Wednesday, May 31, 2023

BBBoS (Brown Boxed Bags of Shit) II

 And why thah fuck not!

Let me tell yah ah lil story amongst many!? Just ah lil somethin-somethin!

At this convenient store up thah way!

Man and woman had three children with them!

Went up tah thah cashier!

Fifty dollars and some change latah, every muh fuckah had individual chips, candies, sodas...on thah muh fuckin EBT card!

Talkin bout an afternoon brunch!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

BBBoS (Brown Boxed Bags of Shit)

 Muh fuckahs writin them headlines about "Food Insecurity"!

Yah think muh fuckahs!

I do thah grocery shoppin in our household, and every muh fuckin week them muh fuckahs done went up on somethin or every God damned thing!

Them some sorry muh fuckahs!

But it's all ah muh fuckin stage!

You remember Trump was talkin bout deliverin food tah welfare recipients in ah box tah their muh fuckin door and shit?! Everybody talkin crazy about that muh fuckah and shit!

And look thah fuck what's happenin! 

"Hellofresh' and shit!? Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines!

So Trump, when he gets back in office is goin tah say,

"You see everyone steals my ideas! Look at all the "doordashes", "hellofreshs"...companies I've created!? So, yeah! Yo broke welfare havin asses, get shit sent to yo muh fuckin door! Like I said before! No more EBT for you!"...

(Peace! More to come...)


Age of AquariUS! 

Got muh fuckahs skippin, hoppin, kickin rocks...whatevahthahfuck! They're not realizing in the near future there shall be a reckoning for that ill shit! Muh fuckahs thinkin thah shit is jUSt gonnah thah shit currently is! These evil muh fuckahs called "brilliant", "genius"...

And ain't thought shit about their near future! Nor the ill shit they have done and still do to US!?  And don't give ah fuck! Y'all read may?! God damn! Anyway...

We've stepped into the Age of 

AquariUS already!

It's time for greed and entitlement to go!

Before it's too late! They've sped up the timeline! We have to murder them all!

CaUSe Pisces tryin tah hang on!

But Aquarians are some evil impatient rude... muh fuckin beings! That don't give ah fuck about US sorry broke asses chance of Human enlightenment!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Work! Yes, We Take That Shit Home With US!

 Listenin tah muh fuckahs all day will get yo ass tired as fuck!

God damn!

Muh fuckahs are heavy as fuck!

And you know yo ass is in trouble when them muh fuckahs from thah jump say,

"Excuse me? Do you have a minute? I just have some questions."


Twenty minutes latah with ah muh fuckin throbbin headache tah boot!

And thah muh fuckah still fuckin confused!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

"Elizabeth Holmes reports to prison In Texas - Yahoo News"

 And they gonnah put that muh fuckin dude into ah female federal prison camp!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No More Paper Money - Funny Joints" (Breezeway Park, Indianapolis Indiana) July 2024

 Crash this bitch!

I don't give ah witch bitch snitch!


Muh fuckah!

Don't give three fucks!

This muh fuckin shit sucks!


Can yo evil ass answah?

With some federal bucks!?


Yah must be crazy,

Which leaves me tah believe in


Out In The Sticks! There Are No Emergencies! II

 "Oh, it's free out here! Can't get much better than this?!"

Have ah muh fuckin heart attack in that serene place you think is so fuckin free!?


Ain't shit free muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Caprylic Acid

 They say tah take thah shit three times ah day no more than 2,000 mg ah fuckin day! 

And no more than four to six months!

Then yo sorry broke ass got tah give it ah rest and some shit!

But shit!

It says on thah omeprazole shit I took for years,

"Don't take for no more than two weeks."

And what did the sorry ass various doctors say,

"If it's working Meredith? Keep taking it!"

Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Special Deliveries

 Muh fuckahs wannah go this route! 

That shit is ill as fuck!

"Oh, you one of those scared ass niggahs!?"

Don't know what thah fuck yo ass talkin bout!

But shit!

I wouldn't go that muh fuckin route with some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 29, 2023

Out In The Sticks! There Are No Emergencies!

 "Well what happens in an emergency?!"

Muh fuckUS asks!


You're fucked!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Old US Prostates!

 Daily. If more than daily, do your research,


Pumpkin seed oil

Stinging Nettle Root

Plant Sterols


Caprylic Acid (Cycle Three months on and one off)




Be pissin like ah youthful prostate in no time at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are Going to Die!

 Think that US is special some shit?!

'Six Million Dollar Man' or some othah ill shit!?

Yo sorry muh fuckin ass is goin tah die!

And what Thee Holy fuck?!

Are US goin tah do until


(Peace! More to come...)

Compounding The Problem

 "We were poor! I mean there were six of US. Two parents. Like normal living families in the area...."

Now! This shit, I got ah muh fuckin problem with!

Muh fuckahs have children and expect the fuckin others tah undah-fuckin-stand when ah muh fuckin family needs welfare!

But y'all still fuckin!?


And thah bitch knocked up even now!?...

(Peace! More to come....)

Can US Broke Sorry Muh Fuckin Asses Finally Talk!?

 Why is it so important for broke sorry ass muh fuckahs tellin about their "Family Tree"!?

Tree?! Okay!

And whatevahthahfuck!

Cause that shit's ah muh fuckin weed!

And not even thah good smokin type of some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Remember?! III

Who are You!? 

Muh fuckahs are willin tah go out of their muh fuckin comfort zones tah escape some shit!

"Well, I just love racing!"

Do you!?

"Yeah! I remember when my Daddy took me tah my first Indy 500..."

God damn!

Fuckin memories!


(Peace! More to come...)

I Remember?! II

 But remembering isn't about thah muh fuckin future,

It's about our sorry ass past!

US can't get past the pasts!

But US sho nuff can change

US future!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Remember?!

 What keeps my ol Black sorry broke ass goin?


I remembah in thah movie "Blade Runner", Deckard said some shit, "Memories! You're talking about memories!" to Tyrell.


That's all our sorry broke asses evah talk about are the conditioned responses of US


(Peace! More to come...)

Bargaining Sips II

 "Naw niggah! Why do you think we takin all these supplements and shit?!"


"Yeah! That's what we know! You remember I told you when our eyes got ah lil yellowish? I said, "Niggah! We got tah stop this shit!" You remember that shit?!"


"I thought that you would've! Remember I told US that we'd have to stop! And what did you proffer?!"

I would find away around this.

"Yeah! And yah did! But shit! Now look! We've done fine until now Love! You were right about the supplements but we have to deal with the aging process now! Our body is not functioning the way it should Love! You know it! And I know it!"


"Oh, don't cry Love! We've had our righteoUS run!"

But what will I do?

"Live Love! Fucking Live


(Peace! More to come...)

Revelation And The Seventh Seal

It's about time?! 

Are US RighteoUS ready?!

It's all bein revealed!

Sound of thah muh fuckin trumpets goin thah fuck off, one aftah anothah!

US jUSt waitin for thah seventh!...

Then...thah shit's gonnah go down,

How thah shit's bout ready tah go thah fuck down!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bargaining Sips

 I bargain with myself oft times!

I love eating!

And I love drinking!

Pepsi?! Coke?!...

I said drinking! 

Not soft drinking! Anyway...

So, I bargain!

"Yah can't keep this shit up you know?

You're old! Two and you're through!"

How about four,

And I'll definitely snore!?


"One tequila. Two tequila. Three tequila!? Floor!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 28, 2023

INdy 500 II

 I marvel at people that want tah experience ah populated event in our Beautiful city of Indianapolis, I'm so sorry, Speedway!

Don't fuckin get it at thah fuck all!

"That's because you don't appreciate the sport of racing!"


That's not fuckin it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

INdy 500

 Yah got about 16,000 muh fuckahs! Now bein overwhelmed by ovah 300,000 fans!

Thah Holy fuck yo Speedway, Indiana payin taxes havin ass have tah say about thah strain on yo local IN economy aft!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Unique US Tapestries

 You'd like tah think you're all alone!

But yah fucked up!

Yah made all of these footprints, trails leadin right up tah

Yo ol muh fuckin Black broke ass doorstep!

Now, how in thah fuck does that mean 

"I want to be left alone!?"....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Taylor Swift Cements Her Pop Culture Dominance...Yahoo News"

 My ol Black sorry broke ass still laughin at that absurd sorry ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Pros? That Tired Ass Shit's Amateurish As Fuck! II

Pros get US on thah comeback!

"Oh, what skills! Around the back! And he scores!"

 US watches these grown ass men playin ah youthful sport and shit!

Men being payed millions!

To play a muh fuckin juvenile muh fuckin sport!?

Thah muh fuckin games don't mean shit tah US!

And some of US can't get enough?!


But ah muh fuckah can't get truly paid for ah righteous blowjob, hand job and bein able tah fuck me any type of way!? And them sorry athlete muh fuckahs don't even have tah show their dicks to thah muh fuckin crowd!?

God damn!

Now, that's some unfair shit!...

(Peace! More to come,,,)

BUD/S et al...

 Got ah muh fuckin niggah goin through thah BUD/S shit like three times some shit! 

That's some "Hoorah" muh fuckin shit!

Same muh fuckin niggah doin all these challenges tah his body! Runnin these endurance races and shit, durin runnin one of those shits, he has tah shit! Fuck it! Thah muh fuckah shits on himself and shit! Done had like three muh fuckin heart attacks and shit!...

Thee Holy fuck!

That shit is like ol "E" says it is!

Muh fuckin supersilly


(Peace! More to come...)

One of The Advantages of Living In Indiana, A State With Four Seasons II

 Shit all California would have tah do tah alleviate thah homeless problem is tah pay thah fed for two consecutive years, to dial HAARP up and make some badass winters!

Would it bust ah lot of fuckin pipes in Cali?

Fuck yes!

Plumbers would hit thah muh fuckin lottery for real!


Homeless muh fuckahs can't take no fuckin cold! Be leavin in droves!

Especially when ah muh fuckin state has no reason tah prepare for that winter shit!....

(Peace! More to come...)

One of The Advantages of Living In Indiana, A State With Four Seasons

 You know where thah best state to retire in?


Indiana, where you spent most of your muh fuckin sorry ass life living!

Fuck Florida!

Fuck Arizona!

Fuck Georgia!...

Is it cold up in this bitch in the wintertime?!

Fuck yes!

But in those othah warm retirement states!

Muh fuckUS can live out on thah street,

Twenty-four seven, three-hundred and sixty-five days out of ah fuckin year!

In Indiana yo homeless ass tries that shit!?

Yah jUSt might die from thah muh fuckin cold durin those winter months!

So...yo sorry worthless homeless ass may not want tah live here!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Megan Fox

 They keep showin this muh fuckah!

Biggest Adam's apple evah!

And muh fuckin females and males callin this dude a

"Fucking gorgeoUS woman!"

Thee Holy fuck!

