Thursday, April 18, 2024

US! Don't Make No God Damned Fuck Bit of Sense At The Fuck All!

 US sorry ass Luciferian Fed wonderin whethah they should

Loan US's money tah these sorry ass countries and shit!?

Or give US's money away...

Free tah these sorry ass muh fuckin countries: Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan... and shit!?

And them evil sorry ass Fed degenerates decide tah

Give it thah fuck away!

With no remittance attached and shit!

But my Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass gets hounded about forty-eight grand in Student Loans and shit! Oh, and I best not miss ah payment on my back US taxes!...

Kindah fuckin shit!?

And US Americans blatherin about bailin out 

US student loan muh fuckUS!

But all "Rah-Rah" about givin hundreds of billions of US's taxpaying dollahs tah

Non-US and tah

Non-US-taxpaying-foreign muh fuckahs!?...

Thah Holy fuck's wrong with



Kindah fuckin shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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