Thursday, April 18, 2024

"Sharky's Machine - William Diehl 1978"

 One of my top five novels evah! And read thah muh fuckin dialogue between Dominoe and Sharky in the check out line at the grocery store, my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS? Fuckin priceless to me. 

Then Burt Reynolds turned around and directed thah Hollywood version in 1981. And did ah muh fuckin outstandin directiorial/acting job! Shit! Burt Reynolds was underrated! Look at some of thah shit he was involved in cinema? He felt ah pulse tah this Human shit some sort of way. Anyway...

I used to read the book two, three times a year. Now, I only read it about every three years or so!

No AI! No cellphones! No Internet!...

And this joint still reads

Topically as fuck!

Our Father's speed

Mister Reynolds!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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