I would deduce a 'gorgeoUS' face,

T&A is all that ah muh fuckah needs

Today tah pass as ah muh fuckin


And you can even keep yo muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Pros? That Tired Ass Shit's Amateurish As Fuck!

 Muh fuckahs doin ah blow job, hand job...lettin muh fuckahs fuck'em any kind of way tah pay for their various 'lifestyles'!

Kind of fucked up lifestyle ah muh fuckah livin where yo sorry broke ass got tah suck ah smelly nasty ass dick or get fucked any fucked up nasty kind of way tah make ends meet!? 

Then...have tah do thah nasty ass shit again! And again...

(Peace! More to come...)

Major Chaos Mitigates Minor Chaos

 What are them evil muh fuckahs options?

Let, all these muh fuckahs, now, talkin bout this COVID pandemic hoax keep talkin until muh fuckUS get mad and shit?!

Let the Epstein sordidness keep leaking out, knowin many of those nasty ass evil muh fuckahs caught up in that shit until muh fuckUS get mad and shit?!

Let the muh fuckin banks fail on their own!?...

Fuck no!

They have tah create somethin big!


Like crashin this bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 27, 2023

WHO?! Is Taking Over!

 "When the next pandemic comes. And it will...." Ghebreyesus.

Them muh fuckahs will never stop until US murders

Them evil clueless sorry ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Doth Thy Truly Want To Create?

 US creates 'em!

Then US wants tah dismiss 'em!


It ain't evah been that type of party Sonshines!

Fuck no!

Wiggled, twiggled and had fun havin those now lil or now grown ass muh fuckahs!

But, now, for some reason shit don't seem tah be fair!?

"I've sacrificed so much for those lil muh fuckahs! When do I get my life back?!" A Mother and a Father may say!?


All I can say tah that ill ass shit!?

You's ah selfish ass muh fuckah!

And should not have had one muh fuckin 


Let alone,


(Peace! More to come...)

Going Out On US Own!? And The Fine Fucking Print!

 It's thah lil muh fuckin shit in this life!

"Fuck y'all muh fuckahs! I can pay my own rent, utilities, car payment, health insurance and shit!"

Oh, Sonshine!

We didn't tell you about thah muh fuckin washer and dryer, vacuum cleaner, pots and pans, glasses, plates, toilet paper...yo independent ungrateful ass gonnah need tah be independent!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Come On! You're A Witness To This Shit, Too!

 I take this personal shit of mine and post it!

For maybe two muh fuckahs tah see, on ah good muh fuckin week!?

Even still!...

It's liberating as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 So yo sorry general Practitioner's ass gonnah keep treatin yo muh fuckin patients!

You know! The one's that didn't die from thah shit you suggested them sorry broke asses gettin!

Though yo ass knows yo sorry ass lead them astray! 

They trusted yo non-worthy evil ass!

Just like these worthless muh fuckin sorry ass preachers!...

Y'all gonnah have tah pay for this evil ill shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I'm Ready To go! Really?

 All it takes is some lil bitty tiny infinitesimal bullshit!

I remembah I was plannin on how I was gonnah get thah fuck out this bitch!

I was cookin chicken thighs, green beans and rice for me and my Daughter to eat for dinner. 

She came into thah kitchen for some damn reason and said, "I love you!" Turned and walked away to continue to watch "Robocop"!

I welled up!


I guess my ol Black sorry broke ass gotstah stay!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chasing Carrots

 They writin how these doctors made all this incentivized money tah convince their patients of bein vaccinated! Like $250,000 some shit! Once yo sorry USed tah be trusted  ass meets ah certain quota, or subjects tah agree tah take thah shit! God damn!

I mean, God damn!

For real!?

Is thah muh fuckin money that fuckin deep?!

God damn!

For real!

Thah fuck yo professional general Practitoner's ass still workin for then?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Answer Is The Truth!

 Shit we know who we are!

Ain't no thing!


What do we have to bring to this beautiful 

Human living in this 


Now that shit!

May be ah lifelong journey tah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Ezekiel Elliott

 Who thah fuck gonnah pick up this too much weed smokin overrated muh fuckah!

He light skinned, with black ass lips and gums!?

"Oh, that's his natural pigment."


Let me inform US of some shit!

That niggah smokin some hella herb!

If they gave that muh fuckah ah piss test

A whole marijuana plant would flow out his muh fuckin urethra!

You and Cam Newton! 

Thah muh fuckin green ain't y'alls friend!

Or y'all ignant muh fuckahs smokin thah wrong muh fuckin strain for yo supersilly ignant 'unique' personalities!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Name Your Price!?

 That's what this shit's about!

Do you have a price!?

And if your sorry ass does?!

Then name thah shit!


Is it thah fuck enough!

I mean fuck it!

If my sorry ol Black broke ass still needs tah work subsequent tah thah inhumane ill shit that I've chosen tah do for ah fuckin price?!

God damn!

I might as well have not have done thah shit from thah muh fuckin


Cause, shit!

I didn't name thah right muh fuckin price then!

Cause my broke muh fuckin Black ol ass still fuckin workin!..

(Peace! More to come...)

King/Corona Virus/Venom

 They don't have any-fuckin-more time!

Them evil muh fuckahs are fucked out of fuckin excuses!

They released ah respiratory pathogen amongst US!

Ain't too many of them laughin let alone smilin in muh fuckin public no fuckin more! Them stupid shits might be still havin ah great guffaw in private! But I seriously fuckin doubt it!

They have tah crash this bitch!!


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 26, 2023

Thee Holy Fuck!!!

 We have lost our muh fuckin ever lovin US minds!

Them muh fuckahs ain't doin shit but makin themselves money by doin fuckin nothin!

Kindah fucked up bullshit is that!?

And we payin 'em their determinate due!?...

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come....)

In Our Father's Works

 Don't give ah fuck!

US has tah speak out against these evil ill sorry ass muh fuckahs!...

US shall!


(Peace! More to come...)

But I'm Donning That Piaget! You Broke Bitches!

 Them evil muh fuckahs makin it tah where nothing that US witnesses is 


What thah fuck does that do tah US's US Constitution if muh fuckahs runnin thah shit are not fuckin one of US!? They are an infiltrated alien form! Makin decisions about, non-alien forms!? How that shit gonnah work out for US?! Yah think?!...

Them evil ugly muh fuckahs have fooled US tah believin that they are one of US!

But US should have known!

None of US!

I mean, God damn!

Are that fuckin butt ass naked


But, I must say, that is one handsome watch you have on!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cloning and Cloaking (CC-33)

 They got some "Harry Potter" shit happenin for real!

Remembah that 'invisibility cloak'?!


HyperStealth Biotechnology in Canada!

Done made that shit happen!

Now if them evil muh fuckahs can't clone thah shit!

They'll just cloak thah shit

Like USual but with bettah technology!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

"Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie" IV

 "Hitting an all time low!..."

Look forward tah that muh fuckin breakdown! 

Shit's bad as fuck!

"Hitting an all-time low!".

Feel that funky truth from thah fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Still of US

 "Do you want me to take another?"

My wife USually asks?

My response always is, 

"The way you captured me the first time! Is thah muh fuckin way my ol Black sorry broke ass should have been captured!"...

(Peace! More to come....)

Nurturing US YOUths!

 When yo ol Black sorry broke ass is an old muh fuckah!

Yo Black sorry broke ass is jUSt an ol muh fuckah!

Muh fuckahs gettin plastic surgery, colorin their muh fuckin hair and all that wishful YOUth shit!?

US Men too!?

God damn!..

US might be some old muh fuckin asses!


US carin ol muh fuckin asses have caring 



Tah help these plethora of traumatized

US pitifully abused


(Peace! More to come...)

The Eyes Have To Witness This Ill Ass WondroUS Shit!


Photographed by ARH

Jean Reno by Cendrine 1853/ C3-Gunmetal/44-26-135/ ZigEyewear $425; Polycarbonate lenses $50; Varilux Physio Drx PALs $480; Transitions Xtra Active Polarized Grey $225; Essilor Crizal Sapphire HR Anti-Reflective Coating $223; magnets for computer chemistry-clip $20: Chermistry-clip $175.

Check your local Indianapolis downtown optical offices for availability and pricing....

(Peace! More to come...)

Photographed by ARH

With PALs, Size Does Fuckin Matter!

 So I'm researchin some shit on PALs "Progressive Addition Lenses"!

Got ah question in one of thah options, ah muh fuckah gonnah ask, 

"What is the average cost for progressive lenses?"

The muh fuckah answered, "$150 - $250."

I'm thinkin tah my ol Black sorry broke ass self,

'Kindah bullshit no-line multi-focal lens they puttin yo soon tah be visually unhappy ass into!? Cause yo intermediate and near vision gonnah have some fuckin issues for sho!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

Some of US Are In Total Darkness

 Knowing the mind is kind!

A quite handsome sign!..

But to find so many blind?!

Is not fuckin fine!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



God damnit!


Can ah muh fuckah tell an already knowin ol Black sorry broke ass like me?!


(Peace! More to come...)


 There's a whole lot of muh fuckin times

"Silence is muh fuckin golden!"


my Daughter and I be talkin bout some shit!

She says some shit!

I get quiet as fuck!

My ol Black sorry broke ass gottah get back with yah on that shit Sonshine! CaUSe shit! I ain't really looked at that specific topic from an US Youthful level! But God damn! That's an excellent Youthful perspective!

I don't think she undahstood thah shit instantly! But I would hope she understands thah shit now!?

CaUSe when she has ah good ass Youthful ass perspective, which is often, my ol Black sorry broke ass gets quiet as fuck!....

(Peace! More to come...)

The Cardigans Are The Still Corners! Minus Two!

 Thinkin about notions, emotions and potions of these



Crams the slams!


Might as well USe Spam!

Fighting the 'Dr. Seuss': turning loose!


"Might as well eat Spam!" Of Sam's ham!...

I am!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Truth!

 What do you want me to do?!

I wasn't much of ah listenin muh fuckah when I was lost?!

Thanks! You see?!...

It formulates!

It creates!

It alienates!

It gestates!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Speak On It! Then Just Listen?!...

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk about some ill shit that my ol Black sorry broke ass be like,'

'Yeah! I knew them muh fuckahs were goin tah go down!'


Cause I'm ah generalists!

In ordah tah speak tah different muh fuckUS with different muh fuckin interests, US has tah be topical! Informed! Anyway...

Get interested in thah muh fuckah that US has thah gracefulness tah be even talkin tah thah muh fuckah sittin in front of US ungrateful asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Why!? God Damnit!

 There's some shit I see on ah daily that humbles my ol Black sorry broke ass so!

So I'm at Wendy's downtown Indianapolis! Eatin my "$5 Biggie Bag"! Shit! Fuck whatchall talkin bout! That shit's thah best thing reasonably smokin! Anyway...

This young muh fuckah came up tah thah table I was eatin at! Eyes empty as shit! Maybe thirteen? Maybe? Anyway... He pulled thah opposite chair at thah table I was dining! I looked him dead in thah eye and didn't say shit!

