Saturday, May 13, 2023

US Vastness

 That's what muh fuckahs don't appreciate about US! 

Ukraine is thah size of Texas!

Talkin bout ah 1/28th muh fuckah!

So if I'm 280!?

Yo ass in thah ring with me at 10 pounds!?

I'm gonnah stomp that ten pound ass!

Thah fuck that make any sense!? Anyway...

Goin against ah Russian heavyweight,

And thah Ukraine ain't even ah fuckin


Ain't no Samson and Goliath bullshit no fuckin more!

I wish yo sorry weak Ukrainian ass would try tah use that sorry ass

Slingshot on



Shiiiought! Fuckin round!

And US 'd kick that Ukrainian sorry ass too!


But fuck it!

Russia's already doin that proper shit!

US jUSt has tah start keep vigilantly training, because the time has come, for the fight that has evilly arrived onto our

US soil!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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