Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Old Age! Ain't No Fuckin Punk!

"Well why don't you go to see a doctor?!"

Thah fuck they gonnah do? Write me ah muh fuckin prescription and send me on my old dyin muh fuckin way?!

Fuck that noise!

 Thee Holy fuck!

But, my right old ass hip be hurtin like ah muh fuckah!

Goin down tah my knee and shit!

Limpin noticeably like ah muh fuckah!

Workin! Tryin tah keep right up right!

Ain't fuckin workin!

So thah gimp limp gots tah start


Fuck it!

my Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass is 


"Again! Why don't you just go to the doctor?!"

Shut thah fuck up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"2-year-old Arizona boy dies after bounce house goes airborne in strong gust of wind - NBC News"

 Yah see my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

I don't know who writes these fucked up headlines?!

But jUSt readin thah shit!

"Dies" left my mind!

But '...bounce house goes airborne in strong gust of wind.' made me laugh!

Don't give ah fuck!

Don't blame my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass! I majored in Radio/Television!

I mean! Fuck!

Get bettah muh fuckin editors! 

God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Conditioned To: Die?

 I listened while this patient talked today. She was telling me about her stroke. She conveying to me, she knew it was from stress. She's in her early 70's. Then she said, 

"You know? You know you're going to die. But give me a little bit longer Lord! You know?"

'I understand Sis!"


(Peace! More to come....)

The Internet Lottery. Is Just Like The State Lottery.

 One of 

US shall always click that ass!

I mean, they reportin close tah

8 billion muh fuckahs 



And my broke Black ass done got

Two muh fuckin 


God damnit!

In one fucking day!


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come....)

My Name Is: WHO! BitchUS!

 US bettah start recognizin this future

Global/New World Order!


Funkier than muh fuckin




"Who thah fuck is WHO?! And 'Who' gives a fuck!"

Shit Sonshines!

I undahstand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fucking US Truthers?

 I read or watch muh fuckUS as long as those muh fuckUS don't start mockin some of


I'm tellin yah

Truthers are some of thah worst!

And don't realize that shit!

There is not one muh fuckin so called



That came out of their mommas Holiest of Holies, talkin some baby,

"Whan-whan! Whan-whan-whan-whan! Whan?"

But according tah them fuckin "Truthers", in their Truther Baby talk means,

"I've been knowin this ill shit! Before I was born muh fuckUS! Yah heard may?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Greg Reese/Reese Report"

 I take notes and shit off this solid muh fuckUS shit!

Check thah shit out!

All thah muh fuckin shit he's spittin,

Fuckin out there!

Live and in Black and White for anyone tah witness!

I started watchin his shit! And I was like! Naw I ain't heard or read that shit! Then my ol sorry Black broke ass started takin notes and researchin his shit!



This priceless shit is out there!


God damn!

Do US know how many thumb drives of information I done downloaded because of some excellent Reese introductions?!

And shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs bout tah censor thah Holy shit out of this

Internet shit!

Get thah muh fuckin truth while


Can my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

By any means necessary! And save and print every muh fuckin piece of US truthful shit that US possibly can God damnit!

Before thah 


News truth, turns evilly, pathetically


Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

George Green

 I was watchin an interview with this muh fuckah!

He stated, "Yeah! I was talking to Ted Kennedy. And it so happened my daughter walked into the room. Ted looked at her and said, 'I want your daughter.' I said to him that no Ted, she's only 14. And Ted says, 'I don't care."..." 

Bout died laughin! Yeah! That's them sorry evil bitches!

And Ted was still 

Alive aftah that shit?!


Kindah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NumeroUS Cubes

 But shit!

It's time tah reach 


And start pullin those dusty muh fuckUS off of the






(Peace! More to come...)

Got Chah!!!!!!

 This life is like 3D and shit!

my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass is ah muh fuckin

Drone, in semi-stealth mode and shit!

Hooverin around this fucked up 

US shit from all angles!

Fuck it! Whatchah got?...


(Peace! More to come..)

Monday, April 29, 2024


 Thee Holy fuck!

Just say, "No!" muh fuckUS! Fuck that shit! Talkin bout ah muh fuckin prison!? And where thah fuck yo sorry broke ass gonnah go?! Talkin bout limited livin conditions and shit!?

Don't fuckin fall for that "Willy Wonka" rainbows, sweetness, wonderful... muh fuckin foolishness!




Were born above!

US shall live


And fuck it!

US shall die



US don't know what thah fuck is down in that dark nasty ass muh fuckah! 

And it definitely ain't gonnah be no muh fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

In Our Own Image?! Now, that's fucked up! IV

 And can yah think of thah life for them evil elite children down in them fallout bunkahs with them nasty ass evil muh fuckahs?! Or thah muh fuckin US taken from above now undahground 


Like muh fuckin "The Cure - Lullaby",

"The spiderman is having me for dinner tonight"!


Every muh fuckin night!

Ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all for



(Peace! More to come...)

A Major Prick

 Thah US conversation USed tah go like this and shit:

"Yeah man! That niggah died! I heard he was sick and shit for a while. But shit? You know how this life go"


"Yeah man! That niggah died! Suddenly! Niggah was only thirty-three and shit!? They don't know what thah fuck!?"...

Don't take another shot of



my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Just ah suggestion.

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

In Our Own Image?! Now, that's fucked up! III

 Them Super-silly-"Willy Wonka" muh fuckahs wannah try tah play hard ball and shit!

And guess what!?

You see that shit comin out like, "Fallout", "Leave The World Behind"...?! Yeah! That kind of cataclysmic evil predictive programmin bullshit!

But shit! 

US still kickin rocks!

"Andy still walkin with Opie" and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

This ain't no muh fuckin "Mayberry" muh fuckUS!



This here be about




Got evil elite muh fuckahs that want tah fuck


And if US don't wantah get by this ultimate evil ass butt fuck with no muh fuckin US lube!


Just sayin thah fuck



Ain't gonnah be good 

Enough for them evil degenerate sorry ass muh fuckahs?!

If US knows what I mean?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jergens - Original Scent - Cherry Almond - Dry Skin Moisturizer"

 Will take yo ol Black sorry broke assUS


And smells beautifully fuckin

Historic and shit!

RighteoUS even!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Old Ass Ennui

 I nevah really noticed thah shit before my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS until now!

Shit! These fuckin patterns every God damned day gettin on ah niggah's last nerve!

Get up 6am! Iron cloths. Make breakfast for US. Hopefully around 6:55am I'm doin thah doo. Take a shower; shave head, private parts, underarms while showerin. Turn shower off. Baby oil applied full body. Towel off. Blow nose with toilet paper. Throw refuse away. Get two more toilet paper sheets, twist then shove one end in one nostril, then flip, then shove in othah nostril. Check? Cool....

(Peace! More to come...)

Genesis 4:14 KJV

 Thee Holy fuck!

Who thah Holy fuck is

"...every one..."?!

(Peace! More to come...)

In Our Own Image?! Now, that's fucked up! II

US broke assUS are 

Our Father's Beautiful Ones!

The meek! US broke assUS!

Shit! Give me two good lookin rich evil muh fuckahs and shit?! Shit! Just fuckin two!? 

I mean these ugly evil elite muh fuckahs soon are goin tah hightail it undahground and shit!

Tah save their ugly, fuckin busted, nasty ass...various


And all them muh fuckahs

Ugly as fuck!

So them evil muh fuckahs


US tah muh fuckin all bein

Fucked up lookin, subsequent six years post fallout and shit!?

Cause those bloodlines you nasty ass muh fuckahs savin for thah fucked up US future,

Gots some very muh fuckin


Genetics up those shits!

Evil elite muh fuckahs bein





But shit!

Playin God is ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An 'X' Rated US/Global Depopulation Agenda

 Them evil muh fuckahs throwin all types of ill ass shit toward US sorry broke assUS!

God damn!

Thah hits jUSt keep on muh fuckin comin!

Disease X?

Kindah fuckin shit!

Sounds like most of 

US are gonnah be

'X' d thah fuck


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 28, 2024

US Shall Rise!

 Thah fuck!

It's gonnah go 





But shit!

Ain't no thang!

US shall always come


(Peace! More to come...)

US Bipolar Disorder: Eventually Cured by Eliminating The evil Degenerate elite.

 I don't know what thah fuck is wrong with 


But it's ah beautiful muh fuckin thang!

Shit! US has always swung 

One way or 

Anothah maniacally mentally becaUSe of those sorry ass muh fuckahs! 

Throughout US History!

No mattah what thah fuck them evil nasty sorry ass muh fuckahs do or have done tah 





Figure their ill evil shit out!

Then, woe be untah them sorry ass worthless pieces of evil dogshit nasty muh fuckahs!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Holywood Modern SS

 Sydney Sweeney?

Naw! Thah bitch can't act!




She's busted! Got some fucked up weird shit goin on with those muh fuckin peepers! Eyes too close togethah or some shit? Ah slight  muh fuckin lazy eye?...Anyway. She ain't cute!

These evil elite only pumpin that ugly ass muh fuckah up becaUSe all thah US young Men and deviant US older Men!

Ain't lookin at thah muh fuckin face, smile...



US males with US sorry assUS only lookin at those 



Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Soup n' Fresh has no affiliation whatsoever with Souplantation"

 Readin some headlines and shit! Bam!

Clicked on thah shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

Who thah fuck these muh fuckahs thinkin they writin to and shit?! In thah muh fuckin same buildin coincidentally?!

Same restaurant model:

All you can eat, soups, salads...same 'cute' bowls and shit, same layout and shit...!

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

"American Satan - 2017"

 Shit was 

Fascinatin and

Funny as fuck tah my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Predictive programmin at its finest?!



(Peace! More to come...)

In Our Own Image?! Now, that's fucked up!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Why in thah fuck!?

Are all of these evil degenerate muh fuckahs that want this evil depopulation


Ugly as fuck!?

I mean busted and shit!

Y'all evil degenerates do undahstand this 

Reset shit gonnah


Very ugly evil sorry ass muh fuckahs and shit?!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs do!?

Kindah fuckin shit!

No wondah why ninety-six percent of 


Are Shit,

Unattractive as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 26, 2024

"Blink Twice" 23August2024

 I shall be in 



Predictive programming at its finest!

Some truth shit comin out about these sorry ass nasty muh fuckin

"Bills" (Billionaires)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Basic Living Conditions

 Thee Holy fuck!

US muh fuckUS that know thah fuck bettah always pointin at othah muh fuckUS!

Fuck them othah muh fuckUS! 

US RighteoUS knows bettah!

God damnit!

All US have tah do!