"Are you a very religious person?" He asked?

I, still partakin in my "Biggie Bag", said offhandedly, 

'No! Not really! Religion is manmade!"


'I believe you heard me?!'

"I'm about ready to be dipped!"

'For what?! We're under a new covenant. Haven't you heard? We don't have to get dipped any longer!" I said as I started gathering up my lunch trash.


'All you have to do is to believe in your heart!' Now lunch trash gathered. 'It's been nice speaking to you.'

"What? Hey? What's your number? I've got some questions?

I threw my trash away. Turned and addressed him.

'According to you? Your questions have already been answered?! Just get dipped!' Turned and took my happy ol Black sorry broke ass back tah work!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Need To Tend To US USeless Sheep Any Longer!

 Can you even eat?

Oh, the mighty weep

Shall seep

Deep within the fabric of


"Bo-Peep" doesn't need to tend to US


Any fucking longer!

Our "baaing" is gettin Stronger and 


(Peace! More to come...)

I Said, "Ten-Four!"

 Don't yah hate when one of US tellin US about some shit!

And think for some reason US don't know a certain legalistic term or word utilized in thah muh fuckin written prose!?

I ain't sayin I know, at thah fuck all, even half of thah words we USe in our English language!

I'm jUSt sayin!

If my ol Black sorry broke ass tellin yah, noddin at yah... and shit, that I under-the-fuck-stand! 

God damn!

And can US please move thah fuck on!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 If Mommy and Daddy were still alive they would be so tired of my ol Black sorry broke ass!

I enjoyed them two muh fuckahs! They had this type of fucked up relationship where the two were unequally yoked but were yoked!

"Now, that doesn't make any damn sense!"


Mommy USed tah say about Daddy's Father, 

"He wasn't nothing! Chewing on tobacco all day on the porch and spitting that nasty stuff in a spittoon isn't what I'd call something! And yes! He spat in this metal wide mouthed spittoon!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Evil-Selfies? No! RighteoUS Selfies? Yes!

 Muh fuckUS turnin selfish as shit!

US needs tah cut that shit thah fuck out!

US ain't them God damnit!

Fuck that!

Them evil muh fuckahs don't give ah shit except about them damned selves!


Fuck that shit!

That evil game plan has always failed


And has always

Definitely failed them evil ass sorry degenerate rich muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US Has A Bermuda Triangle?

 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate vanished from a train going from Wyoming to California!

So, I look up ammonium nitrate!

"Used mostly in fertilizer and in explosives."

God damn!

Mainstream news ain't said too much about this shit at thah fuck all!


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Knowing evil?

 Mother fucker listen! Excuse the language?! But shit! We're evil mother fuckers! So fuck it! You said we'd get our muh fuckin money after we got those silly son of bitch white mother fuckers, having a march chanting, "B-L-M" in New Hampshire! We made that shit happen! Some grass roots evil type of shit! Now, you all want to come in here and reap the evil benefits!?

"Firstly! There are no benefits in this evil shit!

Secondly, excuse my language, mother fucker! You are out of mother fucking order!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

If This US Shit's Not Beautiful?! Move!

 Come on!

To the land beyond

Under the Son!

Walk in the grass 

While this cycle still last!

Cast the news!

The blues of the true


Not 'S' but


Perpetual biting asps!

On that 

RighteoUS ass!"

Come on?

Let's go for a walk in this beautiful US


(Peace! More to come...)

Alone... Dancing!

I have these episodes!

Where if no one is around!?

I listen tah thah muh fuckin music that I think are thah jams and dance my ol Black sorry broke ass off! 

"Oh! But yah can't go with me tah go dancing?!"

Oh, I can go with you dancing! But if this niggah ain't gonnah get out there and dance?! Shit, US didn't even get halfway home Sonshine! Fuck it! Dancin like "Elaine" on "Seinfeld" alone Sonshine! Is one muh fuckin thing! Dancin in ah dancin place!? Shiiiought!? 

That's ah whole and anothah muh fuckin type of environment!

And when my ol Black sorry broke ass dances!?

My Black ol ass needs tah feel free!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie" III

 "Hitting an all time, low."...


US is there Sonshines!

Let's get thah fuck out of this shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie" II

 But that breakdown though!

Boing-boing! Boing-boing...boing-boing-boing!...Along with thah percussion!?...

Oh shit!

I'm sorry!? 

I left with thah first note!

Be back soon!?...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie"

 Shit! Thah muh fuckah starts yah got right and left thumb goin thah same way they're supposed tah go, pointing eithah fuckin way with thah muh fuckin beat! 

Lookin like 'Tony Manero' in "Saturday Night Fever"!

Check me out ladies!

While I skate in my Stacy's!

Floatin across thah muh fuckin dancefloor!


"I'm happy/ Hope you're happy too..."...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US has tah constantly be workin on US selves!

Work in progress?!

Damn skippy!

But shit, ain't no fuckin progress, if US ain't gonnah put in thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Music - Benny Sings"

 my Daughter's list of 'Jams'!

The shit's proper!

And thah fuckin jam even!

Some quirky ass shit!

Like Prince on even more helium, like on "Housequake"!

But US still nods our heads tah that funky ass quirky weird bullshit of ah funky ass beat!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fed Has Brought An Individual IN State of Affairs! (

 Muh fuckahs been puttin this shit off like ah muh fuckah!

Thah Holy fuck them muh fuckahs know about fuckin 


Them lazy muh fuckahs don't even write their own speeches and shit!

How thah fuck can they help this muh fuckah once they crash this shit?!

They had their muh fuckin chance for hundreds of years! And ain't did shit but cause even more


Shit, US can do that on US own, tax fuckin free! You sorry evil fed muh fuckahs!

God damn!

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with


Secede this fed evil bitch!

US IN is gonnah be jUSt fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

"Figure You Out - Djo"

 Muh fuckah kind of reminds me of Jamiroquai and shit!

my Daughter introduced me tah this shit!

RighteoUS shit!

I start thah shit!

Take ah ride!

Fingers start to peck!

Fluently, no back-spacin because my ass fuckin some shit up with hand placement!

No! Fuck no!

It's about thah muh fuckin flow!

Yah know!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them Shits Just Ain't No Fucking Song! Lyrical evil History!

 US evah listened tah "Hotel California - Eagles"?!

That shit kindah fuckin deep!

Some 70's shit!

Still reverberatin truths from US


(Peace! More to come...)

Sentient Humans! Not Animals!

 We can't conceive tah leave!

Bereave anothah cycle by US

From US!

The pus just keeps emanating forming the evil


Bust ah nut if US wants!


That shit jUSt




(Peace! More to come...)

But US Knows!

 This shit's on ah one-way ticket tah muh fuckin destiny tah thah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

Beiden? Yeah I Guess Some of US Did Vote For That Sorry evil Pedophile Old Ass Muh Fuckah!

 Shit, even got hardcore niggah democrats talkin about Beiden like ah fuckin damn dog!

"Where's Trump when you need him?!"

That's what them muh fuckahs been sayin and shit!

Get some!

The democrats are fuckin lost!

The republicans only are semi-lost!

But all them evil muh fuckahs in thah muh fuckin fed have fuckin 



(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 22, 2023

You, me And US

 Our minds are wondroUS!

Skipping rocks. Skipping rocks.

Meander! Meander some more...


Up jump thah devil!

And thah devil hit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Adverse Interrogationist V

'Where am I? I know I'm out of my country! Cause that was a long ass trip!'


"Come on man!? What am I gonnah do?! Y'all five deep! It's just one of me?! Come on! Let's talk like men used to! Over some chilled "Dorada"! And some "Colombian Gold"! What do you or I have to loose at this point in our lives?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Adverse Interrogationist IV

 "Who paid me? If we are going to have a conversation like men, can somebody take off these godforsaken zip-ties? And put away that muh fuckin water!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Adverse Interrogationist III

 "I'm sorry? I thought I'd said it to myself. Anyway...Definitely, hemoptysis. That's all! Coughing up blood! Because of you fucks! I don't know shit!," his voice now starting to sound more familiar, "I'm just like everybody in this shithole of a room right now! I was paid to do some shit! I did the fuckin shit! What the fuck is the fucking problem!?"

"Yeah! But who paid you?" Anonymous torturer asked....

(Peace! More to come...)

The Adverse Interrogationist II

 "Listen," he started saying, in a voice he didn't even recognize and it was coming from him. Snot now dripping from his nose, along with the fuckin dreadful water. Then he felt it, 

"You may want to step back?" He vomited mostly water of course. But then on the second heave, there was something else, blood! He thought then, no I can't take this too much longer? Once hemoptysis shows or gastritis shows. Somethin's got tah give! He said for some reason, "Hold on!" to his torturers! Coughed hard! Bright red blood all over the dingy floor in front of him. 

'Definitely hemoptysis,' he said to himself.

"What?!" One of his torturers asked....

(Peace! More to come...)

Truth!? About Time Muh Fuckah! What Took Your Ass So Long Man?! God damn! CPT And Shit! But So Glad That Your Ass Finally Showed UP!

 They got some shit poppin off now that is interestin as shit!

God damn!

That nasty abhorrent Epstein shit!

Vaccine ill shit bout ready tah drop on ah national muh fuckin level!...

Thee Holy fuck!

These rich evil muh fuckahs scramblin!

Start watchin these nasty evil muh fuckin powerful, political and entertainment muh fuckin names start droppin in an ill way!

And US is talkin bout ah debt ceilin with all this shit bout ready tah be exposed?!

Well I'll be God damned!?

Them evil nasty ass sorry muh fuckahs bout ready tah crash this muh fuckah!

"Everything shall be revealed under the sun. Whether it be good. Or whether it be wicked!"

Get ready Sonshines!

It's gonnah be some 



Comin tah ah screen near


Can't wait!...

Burn them evil sorry ass entitled muh fuckin bitches down!!!

And crash this bitch, please!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs done fucked it up properly any fuckin way!

Start thah fuck anew! (The Cloward-Piven Strategy)

But most of y'all evil degenerate muh fuckahs still goin thah fuck down!

Howevah this shit is gonnah go down!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Adverse Interrogationist

 He knew. Based on thah way thah shit was goin down! He was dealin with military, thah pros! He was goin tah have tah give it up now! Or keep takin this waterboarding which he knew, even never going through it to this degree until now, it was only a matter of time until he told them everything he needed tah tell them! Then, the way he was feeling? God speed! Shoot me! Torture me some more before you kill my ol Black sorry broken ass!? But God damn! No more waterboardin! Please!?...

This Great Awakening...

 There has always been! And shall always be unless...

There's always ah lil tiny somethin Lucifer will do and thine righteoUS finally catcheth! Thy evil muh fuckah! How shall we murder thee tah let thah othahs undahstand!? 


Or this will be yo sorry evil ass

Next terrible


(Peace! More to come...)

US EMP Incoming!

 I smile like ah muh fuckah oft times!

