Tuesday, February 28, 2023

US Legacies Aren't Worth Shit!

 I just love US broke Black asses talkin bout "my legacy"!?

Muh fuckUS ain't even ah blip any-fuckin-more!

Let alone relevant!?

Shit, who even mentions George Washington any longah!?

Okay, touché!

But, have US read or heard his name othah than readin this shit in thah last forty years unless US asses researchin thah freemasons?!

He supposedly was thah first president of US!?

And US broke Black sorry asses talkin bout that absurd shit,

"My Legacy!"

Thee Holy fuck's ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

May My Ol Black Sorry Broke Ass Make A Suggestion?

 I remembah an old Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah like me sayin tah my young Black sorry ass ah long fuckin time ago when we were havin ah conversation,

"You can suggest something to an individual Meredith. But you're not going to tell them any thing!"

I still don't know if thah muh fuckah was suggestin or tellin me that shit!?

But it really doesn't mattah at this point!

Cause whethah he was suggestin or tellin!?

That shit got stuck into my soul!

And oft times now in various conversations,

I jUSt fuckin suggest!

Or I jUSt shut thah fuck up and jUSt listen!


(Peace! More to come...)

Fucking Alone

 US out there doin all that fuckin!

Yet, feelin alone like ah muh fuckah!


There's no love in bein out there jUSt fuckin!

There's some fuckin while US's in love but that's some whole anothah different shit!

Othah than that US jUSt loves fucking!

But aftah awhile Sonshines that shit gets old and so too do US!

And US gets 

Lonely as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 26, 2023

"Repopulation Postcards"

 I watched this terrible shit jUSt now about the topic of note!

US can sit up there and say thah shit is innocent!

"It's art!?"

But when lil babies bein artworked tah be in plant holders, growin out of cabbage lookin shit and fuckin harvested!


Those aren't no "Repopulation Postcards"!

That's some "Cannibalistic Repopulation Postcards"!

And don't forget that always needed

Mirepoix while US cookin those youngins?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ten Best Mexican Beers (In Order of Preference)

1) Victoria

2) Modelo Negra

3) Corona Familiar

4) Modelo

5) Dos Equis

6) Tecate

7) Caguama

8) Corona Extra

9) Estrella Jalisco

10) SOL...

(Peace! More to come...)


 "Acute Radiation Sickness will have the same symptoms as a severe flu."

And Indianapolis, Indiana was one of the first cities to 'rollout' 5G in 2019!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Eating Habits

 I watch US skin now, since I've been havin allergic reactions tah some shit I'd eaten or I'd drank most of my ol Black sorry broke ass life!

Doctors, once thah shit starts flarin thah fuck up, want tah prescribe some type of medication, firstly bein prednisone!

GIGO! (Garbage In-Garbage Out) That's all!

I mean:

Dairy!? ( And when US goes out tah eat!? Notice the menu items that include: Sour cream, parmesan cheese, american cheese, milk, heavy cream...Then say to the restaurant employee, 'No cheese. No sour cream.' They'll look perplexed and ask, "No cheese? No sour cream?")

Red meat?!

Aspartame, Sucralose, Truvia, High Fructose Corn Syrup...?!

Supplemental probiotics?! (Because they contain dairy enzymes.)

Fluoride!? (A carcinogen and of course allergen! Don't believe their evil hype!?)

Caffeine?! (Which I found out has ah whole host of maladies linked to it! Depression, Hyperhidrosis, Bipolar Disorder... (Hold up! Most of that shit is lil ol me!))...

Take care, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

(Peace! More to come...) 


 No one on this firmament has thah right tah tease US about US's flaws!

That's jUSt me!

Had enough of that bullshit growin up!

Teasin, bullyin...all that shit leaves 

Emotional Chronic Wounds

That oft times nevah fuckin heal!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Hidden Truth Always Hurts

 Fat shaming!?

Is yo sorry broke ass fat!?

"No. Not to me. I'm pleasingly plump!"

So an ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckah like me don't undahstand!?


US ask me,

"Are you Black!?"

Yah damn skippy!

What, thee Holy fuck, is ah niggah fuckin missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ugliness of US

 Have US noticed it's always these ugly muh fuckUS startin movements, startin trouble and shit!?


I guess thah good lookin of US doin just fine!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

El Salvador (Mega Prison)

 Supposed tah be one of thah biggest in the Americas!

Capacity of holdin 40,000 of your nicest compatriots!

Murder reports went down 57% last year since stompin on Salvadorians constitutional rights to throw muh fuckahs in this Human pit city!

Now think about what contains most of that pit city's population of criminals? 

Yah damn skippy, technology! Opening and closing various parts of thah institution, communications, electrical gates, electrical fences...

Now the population of Tecoluca, El Salvador is a lil undah thirty thousand!

EMP hits!

Lettin 40,000 or more criminals loose in a city's population less than the Human pit city! Gonnah be like thah muh fuckin Huns! They gonnah tear that city up, rape, pillage, steal, murder...and move tah the next closest town to suffer! And when thah lights eventually get turned back on!?...


And comin tah US real fuckin soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Snow! In So-Cal!?

 These evil muh fuckahs so mad with all that money and jUSt like US broke asses, them sorry muh fuckahs stuck in this firmament too!

Tryin tah cause all this atmospheric havoc manipulatin thah muh fuckin weathah, actin like spoiled children that can't get their way!

"I want to get out!"

Calm y'alls sorry rich asses down!

Take ah fuckin load off!

And start actin Human! Maybe somethin good would happen for US all if US jUSt acted Human tah one anothah!?

But until then...

Like US,

Deal with this shit!

And quit fuckin with thah muh fuckin weathah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fucked US Supplied Food Chain

Now muh fuckahs wannah start talkin that sustainability bullshit! The fed and state done pretty much slaughtered local farmers, unless thah local farmers work for them! Not US!

It seems as though every time I go to thah muh fuckin grocery store, some shit done went up anothah fifty cents or more! Orange juice is laughably priced! Chicken, hot dogs, pork, dairy, coffee, produce, canned goods...ground beef is still kindah affordable though!

I guess US broke asses need tah start lettin those dandelions grow, and start eatin those muh fuckahs!

That's if, US don't put that chemical bullshit on US lawns tah keep'em lookin good?! Don't eat those shits! I'm tellin US from experience! 

Thah outcome ain't nothin nice!

Nothin nice at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 25, 2023

It's All In The Name

 Muh fuckahs wannah go tah a place that has 'Burgers' in their name and purchase a fuckin chicken sandwich!?

Goin tah ah steak restaurant orderin 'The Fish of The Day'!?

Go tah ah barbeque place and have loaded fries!...



Have yah evah witnessed ah real chicken joint tryin tah sell ah fuckin burger, ah fuckin steak or even ah fuckin hotdog?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

OTC: Alcohol

 Alcohol is the most USed over the counter medication ever in 

US broke ass



 Shit! Oft times...

Yah damn skippy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Defining US

 "You're an alcoholic!"

It's legal! 



"That's bad! Don't you know?!" 

By whose standards!? 


Or... yes, that's right!

You're going to tell me what they have said about thah shit!


What you know!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Corrine Fell In Love With Edmilson." I'm Too Old! And Too Fuckin Tired!

 Edmilson! God damn! Call my ol Black sorry broke ass mean, heartless...I really don't give ah fuck!

Yo sorry ass just wanted something special in ah woman!

That specialness bein nobody tryin tah fuck yo wife!

That's for damn sho!

She got some kind of rare skin condition where her skin cannot have light!


That face sho nuff shouldn't have light!

And yo sorry ass gonnah get pregnant undahstandin yo rare genes yo sorry ass jUSt may pass on to this unborn child yo sorry ass carryin!? Muh fuckahs evah heard of 'Mendelian Genetics'? Or maybe...they jUSt don't give ah Holy fuck!?


(Peace! More to come...)

"Dexter Taylor" Speaking About The Homicide, Murder or Manslaughter of His Mother "Jodessa Cooper". Indianapolis, Indiana 24Feb2024

 After the son spoke with a detective after an arrest was made,

"The prosecutor's office, they like wins. That came out of his mouth, that they like wins. It's unfortunate that's the way the judicial system is being ran...."

Misses Cooper! 

You raised a kind, thoughtful and caring son!

And he's gonnah be jUSt fine Sonshine!

Howevah much those very Human words are worth now!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 24, 2023

"Come Alive - Cannons" II

 I listen tah this shit while drivin tah work and prayin! Believe it or not!?


"Tell me which way to go!?"

US is gonnah be just fine


(Peace! More to come...)

"Here With Me - Dido"

 Sweet ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Daily Prayers

 The day becomes night!

The night becomes day!

I still humbly pray!


(Peace! More to come...)

"...Whether it be good? Or whether it be wicked?"

 Aftah awhile Playesses and Playahs ain't nothin tah hide! 

Secrets need to be told!...

That's where US real healing will ultimately


(Peace! More to come...)

"My Favourite Game (Stone Version) - The Cardigans"

 "Hey-hey! Hey-hey!..."

Don't know why I like this shit!?

But thah shit works!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Nastiness US Has To Be A Witness To!? And Finally Freeing US!

 US got fucked in thah ass when US were youngah!?