Is tah keep doin thah 

Right muh fuckin




Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Is Real?!

 That's thah way muh fuckahs in mainstream media say thah shit,


And my ol Black broke ass be like,

'Ain't it?!'

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US JOB Holy Bible Family

 That's muh fuckin 


Lineage of the meek!

The laborers!

The RighteoUS!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US knows how US scroll through thah headlines and shit on yahoo, CNBC, Microsoft Start page...Thee Holy fuck! Noticed thah shit! Clicked on thah shit!

Opened thah muh fuckin shit up!


Talkin about ah muh fuckin rare condition and shit! Then why thah fuck y'all got thah shit on ah platform's homepage and shit?! Unless thah shit ain't gonnah be too fuckin rare no muh fuckin more?! Anyway...

Dealin with US's immune system and shit! Creatin too many white blood cells and shit, attackin some shit!

But what shit?!

Vaccine related injury shit


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

WatchOutD'ereNow?! With Yo, Now, Old Ass!

 And undahstand some shit my Dear Younger SistUS and BrothUS!

Yo ass get old like my Black sorry broke ass be?!

Check them farts cooless' and coolers'!

Not like when US's were young and shit!

US old bodies metabolizin some shit show thah fuck


Let go of one of those



One old ass muh fuckah shall get


Wetly, funky...soiled thah fuck


With US's sorry broke muh fuckin old 

Pitiful assUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Appreciate US's Muh Fuckin Coworkers! III

 Cause that's some bullshit!

If one looks for 


One doth do what one does in adverse 'honest' of



So shit!

Fuck ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Appreciate US's Muh Fuckin Coworkers! II

 That's US's tertiary 

Family whether US likes it or not!

Don't give ah fuck!

Bring them muh fuckUS some donuts every once and awhile and shit!

"Well! What about them? Don't they have to reciprocate?!"

Kindah fuckin shit!?



(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

Appreciate US's Muh Fuckin Coworkers!

 Thee Holy fuck!

And it don't take muh fuckin much! Maybe ten tah fifteen dollahs ah week some shit?!

Bring some shit in on a certain day of thah muh fuckin week!?


US's JOB Family be lookin forward tah that lil

Appreciation of their...

Kindness tah

US's sorry broke assUS!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Beautiful US

 I'm like an innocent child who looks upon thah Blue sky,


And fucking

Marvels ah tick


Two at 




(Peace! More to come...)

Writing Human Historical Facts. In Real Human Time!

 No matter what goes down my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

What US have written!

Shall become 


So let it be written!

So let it be done!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important - Business Insider"

 Did US witness thah muh fuckah of thah article of note?!


All that shit goin on and shit with those fucked up tattoos and body modifications and shit?!

Come ohn naw?!

Yo ass really thinks ah reputable company, like US, gonnah hire that fucked up lookin sorry muh fuckin Human chosen ass fucked up shit?! Yo fucked up tattoos, body modifications, piercings...ass muh fuckah has nevah! Wanted tah conform tah this here 



And yo weird ass, fucked up lookin ass is talkin bout ah muh fuckin


No Sonshine! Bias is when ah muh fuckah, all things bein equal, oppressUS anothah muh fuckah that was born with some shit!

Chosen Human: Tatoos, body modifications...don't fit that 


Innate type of 


Human shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!

Just tired of this ill ass US bullshit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Some Coworkers Are Petty as Fuck!

 Aftah yah work with US muh fuckUS for awhile yah start slowly undahstandin some broke ass US stupid shit!

Believe it or not Sonshines!

Some of US muh fuckUS wants tah be thah 

Top of thah ill ass

Slave sorry ass nonsensical

A plus



Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

After the Fit Hits The Fuh Muckin Shan!

 US don't undahstand thah devastation that is gonnah occur 


When them evil degenerates turn thah muh fuckin



Aftah six days turn thah shit back on!

"Now! BitchUS! Ready for that RFID yet?!

No!? Shut this US bitch down again! Them broke muh fuckUS ain't ready




Be muh fuckin


Like this 




And hot as fuck!

Ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck



US 'll still be muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Royal Housekeepers?! Is That Fucking Proper?! II

 And wouldn't US have tah believe that every muh fuckin Butler, Maid, Groundskeeper, Cook...

Shall sign a non-disclosure agreement upon muh fuckin


Cause them muh fuckahs gonnah hear, see, witness...some nasty ass fucked up shit there! In thah muh fuckin 'Royal Palace' and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Why Are US Always Defending Other Grown Ass Muh FuckUS' Ill Ass Chosen Shit?!

 US knows how when you listen tah ah podcast or watch ah vlog for ah time. Then aftah awhile thah muh fuckUS comin out of thah blue with ah muh fuckin story and says some fucked up shit like, 

"Why do so many people want to kill the Jews?! I don't get it?"


So I quit listenin and quit watchin a lot of muh fuckUS!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

US are grown ass muh fuckUS!

Supposedly free and shit!

If muh fuckUS need rah-rah advocates for their sorry grown muh fuckin assUS and shit!


Their assUS ain't worth shit in thah first muh fuckin place!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Anally evilly Speaking

 Lookin at their evil anal doctrine!

And yes!

Them ill foul ass muh fuckahs still fuckin spewin


(Peace! More to come...)

So, It Is Written! Amen!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS wannah shy away from thah muh fuckin obvioUS and shit!


Fuck that shit!

my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass too old for that tap dancin shit! My feet be muh fuckin hurtin!

This evil degenerate ill shit is goin thah fuck down!


Take ah muh fuckin deep breath


And US 




Our Father's speed....

(Peace! More to come...)


 Shit! Forgot! Got caught up in ah thought! Sorry! Will work on that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is...An US Awakening! III


US spends more time with work folks!

Than immediate family folks?!

And US don't want tah get along with US work folks?!

Folks US spends eight to ten hours ah muh fuckin day for four tah seven days ah muh fuckin work week! Whatevah's clevah?!

Get home! Maybe spend three tah fours hours tops with thah family folks!?


US still don't wannah get along with muh fuckUS on thah muh fuckin US Family




Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is...An US Awakening! II

 Yah see my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!? That's what this old ass age will do tah an old broke Black ass sorry muh fuckah! Start writin some shit, "Zippity-doo-dah! Zippity-day!" Then my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass starts veerin off course and shit from thah muh fuckin original thought!

Now my ass done picked back up on thah shit!...Shit...


US sees what I mean!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Royal Housekeepers?! Is That Fucking Proper?!

 Yah know why them evil sorry ass degenerates got so much help at thah fuck home and shit?!

Cause them sorry filthy ass muh fuckahs are muh fuckin


When that sorry filthy ass don't even wants tah clean-up aftah one's evil pathetic self!? I mean think about it?! Ah whole hell of a lot of those nasty-filthy creatures shittin in their drawls and shit! Puttin that foul shit in thah muh fuckin clothes hampah for ah paid housekeepah tah clean!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Y'alls evil elite asses are straight up, no-frills... fuckin nasty!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is...An US Awakening!

 Fuck that noise!

Yah heard may my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

Drama on thah muh fuckin J-O-B!

Don't US undahstand yet?!

Like JOB in thah Holy Bible

And shit!

US assUS shall get beat thah fuck


Then shit!

Hopefully US sorry broke assUS



(Peace! More to come...)

Pounds per Human Square Inch (PHSI)

 Thee Holy fuck!

Reactin tah some known shit is muh fuckin


Gots tah take it tah them evil worthless pieces of shit!

Mommy, Daddy and my Brother Chauncey USed tah tell me all of the time, 

"If somebody puts pressure on you Meredith. You have to give that pressure back and then some."

Them evil degenerates undahstand "Fear" so much?!

Well, fuck it!

Yah got US yah evil ass muh fuckin sorry muh fuckahs!

But it's time tah get some shit muderoUSly applied!

And then some!...

(Peace! More to come...)

For Absolute US evil Control! II

 I don't trust history based on thah shit I've been researchin and shit! 

Fucked up! For real! Anyway...


That's the first thing thah muh fuckin evil conquerin country did away with!



And lookee US here!

Them evil degenerates doin thah same muh fuckin thing

Here in


But shit! Can't blame them slothful nasty evil muh fuckahs at thah fuck all!




That ill shit is expected from you nasty filthy muh fuckahs! Yah fuckin lazy! Quite muh fuckin nasty and quite muh fuckin ill!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US! After All of The evil elite Are Murdered!

 In a manner of true





Unleash a

RighteoUS proper Holiday


A respite from the years of the controlling evil

US's degenerate


And that day shall be every year heretofore,

December 06.

Thine edict righteoUSly


(Peace! More to come..)

For Absolute US evil Control!

 Why create technology?!

Then condition US tah trust thah shit!


Take it away?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 2004"

 RighteoUS muh fuckin shit there my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!

Do whatevah thah fuck yah want!

But US can't evah mess with

Our Father's

Beautifully created 



(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

I Was God Sent!?


Every single muh fuckin one of 



Our Father's 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

National Female Coach of The Year Is A Fucking Male?!

 Thah USBWA namin ah muh fuckin award aftah ah God damned muh fuckin sorry ass


'Geno Auriemma'!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Thah fuck wrong with



Y'all ain't said shit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

All US Political Shit Shall Be Ceased Forthwith! US Is On US's Own! (Nigh)

 Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs



Them sorry muh fuckahs don't care about 


Them evil stupid muh fuckahs always sayin,

"The American people!"


"We! The American people!"



US sorry muh fuckin broke assUS!


Them evil elite out of touch muh fuckahs gots tah be reeled thah fuck 




(Peace! More to come...)

US RighteoUS Cells

 They had their targets. Each cell very capable of any munitions. They were assigned targets in various regions in the US, their sectors.  

Placement and timing were very key elements! Put the explosive in a target zone too early, cause suspicion and ultimately, explosive failure! So timing was the key. Always timing....

(Peace! More to come...)

There's An evil Hell Storm In The Midst

 Muh fuckUS still like,

"Hi-Ho! Hi-Ho! It's off to work we go!..."


Aftah awhile Sonshines that work ain't gonnah mean fuckin dick!

CaUSe US 'll be workin hardah than fuck

Just tah stay thah fuck


But shit!

US shall be cool!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck You!

 Can't tell yah my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS of how many muh fuckin people I speak with on any muh fuckin workday? 

All kinds of different muh fuckUS! White, Black...and whatevah thah fuck! 

And I ain't braggin or no shit like that! Please believe me? But I know how tah listen tah muh fuckUS! I say very lil until I feel like the direction of thah conversation is starting to end. Then I give ah lil anecdote of my life tah thah othah muh fuckUS and conversation continues!