God damn!

Been twistin, tryin tah altah, findah ah muh fuckin way tah get around thah shit I'm witnessin bout ready tah hit US asses! Hard!...

Thah fuck ah muh fuckah gonnah do?!

Keep on suggestin tah muh fuckahs?

"Incoming muh fuckUS!

Duck muh fuckahs! Duck!"


This shit's about ready tah go thah fuck



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Fluidity

 Are you ready?!

Are we ready?!

Yah see?!

When shit don't go as planned, or as projected!?

Well, shit!

Thah ill muh fuckin shit gets escalated!

Diabolically scheming!...

"My Luciferian, Baal, Moloch... god tells me water! Water! Public water! The vision! To bring everything to pass! And what is to become for Baal! Is public water!"...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I look at these muh fuckahs that are on this manmade pulpit... police officers, politicians, popes, preachers, pundits, psychotic people...God Damn!

I didn't realize how many sad awhile worthless pieces of shit started with ah muh fuckin


"Yes they did! They had 'P' in the family! Because 'P'! It's a magic letter you see! (Altered Schoolhouse Rock/Three)"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Modern Day Nicolaitans

 I see these movies, read these books or excerpts from books, watchin these commercials...about muh fuckahs and their hungry ways?!

Ah muh fuckah would steal and maybe kill anothah one of US muh fuckahs for fuckin food to survive?!

Playesses and Playahs!? If it gets that muh fuckin sad up in this bitch?! Killin ah muh fuckah for their sustenance ain't gonnah do shit for you but possibly give yo sorry ass maybe one, maybe two or more days tah live in this firmament! And that's muh fuckin, Bullshit! I look at this shit they've been force feedin US about what will happen when thah days of thah days we were USed to have passed!? Shit!

Fuck that evil agenda ill ass shit!

US are some beautiful muh fuckUS!

And US will band togethah as one! Like nothin this firmament has evah witnessed! And like,

"Thy Nicolaitans shall arise and scoff at thee rulers."...

US, has always came through

For One and another!



We'll all be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

Proactive Fasting

 I fast a lot now!


BecaUSe there is ah raging evilly conjured devastating famine tah come US's way my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! Sooner than soon!

And if my ol Black sorry broke ass has learned to do without food for a time!? 

I will be able tah help thah ones that I greatly love to indulge in my share! Because they're not USed to the level of my state of hunger!


"But you'll die!?"



We all have to die, 


(Peace! More to come...)

Molecularly Speaking

 Tah me, yah have tah put this shit in it's righteoUS perspective!

Like them evil muh fuckahs say about snowflakes God damnit!

We are all fuckin uniquely different!

And them shits jUSt ice crystals some shit!?

If one molecule is not fuckin present in an othah!

Just fuckin one molecule!

That shit is not alike 



(Peace! More to come...)

US's Effulgent Future Is Easy-Peasy!

 There's a space always for US!

Like it is stated! 

Go into thine closet and


I pray to Our Father!

But whomever you like to pray to?

Just pray!

In secret!

And we'll be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come...)

Another One of Our Father's: Agenda Deferred

Them muh fuckahs been bullyin and fuckin ovah thah youth for so long, them evil muh fuckahs even forgot they could be ah muh fuckin threat!? 

They don't have thah muh fuckin youth on their evil sorry ass side any longer!

Thah big mistake thah evil muh fuckahs did was, tah take too long to totally disconnect thah child from either parent! Disconnect them from one or both! But once disconnection has been obtained, then separation shall be immediate, and to the child from thah US parents


But them evil muh fuckahs righteoUSly fucked up!...

(Peace! More to come...)n 

The RighteoUS Are Going To Win! No Doubt About That Shit!

 Since it's ah muh fuckin Sunday! God damn! What ah marvelous time tah speak some shit from thah pit of my soul!

"Come on man?!"...

I undahstand! And stop readin in three, two, one...

How control works! Muh fuckahs have tah believe, "There's more of them! Then there is of US!"

Now that's some interestin shit! CaUSe that's creatin doubt! 

Shit yo sorry broke ass goin intah ah game, ah fight, ah job interview...thinkin that yah ain't gonnah be successful in thah shit!? Then stay yo sorry muh fuckin broke ass at home! And have ah muh fuckin wonderful day! 

Why thah fuck bother!? 

If US is havin doubts about bein beaten even before thah possible beaten takes place!

US's is in ah heap of fuckin trouble! Like them niggahs durin  Apartheid ovah in South Africa!

Read some shit a week or so ago in Anderson, Indiana, "The police were overwhelmed and could not appropriately respond to get control of the situation!" Yeah! In lil Anderson, Indiana!

Thee Holy fuck!

If law enforcement can't get lil Anderson, Indiana undah thah fuck control! Now US IN ain't talkin bout even in Gary muh fuckUS! US talkin bout Anderson!...

And y'all thinkin this US shit's gonnah be easy tah neutralize!?

Kindah fuckin sense that muh fuckin shit make?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real COVID Scare III

 They'll turn thah lights back on and assess projected success?! For thah same allotted time of electricity turned off jUSt in the US!

After assessment, if favorable? Thah lights stay on for US?

If too many of US 're still muh fuckin livin givin thah projected amount of depopulation murders that need to be actuated to obtain US control?!

Then them evil muh fuckahs will turn thah shit off for

Six days, six hours and six minutes!...

Until neutralization can be

Militarily successful!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Real COVID Scare II

 Then they'll turn thah muh fuckin lights off on 


For six days, six hours and six minutes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Oxymoronic Rhetorical Interviewing

 "So tell me (he looks down)..."Meredith"? What do You! Yourself! Bring to the table of this fine global company?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Science?! My Ol Black Sorry Broke Ass Wrinkly Left Nut! II

 Listen tah thah muh fuckahs!

It makes no fuckin sense!

"That's because you're not a scientist!"

Touché muh fuckah!

But my ol Black sorry broke ass reads, speaks, understands  and writes English God damnit!

And based on thah muh fuckin English I jUSt heard!?

This shit's all still some muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Science?! My Ol Black Sorry Broke Ass Wrinkly Left Nut!

 Reality and the scientific realm are totally two different entities!

I can fuckin make you feel, see, hear, dread...this muh fuckin reality!

But speakin scientifically?!

How thah Holy fuck ah muh fuckah gonnah tell me,

"Well, in a billion years the earth will come so close to the sun! The sun will absorb it! And the earth will be no more!"

Kindah fucked up storytellin about US future is that sorry ass noise!?

And did yo scientific ass say 'a billion years'?

Oh! So there's no way in a billion years tah tell yo lyin sorry ass that you were wrong!

Cause here US sorry broke asses still gonnah be!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Freedom Game Time TBA

 When thah shit really hits thah muh fuckin fan!

Sadly enough!

US has tah murder all of US 's so-called' crazy and

Homicidal people! 

"Well, all of US are crazy! So we're going to kill jUSt everybody!"

You know who I'm talkin bout!

"Shit! Okay?!"

Known bad elements in neighborhoods!

That's jUSt thah start to control proximity!

Cause ah niggah ain't goin thah fuck nowhere!

Out there!? 

Yah get what yah get!? Survivin?!

Don't know what thah fuck that is?! Don't fuckin know! But yo ass sure gonnah get it! We're in an Urban area! Secure thah muh fuckah! And don't go out until you abso-fuckin-lutely have to! Like dire type of shit!...Anyway,

Then US has tah murder all of the evil elite!

Well, shit is there really a difference between the elite and the evil elite?!

So, yes! They have to go!

Murder all of the practicing doctors! 

Nurses?! I ain't makin that call! 

But definitely thah muh fuckin doctors!

Scientists!? Off with their heads!

Murder school administrators and most of the teachers!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Three Years of US Youths Complicit Abuse And Still Counting! II

 Muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

All these US young muh fuckUS got PTSD!

"Well what about all over the world!"

Fuck it! I ain't livin in the world!

I'm livin in US! Fuck them othah muh fuckahs! 


Ol muh fuckahs forget what it's like tah be young!

Or ol muh fuckahs jUSt don't give ah fuck!?

And if it's thah latter?

US grown ol ass muh fuckahs got it comin!

I cannot imagine!? 

Freshman in high school, thah muh fuckin fall of 2019!

And graduating this fucking year!

Talkin bout some PTSD shit!

And in high school! As fuckin nervous and shit around people in general when I was in that dreaded bullshit?! And now yah gonnah add on some more stressful PPE shit!?...

That was some of thah worst emotional times in my life and I'm an ol ass muh fuckah now!

Young muh fuckahs USed tah freedoms and shit! Goin intah freshman year is awkward thah fuck any fuckin way! And put on top, some crazy Pandemic evil ass fucked up agenda! Where, my young nervous ass goin intah high school, now has tah covah my face from peers for thah next two fucking years or more!...

A semi-successful critical live social experiment for them!

It fucked up US's

Youths socially!

And sadly enough!

We all shall pay for that ill fuckin evil sorry ass

US complicit shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Freedom Shall Come At Great Costs

 Don't know what thah muh fuckin federal government is thinking at the fuck all! 

Good Lawd!

Them muh fuckahs will be able tah take care of rural and suburban areas pretty quick!

But US's urban areas!?

evil sorry ass minions of thah 

UN (not)!

Make sure you bring your lunch!

Thy pitifully mislead young men!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Federal CaBaal Government

 This evil shit they pullin ain't about gettin thah I70 and I65 split done at ah projected date! Fuck no! Fuck US Hoosiers! They jUSt keep pushin thah muh fuckin completion date up!

"They're done, when they're done!" 


Yeah, I hear all of you my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! I hear you!

And that's all them fed muh fuckahs do is hear, but nevah fuckin listen!

They have these planned dates that must be met on time!

Whatevah kind of money, fuckin takes!

Get it thah fuck done!

Cause very soon!


Shall call!

And do whatever he wants too,



(Peace! More to come...)

The Real COVID Scare

 They have to make a statement about this ill shit!

US are not fucking dying as fast as they thought post injection(s)!

The truth about thah ill shit is getting out way too fast! And US are livin way too long with projected data that was populated prior to!

So, to get out in front of this shit, they'll put ah muh fuckah out there, US don't thah fuck know, apologizing to the American people, how there were people in the federal government, 

"Less than forthright. About this situation..." (Like thah muh fuckin WMDs!)

Don't US love it! Never sayin, 

"I'm sorry! We were wrong! We mislead the American people!" 

Ah bunch of muh fuckin men makin ill ass evil decisions will never be


But once they take some kind of fault!

Then US starts really researchin some shit!

Do US realize how many insurmountable doctors, nurses, politicians, media journalists, preachers, ministers...lives will be put in peril at this point?!

And US will nevah trUSt any of these sorry ass muh fuckahs


Then them evil muh fuckahs gonnah turn thah 

US lights complete off!

For six days, six hours and six minutes! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

Remittance Is Long Over Due!