It wasn't US young ass muh fuckin fault!

Undahstand that shit!

But it's gonnah be fine


US's ass don't hurt no more!

And US lives to live and breath anothah one of US blessed

Father's Day!


Find and kill that anal molester rapist ASSailant!

The freedom US will eventually feel!?

Oh, Our Heavenly Father!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Comely US

 Mommy wasn't anything nice tah be around when I was youngah!

But thah oldah I got!

The funnier and real she had gotten!

I miss my Mother!

I talk to a lot of people weekly given my profession. I notice some of these beautiful people acting beaten down!

And all my ol Black sorry broke ass can say to myself is,

'I wish Mommy was here! She'd tear yo ass up!' 

"Depressed!? What could you possibly be depressed over lookin as pretty as you do!?"


US looks matter to 


(Peace! More to come...)

"'Heineken' Doesn't Pull Out Of Russia, As Promised."

 I guess ah niggah gottah drink more


(Peace! More to come...)

"CRABBIE'S Original - Alcoholic Ginger Beer" II

 Well, it's thah taste for me! The first time I had ever tasted it, I said to myself, 

"God damn! That shit reminds me of happier times!"

I smile as I drink this shit!

The ginger is a definite hypnotic!

Been hooked ever since!

But I can't indulge oft times!

It's too expensive! Ten dollahs for ah four pack!


Fuck yes!


Not in the foreseeable next three pay periods!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Candy Aficionado To An Other!

 Remember them 'Jolly Rancher' sticks? Green apple flavor!? Or watermelon flavor when you could find it!?

Hot dog shaped bubble gum!

'BB Bats'!


'Now & Later'!?

'Big Bol'!?

'Slap Stix Caramel Pops'!?


'Charms Blow Pop'!?

'Charms Sweet Pop'!?

'Sugar Daddy'!?

'Astro Pops'!? ("You could poke your eye out with that thing kid!?")

'Waxed lips'!?

'Juiced wax'!?...

Bubble gum cigarettes where US blew air out, instead of in, creatin that powdered, smoke effect?!


Then that sweet bubble gum tah chew aftah tearin off the cigarette lookn covah!...


God damn!

That's kindah fucked up!

But if I could find those bitches today locally!

I'd buy that shit!

Fake smoke!

And ponder about those longed days in US pasts!

Smilin in some type of fucked up Human shit kindah way!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ecological Firmament Dangers of Geoengineering

 Shit, US wannah know what's fucked up in nature, jUSt start appreciatin and payin attention tah nature!

Look at the birds!? Lookin like!? Thah fuck goin on muh fuckahs?!

We have ah bunch of cardinals and blue jays that come and visit out back! Blue jays are the shit! Them muh fuckahs be wearin their shit tight! Them some beautiful muh fuckahs tah my ol Black sorry broke ass! Anyway...

My wife and I knew it was gonnah kind of be a mild winter. The squirrels out back were burying their bounty for thah winter instead of storing up high!...

With that said, there is an absolute order in nature!

And we are trying to manipulate that order, which will and have caused significant variances in US firmament's pure ecosystem!

When one alters order, one alters living flow! 

And there shall be sizeable repercussions!

The population of geese are going to increase three fold, migratory uncommon diasporas of species, widespread non-antibiotic reactive fungi...

(Peace! More to come...)

Next On The Forever: Research List

 I've noticed these little dots and little engraved numbers near the bottom of beer bottles?

What are they even for?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ugliness In US Crimes

 Ninety-nine percent of thah muh fuckahs that commit crime and are incarcerated are ugly!



Lookin in thah muh fuckin mirror every fuckin day undahstandin that muh fuckah starin back at yo ugly ass ain't gonnah fuckin change!

Fuck yeah! Them ugly muh fuckahs definitely got somethin tah be mad thah fuck about!

Why else US think they call that muh fuckah a

'Mug' shot!?


That let's US know that most in politics are muh fuckin butt ugly ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Orlando, Florida's "Keith Melvin Moses"

 They had tah show that niggah!

Lookin like Giannis Antetokounmpo's lil brothah and shit!

But that hair yo!?

But my ol Black sorry broke ass wannah fuckin know!?

How much these evil muh fuckahs promise yo sorry Black broke ass!?

You do know, they have always reneged on US Black ass niggahs!?

Oh, that's right, yo ass's nineteen!? Anyway...

Yo sorry broke Black ass wanted to be a famous rapper that bad niggah!?

Well! They're gonnah tell yo no count sorry Black ass,

"Wish granted!"

Matter and case closed!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ain't Cha Momma? - Cool Breeze Youths" Circa August 2024, Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana


Ain't cha momma on ah pancake box!? 

Ain't cha momma on ah pancake box?!

 Ain't cha Momma on ah pancake box?!

Wearin no socks, with her hair wrapped up in locks?!


Ain't cha momma on ah pancake box...

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Humans Come! And Humans Go! "But the earth abideth forever..."

 Magnetic polarity is the solidarity within US!

Get into this positive vibe which we all thrive!

Put that muh fuckah on 'Automatic - Drive' if 

US chooses!

US never


(Peace! More to come...)

US Excused Addictions! To A Fucking Point! God Damn!

"A human without a vice. Is a human with many secrets." 

Whatever works Sonshines!

Whatever the fuck works!

US 's here for ah fuckin reason!

And until that reason is revealed tah 



Whatevah it takes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Limits

 I try to suggest to my Daughter all of the time,

'Just be yourself! This life doesn't require anymore than what you are willing to give this life!"

Fuck it!

Ain't got shit tah do with this real shit!?

Until it gets really real...kindah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"CRABBIE'S Original - Alcoholic Ginger Beer"

 If US loves ginger like I do!

This shit

Is the shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hard Human Taxes And Being One of US!

I remembah my Brother Al said to me,

"Meredith! If the court told me as a Father I have to pay child support?! I don't want to hear another man saying that he doesn't!? Somehow?! He's going to start paying his!" 

Muh fuckahs wannah brag about not payin their taxes and shit!

Ain't cool Playesses and Playahs!

"Fuck'em! Spendin our hard earned money on some bullshit! I might as well keep my fuckin money!"


Mon Dieu!

Tres magnifique !


US pays them shits!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Unaltered Absolutely Immutable US Human Truth

 When I'm talkin bout 'US'!

I'm talkin bout US who have tah grind every muh fuckin day responsibly!

Niggahs on welfare talkin that ill shit, ('Well what about thah white people on welfare?' Ain't US Black muh fuckahs business! Anyway...)

"Well, we grind everyday! Don't we fam'!?"

Oh, yo broke sorry Black ass reports that shit as taxable!?

"Naw!? Niggah! The fuck you been smokin'!?"

Nothin yet!

But even aftahwards!

I'll still see thah same visions and thoughts once ah fuckin


Aftah I hit that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Imminent Peril

 "Well what can we do!?"

Well, I can tell US with thah utmost certainty!

If at least one of US is askin that fucked up query about 



Is in ah heap load of


(Peace! More to come...)

US Firmament Grounded Wires

 US can listen and fall prey tah this evil non-Human Electrical shit these muh fuckahs are spewin?!

Or God damnit!?

US can make 


Own Fatherly chosen bettah positive Human Electrically charged


(Peace! More to come...)

"Mom Claims She Was Kicked Out Of Son's Play Group For Being Too Sexy..."


It's worth ah click?


That shit was worth more than ah muh fuckin click!

Thah best muh fuckin laugh I've had in ovah thirteen days!!!

And still howlin with laughtah ovah that absurd shit!

That's what US is callin sexy these days!?


(Peace! More to come...)

Speak On It!?

 There's always a time and a place for some shit!

Muh fuckahs wannah bark some shit every chance they get!

Just ah muh fuckin suggestion,

Tread with 



(Peace! More to come...)

Nate McMillan Didn't Know He Wasn't Really Dealing With Professional Athletes! Nor Did Tony Dungy!

 So ah muh fuckin niggah playah talkin bout thah ousted niggah coach,

"Well, I feel this team needed more guidance...."

Thah fuck yo sorry ass talkin bout niggah!?

Yo sorry ass s'posed tah be ah professional athlete!


Yah wanted his fired Black sorry ass tah hold yo muh fuckin dick, while yah peed?! Wipe yo sorry ass aftah yah took ah good shit!... God damn sorry muh fuckahs!? God damned professionals, of what!?With y'alls sorry ignant overpaid supersilly muh fuckin, part of thah reason, that just got ah anothah niggah fired, ass!?

Remembah Warren Sapp did thah same stupid niggah shit tah Coach Tony Dungy?! 

Black overweight no count sorry ass niggah talkin that crabs in thah barrel bullshit, 

"Me personally! I will always love Coach Dungy! But I just felt that we needed someone else! He got us to a certain point. But we needed something else..."

Oh, yeah! Shvartze (Tony Dungy) out! Zionist Jew (Jon Gruden) in!

Thee Holy fuck!

And stop that Black slave/master mothah fuckin "Massah gonnah whip US intah shape!" niggah 


God damn!

And niggahs...


(Peace! More to come....)

The Epiphany of Being Grown AssUS

 Once US becomes ah grown ass?!


Thee Holy fuck US blamin othah grown muh fuckahs for whatevah's happenin bad in US sorry broke ass lives!?

