Thursday, April 25, 2024

"A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important - Business Insider"

 Did US witness thah muh fuckah of thah article of note?!


All that shit goin on and shit with those fucked up tattoos and body modifications and shit?!

Come ohn naw?!

Yo ass really thinks ah reputable company, like US, gonnah hire that fucked up lookin sorry muh fuckin Human chosen ass fucked up shit?! Yo fucked up tattoos, body modifications, piercings...ass muh fuckah has nevah! Wanted tah conform tah this here 



And yo weird ass, fucked up lookin ass is talkin bout ah muh fuckin


No Sonshine! Bias is when ah muh fuckah, all things bein equal, oppressUS anothah muh fuckah that was born with some shit!

Chosen Human: Tatoos, body modifications...don't fit that 


Innate type of 


Human shit!

Kindah fuckin shit!

Just tired of this ill ass US bullshit!


(Peace! More to come...)

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