Friday, May 3, 2024

US Grown Ass Lives On The Fly

 Durin my visitation time with my Daughter, we would walk a lot. Take the bus a lot. BecaUSe some muh fuckin sorry ass body stole ah broke ass niggah's car! And shit! Ah niggah's pockets were low as fuck as always! Which meant! In thah present! Yo ass out muh fuckin ass, gots tah figure some shit thah fuck Out! 

"Well what about your insurance?!"

It was ah '93 Buick Century! I'm talkin more than fifteen years subsequent tah vehicle's inception! Niggah's broke! Ain't got time nor for show no muh fuckin money for no damn expensive sorry ass full-coverage. For ah muh fuckin fifteen year old car!

So She and I had tah 

Make thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

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