 Them muh fuckahs talkin bout 'debt ceiling' impasses!

Yellen wahn-wahn wahning...!

Them muh fuckahs have no othah option but tah crash this muh fuckah!

Thah more time them evil muh fuckahs take tah do it,

Thah more time it gives US to inform and arm



And them evil sorry ass cowardice murderoUS muh fuckahs really don't want that!

Not, aftah all thah evil inhumane shit y'all sorry ass muh fuckahs have done and are still doin tah


(Peace! More to come...)

The Process of Stepping Down To Disparate Evil

 The more I read shit! The more and more thah way these evil muh fuckaks do, thah more US can start figurin them evil muh fuckahs out!

"Well they're jUSt fucking evil!"

That's what I thought too! 

Thah more I fuckin research about them lousy evil muh fuckahs, like US, there are still orders to their hierarchy of evilness!

It goes from evil tah...

Fuckin batshit nasty ass evil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 19, 2023

Attracting The Wrong Attracters!

So I'm readin some shit about bees!

I don't know... went down ah couple of rabbit holes and here I go...

" ...Bees are also attracted to flowery prints."

God damn!

Never thought of that shit!? 

Plus women wearin that flowery perfume!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Properly posted parlance! Perhaps? Pinked panted perpetual piousness popping painted pests! Packing picks, poles of pricks! Purple pokes the popes! Piping postal packs to prisms. Pistols pop in practice pointing at pitiful politicians pedophilic putrid past and present plethora of prophesied preadolescent painful posed and posted


(Peace! More to come...)

evil elite Prairie Fires

 Tryin tah stop this ill shit them evil muh fuckahs done fucked up...properly is an impossibility! 

It's gonnah be ah long way fuckin back for US!

But US can sho get some righteoUS

Paybacks in thah muh fuckin meantime! 

Fuck that noise!

Light that evil sorry ass thah fuck


Get some you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Squatters Rights?

 Readin about this active military Sistah havin problems with ah muh fuckah squattin in her shit!

She got him out eventually!

But them squattin muh fuckahs sho do know who tah fuck with!

Cause niggah!

Yo ass gonnah get out this bitch by reasoning!

Or by dead reasoning!

Thah fuck ah muh fuckah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Thah Fuck Is Wrong With Them Ol Ass Worthless Evil Politicians?!

 Have US seen McConnell? Ding-dong! That bitch bout dead!

Feinstein? Ding-dong! That bitch bout dead!

Schumer? Ding-dong! That bitch bout dead!

Beiden? Ding-dong! That bitch bout dead!...

God damn! Thah fuck those ol muh fuckahs still in this shit for?!

How much fealty did y'alls broke down ugly asses pledge tah thah real

evil ones?!...

Them muh fuckahs lookin fuckin terrible! Lookin like shit!


And still on thah muh fuckin stroll with their broken down ol evil sorry ass repugnant selves!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Three Years of US Youths Complicit Abuse And Still Counting!

 Ain't nobody got on mainstream media and said to all US Youths,

"I'm sorry!"

For goin on three fuckin years US let them evil muh fuckahs abuse US's children for a fucking agenda!

Shame on all of US!

"Well, the lockdowns and the vaccines saved so many lives!"

Oh, I'm sorry! You're one of those!

I undahstand!

But like you, me and US!

We let them do that shit to thah muh fuckin children who we say "We love so dear"!

We abused our own children ovah ah muh fuckin agenda!

Muh fuckUS talkin that crazy shit, 

"These young people done gone crazy!"

Yah think?!

They saw US lettin these evil muh fuckahs abuse them! And US went along with it!?

Fuck yeah! Them young muh fuckahs are fuckin pissed! And we got tah pay for that shit! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Nothin nice at all!

It shouldn't be! But if them YOUthful muh fuckahs talk crazy tah me, maybe gettin tah thah point they want tah kick my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass! But before them muh fuckahs do, I'll smile! Look placidly down! And take that youthful angry ass adult whoopin! CaUSe we did y'all's shit foul! We wronged all of YOUths! 

I for one, am gravely sorry!

All I can tell all of YOUths if it makes ah fuck bit of difference! Now?!

I undahstand!

But jUSt want tah let all US beautiful YOUths aware! I shall do bettah for


And them evil muh fuckahs ain't thinkin bout how many of US they done murdered and fucked up mentally with this fake ass shit!

Fuck no!

They jUSt lookin at thah overall kill ratio to kill projection ratio!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Youth Shall Arise And Scoff At Thee!

 These evil muh fuckahs talkin bout thah US youths!

But they don't give one fuckin shit about 'em!

Raping them, 

Eating them,

Drinking their blood,

Trafficking them

Misguiding them...

Shit you get muh fuckahs in their twenties' bein able tah become ah congressperson, ah senator...ah president?


You'd see thah real evil horrible side of these old ass pedophile muh fuckahs that are grounded in US deceitful politics!

Talkin bout transparency?! Them crazy young muh fuckahs be havin their cellphones and Apple watches in secret meeting and shit! Releasing that shit "Live" and shit!...

Oh it 'd be ah stone cold righteoUS muh fuckin US blast!

Cause them ol worthless disgusting evil muh fuckahs gots tah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Age Discrimination?! III

 How thee Holy fuck US gonnah tell ah muh fuckin US citizen workin, payin taxes at eighteen, nineteen years old, "You can't run for president for eighteen more years!" 

Why?! Because I have to pay some fuckin dues tah this muh fuckah until then, tah even be considered tah be a candidate for you sorry, tax payin, dreamed deferred, schlepp!?

But on thah real! If US is gonnah pass some shit like that depriving our youth of US Patriotic dreams! They shouldn't have to pay federal taxes until the age of thirty-five!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Age Discrimination?! II

 Here's what I think!

I undahstand?

Just stating is all!

There shall always be an age of majority!

There shall forever be!

To protect the innocence of

US Human


But thirty-five?!

God damn!....

(Peace! More to come...)


 "Do you see it?"


"The Falling!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

= Yoked

 I love my wife!

Yah see, not a lot of muh fuckahs undastand some shit that Geeg and I agree upon!

"If my ass is at work! Unless it is a fucking emergency?! Don't call, text...whateverthefuck my Black workin tryin jUSt tah get by slavin ass! Unless it's durin lunch hour! Yo ass gets ah muh fuckin pass for thinkin of ah muh fuckah! Othah than that! That shit can wait until I get my ol Black sorry broke ass back safely, Home!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Age Discrimation?!

 These muh fuckahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

These evil muh fuckahs have thah fuckin nerves tah talk about 

"Age Discrimination"!?

But yo US ass has tah be at least 

Thirty-fuckin-five years old to run for thah fuckin presidency of


And US can give ah twenty-one years old local Law Enforcement Official ah muh fuckin badge and ah  muh fuckin gun!? Shit! Fuck it! The way they reportin these teen shootins! Hire them muh fuckahs!

It'll be ah muh fuckin lot cheaper!

And they'll know thah real

Hot spots!...

And US never knows!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Youthful Highness Is Zombie Like Shit!

 They got some shit out there now that will bang your muh fuckin ol ass Black sorry broke muh fuckin head!

God damn!

Fuck wrong with US!

Thah fuck these muh fuckahs be smokin!?

Just say "No"! If it's gettin like this!

Naw niggah I didn't like that shit!

If I wanted tah be comatose all thah God damned time,

I might as well shoot my God damned self!

Be a lot cheaper! And ah hell of a lot shorter time spendin in this bitch!

And Geeg 'll say, "Praise the Lord! And when does a niggah get paid?! Cause I told his stupid ass!" Anyway...

How high does y'alls sorry youthful asses wannah fuckin get!


Y'all ain't got nothin tah look forward to!

As far as gettin high!

Cause thah shit I hit?!

If that's thah "Shit"!?

I might as well jUSt get it ovah with and muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 Am I going to make it?


Where am I going to go?


I don't know?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Troubled Confusion May Lead To Thine Death?!

 Okay! Shit! I gave in!

On thah muh fuckin pie chart thah muh fuckin shit said


I'm like Samuel L. Jackson in 'Pulp Fiction',

"Is there a president of Other mothah fuckah?!"


"I said! Is there a president of Other? Mothah fuckah?!"


"Say it again! Say it one more God damned time!?..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human Beautiful Individual Truths Are For Our Father's Reason! II

 If US all thought thah same?

US 'd be fucked!

CaUSe there's always ah 

Lucifer runnin around this bitch!

Talkin that ill shit,

"I deserve better than you sorry ass mother fuckers!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human Beautiful Individual Truths Are For Our Father's Reason!

 Put in place tah always keep US


If all of US muh fuckahs thinkin thah same?!

Goddamnit thy children! Yah best muh fuckin believe! There shall arise ah lucifer! Anyway...

Shit, I forget thah muh fuckin program, news show, talk ol Black sorry ass fuckin forgets! Shit! But that's thah way my shit works! There are some shits that are permanent for some reason! And you can't tell my ol Black sorry broke ass nothin! Unless yah tellin thah muh fuckin truth! Which then. I will surely acquiesce! But there's some shit muh fuckahs bring up? I be like?! Bro, I don't even remembah! Not that the event in question didn't happen! And it's not that I was fucked up or some shit like that?! Yo shit and my shit are totally different perspectives!

Just suggestin!? Even though US is one of US!?

US still got our muh fuckin individual memories of some shit!

And that ill Beautiful muh fuckin shit which 

Our Father

Seeded so long ago!

Is gonnah save 

US ungrateful sorry asses!

Once again!

But y'all muh fuckahs know,

Even ah muh fuckin cat only has

Nine lives!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Anagrams Are Evil Speak

 It's funny the most important words in our Human Existence are evilly based!













But I ain't found an anagram of 

"Bible "

Fuckin yet!

I mean what thee Holy fuck is ah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Trying To Breakthrough The Gloom II

 This shit is all about Human Energy!

Whatevah wattage US decides tah USe Sonshines!?

It's goin tah attract Human


And US has thah US right tah thah many



At US's blessed disposal!

Tah fuckin rid 

US of these evil vile

Human predators!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Way We Tell (BIG SMILE)

 Some of thah muh fuckin worst Human Spirits in this firmament are parishioners, preachers, choir members, priests, popes... in thah muh fuckin manmade church!



I remember one time, shit had tah be ovah fifteen years ago, maybe longah? Anyway...

I was talkin tah this female physical therapist patient, named Dulce, just conversin about relationships and shit. She was cool as shit!

And she said some shit that was interestin as shit tah me! She said, 

"Getting to really know people is like peeling an orange. Then you get to the meat which is sectioned off. Then if it's a real lovely peeled and dissected orange? Then you get introduced to the seeds. Then ultimately to, the two Sowers. But you still eat the meat." And I remember her raising her eyebrows, like, "Yeah!?" She was interestin as shit! 

'Miss You! I hope wherever you are? They are taking care of those big brown beautiful insightful caring eyes!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Answer Will Tell US Everything About Our Fleeting Future! Unless...

