Sunday, May 14, 2023

One of The Downsides of Living In The Sticks!

 I met a patient last week I was talking to. She had the same first name as my Mother's. The Same middle name as my Daughter and my Sister. I told her why I liked her name and we just started talkin about shit after that!

She was a transplant from California, but unlike othah California transplants tah Indiana her ass wasn't weird as fuck! She had a midwestern demeanor. She had a good smile. She conversed without a look on her face of any discomfort. I've spoken with many transplants from Cali, them muh fuckahs actin like yo sorry ol Black broke ass tryin tah narc on 'em and shit! I back off usually because if I keep casually talkin it might get this weird ass Cali transplant ghost!? Ah niggah can't have that shit! Niggah needs ah fuckin job! Anyway...

She stated her, her husband and family picked thah fuck up like six years ago and said, "We're moving to Indiana!"

Why? I never really got that information. I converse with people that want to share whatever, I try not to overstep in anyway. Well, they decided tah move tah Tell City, Indiana? Why? She stated that they wanted to live in a quiet town or city in the Midwest. California getting too, as she put it, "Stressful."

'Well? Why did you decide to ultimately move here, in Indianapolis?'

"My husband and I are getting older. If an emergency happened in Tell City you would have to be airlifted to probably an Indianapolis hospital because, near Tell City, the hospitals around there can help you. But not if something serious happens, like a heart attack or something major like that,,,,"

But do US remember what Sam Kinison said about that shit?

"Move you fucking assholes! Move where the food is! There is no food in the fucking desert! Look? There's sand! Sand! There's nothing going to grow in fucking sand! Move! Move!..."

God damn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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