Friday, May 19, 2023

Three Years of US Youths Complicit Abuse And Still Counting!

 Ain't nobody got on mainstream media and said to all US Youths,

"I'm sorry!"

For goin on three fuckin years US let them evil muh fuckahs abuse US's children for a fucking agenda!

Shame on all of US!

"Well, the lockdowns and the vaccines saved so many lives!"

Oh, I'm sorry! You're one of those!

I undahstand!

But like you, me and US!

We let them do that shit to thah muh fuckin children who we say "We love so dear"!

We abused our own children ovah ah muh fuckin agenda!

Muh fuckUS talkin that crazy shit, 

"These young people done gone crazy!"

Yah think?!

They saw US lettin these evil muh fuckahs abuse them! And US went along with it!?

Fuck yeah! Them young muh fuckahs are fuckin pissed! And we got tah pay for that shit! Ain't gonnah be nothin nice! Nothin nice at all!

It shouldn't be! But if them YOUthful muh fuckahs talk crazy tah me, maybe gettin tah thah point they want tah kick my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass! But before them muh fuckahs do, I'll smile! Look placidly down! And take that youthful angry ass adult whoopin! CaUSe we did y'all's shit foul! We wronged all of YOUths! 

I for one, am gravely sorry!

All I can tell all of YOUths if it makes ah fuck bit of difference! Now?!

I undahstand!

But jUSt want tah let all US beautiful YOUths aware! I shall do bettah for


And them evil muh fuckahs ain't thinkin bout how many of US they done murdered and fucked up mentally with this fake ass shit!

Fuck no!

They jUSt lookin at thah overall kill ratio to kill projection ratio!...


(Peace! More to come...)

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