Ain't US tired of that US Creators' blame game!?

Age of majority Sonshines!

Been wantin tah be grown for eighteen years!

Want no more muh fuckahs!


But now grown are US!


And US

Don't want anything tah do

With bein

Grown AssUS!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Xylazine's Street Name: 'tranq'

 Tearin that ass up!

And potential USers see what's happenin tah ah muh fuckah and be like,

"What thah fuck that muh fuckah take!? That's some good ass shit whatevah that shit is!?"


Some shit!

Just don't fuck with!

And US do know, ah revolver (so thah muh fuckah won't jam) through an open mouth pointed up, then fired,

Is way fuckin faster!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Brand Did It!

 They got this shit called, 'pluto tv'.

Well their displayed brand's logo has ah niggah cravin

'Necco Wafers' and shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

HFCS Is A Fucking Artificial Sweetener!

 Has US noticed how these muh fuckahs will bash some artificial sweeteners, 'Sucralose', 'Aspartame', Saccharin....

But they don't say shit bout ,

"He! Who shall not be named!"

The Godfather of artificial sweeteners, invented by ah fuckin 

Cuban Chemist workin for 'Coca-Cola'! Eventually becoming CEO of that bitch!? Anyway...

"High Fructose Corn Syrup!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Turnips

 Mommy would say that tired hackneyed ol phrase from time to time,

"You can't squeeze blood from a turnip"!

But then she would add,

"But you can get that turnip!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Turn The Shit Off!

 There is nothing to watch!

"Oh, there's plenty to watch! You don't have Netflix, Peacock...?"


There is nothing to watch!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"I'd Rather Be With You - Bootsy Collins"

 Wouldn't US?!

US's all that

US's got!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Flaws Doth Common

 Both of my parents said to me in various hard times in my sorry broke Black ass life,

"Meredith! You're going to be all right!"

And that is oft times all that it takes!

For US to know there are some real tangible US that US have to have in US individual lives tah make US undahstand,

"I've been where you are now! But it's going to be fine! JUSt look at me as an example!?"


Our Heavenly


(Peace! More to come...)

"You Made A Way - B Fish" II

 "I don't know how? But he did it!? Uhmmmm...He made a way!..."

'Well I'm an Atheist! I don't believe in your god!'

I definitely undahstand! 

But shit, I don't know what it'd be like puttin this shit in

Mans' hands!...

Until my ol Black sorry broke ass life ends, which is nigh,


Will always have 

Our Father's

Hope for


JUSt because of this song! And that niggah singin that shit so 

Humanly raw!

Them muh fuckahs busted this muh fuckin song yo!

My ol Black sorry broke ass gets inspired as shit!

Sing that shit muh fuckah!

In that Louisiana heat no less!?

And if that niggah singin this lovely shit was in an air conditioned manmade church!?

That muh fuckah wouldn't have even come close tah how he got down on this righteoUS muh fuckin shit! Nor would have thah muh fuckin profusely sweatin band!...


US gonnah be just fine


US has always been!

And US will 



(Peace! More to come...)

Buyed-IN And A Prayer From US Broke Asses!

 Thah fuck that muh fuckah ovah there for!

Got muh fuckahs in Ohio probably goin tah die and shit from some toxic bullshit!

And this muh fuckah 's gone ghost in US!

Mothah fuckah sayin,

"They're telling US to wash our cloths in dawn!? What does that even mean?! We need help!?"

Reportin on a daily,  "Mass shootings" and shit!..

And ol sorry muh fuckin clueless Buyed-in, like USuAl, not givin three sorry fucks about US!

Our Heavenly Father!?

Get US out of this mess! 


(Peace! More to come...)

The elite's Agenda of Changing US Human History Through US Own Historical Implanted Lexicon

 Predefinitions are US truths!

Every time US looks around them sorry evil muh fuckahs tryin tah change some muh fuckin definition tah mean somethin thah fuck else!

Naw muh fuckahs!

That's tryin tah change US's history by changin thah muh fuckin definitions of thah words US will eventually read in US history!

If US gives ah shit at all about US history!?

I get it! History isn't really important!

But the written and spoken words to define US History 

USed, most definitely


(Peace! More to come...)

Halftime (Head Coach Harold Arnold Grundy And Stanley Samuel Simpson, Point Guard) 14Feb2023 IV

"And coach!? My name is Stanley! Daniel is the shooting guard coach!"

My bad, Stanley!

"Ain't no thing coach! Let's go whip some ass!"

Again, let's!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 20, 2023


 There is something that eats at me! Into my core being! I understand this shit is not being on one accord! I get that! Cause diversity is ah muh fuckah! But still....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Beiden makes surprise visit to Kyiv" IV


Oh! I'm gonnah pay my hard earned taxpayers' dollahs, even though their sorry fucked up evil elite asses fuckin it up!

But it's like 

"Tithes" in these no-count sorry ass muh fuckin churches!

From a purity standpoint!

US believes in US!



(Peace! More to come...)

Halftime (Head Coach Harold Arnold Grundy And Stanley Samuel Simpson, Point Guard) 14Feb2023 III

 You are left hand dominate! Now, that muh fuckah didn't figure that shit out on his own, cause you's ah bad muh fuckah on thah basketball court! But these coaches! Ain't worth shit! They have golf, have dinnah...with one and anothah and talk...about their basketball teams, and othah teams. Like US! I saw it! But now I undahstand these othah muh fuckahs done picked up on it! You drive tah yo muh fuckin left eighty percent or more of thah time Daniel! You're ah sophomore! Freshmen year you tore their asses up! Even go tah thah 'Sweet Sixteem', as fucked up as that phrase sounds, sayin thah shit aloud! Yo ass was ah fuckin newbie! They didn't study thah flaws because they didn't know shit about you! Now! Now! Aftah lightin those asses up last year! Yo used tah be newbie ass is no fuckin more! Now! Now muh fuckah! It's time tah challenge yo read ass! And finally be ah muh fuckin real playah of this game!...

"That's what I'm talkin bout coach! Let's go!"


Halftime (Head Coach Harold Arnold Grundy And Stanley Samuel Simpson, Point Guard) 14Feb2023 II

 'You see coach? That's what everybody be saying. Man he talks but you really can't understand a brotha!"

So you want me tah get down like that?

"Please coach! Get down like that!"

Okay... that muh fuckah readin yo shit niggah!


Halftime (Head Coach Harold Arnold Grundy And Stanley Samuel Simpson, Point Guard) 14Feb2023

 Okay, I stopped it! Why did the defender know that you were going to go left? Yet, you clearly see? If you would have faked left and had driven right, clear path to the bucket.

"Yeah! I see coach!"

Do you! I mean really? I guessed I talked too much because you haven't answered the question posed? "Why did the defender know that you were going to go left?" And you even made a fake to his no surprise? Stopped cold! Why's that?

"I don't know coach? I was trying to make something happen. Maybe getting into the lane with a shot fake that's all."

So you, a basketball player, wasn't aware of the game that you've been playing since kindergarten? Now on a collegiate level!

"Coach. It was just one play. I should have went right. I see that now."

No I don't believe, you see. This game has nothing to do with chance! This game is about players! Real players! You see, your defender has studied film on the opposition who he will be guarding most of the game...

"Okay coach. I'm confused."

You shouldn't be Daniel! Because in this game! Like any othah game! If you study the opposition long enough....One starts learning the oppositions tells!...

"You Made A Way - B Fish"

 With Mardi Gras's presence waftin it's way up in US North!

Oh, US Heavenly Father!

Listen tah this shit!?

And acoustics not worth shit! In thah muh fuckin cemetery!? Just undah US's Heavens!

Singing thah shit out of that shit!

This shit will have yo ass feelin love for US pitiful muh fuckahs!

Oh, there is Hope 

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

When ah niggah can sing ah song like that so fuckin beautifully with that righteoUS band!?

And thah shit was video recorded durin thah sorry ass "Pandemic"!


US is gonnah be jUSt fuckin fine


(Peace! More to come...)

"Cemeteries are getting overcrowded." Fuck This Funeral Burial Conditioned Traditional, Bullshit! US Got A Plethora of Plot/Spots In US's Backyards! For fuckin Free!

Put them muh fuckahs in their Sunday's best and shit! Have the grave already dug! Put that loved one in that shit! Cover 'em up! Say yo muh fuckin sorry ass goodbyes! Job well done! And it didn't cost yo broke ass nothin but some hours labor diggin the appropriate burial firmament bed! 

"Well, why even put cloths on them? Especially their Sunday's best?"

Cause them niggresses and niggahs need tah look good finally goin 


God damnit!

And yo sorry broke Black ass can't look like shit

Finally going Home!

Oh, thah fuck no! 

Fuckin sacrilege indeed!...Anyway...

They bury residential sewer line pipes as shallow as ah mear eighteen inches tah six feet deep intah thah muh fuckin ground! And US talkin bout sewer...lines! Like in shit and othah shit lines!

And US can't jUSt plant US loved ones three to six feet undah tah eventually nourish US's land with US's own


And I bet if US really cared about those we have buried in US's ground! US's lawns would be fuckin immaculate!

But oh no, with US broke sorry asses!

