Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Parent's Work Is Never Done...Until It's Done - 393 (BBP) August 2010 - Throwback, Wednesday 28January2015

 Mah fuckahs don't understand! Yah feel may! I always told people I didn't want any children. Why? Was always their query to me. I would tell them, "Parenting is for everyone. But, everyone shouldn't be a parent." After that child is born your life as you know it or knew it is finished! Done son! Yao Ming! Ain't no such thang as part-time parenting! No, no, no, no! Full time mah fuckah, twenty-four and seven! Next booty on duty! Get some! Nothin but work until you die or by some horrible circumstance the child dies before you do. A lot of these fuckin parents just don't understand that. Thinking subsequently they will have time to play. Shiiiit! I got news for your blues mah fuckah, somebody done told your ass the fuck wrong! Yao Ming! Should have thought of that shit before conception, gestation then subsequent birth. And if your ass didn't realize it until the child was better recognize expeditiously. There's too many of these little bastards runnin round causin strife, malfeasance.

Clock the fuck in! And get to fuckin work! Before yo ass gets fired! Oh, I'm sorry, if you didn't know...termination is not an option! So you got a job to do! And parent the best you possibly can! Yao Ming? Sho you right! And like so many of you, I have a child that needs my Black ass!  And I sho nuff gots work tah do! And once the arduous labor is done, sit back because if you gave it a total commitment, you can say to yourself, "We did a fine job indeed!" Sweet Jesus! And that...will be a Beautful thang! Oh, yes it will!  Check it out My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...

A Parent's Work Is Never Done...Until It's Done - 393

In the many cellars there are dwellers of such fine character; manufacturers of labor’s intensive quality product; those are the ones who have the knowledge of building a better Humanoid; devoid of the capitalistic and selfish approach; in the human business not because of science, but for the mere drive to make a better conscience to make a more superior product than they. On such rare occasions they may take a lunch or break, but not for long because it is too much at stake. The final replica needs attention, not too mention, the product sits idly by thinking of a worse way to decay. But the fine dwellers will have none of that. Can’t have a brat. Ignat throwing bricks, instead of being productive building structures, with those stones; the process of incorporating mind, soul and bone. When the final outcome and the final work day is done, they’ll say, “Now there’s a job well done!” Smiling proudly as the child, now adult, rolls down the assembly line, “Time for a vacation! And finally feel the warmth of the Sunshine!”

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