Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"Greg Reese/Reese Report"

 I take notes and shit off this solid muh fuckUS shit!

Check thah shit out!

All thah muh fuckin shit he's spittin,

Fuckin out there!

Live and in Black and White for anyone tah witness!

I started watchin his shit! And I was like! Naw I ain't heard or read that shit! Then my ol sorry Black broke ass started takin notes and researchin his shit!



This priceless shit is out there!


God damn!

Do US know how many thumb drives of information I done downloaded because of some excellent Reese introductions?!

And shit!

Them evil muh fuckahs bout tah censor thah Holy shit out of this

Internet shit!

Get thah muh fuckin truth while


Can my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

By any means necessary! And save and print every muh fuckin piece of US truthful shit that US possibly can God damnit!

Before thah 


News truth, turns evilly, pathetically


Our Father's Speed!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

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