Muh fuckUS wannah talk about themselves all thah God damned time and shit!

I let 'em thah fuck talk!

Now, I give 'em ah bone every once in awhile! But once they start talkin again? Shit!

I'm all fuckin ears!

US are fascinatin muh fuckUS!

If US takes thah time tah

Shut thah fuck up!

And listen tah anothah one of US's

Beautiful muh fuckin kaleidoscopic individual

Stories of





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Aid?! Thee Holy Fuck!

95 Billion of US's dollahs!

Just gave thah shit tah Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine!

But US can't get no US student loans and US Fed taxes be forgiven and shit!?

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Thah fuck's wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 22, 2024

"Fallout - Amazon"

 Nigresses and NiggUS!

Predictive programming at its finest!

God damn!

Just tellin US sorry assUS what they gonnah do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Thing Can Stop US!






Yah hear may my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!


US will be jUSt fine Sonshines!


Them evil elite degenerate muh fuckahs?!

Now...shit...them evil nasty muh fuckahs in some US fuckin major muh fuckin


Tis evil time has come upon


And Bless 

Our Father!

It's about muh fuckin broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

"Minority Report - Philip K. Dick"

 Thah fuck it's comin down to!

Think shit!

Write shit!...

Well shit!

US assUS in ah heap load of


But...them evil muh fuckahs keep on fuckin children, drinkin blood/adrenochrome, murdering...

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Thee Holy fuck's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come....)

"I Don't Care Anymore - Phil Collins"

 RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!

Fuck it!

US is!







Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US RighteoUS Vessels

 That's all what US's


But shit!

US muh fuckUS done quit drinkin out of US's

Own muh fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

C. Difficile

 Oft times I'll be at work and ah start of ah short story or ah novel will come tah thah fore!

But shit! Bout time I get home!

That shit's gone with thah muh fuckin wet


(Peace! More to come...)

6-2? What You Waitin On Playah!? II

 I started thinkin about some shit!

God damnit!

That would bring this firmament to the year


Eight years aftah 

Agenda 2020,

Just three years aftah 

Agenda 2025 

And two years before 

Agenda 2030!


This niggah ain't gonnah see retirement muh fuckin dick!

Death or not!


God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

evil elite Degenerate 



(Peace! More to come...)

6-2? What You Waitin On Playah!?

 You know how many of US muh fuckUS I've talked to around my age of fifty-eight that can't wait for sixty-two tah roll around?!

Shit! A bunch of those muh fuckUS!

Includin me! God damnit!

Fuck these ill ass actin customers, patients...whatevah thah fuck!?

Fuck thah income!

Fuck this crazy ass traffic now!

Fuck that noise!

Just fuck it!

Can't wait tah sit my Black happy broke ass back!

Thah first muh fuckin day of 


God damnit!

That's when ah niggah starts his first true

Novel and shit!

Have time tah coordinate some shit!

CaUSe God damn!

Ah niggah show thah fuck writes bettah,

When an old broke ass niggah gots thah muh fuckin time tah muh fuckin

Coordinate some shit!

Can't wait!

Well...shit! That's if, Our Father allows ah broke ass niggah tah live until that retirement age shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 21, 2024

US Human Surviving Aggregate

 Thah best thing about this muh fuckah is that it's



That's if, muh fuckUS wants tah make it

Quantifiable and shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates sells home in Washington in fast deal - Fox Business" II

 Okay! Look at it like this?

The Space Needle is nothing more than ah muh fuckin

Electrical Antennae, locked intah thah lower

Human evil vibrations!

Set that muh fuckah in motion, along with thah nanoparticulate induced vaccinations?!

Hittin those IPs simultaneoUSly tah


Maybe ah Marburg virus like them RighteoUS muh fuckUS studied for US and shit?!...


US got US selves intah ah 




And it ain't gonnah be nothin nice!

Nothin nice at thah fuck all!...

(Peace! more to come....)

US Metal/Nutrient Deficiencies

 I was talkin tah my Niece about supplements and shit.

Well, she's startin tah gray!

Uppah forties and shit!

I suggests tah her,

'Copper. Two milligrams a day.'

"But if you take it Uncle Meredith? You have all kinds of gray hair. How is that helping me?"

'I understand. I drink! Everyday! You don't. Your absorption of the nutrient will be better than mine. But I still take it! I look at it like this. If I didn't take it! How white would my moustache and beard be then?'

"You're so silly, Uncle Meredith!"

'And I understand.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates sells home in Washington in fast deal - Fox Business"

 There's this guy I watch sometimes. Muh fuckUS think he's crazy and shit! But when yo sorry broke Black ass listens tah 'im, thah muh fuckah be on point on some shit!

Well, he got this shit on Youtube called, "Jewrassic Liars". I think thah muh fuckah's on like 26 some shit cause they keep deletin his shit! And he jUSt adds thah shit back with anothah numbah in thah procession! Anyway...

He talked about Elvis returnin and thah Space Needle and shit in Seattle! And did US see "Men In Black" and that CIA predictive programmin shit with that 'Roach' muh fuckah climbin up thah Space Needle and shit? Anyway...

I say all that tah say...

I think that, I agree with thah 'crazy' muh fuckah!

"Project Blue Beam - Serge Monast" shit is goin tah start in

Seattle, Washington!

Hence, the reason,

Luciferian nasty ass pedo Bill Gates done sold his muh fuckin shit so


(Peace! More to come...)

What The Fuck Are US Going To Do About This Ill US Fucked Up Shit?!

 The first muh fuckin step tah enlightenment is tah start,

'Researching the fucked up lies!'.

The next step tah enlightenment in this muh fuckah is tah muh fuckin accept,

'US has been lied to!'.

The third and critical muh fuckin next step tah enlightenment is tah start,

'Accepting of said, lies about this ill ass shit!'.

Aftah fuckin that?!


It's up tah 


What thah fuck 


Gonnah do about this fucked up

US evil ass shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil elite Degenerates Future Defense: AI!

Don't give ah fuck! That's y'alls nasty sorry ass muh fuckin asses in those muh fuckin fucked up videos! 

These evil degenerates payin for all of this propaganda about

AI and shit!


"Nothing is as it seems!" and shit!

Fuck them nasty muh fuckahs!

Them evil bastard cunts know!

Videos of them nasty muh fuckahs, fuckin Children, drinkin blood, eatin Human flesh...are about tah muh fuckin drop! Hard!

And what them evil nasty degenerates gonnah try tah pin it on?!

God damned skippy!

A-the-fuck-I !!!

Then them evil muh fuckahs gonnah pay "experts" of this AI shit tah swear in court,

"Yes, definitely manipulation of the video. Compositing for sure. Now look here. Do you see where the president's penis goes near the child's bum? There! You see that glitch? Definite compositing and corruption of the true video in question."

Kindah fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Kate Middleton health update: Princess of Wales' cancer recovery is 'going well' - Celebrity"


The Princess' clone is going through the finalization process. 

The Princess' clone has to go through Quality Assurance.

The Princess' clone shall be ready to view for the 



TFA (Time of Final Arrival): 


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

"'Are we there yet?' No!...' - Dan Bongino Ep. 2233"



US be


And I'm so muh fuckin grateful them evil degenerates don't know it


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The WondroUS World of Nature! And Today's Breakfast Was ObvioUSly Anti-Inflammatory!

 Well, I decided before I would have taken my morning supplements, to make a smoothie before ingestion. 

I put frozen blackberries, frozen raspberries, frozen blueberries, a cut up Cosmic Crisp apple, a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a half of a teaspoon of Taurine powder, two tablespoons of Beet Root powder in a blender. Added Almond Milk to my certain consistency preference. Drank half of thah shit! And saved thah othah half for around 1600 ingestion.


And some two hours later! The pain in my hip has abated!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ozempic", "Mounjaro"...

 Thee Holy fuck!

Sucking thah fucking 

Life out of

US and evil silly ass


Muh fuckUS!...

(Peace! More to come...)

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Defund thah muh fuckin police?!

Fuck that noise!

Defund these DARPA sorry ass Luciferian worthless pieces of shit! 

The Fed gives these bitches ovah

4 Billion a year for their evil bullshit!

Comin up with shit tah bettah muh fuckin



Ultimately tah make this firmamment intah


A Global World!

Kindah fuckin shit!

The fuck 's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 19, 2024

Just say, "No!". Or, Just say, "Fuck You!". Or Both Together...Is Totally US Acceptable.

 And when 


Decides tah start sayin 

"Yes!" tah any old sorry ass muh fuckin thing them evil degenerates ask

US tah do for



This shit ain't gonnah be nice! Nothin nice at thah fuck all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Michigan Roll - Tom Kakonis 1988"

 Another one of my top five! "Timothy Waverly Novels" are thah shit! Why thah fuck any of thah "Waverly" novels are not on the big or small screen baffles my Black broke ass! Read it about every three years or so.

Card-counting likeable character! Livin on thah muh fuckin 

Human edge!

Like most of 


And yeah,

Topical as shit!...

Our Father's speed

Mister Kakonis!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Flood - Andrew H. Vachss 1985"

 Another one of my top five novels evah! The novel that started me down this readin journey! Couldn't get enough of "Burke"! Bad muh fuckah! Never could understand why any of "Burke Novels" didn't wind up on the big screen? Or shit, the television?! Maybe his character, a character that despised people, mostly men, who hurt children?! And 'Burke' deled out his street justice accordingly. Was ah lil too close tah home with those Hollywood degenerates! Anyway...

Read this joint about every two years or so. Yeah, and still topical today with no cellphones, no AI, no Internet...written in that muh fuckah!...

Naw! Shit! "The Mole" may have been intah that electronic shit! Gonnah have tah refresh some shit! Anyway...

Our Father's speed 

Mister Vachss!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"New Vaccine Could Protect Against Any Strain of a Virus With One Shot - Futurism"

 I about pissed on my ol Black sorry broke ass, laughin so hard bout this shit!

Shit! Damn right about that shit!

One shot!

And US sorry muh fuckin assUS are


(Peace! More to come...)

HAARP Hit A UAE Wipeout Chord

 "Heaviest record rainfall... - AP"

Thee Holy fuck! 

And them Emiratis fallin for that pathetic

"Global Warming", "Climate Change"... muh fuckin bullshit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 18, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)


 Think of an elaborate maze to this here life? Cause US is witnessing what them evil muh fuckahs are all thah fuck about?!



Under the


Truth-telling life of

Our Father!

And ain't none of US righteoUS muh fuckUS done said,

"Y'all some filthy sorry ass muh fuckahs! That fuckin need to be murdered!"

