Sunday, April 7, 2024

"EyesIsWatchin - Podcasts" And PrecioUS RHT

 I watch this vlogger on usually Bitchute every six or seven days or so, he comes out with some RighteoUS wealth of information shit! Canada,'s all North America! Anyway...

He stated that he would probably miss one week ah month puttin some shit out so he can promote his shit cause, "It's getting a little stagnate...And I do all of my own shit people." some shit like that! Anyway...

Shit Bro! I don't send yo ass any God damned ends because an ol US Black ass muh fuckah is broke! 

And I'm sorry I've nevah said thah shit! But, 

"Thank You!"

Yo shit is solid!

If yo ass is doin this shit for thah muh fuckin hits/views/money...Shit!

Sorry bout that shit!

But yo ass knows, and 

US knows God damnit!

The muh fuckin



Ain't gonnah make ah niggah no muh fuckin real ass


Comes with this muh fuckin evilly broken, 

RighteoUS Human Territory!

It fuckin 


But mostly

Flows like ah muh fuckin 



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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