fuckUS whatevah coloh! Ain't got shit tah do with this now, elite evil tribalism, Bloodline




(Peace! More to come...)

US Grown Ass Lives On The Fly II

 I think I wrote about this shit before? 

Thah many muh fuckin times my Daughter and I had tah take thah muh fuckin bus!

Indygo Bus Routes: 8, 55, 10, 28 and or 16.

Those USually cuttin up, cussin...muh fuckUS!

When they spoke! They were not USin any muh fuckin offensive language! When She was with me.


These evil degenerate muh fuckahs can paint US how they want!

Fuck it!

But through these fifty-eight years old broke Black ass muh fuckin

Eyes, developin cataracts OU?!


Them evil muh fuckahs are continually paintin ah whole different evil picture about normal ass


Than what US is witnessin and 

What US has witnessed!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Grown Ass Lives On The Fly

 Durin my visitation time with my Daughter, we would walk a lot. Take the bus a lot. BecaUSe some muh fuckin sorry ass body stole ah broke ass niggah's car! And shit! Ah niggah's pockets were low as fuck as always! Which meant! In thah present! Yo ass out muh fuckin ass, gots tah figure some shit thah fuck Out! 

"Well what about your insurance?!"

It was ah '93 Buick Century! I'm talkin more than fifteen years subsequent tah vehicle's inception! Niggah's broke! Ain't got time nor for show no muh fuckin money for no damn expensive sorry ass full-coverage. For ah muh fuckin fifteen year old car!

So She and I had tah 

Make thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)


 I mean think about it?! It would be like reverse COVID and shit!

Puttin out subtle lil evil marketin schemes, "And it go ah lil some'in like this! Hit it!": 

"Oh, I can understand a 'virus' killing me! But my cellphone? Never?!"

'But, in your EULA for your cellphone it states...'

"Eula!? Who the fuck is Eula! Fuck her! Taking my shit away!? Is not going to happen!"...


Thah shit would muh fuckin work on


Kindah fuckin shit?!

(Peace! More to come...)


 If these evil degenerate elite were smart? Them evil muh fuckahs should blame all these vaccination injuries on:

Cellphone USage and Electromagnetic Fields!

"American people! It even suggest safe USage of a cellphone listed in black and white in your

Agreed EULA. We have done our due diligence." Them cellphone muh fuckahs would say. And they would be correct! But like thah muh fuckin tobacco industry! I got yo ass hooked! Yo ass gonnah keep USin that muh fuckin cellphone! Anyway...

Then pivot on that shit! Thah cellphone/emf shit is takin thah hit for all of these vaccine injuries and shit! 

US relaxes! And keep takin boosters, flu shots... dyin; because of all US's maladies that are happenin tah US is because of this electronic super drug called, a cellphone!

And maybe, jUSt maybe, three percent would stop USage of all electronics! The othah ninety-seven percent will keep takin their suggested shots!

While droppin like flies!

Because of thah muh fuckin EMFs!


From this vaccine ill ass muh fuckin evil shit!

And it would muh fuckin work on


(Peace! More to come...)

US EMF's Current StatUS

Oh, those Eastside Muh FuckUS? 

Uh...No! Anyway... 

Sometimes my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gots tah jUSt stop! And regain my muh fuckin thoughts! God damn!

Think about all of thah information US is takin in on ah muh fuckin regulah?

We ain't gonnah even get intah thah EMF exposure that's tearin US's physical bodies thah fuck up!

I mean yah read thah EULA on these ubiquitoUS cellphones and find out that

US are not supposed tah have that

Cellphone shit within 12 inches of US's person!

"Twelve inches from your body? Well? We obvioUSly don't do that! So what then?!"



Along with this vaccine bullshit!

US findin thah fuck out right thah fuck 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 2, 2024

'You Made A Way - The United House of of prayer band style - B Fish" III

 Talkin bout gettin an ol Black sorry broke muh fuckah feelin thah fuck


Talkin bout ah muh fuckin anesthetization agent from this goin tah fucked up US bullshit!

my muh fuckin sorry ass old hip ain't feelin shit!