Now shit!

An old niggah can get down with that righteoUS ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The evil elite: Bow To "Zod"! US: "Fuck You Sorry Ass evil Bitches!"

 Keep US in fear so them evil degenerate slothful sorry ass muh fuckahs can




They can't even control their sorry ass 


Cannibalistic...evil ass ill 



How thah Holy fuck that ill ass shit work?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth! Just A Little Weathered. But It Ain't No Thing!

 Follow the maladies of thah many bad

Melodies in 



Benefactory of ah fucked up

Treason US based

Fucked up sorry

Ill factories!

Headline stories in the mainstream




To melt the 



Muh fuckin


And looky there!

That muh fuckah kindah beat thah fuck up!

But that muh fuckah ain't lookin that muh fuckin bad aftah all this horrible muh fuckin time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Broken US Messages (23 Years Old, Kyle Koenig, Irish American) @ 1776

 "Lad listen to me! It may mean life and death to ye one day! Whenever ye get caught by anyone to the adversary! Play the confusion, headcase sheitz! It works every time! And you'll be guaranteed witnessing another one of Our Father's blessed Days!"...

US Photogenic Ill-Fated Landscape

 Muh fuckUS know!

Actin like they don't know and shit!

But shit!

God damn!

When this shit gets 


How thah Holy fuck yo sorry ass gonnah act 

Witnessin thah muh fuckin 



And in muh fuckin



God damnit!!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"We have been lied to! Hornswoggled Lead Astray!...Malcolm X" II

Thee Holy fuck!

The fucked up vaccinations!


Yah can't get away with that type of ill Human shit like that!

"But why?!"

Listen Sonshines?

BecaUSe for 

All of our sake!

Yo ass jUSt


Them evil muh fuckahs gots tah muh fuckin be


And it ain't no turnin thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

"We have been lied to! Hornswoggled Lead Astray!...Malcolm X"

 My old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass can suggests all thah fuck I want!

But shit! It is! What thah fuck! It is!

Talk tah muh fuckUS about this vaccination shit!

"Oh! I'm very current on all of my vaccinations! Especially all of my kids!"


When thah muh fuckin truth is 

Finally accepted by

US broke assUS!

The evil degenerate elite will not be able to find their holes/shelters fast enough!

And an old broke Black ass niggah can't wait tah  soon

Witness that

RighteoUS shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Little Tick In US Time

 Partiality brings evil

Numerology to the



Lore long

Forgotten before


Symmetry in time


Scores of 

Unmarked off 










(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck All?! Is Properly, British Gutter?!

Thah muh fuckin shit is funny tah my old Black broke ass!

God damn! 

I be watchin these British joints and shit!

Them muh fuckahs say that shit!

"Fuck all!" Is that what that muh fuckin British muh fuckah said?! Looked thah shit up?! Fuck yes! That's what that muh fuckah said! And I instantly loved thah muh fuckin phrase! Anyway....

Be havin my old Black sorry broke ass rollin!

Then tah have ah niggah British muh fuckah sayin thah shit!?

Takes it tah ah whole nothah 

Level of muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sharky's Machine - William Diehl 1978"

 One of my top five novels evah! And read thah muh fuckin dialogue between Dominoe and Sharky in the check out line at the grocery store, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS? Fuckin priceless to me. 

Then Burt Reynolds turned around and directed thah Hollywood version in 1981. And did ah muh fuckin outstandin directiorial/acting job! Shit! Burt Reynolds was underrated! Look at some of thah shit he was involved in cinema? He felt ah pulse tah this Human shit some sort of way. Anyway...

I used to read the book two, three times a year. Now, I only read it about every three years or so!

No AI! No cellphones! No Internet!...

And this joint still reads

Topically as fuck!

Our Father's speed

Mister Reynolds!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US "Fed"eral Government!

 The US 



Nevah noodled thah shit like that before?

God damn.

Which surely means aftah deduction: 

US broke AssUS

Are show thah fuck,

The muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US! Don't Make No God Damned Fuck Bit of Sense At The Fuck All!

 US sorry ass Luciferian Fed wonderin whethah they should

Loan US's money tah these sorry ass countries and shit!?

Or give US's money away...

Free tah these sorry ass muh fuckin countries: Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan... and shit!?

And them evil sorry ass Fed degenerates decide tah

Give it thah fuck away!

With no remittance attached and shit!

But my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gets hounded about forty-eight grand in Student Loans and shit! Oh, and I best not miss ah payment on my back US taxes!...

Kindah fuckin shit!?

And US Americans blatherin about bailin out 

US student loan muh fuckUS!

But all "Rah-Rah" about givin hundreds of billions of US's taxpaying dollahs tah

Non-US and tah

Non-US-taxpaying-foreign muh fuckahs!?...

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with



Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

US Broke Muh Fuckin USed Pitiful AssUS



Token has been




(Peace! More to come...)

A Beautiful Nut Mixture II

 ...Nut Mixture! Yah see my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS that's what happens with this old age shit! Anyway...

Jellybeans! Good Lawd! Anyway! 

Fuck ah jellybean!

They got these muh fuckin joints now called,

"Nerds Gummy Clusters"!

Eat one of those muh fuckahs along with three or four Spanish, Carolina...peanuts! Talkin bout ah muh fuckin historic treat!

But still!...

Fuck "Willy Wonka"!

But God damn! 

Them "Nerds" shits!

Have always been happenin with this broke ass muh fuckin


And I'm fifty-fuckin-eight years old! But good Lawd! I have always Loved candy! Fuck ah chocolate! I mean thah shits cool! But give my Black ass some "Now & Later", "Jolly Ranchers", "Sprees", "Sweet Tarts", "Blow-Pops", Any muh fuckin "Charms" sucker....


Fuck ah 


Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Beautiful Nut Mixture

 Tell yah what my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

'Membah when year around there were some type of regular Jellybean bein sold?! 

God damn! "Jelly Belly" will wear that muh fuckin broke ass pocket thah fuck 

Out! Anyway...

I'm talkin bout regulah old 'Brach's', store brand...muh fuckin average jellybeans! That most of US young muh fuckUS at thah time, avoided thah fuck out of thah licorice tastin, Black ones!...

Kindah fuckin shit?!

With US Black muh fuckin

Beautiful broke


(Peace! More to come...)

Factualization MANifestations

 Another space in time!

The sublime to rhyme the



Evil prime always up for Human


The horrible evil' US Fed


(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

It's The Sorry Ass Muh Fuckin US Minions Fault!

 'Membah that ill ass shit?

"Don't shoot the messenger!"




Shoot that sorry ass worthless muh fuckah!


Them evil elite degenerates have tah deal with


Without thah muh fuckin bullshit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fed Transparency?!

 Membah old Black pedo Obama talkin bout that phantom shit?!

I mean shit! Got muh fuckahs in thah fed givin US's hard earned Fed tax dollahs..,

Tah othah muh fuckahs!


In this muh fuckin




Ah muh fuckin 


Ah muh fuckin hundred million dollah gift!?


Ah non-US-citizen!

And ah non-US-country!?

And these same Fed sorry degenerate muh fuckahs demandin twenty-four hundred in 2023 back taxes from my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!? And I bettah thah fuck pay! Yet, they givin thah shit away tah multiple foreign entities!

Fuck Israel!

Fuck Palestine!

And Thah fuck, "Yes!"!

Fuck thah sorry ass dark arts muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit?!

Thah Holy fuck 's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Well? Would You Look At That!?

 my Wife has my 

Mother's lineaments!

Though Mommy 's deceased I am writing in the present for comparison's sake. Anyway...

They both have this standoffish face!

Kind of mean looking!...

But it's something special there?

Then they both smile this bright beatific smile!

God damn!

Now ain't that some shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Fed's UbiquitoUS Fucked Up Smiles

 Thee Holy fuck!

Can't stand when these sorry ass Satanist politicians smilin while talkin bout US's critical shit!

Thah fuck their sorry degenerate asses smilin thah fuck for?!

Kindah fuckin shit?!

Y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs havin that much fun

Fuckin ovah

US and shit!!!???...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Kindah Fuckin Shit!?

 I remembah my Aunt Nona! She looked white like all of thah rest of my Mother's Sisters! Anyway...

She lived in what is known, presently as,

"Blackburn Terrace"!

Shit! Don't let that soft pleasant word of 'Terrace' put yo sorry broke ass in thinkin of, lookin out ovah thah vineyards, the seas, oceans...and shit!



That muh fuckah was/is ah fuckin Black ass ghetto! 

And shit!...

My White passin Aunt 


Lived in that muh fuckin horrible muh fuckin


For many of 



(Peace! More to come...)

Vertical Has Become Linear And Declining Ever So Fast!

 "Yeah man! I can dig it! You ever heard of "Project Blue Beam" Serge Monast and shit? Fuckin cool Bro! Well what about the "Large Hadron Collider"? CERN evil mother fuckers?! Cool dude! What's your name? Meredith? Isn't that a girls' name Bro? Apparently not? I feel you. But listen? What about those wormholes Bro?!"

'Shit Bro. I'm sorry. I'm going to have to cut this shit short."...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

How The Fuck Does That Shit Work?!

 Thah window is show nuff closin on those evil elite degenerates'


Manmade evil ass


Them evil muh fuckahs are some sorry lazy muh fuckahs! Sloth! Doesn't even come close!

This firmament shit


Requires ah shitload of muh fuckin


Labor, which y'alls sorry shiftless nasty degenerates have ah 



Reaction to!


Yo! You sorry evil elite worthless muh fuckahs!

Y'all really want tah murder

88% of

US because of this 

Depopulation propagandized


For real!?


Good luck with that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Protest for What Countries? And Where Are We At?! II

 What thah Holy fuck are 

US's politicians for and shit!

I mean!

God damn!

Them sorry evil Fed degenerates fuckin this muh fuckah up


And thah fucked up muh fuckin dick about that ill ass shit is!

We still payin those sorry ass evil elite Luciferian degenerate muh fuckahs!

And ain't none of those sorry worthless pieces of shit!

Even thinkin about bein muh fuckin 



Kindah fuckin shit!?...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Islands - The xx"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass be dancin like "Mark Thackery" in 

"To Sir With Love" and shit!

Feelin that righteoUS


(Peace! More to come...)

"My Name Is K.I.M.! Cause I Keep It Movin"

 So what you do is feel ah muh fuckah out and shit!

Always questions!

Never ever


Fuck that!

For example,

'So what do you think of Outerspace?'

"Oh! You know I applied to NASA about three years ago! And I'm going to apply again!"

'I understand!'