US has tah pay an exorbitant price tah bury 

US loved ones!?

Cause of capitalistic shit!

Them muh fuckahs makin ah burden even more of ah muh fuckin burden!

"Well it's your Brother!"

Yeah, he's my Brother! But God damn niggahs! Ain't no broke muh fuckah got eight g's just lyin around muh fuckah! 

That's why US's called broke!

"Well, Mr. Hopson this funeral home is always prepared to give in this untimed of need, our very generous payment options."

Man!? I'm so glad tah enlighten yah sorry sellin asses, "Even in my untimed of need"! 

Broke is broke, muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Beiden makes surprise visit to Kyiv" III

 Putin was like,

"Yo playahs! Y'alls gots tah get all them fuckin biolabs out of that country y'all woefully call Ukraine! That shit's too close for comfort!"

That's it!

Then all of thah sudden there's ah war goin on with Ukrainian's underground militias (backed by US) and shit! That these sorry muh fuckahs callin Russian soldiers?! And havin thah nerves, with their sorry asses, callin it a: Russian/Ukrainian war!?...

Kindah fuckin bizarre shit is this absurd shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Beiden makes surprise visit to Kyiv" II

 Have US even researched what thah fuck US imports from the Ukraine!?

Not much of fuckin dick's shit!

"America is with you!"

America might be, but Americans ain't tryin tah hear this fuckin propagandized absurd noise!

Fuck them muh fuckahs!

I haven't spoken to one of US yet that believe US should be backin and makin thah shit rain with US money ovah in that mothah fuckin shithole!...

(Peace! More to come..)

"Beiden makes surprise visit to Kyiv"

 Them muh fuckahs stealin US hard earned tax mothah fuckin dollahs!

Just promised 430 million more on ah War not goin on!

And with no US interests whatsoevah!

Thee Holy fuck's ah niggah missin!?

God damn!

Don't give ah fuck what muh fuckUS say!

I owe thirteen hundred muh fuckin dollahs this year! And I don't even make ovah thirty muh fuckin thousand dollahs! Thah fuck these muh fuckahs think ah ol broke Black sorry ass muh fuckah gonnah come up with ovah ah fuckin 'g' aftah muh fuckin jUSt livin!? Oh, I forgot! The dreaded payment plan!

But US got 430 million dollahs tah give tah not one of US!

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!

And US hardworkin tax payin muh fuckahs can't get no fuckin love with these student loans!

But these no count lazy muh fuckahs sho know how tah be frivolous with US's hard earned taxpayers' shit!

That muh fuckin Ukraine is ah fuckin money pit!

It's called embezzlement you sorry worthless muh fuckahs!

Ah worthless piece of ah muh fuckin pit startin tah pile up with

US money fillin that bitch thah fuck up!

From USA's corporate federal assholes!...

"Kill 'em all drill sergeant! Let God sort it out!"

Damn right about that righteoUS shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Egypts' Historical Cranial Elongated Deformations And Beyond

 Maybe it wasn't deformations tah try tah look like the alien rule!

Maybe that was just their practice! Or thah muh fuckin way their heads were shaped with evolution!?

I mean, what about these muh fuckin tribes puttin ring bands on their necks tah elongate thah shit?...



(Peace! More to come...)

'Knowledge Filter'

 Filterin out shit US don't choose tah be bothered with!


US still be here in this firmament as ah muh fuckin witness!


Our Father...

Fuckin rules!


My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Eggs From What?!

" Large - Grade A - Eggs" 

That's all thah shit says!

So I boil some eggs,

Tah me sometimes there is nothin bettah than ah hardboiled egg that is still warm!

Lil salt and peppah tah taste?


Well, aftah finishin that warm hardboiled salted and peppered egg! 

I asked myself for some reason today, "What kind of eggs have I been eating?"

Looked on the 'Kroger' egg carton of eighteen,

No mention of ah muh fuckin chicken anyplace on the carton!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Tiger Woods'. "CauBlAsian"? You 's A Sorry Ass Niggah!

 I quit watchin or even carin bout his lost sorry niggah ass!

That's right niggah, you's ah muh fuckin niggah!


'member him talkin that crazy

'Caublasian' shit when asked bout his race?!

I just shook my head at that sorry ass muh fuckah!

US Blacks didn't create "The One Drop Rule"!..

Tryin tah change some of US ain't fuckin handsomely oft times!?

Good luck with that shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

"Karl Malone" Say It Ain't So Niggah? And Soon To Be "March Madness"!

 So, I'm readin some headlines and shit from 'MSN'! Read in one of the headlines having 'Karl Malone' and 'Creepy' in the same headline?! Let's click on this shit! So, I'm readin...thah muh fuckah... had what... with whom...?!

He had ah child with ah child (a thirteen year old girl) when thah no count pedophilic niggah was Twenty years old! I grew up watchin this muh fuckah! USed tah read sport news, watch sport news...avidly! I was in sports my damn self a time in my life! Now, today, don't give two shits about outcomes, wins, loses... of thah shit but when it fuckin mattered muh fuckahs didn't say shit about this ill niggah!? Niggah done made his money, now, y'all wannah inform US about that ill shit, which US should have been informed of ah long fuckin time ago!?When it fuckin mattered! I sometimes watch sports because of conditioning which I must break!...

But fuck it!... 

Not 'March Madness' muh fuckahs! Fuck what US talkin bout!? There is nothin in the sporting world that can even come close to collegiate, 'March Madness'! Don't give ah fuck! There is an indescribable Positive Human Electricity in thah air durin 'March Madness' that is muh fuckin refreshin as fuck! And it has always made my Black broke sorry ass smile!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 18, 2023

"Illinois vs Indiana University"

 Have US seen Matthew Mayer's free throw strokes?!

Like Stephen Curry, thah same muh fuckin free throw shot movement every fuckin time!


US can tell ah muh fuckahs that works for somethin that is 


As opposed tah muh fuckahs that just think they are entitled,

Belong,  jUSt because.!? 

And make thah shit difficult for 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Just For Men" US 're Some Old Ass Muh Fuckahs! Ain't Nothing A Shame About Being US Age!

 US 's some old muh fuckin asses Playahs!

Colorin US sorry ol Black broke ass muh fuckin hair!?

Thee Holy fuck wrong with US?

Thah Holy fuck message US tellin US youths!?

Like on 'Logan's Run', 

"US wannah die on 

Carousel!?" by the age of thirty?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Lindsey Graham" Quit Lying Man?!

 This muh fuckah!

"My daughter..." Well US found out subsequently it was his God damned niece that he calls a Daughter!


How this muh fuckah stayin undah thah radar with all this LBGT...shit goin on baffles my ol Black broke sorry ass!?

Just tell US muh fuckah,

Yo sorry ass loves suckin and takin


Talkin crazy tah US!

Thah fuck wrong with you? !

Gay sorry old ass muh fuckah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Real Grown Asses Don't Need No Other Grown Asses Defending Their Grown Asses!

 Think about it Niggahs and Niggresses?!

Muh fuckahs gettin mad cause yo ol Black sorry broke ass votin Republican!?

Thah fuck that got tah do with yo own vote?!

And neither of thah muh fuckin candidates gonnah give US shit!

Gettin mad like some muh fuckah talkin bout yo Daddy, yo Momma or some othah immediate family membah and shit!?

Ask them muh fuckin candidates for ah meal, stay ovah their houses for ah night or two, ah fuckin loan...


Them muh fuckahs gonnah be lookin at US broke sorry votin asses like,

"Now. Who the fuck are you!?"

That's if, their security doesn't get tah US broke Black sorry votin asses first!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Has Become A Classless Broke US!

 Thah most absurd shit about US is that US believes in the evil elites' propaganda that they spew 'ad' nauseum!?

Most of US believe China and Russia are fuckin with 



US 's ah stones throw away from bein

Broke US!

Why thah Holy fuck would muh fuckahs with money, 

Fuck around with US muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Ann Coulter". Quit Lying Man!

 Thah Holy fuck they dig this piece of shit  ugliness up from 


Let that bitch lay where her ass was muh fuckin lying!

That she 'im still ain't told US about her being born ah

Biological male!?

Cause ain't no woman that muh fuckin repugnant lookin!

I still wouldn't like she 'im!

But at least I would respect she 'im at least ah lil bit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, February 17, 2023

"Milly Che's abs are toned AF"

 Cause thah bitch's ah muh fuckin biological man!

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The First Granted 'Home Burial Law'. (State of Indiana) Circa Spring 2024

 Governor of Indiana: Because we think it is important for all of us in our great state of Indiana to give our loved ones a proper traditional burial. They are starting to come up with all of these types of 'Green' initiatives!? That's fine when it doesn't impose on our Indiana traditions and values. We, are all important in this great state of Indiana. The citizens in this great state should be able to bury their loved ones at their home! When most of us in our great state are homeowners. It's just the right law for US...

"Human Composting" II

 And yah got sorry young, tryin tah do thah right thing tah make this shit-show ah bettah fuckin place, broke ass muh fuckahs signin up for thah shit!?

Do US youths undahstand what US youths are signin up for?!

They're signin up for ah fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

A Final Safe Firmament

 There are certain unique electrical barriers put around each of the four firmaments.

