Tuesday, April 16, 2024

There Is A Vast Loneliness In: Slowly Overstanding The Truth of US.

 It's lonely thinking differently than the multitude.

Real lonely.

"Well? You're married! What are you writing about?"

Shit ain't got shit tah do with bein physically, maritally...close and shit!



All of US have our individual truths! 

Even when married!

What is one going to do,

"I think like this damnit! You are my spouse! And we need to be equally yoked!"

NiggUS please! My wife would be like,

"Niggah listen! One! Back the fuck up! Two! You sounding a little nutsy-bobo!..." She has her muh fuckin righteoUS moments! Anyway...

And those individual truths, once 

US individuals' decide to

Astray from the multitude!


Loneliness becomes a 



And yes!

Even in marriage....

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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