And keep it thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

When This US Shit Gets Real II

 my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass will probably be at work and shit when thah ill shit goes down!

Fuck it!

"We're leaving! You're staying? Okay? Let me give you the alarm code."

'Seriously!? Fuck that shit! I gives ah fuck about an alarm muh fuckin code! Be safe! I'ts going to be fine.'...

(Peace! More to come...)

When This US Shit Gets Real

 If US's less than five miles from home? Park yo muh fuckin shit and walk


If US is at work, at the grocery store, at the hairdresser...more than five miles away from


Stay the fuck there for six muh fuckin hours




Time tah find our broke muh fuckin assUS back home!

Without that dramatic initial 

Human muh fuckin

Panic shit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is A Vast Loneliness In: Slowly Overstanding The Truth of US. II

 BecaUSe even before my ass was married! Way back in thah day! I'm thinkin, shit! If I'm still livin!? my ass needs tah undahstand some shit about this ill ass shit! CaUSe if my Black ass feelin like this?! All thah close muh fuckin calls I've been through!? Fuck it!

Let my Black ass find out about some shit!

I mean shit!

When I was ah Senior in high school.

 Done heard about "Butler University" and it's kind of fucked up racist shit!?

Let me apply there. See what happens?!

"We are sorry to inform you Meredith..." Denied!

The first time!


I gots tah do some shit God damnit!

And if this shit don't work?!

Fuck it! Them muh fuckahs are some really hard core racists!...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Is A Vast Loneliness In: Slowly Overstanding The Truth of US.

 It's lonely thinking differently than the multitude.

Real lonely.

"Well? You're married! What are you writing about?"

Shit ain't got shit tah do with bein physically, maritally...close and shit!



All of US have our individual truths! 

Even when married!

What is one going to do,

"I think like this damnit! You are my spouse! And we need to be equally yoked!"

NiggUS please! My wife would be like,

"Niggah listen! One! Back the fuck up! Two! You sounding a little nutsy-bobo!..." She has her muh fuckin righteoUS moments! Anyway...

And those individual truths, once 

US individuals' decide to

Astray from the multitude!


Loneliness becomes a 



And yes!

Even in marriage....

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hundreds trying to leave Key Biscayne stranded in their cars for hours. What happened? - Miami Herald"


I can tell US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

It's called ah lil 

PSY-OP on 

US muh fuckin


So when thah muh fuckin time comes! 

And them evil degenerates finally pull thah muh fuckin proverbial trigger!

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckUS extrapolating information on: 

How tah facilitate guiding 

US tah thah muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck A Fast Food And Fuck A Restaurant

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS wannah sit up here complainin about how much

"Fast Food" is now?!

Or complaining about restaurant prices,

"The expected tips are out of control"!...

Kindah fuckin shit!?

CaUSe does US

Witness my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!? 

Them muh fuckUS jUSt don't know how tah fuckin 


I ain't heard one of US cookin muh fuckUS talkin bout thah cost of eatin thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

What Kind of Sorry Ass Shit, That ill Shit About?!

 None of US have a right my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!





Muh fuckahs wannah kill ah muh fuckah because ah muh fuckah divorced them or broke up with 'em and shit!

God damn!

Thems some sorry ass muh fuckin worthless nothingness pieces of shit 



"I killed them because they tried to leave me! Don't you understand!?"...



Naw muh fuckUS!

Cause thah othah muh fuckUS dead!

That fucked up rationale makes no muh fuckin sense at thah fuck at all!

God damnit!

But shit! 

Them muh fuckUS did leave yo pathetic sorry muh fuckin ass! Cause yo sorry ass

Murdered them!

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 15, 2024

Protest for What Countries? And Where Are We At?!

Thah fuck 's wrong with US!?

God damn! 

Shit! Muh fuckin protestin in America and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Fuckin cowards!

If I was US Fed I'd go through thah muh fuckin crowds and get the word out,

"Your people need you in Palestine and in Israel! We will pay all of your one way flights to your Homelands! Because they need you, there!"

Talkin bout muh fuckahs stoppin thah chants and gettin back to US homes and US work in thah fuck


Bein absentee




Complainin bout some shit yo ass ain't goin thah fuck through!

So tired of that muh fuckin shit!

Go sit yo no count sorry ass muh fuckin ass down! 

Or bettah yet!

Go back thah fuck 


Muh fuckahs!

Want tah stay here? Then

Stop causin all this muh fuckin uncalled for




(Peace! More to come...)

To The High School Class of 2024

For thah past 


Fuckin years!

US parents

Woefully failed all of



Four years of...bullshit


Don't know what it means to YOU

But being one of those parents!



So very


We let 

YOU down!...

But now


Are Allowed to make 





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck It! III

 God damn!

Thah fuck wrong with 


Still runnin to thah muh fuckin doctah for any God damn thing?!

Bettah cut that shit thah fuck out!

Them muh fuckus tryin tah kill US right along with the evil degenerate elite!

Shit! They evah tell my ass I got stage III or IV Cancer,

The first thing I'd do is get ah good ass muh fuckin


Dewormer! Like

Fenbendazole and shit! I read some shit about it that sounds excellent just in these instances. Anyway....I'd

Take thah fuck out of that shit! For thirty fuckin days!

Drink beer all fuckin day!


And see how thah fuck this shit gonnah turn out!?

Thah Holy fuck at that point does ah niggah gots tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Le Roi Est Mort?!

 They got shit comin out of 

Russia claiming ol Britain's

King Dick Chuck/Charles done muh fuckin

Died and shit!

On 18Mar2024 or 666/3/66!

Now wouldn't that be ah stone cold

Hallelujah for

US sorry broke muh fuckin


God damn!

Our Father's workin on these evil degenerates!

Shit keep those prayers goin my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!



(Peace! More to come...) 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Or...What's The Fucking Point?!

 I remembah this one muh fuckah at Safeco like ah muh fuckah but I can't...Ben! That's it! Muh fuckah was always doin shrooms and shit! Didn't bother nobody and shit! Kindah hippy type of muh fuckah. Cooler than shit! Anyway...

I was talkin tah his ass while we were gettin high and shit! Some muh fuckUS don't know how tah chill with thah righteoUS weed shit!



Gottah start bringin up arrests, fights, disturbances...and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!


If yo ass wannah be in thah muh fuckin 



Yo muh fuckin ass gots tah 

Chill thah fuck


(Peace! More to come...)

Parkour IV

 "Here's what we need Jake..." She started.

'How the fuck do you know my name for fucks sakes!?' He said wincing at getting up. the blood on his right knee giving up some serious life.

"We know you. Jake. Listen. It's an easy gig. Pays one hundred thousand dollars for twenty minutes work. And possible future advancement in the US Federal Government! Now? What do you say about all of this, Jake?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

NiggUS! US Do Know That US's Are Grown Ass Muh FuckUS?!

 Thee Holy fuck!

US muh fuckUS will blame anothah muh fuckah for US's fucked up age of majority 

Chosen life in ah muh fuckin heartbeat!

Throw every muh fuckin 

God damned body

Undah thah muh fuckin 

Proverbial big ass muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Jelly Roll"

 Gonnah lose weight and shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Muh fuckah yo ass do know?!

Yo ass gonnah have tah change yo now slim ass tah

Churro or some shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

One Korean Dad And Korean Triplets

 Funniest shit evah! My Daughter hipped me tah some shit!

And those lil muh fuckahs loves tah eat!

God damned!

Watched those lil muh fuckahs suckin down those muh fuckin 


I'm like?!

This shit can't be muh fuckin real?!




(Peace! More to come...)

Always US Human 'Morrow!

 Muh fuckUS wannah sit up here and act like they don't know what thah fuck's happenin and shit!?

Kindah fuckin shit?! 

Go head with yo chosen ign'ant assUS!

But shit!

Thy end day shall come!

Then what!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck Did You Just Say Sis?!

 Muh fuckin female patient gonnah divulged tah me that she told her, 6'4"16 year old, son tah go upstairs and take his pants off, when he was in high school! Aftah he had been cattin! Comin in aftah hours and shit, when that muh fuckah's curfew was way past due, at 9:00pm!


"I sure did! I beat his ass!"

'What?!' I'm tryin tah get this shit togethah and shit?!

"You heard me! He knew what the deal was! Comin in after midnight! Fool! You're gonnah get whipped!"

'What!? At sixteen years old?!'

"You heard me! Whether 16 to 64 as long as I'm living! You better obey me!"

'He's thirty-two now? And stealin from you and shit?! I'm glad to tell you Sis. He's stuck back at 16 when you whipped his young not-knowin muh fuckin ass! You did wrong by him Sis!'

"What?!" She said with irritation....

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth Shall Always Be: Gratis! III

 Muh fuckUS wannah make money out of thah muh fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit!?

If US is makin money off thah muh fuckin "so-called"



Then...Thee Holy fuck!

It ain't thah muh fuckin 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

So Too, Was US's Muh Fuckin Old Sorry Broke AssUS!

 Thee Holy fuck!

You know what kills my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass about 

US old ass muh fuckUS!?

For some fucked up reason!?

Given our venerableness!

US old ass muh fuckin assUS really fuckin thinks?!

Them young ass muh fuckUS should have known muh fuckin



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Love US's Children From Afar...Yet, Near!

 my Daughter makes me smile!

I smile inwardly!

CaUSe shit!

If I'd smile outwardly/!

 I'm sure she would say some type of modern day shit like,

"Dad! What's with that creepy vibe yo?!"...

My niggress!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 12, 2024

"The Signal - 2014 Film"

 Thee Holy fuck!

This thah shit they've been talkin bout with thah muh fuckin mRNA vax and ah

Marburg incident initiated by 

Sound or vibrations and shit!

CIA Hollywood 

Predictive programming at its muh fuckin


Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

The Firmament's Beautiful 3%

 Mommy said to me one time,

"Only three percent of people are

Good lookin Meredith!

The other ninety-seven percent are trying to


(Peace! More to come...)

Mike Pence

 Yet, anothah sorry ass pedo-Luciferian-nasty ass...muh fuckah!

Everything about that sorry degenerate is fuckin fake!

I'm from Indiana!

Can't stand that sorry ass nothingness of ah bitch!

Why thah fuck Pence, Biden, Obama, both Bushs, Clinton, Cheney...all of them pedophile muh fuckahs, ain't in muh fuckin prison and shit?!  

Or swingin from thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

R.I.P., Akebono Taro

 Thee Holy fuck!

Niggah dead at 54 years old and shit!?

Went on different shit and found out 

Sumo Wrestlers live until 65 some shit!