When one trips, that one firmament never trips the other three.

The barriers will eventually come down!


Our Father only knows!

But that's when US knows there are only 

Positive charges!

Cause the negatives,

Are now below!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"John Wick: Chapter 4"

 I was ah movie fuckin buff back in thah day!

US evah seen, 'Network', 'The Treasure of The Sierre Madre', 'Logan's Run', 'Westworld', 'Harlem Nights', 'Boomerang', 'Hollywood Shuffle', 'Fried Green Tomatoes'...?

Since startin tah undahstand thah evils of Hollywood ah niggah gottah indulge sparingly!

March 24, 2023!

Let's go fam!

My Daughter will say noncommittally, 


My wife on thah othah hand will say, 


And when thah next 'Riddick' and 'The Equalizer' movies get released?

Let's go fam!

I wish they would make anothah, 'Network (Almost Fifty Years Later)', 'Blade Runner(s)', 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind(s')', 'Pump Up The Volume (2)', 'The Truman Show (3 Years Later)', 'Die Hard: (Nakatomi Plaza, Again)', 'Fresh (2)', 'Bullitt (2)', 'The Gumball Rally (2), 'The Longest (Three) Yards' (Depending on who they're casting?! Cause nobody else can do it like Burt Reynolds did that shit! Didn't even waste my time with Adam Sandler and Chris Rock! Thee Holy fuck!)...?

I'd be like,

Let's go fam!

(Peace! More to come...) 

"Human Composting"

 Can't make this shit up Sonshines!

Now legal in six states!

Traditional burial or cremation!?

Fuck that shit!

We're gonnah grind them loved ones up!

And watch shit grow God damnit!

From them grounded up sorry ass nothins of shits that don't fuckin mattah any-fuckin-more!

Just plant them muh fuckahs in US own broke sorry ass backyards! 

At least they would still be home!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Death II

 Let US not pout about the situation of alienation which US has chosen for Ourselves.

The arbitration has long since been put upon US dusty books and upon US dusty shelves.

My oh my!?

Oh, I shall say with a sigh,

As my old ass death comes nigh....


All of US are going to die...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Choices

 Aftah awhile Sonshines, 

US has tah succumb tah two absolutes:

Eithah yah part of thah 


Or yah part of thah


(Peace! More to come...)


 US can train all US fuckin wants Sonshines!

But there will always be ah bettah more lethal 


(Peace! More to come...)

An EMP And The elite Attempt Once Again of Resetting Human Electricity II

 Cause what do US undahstand through Nikola Tesla?!


Is all fuckin around US!

Turn that shit off!

Then reboot that muh fuckin shit again!


US gonnah get what US sorry asses


(Peace! More to come...)

An EMP And The elite Attempt Once Again of Resetting Human Electricity

 Remembah when hurricane Sandy hit New York and New Jersey thah muh fuckin hardest!? Them muh fuckahs in line and shit tryin tah charge their phones at certain locations cause thah muh fuckahs were cut off from thah rest of US!?...

Do US not yet undahstand what is tah muh fuckin come tah

US reality real fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Authentic Mexican Food

 We went tah this restaurant today on thah suggestion of one of my coworkers.

'El Maguey - High School Road location'

She said it is 'Authentic'!

Damn right bout that shit! And fuckin historically tasty shit!

Wasn't no-fuckin-body tryin tah speak English up in that muh fuckah!


Kindah shit reminds me of thah ubiquitous urban neighborhood sayin,

"Niggah yo sorry Black broke ass came tah me!?"


And my ol Black sorry broke ass undahstands!

But warn some niggahs first!

Cause my Wife and I only know six fuckin Spanish words between US,

Gracias, muy bueno , delicioso, cerveza and margarita!

Othah than that? It's pointin at thah shit on thah muh fuckin menu!

Whatevah's clevah!

Somehow, we broke through thah universal language barrier US all knows as:

Food and fuckin dinero! (Oh that's seven Playesses and Playahs!)


Excellent suggestion!  

Good lookin out, 


(Peace! More to come...)

US Won't Know What The Fuck JUSt Hit US!?

Livin out in thah sticks and shit!

"It's so safe and serene!"

JUSt US waits! 

Muh fuckahs wannah isolate themselves and shit!


US bettah get with US!?

Cause about time US isolated asses done got thah imminent peril comin US isolated way!

US isolated now sorry asses are bein readily


(Peace! More to come...)


 US thinkin US can jUSt drop US knowledge on US at any-fuckin-time!?


Oft times muh fuckahs ain't tryin tah hear that fuckin noise US spittin!?

It's called discernment!

And most times than not

US is plum out of thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 "The only thing that matters in life...

Is that

Life matters

In US!"

(Peace! More to come...)

The Truth?

 It does not matter whether I'm getting the truth out or not!

Fuck naw!

It does matter I'm getting the truth out based on my individual


(Peace! More to come...)

Forgotten Documentations of US

 "Well what were you thinking? You had no recourse! What were you thinking Mister Hopson writing such nonsense!?"

Well! I was just writing what was on my mind in US historical written prose.

How can that do US any harm!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Girl Scout Cookies"!

 Always have tah buy, 'Samoas'! 

Them shits pair too well with thah othah  shit!

Take two 'Samoas' and put one 'Adverturefuls' in thah middle of those muh fuckahs' 

With some almond milk! (Yah know? Niggah for some reason all of thah muh fuckin sudden allergic tah dairy) And unsweetened!? Thah shit's close yo! Plus! Thah fuck ah ol Black sorry broke ass gonnah do that loved dairy so much in my ol Black sorry broke ass life! Unsweetened Almond Milk is close as fuck yo! Plus, yah allergic tah


(Peace! More to come...)

"Grey Gardens - 1975"

 US wannah watch real shit about these sorry ass muh fuckin elite?!


I've watched it ovah forty times!?

Watch this shit!?

Them muh fuckahs don't even care about their  muh fuckin so-called


(Peace! More to come...)


 It's ah muh fuckin shame how US has been 'lead astray' by these evil elite ignorant of US muh fuckahs!

Feels like my ol Black broke sorry ass 's been violated many times ovah!


Oh, but that violation has nothin tah do with lil ol me!

That violation has everything tah do with collective,


(Peace! More to come...)


 US got some short muh fuckin memories!

Especially in these interests groups...let's take for instance, the LGBTQ...community!

Rah-rahing Beiden!

How long that muh fuckah 's been in politics when it was US acceptable tah call a homosexual: 

"A fuckin fag!"

Beiden didn't give ah Holy fuck bout that shit back then!?

Or when it was socially acceptable tah call my ol Black sorry broke ass: "A fucking nigger!"

Beiden didn't give ah shit about ah niggah back then!...

Nor does his sorry muh fuckin ass give ah shit about ah niggah 


(Peace! More to come...)

What Spirit Hast Thine Broken Soul Conjured Up?!

 Let my ol Black sorry broke non-teetotalin ass suggest somethin tah US!

When they labeled some alcohol: Spirits!

Appreciate that 'Spirit's shit!

And indulge in them with thah utmost muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Celestially Speaking of Course!

 "Starlight. Star bright. Won't you be my star tonight?"

Fuck no!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Le Fin

 There's never enough time.

But there is time enough!...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Will Never Understand Some Shit!

 Aftah dealin with crazy muh fuckahs all fuckin day, muh fuckahs wannah go home and start textin, gettin on social media... and shit! 

Ain't US tired of dealin with muh fuckahs for thah day!? 

Oh, you like that shit!? 

'No' ?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elite Are The Greatest Thieves Ever!

 Thah elite controlled judicial systems have thah muh fuckin nerves tah put niggahs away for robbin banks and shit for thirty years and shit!?

Them same muh fuckin elite robbin entire muh fuckin countries!

And ain't spent one second defending themselves in US judicial systems!?

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US havin thah muh fuckin nerves lookin for ah Human savior in this mess US 's in!


Ain't gonnah happen Playahs and Playesses!

If US is lookin for a Human to save US!?

I got more blues for those very dark blues!

US is gonnah be woefully fuckin disappointed!

And heavy on that, 

Woefully shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Rest Awhile

 Muh fuckahs wannah go and go!

Just ah suggestion!?

Sometimes US needs tah sit US happy broke asses down!

It's safe,

It doesn't cost US broke asses nothin and

US still alive tah see anothah beautiful

Our Father's 


(Peace! More to come...)

Above, Middle And Below

 If thah inside of this muh fuckah is Hellacious why are most of US waters temperate or cold!? Not scalding!

It's not the inner core I have ever been worried about!

A manmade inner earth's core does not exist!

Only this firmament!

So, let's talk about the middle layer?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Hydroxyzine Or Adderall (Ex-Pharmaceutical Drug User. 29 Years Old, Nevaeh Tens) Circa The Summer 2024

 I didn't tell too many people this because I was so scared of the prices goin tah go up! Fuck that! Kept that shit tah this day until thah shit got out! Then fuck it, I had tah quit, niggah couldn't take the increase! And it wasn't that type of party! But God damn!... Crush them intah ah powdah! Pills, lil work. Capsules, ain't no thing! Straighten those lines up perfectly like coke! Hit that shit! Oww-wee! Fuck ah coke! But my broke ass sho nuff smiled delightfully! Write for days on eithah of those shits taken like that! By just breathing in! "I want some more please?" Now, stop it!...