 What do 



What do 



What do 



What do you Do!?...

About US?...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Met Another Witness To US's Truth

 It fucked me up in thah last blog!

I wrote thah homophone right!

I didn't mean "Too"!

I meant what I wrote, "Two!"

"I don't get it?!"

I ain't even finished thah muh fuckin story yet!? God Damn!"

"I'm listenin Love!"

Well, what fucked me up was I typed "Two"!

But for some reason the word didn't look right at all!

'Is that the fuckin way you spell the number 2?' I said to myself.

My ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin mind bumped intah ah muh fuckin writers' wall and couldn't get around thah shit! I guess I hadn't written thah number in so long that it looked odd for some muh fuckin reason! Even had tah put thah shit in thah search engine tah see if ah niggah had spelled the number 2 right!' Yeah! Some pitiful shit!

I remember maybe two, three years ago I was speakin tah ah patient and I said, 

'I'm too old for that now? I have to write on sticky notes or I'm sure enough am going to forget.'

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" she asked.

'Fify-five (four).'

"I thought you were ten years younger. But I'm Sixty. It is shocking! What the mind forgets as we age!

Isn't it?" She said....

I'm greatly humbled every-fuckin-agin-day about that 

Righteous statement and rhetorical question she addressed to me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Trying To Breakthrough The Gloom

 I USed tah open up these muh fuckin videos all thah God damned time, showin Human chaos, for some reason! 

I got ovah that shit real fuckin quick!

It brings ah hard fuckin gloom ovah yo already gloomy ass sorry broke muh fuckin life! 

And my ol Black sorry broke ass is already ah depressive muh fuckah!? 



Because that's not what most of US muh fuckin lives!

Yah went tah work this mornin Sonshines in Indianapolis, Indiana! Yah got yo broke ass back home, safely! Did any of US witness this type of ill shit today?! Let alone thah past fuckin week! Yeah! Shit, God damned right! Some of US Hoosiers did and do! But shit! That violent shit, ain't all ovah thah muh fuckin place in our Beautiful city of Indianapolis! Like these evil muh fuckahs tryin tah Convince US it is! 

Bullshit! That's some propagandized muh fuckin shit for US broke sorry asses fo sho!...

"Leave that shit alone niggah!... Love?"

And I've been leavin that shit alone!

Love You!


(Peace! More to come...)

Pass That Shit!

 What in thee Holy fuck are these ol ass muh fuckahs in thah muh fuckin entertainment industry thinkin when even their sorry asses tryin tah show some ol dreadful lookin wrinkled T&A?

God damn!


Showin these fat ass muh fuckahs talkin bout, "Fire", "Sizzling", "Fabulous"...


Whah, muh fuckahs?!

Lizzo's fat ass is far fuckin from that absurd shit! A fat muh fuckin man tryin tah say its ah woman in ah muh fuckin bathing suit ain't thah fuck it!

Now US got tah endure not only women half-ass dressed this horribly abysmal soon tah be hot ass summer! But these men runnin around without shirts on and shit!

Thah fuck wrong with US?!

"Well what about you? You can't talk with your old ass self!"

The fuck I can't! I'm fully clothed, out in public, all thah God damned time! I ain't goin tah no pool or no fuckin beach evah! Nobody wants tah see my ol Black sorry broke ass just in some swimmin trunks or God forbid, a muh fuckin Speedo!? Ugly ass shit there! Anyway...

But whatevah them evil muh fuckahs smokin that are pushin this ill sorry ass agenda! 


Can ah niggah get about three hits off what has tah be ah muh fuckin ill ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

It's All About That Asp: Katalin Kariko & Drew Weissman, University of Pennsylvania!

 Shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Just muh fuckin


These doctors ain't worth


(Peace! More to come...)

"CRISPR"/CRISPs Technology

 My niece sent me some shit! 

Watched these shits called,

"The Water" and "The Water 2"!


Them some evil ass sorry muh fuckus!

And they all need tah be 



(Peace! More to come...)

evil elite Sacrileged Whirling Dervishes!

 evil elite muh fuckahs always want tah play thah muh fuckin victim and shit!

God damn!

With all that money and murderin yo sorry worthless drops of sperm muh fuckin asses resortin tah that passé ill ass shit?!

"Well, yes! If all of you would have just listened to us and taken the vaccine..."

God damn!

That's thah best y'all sorry asses got?!

With all that muh fuckin money?!

CaUSe y'all evill asses sho don't have thah power!

Not with ah sorry ass muh fuckin statement like that!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Going To Jail?! Y'all evil Muh Fuckahs Doing It Too En Masse!?

 They talkin bout these muh fuckahs out here shootin, killin muh fuckahs and shit!

Have US noticed how thah muh fuckin evil elite have acted thah last three fuckin years?!




And monkeys sho nuff fuckin gonnah


(Peace! More to come...)

"Martha Stewart Sizzles On The Cover Of SI"

 Talkin bout ah niggah spittin out his muh fuckin drink!

Still gigglin bout that absurd shit!

You old ass ugly entitled crepe skinned saggy tittied bitch!

Her ugly sorry ass can't even be put in the lowly category of old ass



Thee Holy fuck is wrong with US!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

What The Fuck Did I Do?!

 ...this is Meredith. How may I help you today?

"Yes, I missed my appointment by mistake this morning. Sorry about that. I'd like to reschedule?"

Sure. Our first open appointment is on Wednesday, June 21st at nine o'clock.

"But I can't see! Is that the soonest you have for a person that can't see?"

Well, other than the appointment you missed today, yes.

(She hung up on ah niggah!.)...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Negative US Spaces

 "What? You tryin tah save thah muh fuckin world muh fuckah?!"


"Then what? Cause this bitch bout tah reach number nine point five muh fuckah!"

I love you Love!

"You!?...Come on? Let's get some rest Love?!"


"Fuck that 'K' shit muh fuckah! Yah wrote that shit some blog ago some shit!"


"My niggah!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human elite Edibles III

 "You told them muh fuckahs you were goin tah bed! Come tah bed niggah!"

Just one more thing Love!



Well, Us thinks that the Hollywood movie,

"Soylent Green" was so futuristic dystopian some sci-fi shit!?


Well, eventually while the groomin continues, they're goin to convince US to eat one and


"That shit ain't evah gonnah happen Love! Because plant based fed Humans are more delicious, more earthy! Come tah bed Love?!"


(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human elite Edibles II

 "Well. That's sick!?"

Totally agree!

But it is, what it is!

'Plant Based Diets'!

Well, what them evil muh fuckahs have found is that US Humans that do not eat meat! 

Are fuckin delicious!

Plant based raised Human cattle!

Blood? A-1!

Salt content? Supremely balanced!

Fat to meat ratio?

A little on the meatier side than what was expected!

But cook US long enough,

US's shit becomes tender as fuck!

"Come on now! That was delicious! Was that a little bit of Haitian body parts with a splash of Thailand body parts fusion!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 When US have muh fuckahs that do not have ah biological chick or child in this shit, tryin tah tell

US what thah fuck tah do with US's muh fuckin biological chicks or children?!

Niggresses and Niggahs!?

US is in thah wrong muh fuckin space!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Settlement

 When US becomes thah age of muh fuckin majority!

Who thah Holy fuck do 


Have tah blame 


All my ol Black sorry broke ass has got!


(Peace! More to come....)

Amongst The US Living!

 I'll leave you with this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Cause ah niggah got tah get some sleep!

God damn! Anyway...




(Peace! More to come...)

The Pure Truth In US

 There is nothing that US can write!

That them evil muh fuckahs can fuckin question!


Because it is not their sorry ass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

Grooming US

 The more yo sorry ol Black broke muh fuckin ass researches!

Thah muh fuckin more yah start undahstandin ,

US ain't learned shit!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs jUSt been 

Grooming US broke sorry asses!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It Really Does Take Two

 Individuality is the combined

Plurality in this 


Reality of evil


(Peace! More to come...)

"Black Lagoon -Still Corners"

 I'm surfin!

"You don't know how to fucking surf niggah!"


Listenin tah this muh fuckin song!

My ol Black broke sorry ass done caught the mightiest wave of thah muh fuckin day!

Feelin thah muh fuckin sun on my skin!

Tepid breeze blowin while I take care of this monster!

Check it?! I'm in thah muh fuckin tunnel righteously!

Beautiful shit!

Comin out still ridin thah backend!...

Oh, I fuckin surf!

Just not physically!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chauncey D. Hopson (Deceased). One of My Eleven Siblings (Eleven Males/One Female).

 I wrote this blog title because I have ah story about my dear Brother. I jUSt don't think I have enough in me tah see it through it's breadth of writing? But I'll give it ah try when I recommence! Even though he was a supersilly crazy ass muh fuckah! I miss that crazy muh fuckah! And I don't miss too many muh fuckahs! Anyway....

(Peace! More to come...)

Internal Race Problems! Never External Race Problems!

 Ask ah niggah that you USed tah work with tah give yo sorry ol niggah broke ass your-muh-fuckin-self for ah muh fuckin



Muh fuckahs start stammerin and shit!

Makin all kinds of excuses why they can't?!


Ask ah White muh fuckah you USed tah work with,

"Sure, Meredith! No problem!"

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A-Z LGBT....And Boy George.

 I remember even before it was hip tah be trans or some othah shit!

Boy George said some shit like,

"I'm homosexual. And it's obvious! I mean being this way is ah choice! My God we weren't born like this?..."

Thinkin back on that interview,

I ain't seen nor heard from that muh fuckah in any shape, form or fashion since that muh fuckah said that righteoUS shit! 

"Why were you watching interviews with Boy George?"

Cause thah muh fuckah was truthful! He jUSt said some shit that he felt! Fuck it! And I love that muh fuckin truthful shit! Whomevah is tellin that solid shit!

But I guess he shouldn't have said that truthful muh fuckin shit at thah time! (Today he would be thah poster child of this ill agenda! Well, they'd told him, niggah yah wannah keep makin money?! Say this shit is from birth!)

Cause them evil muh fuckahs got his ass 

Ghost muh fuckin quickly back in thah formative years of this evil conceived future agenda!

Rollin out with ah vengeance ad nauseum 


And they, A-Z LGBT sorry ass muh fuckahs, still ain't givin that muh fuckah any 


A muh fuckin travesty!...

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Becoming Worse And Worse.

 Slipping. Just fuckin slippin!

I have somethin in my mind and as I try to speak on it, it fuckin vanishes!


Now what thah fuck was my ol Black sorry broke ass gettin ready tah say?


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, May 15, 2023

"Soul Meets Body - Death Cab For Cutie"

 Do US undahstand how much I love this muh fuckin band!?


Shit havin my ol Black sorry broke ass noddin like ah muh fuckah!

RighteoUS muh fuckin shit!

"Well, they're all jUSt probably ah bunch of entitled jewboys!"

And I don't give ah one real fuck! Them muh fuckahs be jammin!...

There's always a morrow!