"But their diet! Their diet is horrible because they have to sustain all of that weight! He died of heart failure because of that!"

Kindah fuckin shit?!

He lived in Japan! Them muh fuckahs on average dyin at 84 years old and shit! So they eat healthy.

So you can blow that supersilly shit out yo muh fuckin ass!

CaUSe shit, 

US knows why thah muh fuckah died of fuckin 

Heart failure at 54!

And it show thah fuck wasn't bout no damn sorry ass muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 11, 2024


(Peace! More to come...)

CA Expensive Fast Food?!

Thee Holy fuck!

It's not muh fuckin expensive!

If US broke muh fuckUS don't buy thah muh fuckin sorry ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US News Unconditionally?

 Watch thah shit without thah propagandized conditioning and shit!

US assUS will marvel at thah muh fuckin


And be scared as fuck of now enlightened fucked up US destined muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Shots Felt Around This Firmament


When muh fuckUS really wake thah fuck up about this vaccine shit!?

God damn!

Do US undahfuckinstand how many of those evil elite muh fuckahs gonna die in thah first muh fuckin 

Day by thah righteoUS hands of


Enlightened, vaccinated times three or more, muh fuckUS tah that ill ass depopulation elite evil absurd muh fuckin bullshit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The key to a long life? 'Undereating' and ice baths, says 88-year-old Gary Player, still spritely at 88th... - CNN Sports"

Kindah fuckin shit!? 

Yah see my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Nevah muh fuckin take ah swig of your chosen libation while readin thah muh fuckin topical headlines!

God damnit!

You old ass sorry ass muh fuckah!


God damnit!




US 's

Supposed to!

You sorry ass very old needin tah die muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yuri Bezmenov's Teachings During Bolshevik Communistic ZJ Propagandized Powered Bullshit II

 I love 


He was 

Prime Minister, from 2008 - 2012!

'Prime' bein associated with

The British Crown, Luciferian, Vatican, ZJ, Masonry...nonsense!


From 2012 -



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Because The End Tis Nigh!

 Gots to!


US has no muh fuckin





Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Kingdom of WeedUS.

 I remembah back in thah muh fuckin day when I was hittin thah weedUS delecti harder than shit!

This dude sold me some shit!

Rolled thah shit up!

And smoked thah shit, properly!

Well, I had this thing about a joint. Not, ah muh fuckin wastin muh fuckin precioUS weed, a blunt! Kindah fuckin shit!?

How high muh fuckUS wannah get and shit!? Muh fuckUS wannah get where they can't function and think and shit!? Naw, muh fuckUS! Y'alls assUS wastin precioUS muh fuckin money! Hit that joint three good times! Wait thirty minutes! Then inhale PRN aftah learnin thah shits' effects!

Thah shit I bought!? I called that niggah and was like, "Yo Bro?! I think I have to go to the hospital Bro!?"

Thah muh fuckah laughed! Hard! Thee Holy fuck! 

"Hey Bro? I'm serioUS? Anything I needed tah know about this shit?" Now I was high as fuck! Aftah three hits?! Anyway...

"Naw niggah! Yo ass ain't USed tah some shit! Did you see thah purple hairs in that shit?"

'Yeah Bro?! I did?!'

"Yeah! Bro listen? Go with that shit! But if yo ass goes tah thah emergency room don't lie tah them and shit! Just tell'em, "I just smoked some ill ass weed! And it's fuckin with me!" CaUSe yo ass takes it that far for ah quality buzz?! Shit tell them muh fuckas what's up?! But listen Bro? Go with it. Give it two hours. Yo ass will start to witness! We cool?"

'We cool. Thanks.'

"You're welcome. But next time niggah! I'm sellin yo ass

'Street Grade'! Unless ah muh fuckah says different!"

'Bet! Thanks again!'

"No problem! Enjoy yo'self Bro! Holla!"

And thah muh fuckah was absolutely 

Spot muh fuckin dead ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Let my Black Broke Sorry Ass Get The Fuck Out of Here! II

 Don't want yo spouse tah know some shit about yo sorry ass health?

Yo ass needs tah start savin up for that rare ass doctor's office visit by payin in muh fuckin cash!

They still takin that righteoUS

American shit!

For real! Anyway...


Yo household won't get no funky ass 


EOB shit!

HIPAA my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Obsession Confession - Slash" III

 Yeah 'Guns N' Roses's' Slash!

That niggah


Got ah niggah Mother!

But ah ZJ Father!

Got thah muh fuckin looks from his muh fuckin father!

Got his talent from his muh fuckin



That niggah be tearin that "Gibson" shit thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

Let my Black Broke Sorry Ass Get The Fuck Out of Here!

 "Mister Hopson. You scheduled an appointment with this office. So I need to tell you the truth."

I said no thing.

"Okay. You have to quit drinking Mister Hopson. You really do."

'If not? What am I looking at?'

"A year? Maybe eighteen months?"

I got up out of the chair. 

"Oh, I need to go over your lab results. I'm not finished."

'I understand. But I am doc. I am,

Finished. Thank you!"

Smiled! And walked thah fuck out!

Looked up at the cloudy Indianapolis sky and pondered?...

Now what thah fuck sounds good today?

A full-bodied lager?

Or is ah niggah feelin a lil


(Peace! More to come...)

O.J. Done Ran Out of Juice!


That sorry ass muh fuckin niggah's 


(Peace! More to come...)

"In & Out"

 Thee Holy fuck!

Have US seen thah muh fuckin ugly ass heiress Lynsi Snyder!?

Talkin bout some Hillbilly, redneck...lookin shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Can't make this shitshow up Sonshines!



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

No Thing To Fear! Ever!...Our Father's Speed!

 Snippets of life fill my mind to what to 





Whatever is clever!

Finally finding my way back


(Peace! More to come...)

My Regrets? In Muh Fuckin US's Abundance!

 "I've done the best I've could in this life!"

Kindah fuckin shit?!

I mean!?

God damn!

Muh fuckUS still thinkin like that evil conditioned muh fuckin 

US propagandized sorry ass shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

There Shall Be A Soon US Respite From This elite evil Ass Shit!

 From the Heavens!

Now we watch the 



Safe Havens 

To laborioUSly


While this cold evil elite wind mightily


(Peace! More to come...)

Natalie Merchant: Si! El Negro!

 You know why my ol Black broke ass has always loved her joints?


Cause she's ah light-skinned niggah, that has always been muh fuckin


You go


(Peace! More to come...)

Thine evil elite Gallows Await! Our Father's Vengeance Tis Nigh!

 Let me take you for ah ride 

my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS


US true Human spirit 


While bein amongst US!

Slide over the evil elite tide!


Side by side!

Though the US Fed has straight-up



We're going to be more than


Once the evil elite are all


Maybe even bein murderoUSly 




(Peace! More to come...)

Ecclesiastes 12:12 KJV

 Aftah awhile muh fuckUS!

It jUSt comes down tah two simple muh fuckin basic 

Human queries!?

"Do you believe?!"


"Do you not believe?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Transfer Portal?! NIL?!" US Idiots Whine? II

 I mean?! Think about thah ill ass shit! Like ah sorry ass recruiter for thah muh fuckin varioUS military and shit! Lie their fuckin asses off tah get yo young sorry broke ass tah sign! So too do college basketball, football, soccer... recruiters! Riddle me this?! How thah fuck ah muh fuckin teenager in high school gonna sign "A Letter of Intent" tah attend thah muh fuckah!? When they are not of thah age of majority?! How thah fuck that work? How thah fuck ah minor gonnah sign ah sorry ass contract and it be muh fuckin


What thah fuck is ah broke Black ass sorry muh fuckah missin and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Transfer Portal?! NIL?!" US Idiots Whine?

 Thee Holy fuck!

Look at these D1 universities head coaches!?

Head college coaches, wherevah thah fuck thah money leads them sorry ass slave drivin muh fuckahs and shit! Them sorry ass muh fuckahs sho thah fuck go!

But college playahs utilizin thah same shit?!

"Oh! Players shouldn't be allowed to do all of this transferring to different colleges! Or making money off of their likeness! And they're ungrateful selves are getting a free college education on top of that!"

God damn!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Talkin bout some hypocrisy all ovah that ill ass shit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Colored Aura Are You?!

 There's an actual good or evil aura surroundin


Given US's true colored Human spirit at thah time of encounter.


It USed tah be scary as fuck tah witness thah shit!

I've chilled with that bullshit now

Because it's for my own good and shit!

Instantly can tell if ah muh fuckah is fuckin 

Foul given thah color emanating! 


Fuck that noise!


Briefly, nod my head up tah those foul ass muh fuckUS!

And shit

Keep it thah fuck movin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nothing Natural Can Grow Without A Seed! (Alister Atwater, 33 Years old, Jamaican Transplant, Street Health Product Salesman) Indianapolis, Indiana, November 2024

 "The ill weed, hunh Sir? You mean the kind they're smoking now wit no seeds!? That is not natural! No Sir! Wit no seeds anywhere! Those are Hybrids! GMOs! A bastardization! Not from the Eart! But from evil, fake growing, Men! And only Jah can righteously


The US Human Air Sniff Test!

 Ain't somethin thah fuck...


I mean!? I've been gettin this muh fuckin feelin like an animal and shit? Smellin thah muh fuckin Human air and shit!

And shit!

Somethin 's thah fuck's afoul with that ill ass muh fuckin shit!

Subtle as fuck!

But that shit is definitely thah fuck in thah muh fuckin



How many parts per billion and shit?!

I don't fuckin know!?

Oh, but it be fuckin there!

Shit! Anyway...

Give US ah proper inhale!?...


Then hollah at an old ass broke muh fuckin niggah!?...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley IV

 I'm tryin like ah muh fuckah Sis! God damn!

First you say somethin about thah 

Transgendered bein allowed tah play in

"Women's Sports"!

Then yo ass wearin Louis Vuitton Clothes and shoes inspired by muh  fuckin Luciferian

Pharrell Williams!?

And yo ass is supposed tah be an unmaterialistic, Our Father Fearin, lovin Human Beings...avowed muh fuckah!...

Come on Sis!?

US wannah talk about Women's influence?!

I've peeped yo 




Out of all of these othah muh fuckin 

Female coaches, players and



Knows thah fuck


But in my ol Black sorry broke ass opinion!?

Yo ass should have played thah 

Black successful racism

Victim fucked up game shit,


Fuck it!

Let them othah White muh fuckin coaches answah that sorry fucked up loaded ass unfair muh fukcin question!

CaUSe now,

Them evil muh fuckahs got yo ass habits on lock and in their evil crosshairs,

And are just waitin tah find thah right openin tah


Based on that voice and those muh fuckin dark ass lips! Shit Sis!

