Wednesday, April 17, 2024

A Beautiful Nut Mixture II

 ...Nut Mixture! Yah see my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS that's what happens with this old age shit! Anyway...

Jellybeans! Good Lawd! Anyway! 

Fuck ah jellybean!

They got these muh fuckin joints now called,

"Nerds Gummy Clusters"!

Eat one of those muh fuckahs along with three or four Spanish, Carolina...peanuts! Talkin bout ah muh fuckin historic treat!

But still!...

Fuck "Willy Wonka"!

But God damn! 

Them "Nerds" shits!

Have always been happenin with this broke ass muh fuckin


And I'm fifty-fuckin-eight years old! But good Lawd! I have always Loved candy! Fuck ah chocolate! I mean thah shits cool! But give my Black ass some "Now & Later", "Jolly Ranchers", "Sprees", "Sweet Tarts", "Blow-Pops", Any muh fuckin "Charms" sucker....


Fuck ah 


Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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