Until it is blessedly 


Good night my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

All I've got!


(Peace! More to come...)

Some Feel Good Shit! US Are Fucking Unique!

 Got tah go tah sleep!?

But I'll leave you with this my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

There is no muh fuckin body like muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Pop Goes The Weasel":

 Take a small to the call,

To save US all!

Roll, stuff  pieces of paper to inhale the vacationing


Oh, that high will dissipate

Like the clouds!

And start mandating the rearing late


Bloody cows!...

(Peace! More to come...)

This Shit Ain't No Wondrous Children's Story!

 Where you at?!

'Cat in the hat',

Saith the gnat!

A lifelong mat

To desat..


The fate of US whom forever


(Peace! More to come...)

Open Up For US!?

 "How can you possibly write some of the shit that you do?"


Cause it needs tah be muh fuckin written for


Just try thah shit?

And tell me where I can be ah witness tah anothah

One of US!?....

(Peace! More to come...)


 Don't ever be scared of US's thoughts!

US's emotions!

US's truths!...

Without them!

There are no 


And there are no


(Peace! More to come...)

Individual Baptismal Anointing Events Without The Lube! Stop! Conditionally Praying!

 If yah love one of US!

Yah have tah lay hands on US!

I don't mean in no type of lasciviousness ill distasteful muh fuckin manner!

Quite thah muh fuckin contrary!

Yah take your right hand and place that hand on thah side of their left face!

Then yah take your left hand and place that hand on thah side of their right face!

Look them drop dead in thah muh fuckin eye and say,

"I love you! You have to do better! You have to change!"

Kiss them on thah muh fuckin forehead!

Look them in the eye again!...


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"The Hoosier and Multi-State Lotteries". If You Have More Winners? You'll Have More Believers! (Just A Suggestion! You evil Dicks!) II

 "Well what would you do with all of that money?"

Spread thah muh fuckin Joy!

Shit, if  We won ah billion dollars! In my state with taxes and all of thah othah incidentals, We'd be lookin at about 540 million dollars?

"Okay? What would you both do?"

Well, I'd spread thah muh fuckin joy!

I'd call up 52 othah muh fuckahs and say,

"Meet US at the lottery office at high noon? Got ah ten million dollar gift for yah!"

Geeg doesn't undastand me but,

Yo sorry USed tah be broke Black sorry ass don't need tah be caught up with all that muh fuckin half of ah billion type of money all by your muh fuckin selfs!

Get some! 

You othah 52!


Spread thah muh fuckin "Joy"?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

For US Present And Future Selves

 There's always some of US out here who US can help with jUSt this shit I'm doin right thah fuck now!

Telling "My Truths"!

But yah can't be scared!?

It's gonnah be all right!


Just tell me where I can find your

Written truths?

And your truth will be witnessed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Passe! Quelque Chose De Nouveau, S'il Vous Plait?! III

 Got ah wonderful plan jUSt for US sorry broke asses!

See if yah like it?

If US goes someplace that treats US ill?!

Don't spend US muh fuckin hard earned muh fuckin dollahs at that establishment!

Ever again!...

What do yah think?


It'll save your muh fuckin feet!

And it will sho nuff save yo muh fuckin verbal


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Hoosier and Multi-State Lotteries". If You Have More Winners? You'll Have More Believers! (Just A Suggestion! You evil Dicks!)

 I play the lottery infrequently now!

Shit, aftah almost thirty fuckin years playin weekly, now these muh fuckahs want even more money, have thah shit two three times ah fuckin week?! I ain't talkin bout no 'Pick 3', 'Pick 4', 'Cash 5'...naw! I'm talkin bout thah muh fuckin lot-ter-ry! Some big fat muh fuckin money! Anyway...

Ain't nobody broke got ends like that!

So fuck it! I play shit infrequently now. Maybe spendin eight dollahs ah month?

And some muh fuckin weeks I don't give ah fuckin shit!

My ol Black sorry broke ass was spendin ovah forty ah month ovah that many years and my ol Black sorry ass still fuckin broke!? "Cause my ol Black sorry broke ass is tired of workin! I 's gonnah win!"

 Ain't won shit! And yah broke sorry ol Black ass can't even take it off yo muh fuckin taxes, state or federal?!

God damn!

No mas! You evil no count greedy muh fuckahs!

"So why do you even bother to play the eight bucks a month?"


Cause an ol ass broke muh fuckin niggah, like me, 

Still got hopes...

And dreams!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Passe! Quelque Chose De Nouveau, S'il Vous Plait?! II

 Most of US don't give ah fuckin shit!

Cause life is gonnah go on like it USually does and I'll get my gov'ment check on time, as USual!


By thah end of this summer of 2023 Sonshines!

I hope y'all broke sorry asses are fuckin 


Thah muh fuckin pain has started! And it's only goin tah exacerbate!

US thinks they called 'evil mothah fuckahs" for fuck's sake?!


Everybody needs tah be workin up in this bitch


(Peace! More to come...)

Boycott!?! Just Stop Drinking Beer Then?!

 Fuck "Bud Light"!

Yah see InBev givin ah muh fuckin shit?!

Yeah! One percent of their overall sales!

Anheuser-Busch don't own shit no fuckin more!

InBev is the evil ass muh fuckin global company that acquired that shit amongst thah many muh fuckin multitude of othahs!


Now, the most marketed beers are all 


With one


(Peace! More to come...)

Passe! Quelque Chose De Nouveau, S'il Vous Plait?!

 Muh fuckahs still marchin and shit!

Thah fuck for?!

Thee Holy fuck y'all sorry broke asses doin!?

God damn!

It don't mean muh fuckin dick!

But it sho do add tah thah evil agenda's documentary and resume!

We in 2023 and muh fuckahs still marchin and protestin?!

Talkin bout ah waste of broke muh fuckin asses

Human time?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Better Get It Done, Collectively Speaking Of Course!

 No one person can stop this evil shit that's goin thah fuck on and tryin their evil damnedest tah succeed!!

It takes collective


And fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin


"But I'm working three jobs?! I don't have the fucking time! Fuck you! You old ass Black sorry mother fucker!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Jalen Hurts

 "Gets his Masters Degree in Human Relations..."

How many muh fuckin NFL quarterbacks have had a Masters' Degree?!


And they still doubtin this

Humble exceptional young talented winning

Human being!

Why?! (Of course, rhetorical!)

And I stil want thah fuck tah know?!

What thee Holy fuck happened when he was at Alabama tah transfer tah Oklahoma?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Out With The Muh Fuckin Old! II

 Speakin of which!

Have US been noticin Beiden's sorry muh fuckin ass? God damn!

Feinstein? McConnell? Schumer?!...

Just tah name ah few!

Y'all old ass muh fuckahs 

Gots tah go!

And I'm even an old ass muh fuckah?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Out With The Muh Fuckin Old! Make US Youths' Way!

Bein young is fancy!

But when yo ass is old!?



You can be an ol fancy muh fuckah! 

But thah shit don't look good on US old muh fuckahs in any shape, 

Form or fashionable ways, 

At thah fuck all!


Remember Private Stock malt liquor?

"Bartles and James", "California Cooler", "Thunderbird (What's the word?...)", "Night Train"...

Them muh fuckahs were all thah rage back in thah day weren't they?!

Thah Holy fuck are them muh fuckahs 


Yah, see? 

US can still sometimes  find those ol ass muh fuckahs!

Slap ah different dress or suit on that muh fuckah all that US wants!?

But they ain't fancy no muh fuckin more! 

Fuck no!

They jUSt got too fuckin muh fuckin


Yah takin up too much space you old ass sorry broke muh fuckahs!

Like my ol Black sorry broken muh fuckin ass!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, May 14, 2023

California Reparations?

 You know how many niggahs wished they lived in Cali right thah fuck now?!

But jUSt ah suggestion?

Shit goes through?!

Get yo shit!

And move thah fuck out of evil ass


Cause that's some fuckin crazy California type of next level evil


(Peace! More to come...)

Clean Stops

 Muh fuckahs think they can USe their US rights with IMPD patrol officers!


Them muh fuckahs enforcing laws that they don't even know! Just been conditioned in the academy and shit!

Muh fuckahs wannah sit up there and argue tah ah muh fuckah that barely has ah high school degree?! The othah being just barely ovah thah age to drink in our beautiful state!

Playesses and Playahs, y'all do see that muh fuckah has ah pistol?

Okay, good!

Y'all do see that muh fuckah is skinny as fuck and can be dismantled quickly if y'all were that type of muh fuckahs?

Real good!

Just ah muh fuckin suggestion?

Don't do shit!

Until that frail lookin law enforcement official, carryin ah God damned gun and ah muh fuckin taser, tells yo sorry ol Black broke ass tah do so!...

(Peace More to come...)

Erdogan Win?

 As per "John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman"! 

If thah way his ass states is true?!

If Erdogan wins that election ovah in Turkey?!

He'll be assassinated within three muh fuckin months!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Mother's Day III

 Even though thah rearing of children has been inhumanely selected to be the Mothers sole responsibility!? That shit's 24 and 7! God damn! And don't get paid except for dick! Which is fucking nothing!...

That shit ain't evah been right!

Mothers throughout our Human history, for every child, she looses nine months of hers'!


The various Fathers loses not one day of theirs'!

And still havin thah nerves of wantin some muh fuckin pussy!?

With my with childbearin havin ass!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mother's Day II

 I love Mothers!

Thah fuck y'all think that childbearing shit is worth thah pain, tah make ah Mother's Day, is way beyond this male humbled muh fuckin ol Black sorry broke ass's imagination!


Cause if US Fathers had tah carry thah childbearing!?


Knowing US!

God damn!

Every family would be ah one child muh fuckin household!

If that!?

And it wouldn't be no unexpected births eithah!

Fuck that!

Fuck no!

I went through that painful nine month arduoUS shit thah first muh fuckin absurd time!

And there will not be, 

Ever a second!...


Talkin bout population control?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Facades

 At Methodist Hospital and shit, located in downtown Indianapolis!

They USed tah do animal studies in thah muh fuckin basement!

"Well, how do you know?"

By casually talkin tah ah muh fuckin patient that owned ah muh fuckin pig farm and feed store, and stated he supplied thah hospital of both live pigs and feed for the pigs numerous of times! While conveyin that shit tah me, he lookin at me like, "Yeah?!" Anyway...

And where he delivered his products?!

To thah muh fuckin basement of thah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Complicit US evil Exsanguination And evil Bloodletting

 I mean think about it? How many muh fuckUS we know that get surgeries and have tah have ah perfusionist or have tah be given blood transfusions durin ah surgical procedure and shit!?

So where thah Holy fuck is all that donated 

US blood going?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's Human elite Edibles

 US is what thah evil sorry ass elite call:

Cage Free 




(Peace! More to come...)

CGI News


They got US asses!


(Peace! More to come...)

Mother's Day



But designating ah specific day for thah everyday, always muh fuckin shit?!



