Saturday, May 25, 2024

"63 Year old Bishop Marries 19-Year-Old Congregant - CNN"

 It's called 


You dumb evil minions!


Thah muh fuckin modern day 

Church ain't shit!

Cause, where thah fuck are all these othah

"Members of The Cloth"! Speakin about this ill ass shit!?

Just like Law Enforcement Officials, the Men in Blue and shit bein thah muh fuckin cult of evil silence!

"Et tu Brute?"

Damn fuckin skippy!

Not even ah muh fuckin 

Whisper about this ill ass pedophile groomin shit from othah bishops, preachers, reverends...!



Oh, he took her innocence way before thah muh fuckin age of majority at

Eighteen! Guaran-fuckin-teed! Anyway...

US jUSt still keeps on muh fuckin talkin about this US evil ill ass shit!

While US! Is goin up in demonic flames God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit!

What thah Holy fuck is wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

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