Leave that ill ass weed alone until yah retire!

And no muh fuckin weddin ring?!...

Yo sorry muh fuckin Black ass is jUSt itchin for ah muh fuckin

Good v Evil Fight!

Thah fuck's wrong with US NiggUS!?

But shit! Yo ass on thah evil's varioUS platforms and in thah evil's varioUS space! Anyway...

Just suggestin some shit Sis?...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Non-Alcoholic!? Fuck That! Give My Ass Another Proper Shot!




Kindah fuckin shit!?

It's like the 

United States!

Thah last 

Bastion of



Aftah this muh fuckah goes down!?...

All US got left in this now Global World, is tired

Sorry ass muh fuckin

Awakened ill ass 

Painful US



(Peace! More to come...)

Trump: "Proud Patriots' Sneakers"! Campaign Merch'!

 Thee Holy fuck!

And they lookin kindah fly and shit!

Kindah muh fuckin shit!?






At an evil ass pricepoint of


Gots tah take ah muh fuckin pass on those evil Luciferian joints!

Make them shits' 

$70 and shit?!

I'll buy two pairs of those muh fuckin awesome



I mean! Shit!?

In twenty years, some shit, them young muh fuckUS be lookin at those joints, now like 2700 CBDC credits and shit and be like.

"For real?! All them joints would have cost you is 3 CBDC credits back in the day!?"


For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US RighteoUS Shall Always Be!

 "You were wrong with that Eclipse, April 8th, 2024 bullshit! Just admit the shit!"

Shit! I'll do one bettah than that, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Based on thah severity of thah topic of note!

I'm muh fuckin happy as, 

Like some said back in thah day,

"A Sissy in a Boy's camp"! Anyway...

That I was muh fuckin 



Way bettah than thah muh fuckin adverse 


Which means: 

US still intimidatin those sorry ass worthless pieces of shit muh fuckahs!

Still can't pull thah muh fuckin broke ass

US trigger and shit!


And with all that muh fuckin evil


Y'all rich asses ain't muh fuckin shit!

And please listen?!

You stupid evil elite degenerates?!

There will be not evah!

Thah right muh fuckin 


"To teach US a horrible muh fuckin

Reset fundamental


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 8, 2024

"Is It Bad Enough Yet?! - Bogino Podcast". US Can Change This Shit! CaUSe The evil elite Are Caught Up In The Flesh!

US outnumbahs them evil sorry ass degenerate muh fuckahs


Thee Holy fuck!

 I smiled!

And said aloud!

'Thousands of muh fuckin years God damnit! US, Humans have survived whatevah thah 

Holy fuck time and time again of 

US complicity in this ill evil elite behavior, tah whatevah them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs did/do tah US's sorry broke assUS!

US broke Humans have put US's fate throughout this precioUS

Human history tah no avail! With

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs!

God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs

Are not!

The muh fuckin 


When everything thah rich profits off of...

Is by US's sorry ass so-called worthless


US are 


Not them!

And US bettah start pricin that muh fuckin ill ass shit


In ah muh fuckin



God damnit!'...

(Inspired by Patty Chayefsky's character Howard Beale)

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Optically Speaking of Course

 History tryin tah convince me with all these Presidents pictures and shit?!

That only two muh fuckin presidents out of 46 wore muh fuckin

Glasses and shit?! 

Or that they were thah only two muh fuckUS that were visually impaired all thah God damned time and shit!

Truman and Roosevelt!

Kindah fuckin shit!

I mean shit!

What thah fuck! Both Bushs', Obama, old ass Biden and old ass Trump doin and shit?!

CaUse yah can't be ah president of this here US unless US is at least Thirty-five years old God damnit! And in US's uppah thirties, that's where that near vision fucked up shit starts! Anyway...

Wearin mono-fit

Contact lens and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Plethora of Future Activated Fed Foreign Radical Cells

 "Check it? We let you in. We give you room, board and an allowance. But when we call you?! With this cellphone we have gifted you! To keep you in touch with your families and so that you can manage this new found America!

You have to do what we say. 

Or, we'll kill 


And all of

Your poor family back home."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Eclipse 2024 Earthquakes


Y2K my old Black sorry ass wrinkly nuts!

Muh fuckUS sayin,

"Ain't shit gonnah happen!"


I hope thah fuck, US is muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley III

 So here's what happened!

They told ol Dawn,

"We respect your God and all. But shit yah got three players on your muh fuckin team thats Transgender and shit! We ain't gonnah say no shit about thah shit! All we need from you, is to say Transgenders can play in the Women's game. Since, obviously you believe in the LGBTQ-Z movement. And the referees will call the game fairly."

"Okay." Dawn Staley said without emotion....

Our Father's speed....

(Peace! More to come...)

US Disrespect of ANI

 "Your Mom was a bitch yo!"

I undahstand!

But with any one person,

One, has to get to know them!

my Mother, like my Father didn't speak their minds until they were surely comfortable in

"All NiggUS Involved" and shit!

Thah way this muh fuckah is s'posed tah muh fuckin blessedly


(Peace! More to come...)

"Three to Five Years! Ninety-nine Percent Vaccinated Are Going to Develop Cancer Symptoms From The CVD Vaccine!"

 It's ah muh fuckin battle of attrition muh fuckUS!

Them muh fuckahs didn't take the 'real' vaccine!

Muh fuckin water in thah muh fuckin vial! Shit if that shit was thah real Phizer, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson (Phizer)...real deal shit!?

Old Pedo Joe would have been blessedly out of here upon

Administerin thah 

"Real"! Vaccination!

And ain't none of those evil elite muh fuckahs done been incarcerated, brought up on charges, murdered!


US broke assUS are muh fuckin


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley II

 I mean shit! Ain't nobody asked thah muh fuckin Iowa coach, "Do you think transgendered players should be able to play in the Women's game?"! And she coaches Caitlin Clark God damnit!

But does US not see? US NiggUS get all defensive and shit! Take it personal and shit! All Coach Staley had tah respond in kind is, 

"Did you ask Coach Bluder this question? How many times have you asked Coach Auriemma this question? Why me?"! Yeah, victimization works!

Don't give one solid fuck!

Start flippin that evil ass muh fuckin


On those, evil degenerate sorry ass paid for muh fuckin elite


(Peace! More to come...)

Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley

 Question: "Do you think that Transgendered athletes should be able to compete in the Women's                           game?"

Coach Staley: after all this 'Who shot John' shufflin round bullshit she states, "Yes!"

Then I smiled. Them muh fuckin 

Watkins (Straight up Butch! Dick bigger than half of American men and shit) and

Cardoso (wearin LGTBQ-Z colahs adorned proudly on his/her hair) are 

Suspect as


Though Auriemma done had his fair share!

But Coach Staley!?

Glad tah inform yo righteoUS ass!

Yo ass be ah niggah 


So saith the evil elite!

And thah evil sorry ass muh fuckahs that cuts yo muh fuckin


Iowa!? With he/she own's phenome!?

Shall win!

CaUSe ah niggah bitch! 

Ain't evah gonnah circumvent this

Tight ass wrecking ball evil


(Peace! More to come...)

RFK, Jr, Presidency (From A RighteoUS Reptilian/Human Family) 2024

 Shit! Once US takes ah long muh fuckin look down this sorry ass US road!?

God damn!

If thah palsied muh fuckah makes it tah Novembah!


He's thah only one I'd muh fuckin

Vote for! 

CaUSe their Alien species know how tah treat broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Don't Take Their Evil Money To Fuck US's RighteoUS Human Truth! US's Truth, Shall Always Be: Free!

 I've nevah did this shit for that monetization bullshit!

Take money from muh fuckUS for their "Ads" and "support" and shit of 

Your thoughtful 

Human shit!


Take their evil sorry ass bribes and shit!

Aftah ah short muh fuckin 

While subsequently!

Yo ass be wonderin!


Where did my individual writings of

Human RighteoUS shit


Kindah fuckin shit!?

But shit, them evil degenerate evil agenda oriented sorry ass muh fuckahs,

Roll like that uncivilized loathsome muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"EyesIsWatchin - Podcasts" And PrecioUS RHT

 I watch this vlogger on usually Bitchute every six or seven days or so, he comes out with some RighteoUS wealth of information shit! Canada, US...it's all North America! Anyway...

He stated that he would probably miss one week ah month puttin some shit out so he can promote his shit cause, "It's getting a little stagnate...And I do all of my own shit people." some shit like that! Anyway...

Shit Bro! I don't send yo ass any God damned ends because an ol US Black ass muh fuckah is broke! 

And I'm sorry I've nevah said thah shit! But, 

"Thank You!"

Yo shit is solid!

If yo ass is doin this shit for thah muh fuckin hits/views/money...Shit!

Sorry bout that shit!

But yo ass knows, and 

US knows God damnit!

The muh fuckin



Ain't gonnah make ah niggah no muh fuckin real ass


Comes with this muh fuckin evilly broken, 

RighteoUS Human Territory!

It fuckin 


But mostly

Flows like ah muh fuckin 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Back to US Old Fashioned: US Bartering System.

 My wife thinks I'm crazy and shit?! She be right! But check it? We've probably six pounds of edible salt! 

"Salt!?The fuck!"

Salt preserves, salt enhances, salt is needed in the human body to retain moisture...

Yes, Sonshines!


Table salt!

"Check it niggah?! I need some salt niggah!"

'Whatchah got niggah!'


'Check it! Shit come on now! Salt goes ah long muh fuckin way compared tah sugah! I'll trade you two pounds of salt. For five pounds of sugar.'

"That's ah done deal lad!"...

Oh! It's muh fuckin gettin close tah that ill ass back tah 

Human basics type of shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)

A Talk With Mommy circa Spring 1998

 "Meredith listen. You don't ever have to lie. You just have to find your way around the lie. Are you listening to me?"

Yes Mommy. That's why I haven't said anything, because I was listening.

"Just checking. I know you. But it's like if an individual asked you, for some reason I've been asked alot in my lifetime. Any-who. They asked that silly question, 

"Isn't my child beautiful?" Nonsense. Well, you can't say no! Why? You just can't say that in a civil society no matter how truthful that is! No Meredith what you say is this. 

"Oh, look at those fat cheeks! Isn't that adorable?!" Because it is! But you won't get that question ever again! Because they know what they've birthed. And it ain't 


I laughed so hard!

And I started cryin when I saw 

Mommy laughin hysterically right with me!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Gold Standard? Precious Metals?! Silver!...II

 "Hark! Who goes there?"

