Sunday, April 7, 2024

Coach/Ex-Player Dawn Staley

 Question: "Do you think that Transgendered athletes should be able to compete in the Women's                           game?"

Coach Staley: after all this 'Who shot John' shufflin round bullshit she states, "Yes!"

Then I smiled. Them muh fuckin 

Watkins (Straight up Butch! Dick bigger than half of American men and shit) and

Cardoso (wearin LGTBQ-Z colahs adorned proudly on his/her hair) are 

Suspect as


Though Auriemma done had his fair share!

But Coach Staley!?

Glad tah inform yo righteoUS ass!

Yo ass be ah niggah 


So saith the evil elite!

And thah evil sorry ass muh fuckahs that cuts yo muh fuckin


Iowa!? With he/she own's phenome!?

Shall win!

CaUSe ah niggah bitch! 

Ain't evah gonnah circumvent this

Tight ass wrecking ball evil


(Peace! More to come...)

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