But I'm totally over that time in my life now! And I'm totally happy!...Sort of....

US Under Maritime Laws

 Of course!

Because US is on ah floating land in the


(Peace! More to come...)

The Proper Way of Dealing With The Dregs: The elite

 US only takes on what US can pay for!

"Oh, that's so profound! I've never heard that before!"

I understand!

I'm not talkin about the literal. I'm speakin figuratively!

And figuratively...

US needs tah start understandin real fuckin quick,

The ill shit US 's gonnah have tah pay for by doin thah shit US 's doin!?

US will not be able tah buy US way out of that bloody righteoUS


(Peace! More to come...)

US 's Particulates Matter

 Particulates! I've always loved the sound of that word ever since I first heard it then read the definition. And a fine definition it is! A part of! 

And ye be a proper word indeed!

However small!

Every single of one of US particulates'

Fucking matter!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Take A Hit! - The Incarcerated Band" Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana Circa Late Summer 2024


Do you wannah take ah anothah hit!? (Hit! Hit!)

Do you wannah make your mind split!? (Split! Split!)

Do you wannah see some real shit?! (Shit! Shit!)

Come ohn naw and

Hit this shit!...

Do you wannah take ah anothah hit...

"Happy Harry Hard-On - Pump Up The Volume"

 "Fuck it! I'm tired of being afraid!..."

Real talk!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Write, And US Learns The Sacred Rules of Thought Afore!

 Oft times a thought will come into my peripheries. I see you!? I pull it more toward the fore, languidly. You know you want to be a part of this thought? 

Then in reprisal.

She slips away....

(Peace! More to come...)

Niggardly Starvation

 US sees these overweight politicians supposedly for US!?

Some of  'em muh fuckahs eithah lookin like they need ah sandwich!

Or like most

Need tah fuck ah sandwich!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I try to type as fast as I possibly can oft times to get the visions and the voices out before they start dissipating into, a needle in a haystack, thought!

Sometimes I make it!

Sometimes I...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Learned, Are The Muh Fuckin Problem!

 Fuck it!

Muh fuckah needs answahs!

"Our Father, which art in Heaven..."


Fuckin crickets!

God damn!

Remembah as a punishment US had tah write in grade school on thah chalkboard when yo sorry broke Black ass did somethin wrong!? That's jUSt what that shit's like! Real talk! But in this circumstance it is not told how many times yo ol Black sorry broke ass got tah repeat some shit before Our Father does some shit!?

If, they did that shit tah these young lil muh fuckahs now!? Writin on that chalkboard bullshit! And US ain't even gonnah mention, "Paddling"! Straight up institutionally sanctioned straight up child abuse! Anyway...


"We're sentencing you now Mister Johnson to five years in prison for negligence and abuse of a minor!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Definition of US Love Is: ...

 Take a Love letter to her!

Better, yet


What is US definition for the

Love of



(Peace! More to come...)

Love Is...V'Day?!


is in thah muh fuckin air ain't it Playesses and Playahs!?

Or is it jUSt


Better yet,

A manmade conditioned response!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Human Demarcations Soiled

 If US is lookin for any answahs all that US sorry broke asses have tah do is look intah that Human God damned muh fuckin mirror! (Rarely utilized now!?)

But US don't wannah do that shit do US!?


Cause US!

Is expeditiously becoming


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Time For US To Answer This Ill Scheisse Done To US With: Supplemental Enforcements!

US Fed, State, Counties enacted three years of Human pressures!?

And that is all that they did!

Created added pressures in US lives!

Shit! Shit Shit!

They have hijacked and manipulated US

DHEA and Cortisol levels!

No wondah why US sorry broke ass muh fuckahs actin fuckin batshit crazy!?

I'll be fucking God damned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Professional American Football Finale Is Way Too Commercialized!

It ain't about thah muh fuckin game no fuckin more that's for damn sure! 

Muh fuckahs that don't even like American football, talkin bout thah 'Super Bowl'!

Oh, not for American football!

For thah fuckin halftime show!?

And thah fuckin food!?

The parties!?...

Thah Holy fuck ah niggah missin?!

Oh, thah ovah commercialized game I USed tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Human Reason (23 Years Old, Tracy Spencer, Tues06Jun2023)

 It had always been there for US!

Where the rubber meets the road?!

And We'll be surprised how many of these spineless fucks have succumbed tah the global world agenda just because of being paid off by hated,


To Serve HuMans (Anthony Miles, Thirty-Three Years Old, Professional Boxer) Circa July 2024

 So he saw his opposition letting it go. Ain't no thing! Experience beats all! Though he was on the downside of his boxing career he understood the other boxer's passion! Felt it with everyone of his punches! Good flurry kid! Good foot movement! Then he lashed out, Right-left-right-right-left. And that was it! The crowd couldn't believe it, other than the mother fucker in the second row hollering, 

"Pay me my twenty thousand dollars bitches!"...

'An Eye For An Eye"

 Muh fuckahs want ah sit up here and create all kinds of malfeasance and think thah muh fuckin 

RighteoUS s'posed tah play by their muh fuckin broken rules! Broken multiple times by them!

"That information you are writing is horribly incorrect!"

Oh yeah!?

Now, let US talk about y'alls ill shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Albert Einstein Was A Straight Up Niggah!

 Have US seen thah picture of Einstein?

That muh fuckah was ah straight up niggah!

Ah perceived passed off Zionist Jew USed  by thah Zionist Jews so his Black sorry ass 

Beta-Ethiopian Jew family would not be compromised!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Almost Bright Future


He breathed hard out and hard in two times tah make thah beat!

That was all that he USed for thah platinum single.

What Our Father had given him!

Human Senses!

And when the executive from the record label got him alone and said to him,

"You're going to do big things in this industry! But first, I need for you to suck my dick."

Well, needless tah tell US!

His career was very short lived!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Unidirectional Quandaries!?

 Believe me US!?

Each and every single one of US are here for ah muh fuckin reason!

"What fuckin reason?!"


Depends on every single one of US tah inevitably chose thah right fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Albert Pike Was A Straight Up Niggah!

Have US seen the picture of Albert Pike?! 

"Morals and Dogma" my ol Black sorry broke ass!

Yo ass was a fuckin niggah!

Did yah even tell these no count freemason muh fuckahs?

Yo ass was ah muh fuckin straight up


(Peace! More to come...)

"MBT" vs "BPP"

 Both supposedly 


But thah one "BPP" spittin back the same shit "MBT"s been spittin back tah 'im! Really callin thah muh fuckah ah fake bitch! Which "MBT" is fuckin known for! Callin muh fuckahs out! Kindah that, "If yah can't take thah shit!? Then don't talk that shit!" Interesting. Anyway...

I smile at this shit!

Cause if it's not real!

At least!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs makin it at least


Cause ah lil bit aftah this shit! "MBT" got ghost!

Talkin bout how 'Youtube' and 'Bitchute' was tryin tah stop  fuckin 

"The Truth" by strikin him!

MBT: got on ah subscribers' only joint!


(Peace! More to come...)

Weenie Roast

 For some reason I'm watchin this shit on "How Hotdogs Are Made"!

Thah fuck!

Interesting as shit though!

But that pinkish sludge yo!?

I'm thinkin, othah than ah muh fuckin prosititute?

What othah profession can avow tah one and all?

"I deal with weenies all day!"?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Golden Showers"

 I remembah ah time in my life I was addicted to porn! Don't know why? Well, shit! I know why! I'm just sayin! Bein how I was brought up in an Apostolic family yah wouldn't think that kind of shit would have pulled me! But it did! Well, the thing that did it for me My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! I opened up some shit talkin bout, "Golden Showers!" Thah fuck?! Shiiiought! Let me click on that shit then!...

Fuckin mistake! But I watched maybe five or six of those muh fuckahs tryin tah really undahstand I'm really seein nasty muh fuckahs pissin on each othah!? And drinkin thah God damned piss too!?

Well, I did! And I left porn thah fuck alone! I guessed that shit wasn't for me after all!

"Well you were watching 'Fetish' shit Bro! What did you expect!?"

I guess I expected something othah than what I thought the title of thah video meant 'Fetish' wise! That's all! But ah niggah was done! Anyway...

Mostly German muh fuckahs!

Then with my beer drinkin ass I started thinkin,

'No wondah them Germans like their beer warm!"

And what thah fuck have I been drinkin called 


Them nasty piss drinkin muh fuckahs been sellin tah US?!


My ol Black sorry broke ass still drinkin


From Germany no less!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Michael Taylor, 16 Years Old" Murdered! Indianapolis, Indiana! (36 (9) years ago) 3 x 12 (33) or 36 divided by two =18(9) divided by 3 (666)

Gonnah bring this shit up from thirty-six years ago! I remembah that shit! I remembah sayin tah my young ass self, "Oh! They killed that niggah!"


Derek Thomas, so called niggah reporter with his wide nosed havin ugly ass, gonnah sit up there with two white muh fuckahs talkin bout a "reenactment proven suicide' by ah handcuffed lil niggah in thah back of an IPD cruiser!?


Evil elite shit!

