Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Kingdom of WeedUS.

 I remembah back in thah muh fuckin day when I was hittin thah weedUS delecti harder than shit!

This dude sold me some shit!

Rolled thah shit up!

And smoked thah shit, properly!

Well, I had this thing about a joint. Not, ah muh fuckin wastin muh fuckin precioUS weed, a blunt! Kindah fuckin shit!?

How high muh fuckUS wannah get and shit!? Muh fuckUS wannah get where they can't function and think and shit!? Naw, muh fuckUS! Y'alls assUS wastin precioUS muh fuckin money! Hit that joint three good times! Wait thirty minutes! Then inhale PRN aftah learnin thah shits' effects!

Thah shit I bought!? I called that niggah and was like, "Yo Bro?! I think I have to go to the hospital Bro!?"

Thah muh fuckah laughed! Hard! Thee Holy fuck! 

"Hey Bro? I'm serioUS? Anything I needed tah know about this shit?" Now I was high as fuck! Aftah three hits?! Anyway...

"Naw niggah! Yo ass ain't USed tah some shit! Did you see thah purple hairs in that shit?"

'Yeah Bro?! I did?!'

"Yeah! Bro listen? Go with that shit! But if yo ass goes tah thah emergency room don't lie tah them and shit! Just tell'em, "I just smoked some ill ass weed! And it's fuckin with me!" CaUSe yo ass takes it that far for ah quality buzz?! Shit tell them muh fuckas what's up?! But listen Bro? Go with it. Give it two hours. Yo ass will start to witness! We cool?"

'We cool. Thanks.'

"You're welcome. But next time niggah! I'm sellin yo ass

'Street Grade'! Unless ah muh fuckah says different!"

'Bet! Thanks again!'

"No problem! Enjoy yo'self Bro! Holla!"

And thah muh fuckah was absolutely 

Spot muh fuckin dead ass


(Peace! More to come...)

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