I'm swayin with my old Black ass!

Sing that shit niggah!!!


Fuck it!

Bad ass muh fuckin 





US is gonnah be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Oh! Them evil Degenerate elite Do Be Munching On US!

 Don't take the fakes!

For Our Father's


Pancakes aren't cuttin it no more,

And no time to

Bake a possible







(Peace! More to come...)

"Mo'Nique Calls Oprah , Tyler Perry "Coon Muthafuckers In Fiery Rant - VIBE"


Coonin sorry ass muh fuckahs!

But shit 'Nique! Give an old Black sorry broke ass niggah ah heads-up and shit!

Anothah mouthful of beer,

Fuckin spat!

Fuckin wasted!


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Reverend" Jesse Lee Peterson

 Thee Holy fuck!

Accordin tah The Holy Bible,

Ain't no muh fuckah supposed tah be revered! Yo ass ain't shit but anothah one of US muh fuckah! Anyway!...



When thah muh fuckah talks! Sounds like he got too many evil elite testicles in his mouth and shit at thah same muh fuckin time!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

This muh fuckah is ah dumb ass muh fuckin


And got muh fuckUS listenin and watchin 'im on ah muh fuckin regulah!

Thah Holy fuck!?

my old Black sorry broke ass guarantees,

His sorry nigger ass writes his signature with ah muh fuckin proper dumbass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Britney Spears Exits Chateau Marmont After Ambulance Called To Hotel - ET"

Kindah fuckin shit!

If US undahstand about thah muh fuckin Chateau in question!? Shit!

 God damn!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs were sexually abusin thah Holy fuck out of that young lady in that nasty ass muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

How Can I Help You Today?!

 US knows how when US sorry broke assUS comes across an ill ass muh fuckah! And thah muh fuckah don't even have tah open his/her mouth!

But when them ill ass muh fuckUS do?!

God damn!

my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass was deadass 


God damnit!

And how thah fuck am I gonnah get yo sorry ill ass out this muh fuckah


(Peace! More to come...)

I Thought my Old Sorry Black Broke Ass Was In The US?!

 Have US noticed in thah muh fuckin national and muh fuckin local news, all them muh fuckahs reportin on is othah muh fuckin sorry ass 

Countries and shit!?

Fuck an Israel!

Fuck ah Palestine!

Fuck ah muh fuckin Ukraine!...and whatevah thah Holy fuck! And

Don't say dick about 


Save for all these paid for Psyop sorry ass muh fuckin 

US murders, protests, assaults...!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

What Thee Holy fuck is wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Chinese -Mexican Chilaquiles

 Okay. Take whatevah Take-out Chinese

Hot and Sour soup you want.

Shit! Back in thah day in 


It USed tah be

"Forbidden City"! Them muh fuckahs had some hellafied  Hot and Sour soup! Anyway...

I've noticed these modern Chinese joint muh fuckahs skimpin on thah muh fuckin ingredients and shit! Yet! Chargin more for thah shit! No wood ear fungus. No bamboo shoots. No fried standard Chinese soup wontons!?...Anyway...

US got this place called, "China Wok-Greenwood"! Coworker been ravin bout thah shit! Okay.

I measure ah US Chinese restaurant by their Hot and Sour soup! 

And if that muh fuckin righteoUS soup is good!?

Shit, Niggresses and Niggas!

Whatevah thah fuck yo broke non-Chinese muh fuckin Black ass ordahs!

That shit was carried ovah from


Now them muh fuckahs don't give fried wontons out tah put in thah muh fuckin delicioUS soup?...

Take some of your favorite corn tortillas and crush thah shit up lightly in that hot, Hot and Sour soup!


And fuck thah muh fuckin egg!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

It Is! What The Fuck It Humanly Is! God Damn!




Races across the trillionth


Spaces of time and

Chance, a Bipolar,




US are all here to the endless folly to US's chosen


(Peace! More to come...)