By one of their many egregious cults:

The Freemasons!

Remember their oath?

"Silence!? Or disembowelment!"

They killed that young man! Plain and simple! 

Suicide my ol Black broke sorry ass wrinkly left muh fuckin nut!


Leave that ill muh fuckin shit alone if US ain't gonnah tell thah real truth about thah horrible murder of one of US youths!

"Well he was sixteen years old! That doesn't add up? One plus six equals seven!"

Based on US math, that would be correct!

But with their math they're not addin the two! They're fuckin with their numbers:

One - Six or 

One - 3-3!

So one Masonic cop killed one


Young Black youth!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"BRUMATE" Fucking With Beer Brain Long Embedded Memory

 Well US knows, around Christmas time and US works in ah small working environment of maybe three or four coworkers, US gives one anothah gifts. Well, they know what my non-teetotaling ass gonnah give 'em. Alcohol! "But I don't drink!" Then yo ass gets ah bottle of sweet wine! Fuck it! I know what I know! Fuck all that othah gift shit! I'm horrible with that shit! Anyway...one of my coworkers, named Jasmine, gave me this thing called ah "BRUMATE"! Ain't nevah heard of such ah thing with my fifty-seven years old broke Black beer drinkin sorry ass... but okay! 


Evilest, wondrous muh fuckin thing I have evah received as ah gift! The shit works hands down! Keeps thah beer cold from the first sip to thah last sip! Well, that's thah evil thing about this little simple apparatus! If US has drank beer as long as my ol Black sorry broke ass has been drinkin it! US heard of muscle memory! Well, there is such ah thing as beer drinking memory I realized aftah utilizin this evil shit! 

Aftah chillin thah beer, takin one out to partake in. Yes, the first sip is cold. But thah longah that beer is sipped on, the warmer the beer gets, what yo ol ass mind is USed to! 

But with this thing? The first sip, frosty! And each time frosty!? Yo ol broke Black ass mind 's starts sayin tah itself, this is a freshly opened beer bein so cold! So why is it feelin so light!? Cause of thah evil apparatus! My mind is USed to a downward temperature of thah beer given my beer drinking memory. But this shit has thrown my memory for a loop! 

The last sip is supposed to be almost like room temperature, piss tasting beer!

Not wonderfully refreshing the last sip that I just took!? How didn't I know that it was about time for ah new beer!?...

Cause of this evil amazin muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Operation Popeye"

 US can't make this shit up Playesses and Playahs!

Them some evil lazy muh fuckahs!

Comin tah ah neighborhood near US real fuckin soon!

If US don't start checkin-out their ill evil asses today!?...

(Peace! More to come..)

Friday, February 10, 2023

Karl Marx Was A Straight Up Niggah! "Moo-da-boo! Jack!" Sprechen?!

US evah seen the photographs of Karl Marx?!


Ah niggah with ah muh fuckin perfect vision for


(Peace! More to come...)

'Isle of Man TT' II

 White males are fuckin nuts!

Ain't no niggahs tryin tah get down with this shit!

Niggahs runnin up and down a field or ah basketball court for millions of dollahs!

These white males gettin maybe twenty-two 'G's if they win, and they may just loose their muh fuckin lives tryin tah succeed in this shit!

Thah fuck 's ah niggah missin!?

I've been watchin thah muh fuckin shit for some thirty years now!

And do US not appreciate how pristine thah drivin conditions must be in that muh fuckah!?

I mean two wheels and ah white man on ah motorcycle averagin one-hundred-thirty miles per loop?!

I spoke with ah patient just recently, ah Black ass muh fuckah, that USed tah dirt bike and all that white male nutty shit! Thah muh fuckah said tah me, 

"Yea man. I was in California on ah track. Well my racing suit wasn't fittin me well. But back then, I didn't care! I wanted to get that bike out and beat some fools! Shit man, I remember it like it was yesterday. I had hit thah first turn in the 'S', broke it down leaning hard to my left, thah fuck was that?! Then all of the sudden I felt excruciating pain in my left leg. I peeked down man. My whole fucking kneecap had been shaved off executing that first turn! Why? Because my knee sliders weren't properly in place!"


Them white male muh fuckahs 're nuts! And, that niggah too!

But for some reason I love watchin this shit!

They go full throttle!?

Ain't no fuckin way!? 

"Well, it's a closed course?!"

Don't give ah Holy fuck!


Have US seen thah oft times rabbits that try tah shoot across thah road for some fuckin reason why them muh fuckahs are hittin it!?

And it's just ah mattah of time before ah stupid muh fuckah commits suicide by the

'Isle of Man'!

Killin thah motorcyclist/motorcyclists and his stupid wanting tah die in thah most fucked up possible way ass! Fuckin up thah muh fuckin ill one of ah kind whatevahthefuck race!


All my ol Black broke sorry ass can say tah myself is,

"Y'all white male muh fuckahs are crazy!"

Even if this ol niggah could maneuver ah fuckin motorcycle!?

Ain't no muh fuckin way my ol Black sorry broke ass doin this shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Muh fuckahs writin and talkin bout these 

Centenarians and shit!

Why thah Holy fuck would ah muh fuckah wannah live for one hundred God damned years is beyond this niggahs rationale!

Three score and ten! Maybe ah few years more!

But if US gets tah thah muh fuckin 

Octogenarian year?

US asses ain't supposed tah be here!


Time for US old asses tah ingest six centimeters of 

Hemlock root

God damnit!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, February 9, 2023

US Excuses

 So durin ah pretest I'm talkin tah this muh fuckah!

He's talkin bout how he almost died of COVID, got COVID again, found all these...well tah make a long story short, thah muh fuckah ain't worked for a year and a half!

Started talkin that sing-song shit, how he didn't want to go on public assistance and shit...did I tell yah this muh fuckah was white? Yeah! Talkin straight up crazy! I suggested,

Well you pay into things like that. People don't believe in paying taxes but when something like that comes about?

"Well. It took me a long time to accept that! So I got on food-stamps and things like that. But I wasn't trying to work the system to save some money to buy some rims or nothing like that?!"

And thah sorry ass white muh fuckah sayin this shit tah ah straight up niggah!

Thee Holy fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Generationwhy - Zhu" II

 The elite: "Why the hell not!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Definition of: Parkour/H.E.F.M.

 If I was ah young muh fuckah and would have been introduced tah this shit?!

Niggresses and Niggahs?!

Some of the defiant disciplined shit they 


Our Heavenly Father!


Y'alls scientific world ain't gonnah tell US this balancing act of life and death can't be done!

In US beautiful 

Human Electrical Fluid Motion!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Playahs and Playesses!? Listen Up?!

 US ain't shit without US!

Does US undahstand that shit!

"Shit! I'm going to just be me!"


Go head with yo bad broke sorry ass selves!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Federal Excuses

"It's China!"

 I don't give ah good US fuck!

"Well it's the supply chain..."

Don't give ah good US fuck!

"The Ukraine is causing devastating effects on our economy!"

And I most certainly, don't give ah good US fuck bout that stupid shit!...

US pays y'alls sorry lazy asses tah take care of this shit!

Now, yah wannah still get paid and make excuses!?

And gettin away with that shit!

Y'all sorry asses gettin paid with US taxpayers dollahs!?

Like ah muh fuckah sayin that's bein paid tah clean up thah muh fuckin bathrooms,

"Well I couldn't mop the floor because it was already wet! It would have been hazardous conditions if I would have tried to mop it!"

Niggahs and Nigresses!?


(Peace! More to come...)

Serving The Appropriate Master?

 The military has become a scientific experiment! 

Ain't no wars goin on!

The fuck US think they doin tah US Soldiers!?

"Pain! Pain! Pain! That's the way we train!"

Damn right bout that evil shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Please Tell An US Old Black Broke Ass Niggah!? Who Don't Want To Be One of US?!

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!

Done with this nice ass shit!

Fuckin done!


Fuck it!

Oh, yes!

US can

Talk major shit!

US deserves it!

"In my country..."

Fuck yo sorry ass country muh fuckah!

Yo sorry ass country's in fuckin ruins you sorry muh fuckah!

Thah fuck reason yo happy ass 's here!? Tryin tah talk shit! Yo muh fuckin country ain't fuckin shit! Muh fuckah!


All y'all othah muh fuckahs tryin tah be a part of


This US shit!

Fuck whatchall talkin othahwise!

It ain't

"America the


For fucks' sakes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Sovereignty of US Is About To Fucking End! This US Is The Shit! "Haters Gonnah Hate!"

"Yes, it is part of my Irish/Russian/Croatian/Indian...(whatevah thah Holy fuck) heritage!"

Don't give an US fuck!

But yah sorry whatevah thah fuck ass is in US livin and breathin 



 Muh fuckahs think that they can hire ah muh fuckah three fuckin years in US to be in their Human Resources Department and shit! Or any of thah othah departments in ah company toutin this sorry ass diversity bullshit!

Cause that's all they fuckin do! Is fucking tout! Look at the C-Suites of these various companies?! 

Shiiiought! Y'alls sorry asses can't tell ah niggah shit!...Anyway...

Same thing they do with Africans!

Same thing they do with Irish!

Same thing they do with Russians!...

But what thah fuck about 


God damn muh fuckahs can some of US niggahs get ah lil US love and shit!

