Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Little Daily Anecdote

 I was talkin tah this seventy-four-year-old patient today. We were chit-chattin and shit. Then he got serious and said,

"Listen man. I'll tell you this. And this is the truth. For seventy years I didn't eat one bite of pork nothing."

'Come on now Mister Blacke? You telling me? For seventy years? Not even a slice of delicious bacon?'

He started laughin at that. He calmed.

"But no listen to me? For seventy-years I believed in what I believed. I didn't eat pork, my children still don't eat pork. But, what I'm trying to say is this. I didn't know I was eating pork in certain instances. Let's say on thanksgiving. Greens are made with smoked turkey. Fresh green beans the same way. But, that's the way I make them. So when I tasted a smoky taste in other peoples' greens and green beans, I just thought it was smoked turkey. Not pork."

'Yeah. I can see that.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

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