Monday, April 22, 2024

6-2? What You Waitin On Playah!?

 You know how many of US muh fuckUS I've talked to around my age of fifty-eight that can't wait for sixty-two tah roll around?!

Shit! A bunch of those muh fuckUS!

Includin me! God damnit!

Fuck these ill ass actin customers, patients...whatevah thah fuck!?

Fuck thah income!

Fuck this crazy ass traffic now!

Fuck that noise!

Just fuck it!

Can't wait tah sit my Black happy broke ass back!

Thah first muh fuckin day of 


God damnit!

That's when ah niggah starts his first true

Novel and shit!

Have time tah coordinate some shit!

CaUSe God damn!

Ah niggah show thah fuck writes bettah,

When an old broke ass niggah gots thah muh fuckin time tah muh fuckin

Coordinate some shit!

Can't wait!

Well...shit! That's if, Our Father allows ah broke ass niggah tah live until that retirement age shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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