Happy Mother's Day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Turning Point Within US and Without US

 US can figure all of this shit that's ill goin on in 



US is really truthful with 

US selves!...

(Peace! More to come...)

One of The Downsides of Living In The Sticks!

 I met a patient last week I was talking to. She had the same first name as my Mother's. The Same middle name as my Daughter and my Sister. I told her why I liked her name and we just started talkin about shit after that!

She was a transplant from California, but unlike othah California transplants tah Indiana her ass wasn't weird as fuck! She had a midwestern demeanor. She had a good smile. She conversed without a look on her face of any discomfort. I've spoken with many transplants from Cali, them muh fuckahs actin like yo sorry ol Black broke ass tryin tah narc on 'em and shit! I back off usually because if I keep casually talkin it might get this weird ass Cali transplant ghost!? Ah niggah can't have that shit! Niggah needs ah fuckin job! Anyway...

She stated her, her husband and family picked thah fuck up like six years ago and said, "We're moving to Indiana!"

Why? I never really got that information. I converse with people that want to share whatever, I try not to overstep in anyway. Well, they decided tah move tah Tell City, Indiana? Why? She stated that they wanted to live in a quiet town or city in the Midwest. California getting too, as she put it, "Stressful."

'Well? Why did you decide to ultimately move here, in Indianapolis?'

"My husband and I are getting older. If an emergency happened in Tell City you would have to be airlifted to probably an Indianapolis hospital because, near Tell City, the hospitals around there can help you. But not if something serious happens, like a heart attack or something major like that,,,,"

But do US remember what Sam Kinison said about that shit?

"Move you fucking assholes! Move where the food is! There is no food in the fucking desert! Look? There's sand! Sand! There's nothing going to grow in fucking sand! Move! Move!..."

God damn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Project Retrograde: Turning Into What They Really Biologically Were Before

Muh fucaks ain't agin too well at thah fuck all eithah: 

Meg Foster, Brooke Shields, Jane Fonda, Oprah, J-Lo, Wendy Williams, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Barbra Streisand, Angela Bassett, Jill Beiden, Kamala Harris, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Bush, Queen/King Camilla, Pam Anderson, Andie MacDowell, Loni Anderson, Dolly Parton, Cybill Shepherd, Naomi Campbell, Sybil Danning, Sally Kirkland, Stormy Daniels, Vanessa Del Rio, Carrie Fisher (before she passed), Carol Channing (before she passed), Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker, Christie Brinkley, Jaime Lee Curtis, Lindsey Wagner, Nicole Kidman, Mother Theresa (before she passed), Melania Trump, Brigitte Bardot, Raquel Welch (before she passed), Elke Sommer, Jenny Agutter, Linda Evans, Zoe Saldana, Megyn Kelly, Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, Meg Ryan, Karen Allen, Beth Midler, Ann Coulter...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

It Is All About The Female!

 Irritates thah dog shit out of me about US's hypocrisy!

Got so called "Transgendered Influencers"!?

Come on naw! Yo ass is ah fuckin man tryin tah dress and look like ah fuckin woman!

And that shit ain't hardly workin!

Some obvious shit!

But what about those muh fuckahs y'all givin ah pass to?

Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, Rhianna, Serena Williams, Michelle Obama, Helen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Viola Davis, Courtney Cox, Milla Jovovich, Halle Berry...

"Well what about the female to male transgendered!"


They jUSt some confused, misguided, still biologically female...stupid muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Yeah! Why Not try US RighteoUS Shit!?

 Can't US jUSt envision how this shit's gonnah play out!?

Oh, US has tah have ah vision for future 


Or there will be no more


Only pasts US!

We ain't! 

In any past cycles of US!

Have evah carried out thah envisioning of



(Peace! More to come...)

Our Father's Best Kept Secrets

 "Now you know? You're going to have to eventually give up alcohol? You're old. Your body can't keep dealing with all of these build up of toxins. I'm informing you of that. I have things I need for you to do before you come stay with me."

You mean like the dairy, the artificial sweeteners, the caffeine?


Well? What? Anything?!...

"Stop drinking? Stop vaping! Stop the green! Stop the Hydroxyzine! Stop the CBD! Then we'll finally have an inspiring 

Heavenly conversation."...

God damnit!!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Are, "Fearfully and wonderfully made..."!

 The most beautiful thing about US is our


Oh, it's become sorry ass, some muh fuckin global corporate battle cry for the evil elite's agenda!

But that's what them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs do!

They try to always

Defile and to

Scoff at



Purity of



(Peace! More to come...)

When US Is Different Than Most! US 's Deemed Crazy!

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs ain't tryin tah make ah global world out of US muh fuckaUS bein non-compliant!

Fuck kindah sense that shit make!?


Sure! I'll take that description of moi!

I plead "Guilty"!

God damnit!...

As long as it means,

Not lookin at this crazy shit I'm witnessin, thah same way thah multitudes or normal muh fuckahs are witnessin this ill ass crazy shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Inhalers Tell II

 Remember them "Bidis"?!

Smoked thah shit out of them also!

Now them muh fuckahs will stain those joints


And we ain't even talkin bout, on top of that shit,

Smokin that shit and drinkin some strong ass tea or coffee?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Inhalers Tell

 If you are a smoker?!

An ex-smoker of some shit!

You know muh fuckahs that indulge!

US Black ass muh fuckahs start havin more melanin formin on our lips and shit! Lifelong weed inhalers, their gums and their lips start becomin one and thah same, purplish!

Smilin and shit! Black ass lips and gums as ah backdrop with these still

Semi-white teeth!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Menthol Fags + Clove Fags = COPD, Quickly!

 The way ah niggah can hit ah "Newport" often times tah this ex-smokin ol Black sorry broke ass niggah, is impressive as shit! I know! Muh fuckahs USed tah tell me, "You smoke White muh fuckahs cigarettes!" "Marlboro" reds! Then I started smokin French fags, "Gauloise" et "Gitanes"! Got them shits at "Hardwicks" in Broad Ripple! But I loved me some non-filtered "Camels"! But them shits started hurtin! Like unfiltered "Gitanes"! Anyway...

Take too much of ah pull on some shit?! God damn! Coughin like ah muh fuckah! Dependin on filtered or non-filtered, full-strength, light or ultra-light! If yah an ultra-light muh fuckah hittin that non-filtered thah same! I'm so glad tah tell yah! They name that shit Ultra you smoke for ah fuckin reason!... Anyway...

But that's thah muh fuckin dick of it! 

Menthol anesthetizes! 

Clove aussi! And I USed tah hit some "Bali Hai" fags! They were thah shit! But yellowed thah fuck out of thah muh fuckin grill! Peroxide nor baking soda could touch thah shit!  Anyway...

 So the hit is more intense because of the anesthetization process of the menthol or clove!

'Thank you for tuning into today's topic,

"It's not the smoke? But it's the type of smoke."'...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Niggah JUSt Needs A Nic Hit!

 Yah evah had one of these disposable nic vapes that yah damn near had tah inhale thah shit out of it, tah thah point yah felt one of yo ol Black sorry broke ass lungs would collapse!? God damn muh fuckahs!

Ah niggah's old!

Cut that unnecessary added respiratory distress bullshit fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Quelling The Whistling!

 You know me? 

So, every once in awhile Geeg 'll let her hair down and indulge! She ain't nothin like me! Good Lawd! How thah fuck she do this shit every fuckin work day without somethin is beyond my ol Black sorry broke ass! Anyway...

Now, Geeg kindah eclectic with liquor, wine and cigars and shit! She don't really fuck round with no beer unless it's "Abita Brewing Purple Haze" or "Sierra Nevada's Apricot Ale"! Don't fuckin get it! Well, she was sippin on some shit last night! She buys this shit called, "Whistle Pig"! For real! That's thah name of thah whiskey! Anyway, she doesn't do it often so she sippin on thah shit after awhile she says, "I'm goin to bed! I had a long fuckin day!" Be there in about an hour!  "Okay." 

Looked over at the left libation in thah whiskey glass! Maybe a generous pour left but no more! Thy cannot waste such decadent costly libation! So! Shit! Down thah muh fuckin hatch you must go!


Wife got thah nerves tah wake up this morning? Walk into thah loft!

"Hey!? What happened to my "Whistle Pig"?"

I can only tell yah this Geeger,

That muh fuckin pig ain't whistlin no fuckin more!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Vastness

 That's what muh fuckahs don't appreciate about US! 

Ukraine is thah size of Texas!

Talkin bout ah 1/28th muh fuckah!

So if I'm 280!?

Yo ass in thah ring with me at 10 pounds!?

I'm gonnah stomp that ten pound ass!

Thah fuck that make any sense!? Anyway...

Goin against ah Russian heavyweight,

And thah Ukraine ain't even ah fuckin


Ain't no Samson and Goliath bullshit no fuckin more!

I wish yo sorry weak Ukrainian ass would try tah use that sorry ass

Slingshot on



Shiiiought! Fuckin round!

And US 'd kick that Ukrainian sorry ass too!


But fuck it!

Russia's already doin that proper shit!

US jUSt has tah start keep vigilantly training, because the time has come, for the fight that has evilly arrived onto our

US soil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Life: No Redoes, No Returns, No Exchanges And No Refunds!

 Whenever I look into the mirror,

I USually look sad and look sadly into my ol Black broke sorry ass eyes!

Smile derisively and say to myself,

"Yah do know you did this to


I nod, still smiling wryly!

Well enough of this pity party!

My ol Black sorry broke ass got shit tah do!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, May 12, 2023

Brutal High School Days of Love

 He would observe her from afar. She was the most beautiful person, thing...he'd ever seen!

"Why would you go with that guy?" He'd ask himself observing.

He'd thought he knew everything about her. Some things like now, 'You decide to date a jock while you are a sophomore and he's a senior! How do you think that is going to turn out for you?"

But he was there, watching her, protecting her! 

Shit! He loved her!

Since the day he'd laid eyes on her beautiful ass!

He watched her sadly while she cried from the

Break up.

Then he had a remarkable thought!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Stop Having US For A Time!

Choose to depopulate ourselves! Until US get this shit in order! 

These muh fuckahs talkin bout how these vaccinations have all of these othah trace amounts of othah shit: Ebola, HIV...

At this point muh fuckah!?

Thah fuck it matter?

No thing that yo sorry broke ass can say

Will make ah fuck bit of difference!

It comes down tah jUSt two muh fuckin facts:

US eithah 


Or US eithah does not


(Peace! More to come...)

Ending of Physical Reading Material! Books!

 Words are...ah muh fuckah!

That's why them evil muh fuckahs tryin tah get rid of 'em!

"You don't have to read that silly thing! Here! This is an e-book! Download any of those silly nastily handled, ugh, physical books! Do you not understand they have done studies of library books, and have found over ninety-nine percent of physical books have huge traces amount of fecal matter, sperm, vaginal juices...We deem this, Clean Reading!"...

(Peace! More to come...)