Monday, April 8, 2024

"Is It Bad Enough Yet?! - Bogino Podcast". US Can Change This Shit! CaUSe The evil elite Are Caught Up In The Flesh!

US outnumbahs them evil sorry ass degenerate muh fuckahs


Thee Holy fuck!

 I smiled!

And said aloud!

'Thousands of muh fuckin years God damnit! US, Humans have survived whatevah thah 

Holy fuck time and time again of 

US complicity in this ill evil elite behavior, tah whatevah them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs did/do tah US's sorry broke assUS!

US broke Humans have put US's fate throughout this precioUS

Human history tah no avail! With

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs!

God damnit!

Kindah fuckin shit!?

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs

Are not!

The muh fuckin 


When everything thah rich profits off of...

Is by US's sorry ass so-called worthless


US are 


Not them!

And US bettah start pricin that muh fuckin ill ass shit


In ah muh fuckin



God damnit!'...

(Inspired by Patty Chayefsky's character Howard Beale)

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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