Saturday, May 11, 2024

"Wendy's" Less Than 'Chicken' Nuggets?

 Shit! I thought somethin was wrong with them muh fuckahs!

I USed tah eat there three times a week for lunch. You know, right next door to the job and shit! And ah muh fuckin $5 deal! Anyway...

They give yo sorry ass four nuggets with the meal deal. Well, last week I was bitin intah one of those muh fuckahs and I was like, this shit taste fake as fuck! I finally decided aftah I don't know how many I've eaten over this past year or so? And thah inside didn't look like no damn "only White meat chicken". Fuck no! Shit looked like ah sponge and shit! Spit thah shit out and didn't eat thah othah three. 

Went home after work and looked thah shit up!

Oh, them sorry ass muh fuckahs use "only White meat chicken"! But US broke assUS only gettin 37% of that white meat chicken in every muh fuckin sorry ass chicken nugget!

"Well. What else are they putting in their nuggets?"

Good question. Emulsifiers are thah big thing. Then some breadin, fat, spices and othah shit!

But with less than half of those nuggets havin real meat!?


I started throwin them bitches away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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