Friday, May 19, 2023

Thy Youth Shall Arise And Scoff At Thee!

 These evil muh fuckahs talkin bout thah US youths!

But they don't give one fuckin shit about 'em!

Raping them, 

Eating them,

Drinking their blood,

Trafficking them

Misguiding them...

Shit you get muh fuckahs in their twenties' bein able tah become ah congressperson, ah senator...ah president?


You'd see thah real evil horrible side of these old ass pedophile muh fuckahs that are grounded in US deceitful politics!

Talkin bout transparency?! Them crazy young muh fuckahs be havin their cellphones and Apple watches in secret meeting and shit! Releasing that shit "Live" and shit!...

Oh it 'd be ah stone cold righteoUS muh fuckin US blast!

Cause them ol worthless disgusting evil muh fuckahs gots tah go!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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