Sunday, May 21, 2023

The RighteoUS Are Going To Win! No Doubt About That Shit!

 Since it's ah muh fuckin Sunday! God damn! What ah marvelous time tah speak some shit from thah pit of my soul!

"Come on man?!"...

I undahstand! And stop readin in three, two, one...

How control works! Muh fuckahs have tah believe, "There's more of them! Then there is of US!"

Now that's some interestin shit! CaUSe that's creatin doubt! 

Shit yo sorry broke ass goin intah ah game, ah fight, ah job interview...thinkin that yah ain't gonnah be successful in thah shit!? Then stay yo sorry muh fuckin broke ass at home! And have ah muh fuckin wonderful day! 

Why thah fuck bother!? 

If US is havin doubts about bein beaten even before thah possible beaten takes place!

US's is in ah heap of fuckin trouble! Like them niggahs durin  Apartheid ovah in South Africa!

Read some shit a week or so ago in Anderson, Indiana, "The police were overwhelmed and could not appropriately respond to get control of the situation!" Yeah! In lil Anderson, Indiana!

Thee Holy fuck!

If law enforcement can't get lil Anderson, Indiana undah thah fuck control! Now US IN ain't talkin bout even in Gary muh fuckUS! US talkin bout Anderson!...

And y'all thinkin this US shit's gonnah be easy tah neutralize!?

Kindah fuckin sense that muh fuckin shit make?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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