Sunday, May 26, 2024

The US evil Worthless "V"-Cards! Unless...II

 "Well!? Old Black broke ass muh fuckah speak on it then?!"

And I most certainly shall! Thank you!

US global evil elite are 

US Johns'!

They can't get no pussy on their muh fuckin own!



Like science and technology! They whore out for thah shit because they can't even fry an egg!

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs don't know thah shit!

They pay muh fuckahs tah research, write...shit for 'em!

Always out in front, wantin tah be seen as an evil savior and shit!

Get caught up in some shit because they haven't studied shit!

All of 'em!

Gates talkin that shit about whatevah thah fuck he's talkin bout!

evil fucker! Yo sorry ass ain't got ah degree in shit!

This technical shit yo sorry ass spittin, yo dumb ass eithah readin ah teleprompter, or bein fed some auditory shit through an invisible earpiece! And yo evil ass still don't know shit!

Research thah muh fuckin US

R&D industry!

US companies, sorry evil elite muh fuckahs...

Ain't came up with dick!

They 've paid for dick!


They've paid for


Whatevah 's clevah!?

Kindah fuckin US sorry ass shit?!

So fuckin tired of this evil propagandized sorry ass agenda!

Ovah this ill ass muh fuckin shit! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

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