Thursday, May 18, 2023

I Met Another Witness To US's Truth

 It fucked me up in thah last blog!

I wrote thah homophone right!

I didn't mean "Too"!

I meant what I wrote, "Two!"

"I don't get it?!"

I ain't even finished thah muh fuckin story yet!? God Damn!"

"I'm listenin Love!"

Well, what fucked me up was I typed "Two"!

But for some reason the word didn't look right at all!

'Is that the fuckin way you spell the number 2?' I said to myself.

My ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin mind bumped intah ah muh fuckin writers' wall and couldn't get around thah shit! I guess I hadn't written thah number in so long that it looked odd for some muh fuckin reason! Even had tah put thah shit in thah search engine tah see if ah niggah had spelled the number 2 right!' Yeah! Some pitiful shit!

I remember maybe two, three years ago I was speakin tah ah patient and I said, 

'I'm too old for that now? I have to write on sticky notes or I'm sure enough am going to forget.'

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking?" she asked.

'Fify-five (four).'

"I thought you were ten years younger. But I'm Sixty. It is shocking! What the mind forgets as we age!

Isn't it?" She said....

I'm greatly humbled every-fuckin-agin-day about that 

Righteous statement and rhetorical question she addressed to me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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