"Tis thy mild traveler who carryeth gold to pay for needed lodgings!"

"Gold," the owner derides. "You mean to tell me you don't have a pouch of tobacco, a half-pound of sugar...coffee, medicines, opioids, marijuana, beer, whiskey... for fucks sakes!?"

"But I have gold! Sir! Silver! And precious metals!"

"But not a place to sleep! Nor anything to eat!?" The owner of the 

Inn said with a genuine smile....

(Peace! More to come...)

2024: The Year of Jubilee!

 Supposed tah distribute thah muh fuckin wealth equally throughout this firmament!

Them sorry ass evil degenerates don't want tah follow thah muh fuckin rules at thah fuck all and shit!

'Check it! We're going to blank this shit! Reset it! Then when we start this thing back up?! All Humans will be equal! "And own nothing. And will be happy!"...

Kindah fuckin shit!?...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Gold Standard? Precious Metals?! Silver!....

 Thee Holy fuck!

It's ah 


US supersilly "Willy Wonka" muh fuckUS!

It's only fuckin worth shit?!

If them evil muh fuckUS say it's worth shit!

Even then?!

Whatcha got?! 

That's worth some shit


Not muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Live to Die. To Live?...

 US can only muh fuckin 

Hope God damnit!

But durin thah muh fuckin


US has tah learn how tah muh fuckin 





Us can

Live thah fuck


God damnit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pull Thah Muh Fuckin Trigger Muh Fuckah! Fuck It!

 Thee Holy fuck!

Muh fuckUS got thah drop on my sleepin sorry broke Black ass probably about fifteen years ago, on ah liquor store parking lot on East Washington Street!

But shit!

It is what it is!

How this shit gonnah turn out and shit!

My Black sorry broke ass shall soon see?!

So I walk towards thah muh fuckah with thah pistol. He says to me, "Stop! Muh fuckah!" I keep going towards him. I say to him, "Just a little closer?" He looks at me with bewilderment.

Now my heart upon the gun he was holding out with his right hand!

"If it comes down to that shit Bro? Do you honestly think I want you to not murder me?"!

And they both ran off into the shadows!

All them lowly robbin muh fuckahs would have gotten is twenty-seven muh fuckin dollahs some shit!

Ah niggah didn't trust no debit card no shit back then! Credit cards? NiggUS please! Did I mention I was and am broke?!

Fuck that shit! Anyway...That young Black sorry ass muh fuckah was "God" ovah my sorry ass broke muh fuckin life for ah tick or two! And for some fucked up reason Our Father intervened! That scared thah fuck out of 'em! Othah than that? I'd been sleepin peacefully in Crown Hill some shit! Anyway...

That's when my old Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass knew my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS,

Thee Holy fuck!


Enjoy yo short lived 







Is show thah fuck not


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

George Hopson 1942-2023 II

 So they showed these pictures of this muh fuckah that is supposed tah be our Brother George before he died!

I'm witnessin this shit and I'm like,

"I don't know who thah fuck that muh fuckah is!? But that sorry ass muh fuckah wasn't our muh fuckin 


And I don't give ah fuck!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Money?! No! Money Begat US Broke Black AssUS!

 Black muh fuckUS think othah muh fuckUS motivated by money and shit!

Then they make all that muh fuckin money?

Then what do they do?!

Give it tah thah Koreans that do those nails and shit! 

Thah White men that fixes thah Tesla that not too many muh fuckUS are authorized tah fix! That Benz owned and distributed by White muh fuckUS! Repaired by White muh fuckUS! Trips US Black money makin sorry assUS take, givin thah airflight, tickets and othah muh fuckin shit US assUS bought becaUSe




Need tah quit blamin that sorry ass muh fuckin 





Kindah fuckin shit?!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

George Hopson 1942-2023

 He didn't have a middle name.

It was just 

George Hopson. 

Nothing more. 

Nothing less.

Died in Oregon.

I can only tell you four things about my second oldest Brother before his passing:

He was Troubled.

He was a dick!

He was a germaphobe!

And he was self-centered!

That's all I have to say about my Brother


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Let US Take Care of Our Own Garden - Voltaire (Translated)" III

 Fifty-fuckin-eight years old and muh fuckUS tellin yo Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass what,

"You are supposed to do!" In your perspective family and shit!

Shit niggUS!

Lookin at y'alls muh fuckin shit?!

Y'all show thah fuck don't need tah be worryin about me


And that niggah's dead!

And soon I will be 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eyewitness Testimony And Fuck Jury Duty!

 Fuck that good for!?

Unless US was there!

At thah muh fuckin 

Crime Scene!

It's ah muh fuckin leap of fucked up faith!

Or an

Human ill electrical disturbances bein horribly 

Emitted while testimony is bein given;

Whereas, that muh fuckah's 

Guilty all day long

God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Successful US Dark Operation: COVIDRUS

 Them evil degenerates laughin at US's broke assUS!

Shit! Havin ah belly full guffaw!

US supersilly muh fuckUS!

God damnit!

Thah fuck wrong with US!?

Do US not read or research any muh fuckin longah!?

Shit, that black mirrored cellphone got that US sorry assUS that muh fuckin bad!

Tah not witness what thah evil dastardly muh fuckin shit that's comin!!! And has show thah fuck Cummed!...

And US still beggin for the Fed's nasty

Jizz all ovah US's broke assUS


God damn!

Kindah fuckin shit?!..

Do not take anothah muh fuckin shot of



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Write US's Grips!

 What I like tah do! Is tah take some information. 

Ingest thah shit.

Let it form, then go around my cranium for ah tick or two!

And I'll be shit!

That false information will start being 

Purged automatically!



Truth forms!


Then an old Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah starts tah


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eclipse 2024: The evil Planned Inciters And Other Major Planned Catastrophic Options

 What thah Holy fuck could go wrong my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS?!

I mean it's just ah lil ol eclipse and shit?! That, all these muh fuckin businesses, schools, healthcare facilities... shuttin down, for just ah lil ol eclipse?!

Them evil degenerates have paid sorry ass 


Tah be amongst US!

Then when thah height of 

Totality begins.

Well...them sorry ass non-US muh fuckahs begin tah do what thah fuck they've been paid tah do! Ain't nobody lookin thah fuck up no muh fuckin more! Everybody fleein and shit!

Then HARRP sends some earthquakes, and The DEWs commence.

CaUSe at this point,

"Fuck thah muh fuckin sky!"!

And US 'll still have 

4 minutes and 20 seconds left in 


In darkness! Fleeing! With US's families!...from those varioUS evil planned public

"Watch" Parties!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 5, 2024

They Make An Old Niggah Happy!

 Mandarin oranges are good as fuck!

Sweet! A lil bit of tartness!

Has this orange, tangerine type of shit happenin!


Fuckin refreshin as muh fuckin shit!

"They have no seeds! They are definitely


I don't give one solid


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Accountant (2001 film)"

 One of thah funniest shits I've evah witnessed!

Shit! I might be ah PBR, southern drawlin redneck...in your muh fuckin eyes!?


God damnit!

I can tell thah muh fuckin 


From ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Best Made evil Plans...?

 Now these evil elite muh fuckahs reportin about earthquakes and shit!

I jUSt watched some shit about earthquakes ridin down thah path of an eclipse back in 1911 some shit?!

And comparin that ill ass shit tah this upcomin

2024 Eclipse!

I mean shit! I'm ridin down 65 South thah illuminatin signs statin:

"The Eclipse. Come early. Plan to leave late."

I kid 

US thah fuckin


Kindah fuckin shit?!...

Be safe my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

We're goin tah be jUSt fine


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Why Don't Them evil elite Muh Fuckahs Speak Their Truths?!

 my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass get tired of this rhetoric nice fuckin speak!

Fuck that noise!

I'd rathah y'all evil degenerate asses call me what challs evil asses really thinks 



Rathah than shine ah broke muh fuckah on by sayin,

"Americans" and shit!...

Fuck it! My ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass got one foot in thah grave and thah othah on ah banana peel and shit!

Believe you me!

my about dead ass can muh fuckin take that ill ass muh fuckin shit!

Best believe that noise!!!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Caitlin Clark /CC/33

 How did Austin put thah muh fuckin ill ass shit?:

"That's ah man baby! Yeah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Better Start Dressing Appropriately For The Upcoming evil Time.

 Muh fuckUS that have upper middle class money havin ah hard muh fuckin time dealin with this here major inflationary market!

"How so?"

Well, shit! Times have show nuff changed God damnit! And with that change! Though yo ass done worked in downtown Indianapolis for twenty years or more some shit!

God damnit!

Yo ass can't be sashayin yo ass down Meridian Street with ah big old purse, that markets,


All ovah that muh fuckah,


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

RighteoUS Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley

 Them evil muh fuckahs aftah that ass Sis!

But you know that shit! Loves God?! Them evil degenerates like, "Thah fuck that bitch just say aloud about God? And Loving him?! That is not the agenda we are all in agreement with! Someone needs to pull her aside! Make her understand!"!

Them evil muh fuckahs had visions of yo ass coachin ah NBA or college men's team! And yo ass said tah them evil muh fuckahs, I'm paraphrasin of course, "Why thah fuck would I want tah do that shit!?" 

And she's absolutely, totally correct!

CaUSe, fuck it!

When thah Holy fuck did these evil degenerate elite evah make ah big muh fuckin deal out of sorry ass muh fuckin Geno Auriemma bustin ah move tah thah next level! That sorry ass muh fuckah has always stated, "I'm good!"!

But shit! 

Ah niggah bitch bettah obey!!!

Kindah fuckin shit?!...

But, shit! Again!...

Believe this old ass Black broke sorry muh fuckah!?

You're goin tah be fine

Sonshine!! (BIG SMILE)...

Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil elite Shall Not Care of Just One Home!

 Thah middle class Luciferian elite wannah act all pitiful and shit, when muh fuckUS break intah their sorry ass shit...too!

"Oh! This has always been a secure neighborhood. Why would we be armed?!"

Kindah fuckin shit!?

With all that God damned money!

Y'all supersilly, "Willy Wonka", "Rainbows and Unicorns"!...Out of touch sorry ass muh fuckahs!

All that muh fuckin wealth!?

And y'alls assUS didn't have at least one nine in every muh fuckin room?! Knives hidden in drawers and shit?! Hammers tucked away? But challs stupid degenerate asses can buy "eyebobs'" readers at eighty dollah ah joint?!...and

Them sorry broke muh fuckUS took y'alls shit like that?!...

I mean shit?! 

Forgive me for askin this shit?!

But y'all do own this



(Peace! More to come...)