Fuck them muh fuckahs!

They weren't born 


And US are bein treated like they need tah 

Be fuckin treated!

They came ovah tah US God damnit!

Not muh fuckin US goin tah their sorry ass muh fuckin obviously

Shit of a no-count country, tah make ah proper pay to live!

Why can't US!?

In US own fuckin 

US country!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

"Chaiyya Chaiyya - Inside Man - Dil Se"

 Bad ass shit! Start writin with this shit and how thah flow changes? Don't know what thah fuck them muh fuckahs sayin, but that shit has my hands doin a very happy muh fuckin dance indeed!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 US takes the fakes.

Pointing a gun

To jUSt to have fun!

Killing One!

The many jail breaks.

Bad vehicular brakes

When lives are at stake!

Grilled steaks

Being uneaten in US's cavalier wanton Human


It is not real, it is fucking paste!

Stop...the haste!

US 's loosing US Human 


(Peace! More to come..)

US Old Asses And "Gollum"

 I'm downstairs. My wife 's upstairs.



"You were asking me some questions? What were they?"

Oh, I'm sorry I was asking myself some questions aloud! I didn't know I was being that loud?

"What?!" So I go upstairs to say to her,

I'm sorry I was asking myself some questions aloud. I didn't know I was being that loud?

"Oh? I understand."...

(Peace! More to come...)

They Are MTF And FTM. The elite, The Politicians and The Entertainment Industry (All Three Integral Parts In The CIA)

"Because three. It's a magic number. - Schoolhouse Rock"

 Look around US My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!





Does US see mothah fuckahs lookin like these muh fuckahs in Hollywood or US reporters...!?


Good Lord!?

They are actors and actresses!



But, shit!

I guess there are only two integral parts: The elite and The Entertainment Industry! Cause politicians are sho nuff intah all kinds of entertainment...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Expiration Dates

And thah old ass bitch is past hers! Ain't nobody tryin tah fuck yo old non-sexy ass!

Retire! God damn!

Thah bitch is jUSt pitiful tah my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Still got that old evil bitch witch on thah muh fuckin stroll aftah three scores! Fuckin knees, ass, false pussy, jaws...hurtin like ah muh fuckah!


Like Roberto Duran said in the boxing match with Sugar Ray Leonard, and Sugar Ray was beatin thah brakes off that muh fuckah back in thah muh fuckin day,

"No mas!"

Whatevah thah fuck that is: Clone, Synthetic...shit, the original 'Madonna'! Go sit yo ol happy ugly ass down in yo fuckin rockin chair! And act your sorry ass muh fuckin age!

Like thah rest of US ol muh fuckahs


(Peace! More to come...)

Trying To Exercise My Old Ass Failing Mind!

 US remembahs thah muh fuckin television series, "Chuck"?

His college roommate sent him that ill shit and 'Chuck's' ass bein bombarded with all of that input at one time!? And in the background US notices the night turnin to day?! Then after the upload thah muh fuckah just goes straight back and falls onto the floor!? Tryin like hell tah reboot like ah muh fuckah!...

The one thing that fascinates me about music and writing is that it compliments one another. I mean, don't get me wrong there are sometimes I write only with the sounds of Our home!

But put music to those thoughts? Depending on the music I decide to write with? Oft times it's like ol 'Chuck', the visions start zapping!

And my hands start dancing!...

Then my ol Black broke sorry ass needs to


Get some fuckin sleep!...

(Peace! More to come...)

To No Avail

 "The world is fucked up!"

Fuck naw!

Gots tah muh fuckin disagree!

Our Father's firmament has not ever been

Fucked up!

These elite muh fuckahs tryin tah control some shit cause them degenerates don't have shit else tah fuckin do than to try to control this firmament!?

And it ain't gonnah evah happen!

Let's jUSt get thah fuck along!

Or y'alls asses got tah get gotten!

Supersilly muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Satanism is on the rise all over the globe!" And Propagandism

 First of all!

Stop with that globe shit!

Second of all, says who!?

You media controlled by the evil sorry ass muh fuckin elite!?

Just because y'alls sorry muh fuckahs shows and reports on some sorry ass shit!

Don't fuckin mean thah shit is muh fuckin happenin on ah broad fuckin scale!

That's jUSt thah agenda them muh fuckahs pushin on US!

"The World's Gone Mad!" 

Then they bring in Marshal Law!

Then US done fell for thah fuckin okee-doke!...


US done learned thah hard fuckin way!

Oh, but US 's sho nuff muh fuckin learned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Come on? Dance With Me?

 When my Wife and my Daughter are not around!

I listen to music and write!

Oft times cycling through thah music in my mind and


'Hold up now!'

That's it!

Play that shit!...

As my hands begin to dance on the keys!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Mandela Effect And Slavery

 Muh fuckahs USe the term 

'Slavery' like it only happens tah niggahs!?

Some fucked up kindah Mandela Effect!?

Now if US throws the word

'Black' in front of that muh fuckah!

Now US talkin bout US niggahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Ubiquitous Carried Black Mirror: Cellphone II

 Cause if US ol sorry muh fuckin asses are really honest with US selves!

And when US start lookin at thah accessibility US has given tah US impressionable youths with these God damned cellphones!?


Thee Holy fuck!


US just fucked US 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Ubiquitous Carried Black Mirror: Cellphone

 Why these lil muh fuckahs so fucked up!?

Shiiiought! I'll tell US why!?

 It's called cellphones muh fuckahs! God damn! 

It ain't that difficult!

Do US not undahstand that when my sorry ass was young, and US sorry ass adults, would have given my testosterone filled fourteen year old body a fuckin cellphone?!

I would have stayed in my room all fuckin day jackin-the-fuck-off!

Shit they got any shit on them muh fuckahs yo old and young ass wants tah see, and not! But at that point it's too late, US done fucked up and opened the shit! Quit doin that shit! Fuck a lot of this dreck!

But then you got muh fuckin parents that say some shit, 

"Well I monitor my sons/daughters cellphones! I know exactly what they are doing!"

Seriously? Well they are some smart lil no count muh fuckahs! Surprisingly so! And US muh fuckin parents do undahstand US sons/daughters have friends that have cellphones, that US parental asses don't know thah shit about what them friends gettin into with that evil electronic shit! Cause US ain't thah friends' parents! And US thinks US sons/daughters gonnah say to their muh fuckin friends,

"Oh no! I can't watch that type of stuff! My parents don't allow me to watch that kind of stuff on my own phone!?" 

That how that shit works now with US youths!?


US bettah deftly start undahstanding some shit,

US ol Black sorry asses was young at a time in our

Lives too!

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 6, 2023

Indianapolis, Indiana: Defining US Living Conditions

 Open up tah this shit! It is US 's tah delve into!

Don't give ah fuck what these sorry ass elite say through their bought media!

US is here!

This is US broke ass sorry muh fuckin home!

And it's a beautiful free state to be livin in!....

(Peace! More to come...)

Whaddup Niggahs and Nigreseses In Indianapolis, Indiana!?

 Oh, yo sorry ol Black ass lives in Indianapolis!

Racin cars and shit!

I feel yah!

Naw, yo sorry broke ol Black ass ain't feelin shit!

Cause if yah did?

This is thah best place for yo ol Black sorry ass tah live in!

It's called:

Envisioning US Indiana Future!

And US sorry broke ol Black sorry asses can be a part of this beautiful shit tah come to US beautiful 

State of  wanting to live in!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Feel Your Weight (Poolside remix) - Rhye"

 Funky favorable frivolous muh fuckin shit!

Keep 'em comin muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"No Place - Rufus Du Sol"

 US is  connected at the hip! Like Chang and Eng Bunker! 

Whatevah You do I do muh fuckah!

God damn!

Feel this placid shit!

Ain't no need for US tah be upset!?

US is gonnah be jUSt fuckin



(Peace! More to come...)

"Babel - Otnicka (Remix)"


Like Michael Jackson's type of 


(Peace! More to come...)

Ain't No Cryin In This Muh Fuckin Life!

 Some muh fuckin shit don't fuckin mattah!

US talkin bout material shit like it's ah muh fuckin necessity!?

God damn!

That's where US has decided tah fuckin dwell!?

Good God damn!

No wondah these evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs havin an easy time with US sorry materialistic muh fuckin asses!

I can't stand when one of US sorry ass muh fuckahs start talkin that ill stupid shit,

"Well they..."

Who thah Holy fuckin shit is "They" muh fuckah?!

"They" ain't nowhere near this conversation!

So why is 


Still bein ah muh fuckin topic of US conversation?!

Fuck "They"!

It's just lil ol You!

And lil ol me!

So what thah Holy fuck are You and me,

Gonnah do about muh fuckin ghostly


(Peace! More to come...)


 Don't leave me!?

I won't stop you from being free

Of me!


Just bereave me!

Cause if you leave me!

I'm already dead!

Cause you are the only one that has ever really 

Loved ah sorry ol broke Black sorry ass muh fuckah like me!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let The Fine Spirits Move US

 You don't see muh fuckahs actin up when they're drinkin scotch or good bourbon whiskey!

Payin all that money tah end up in ah muh fuckin fight is fuckin stupid!

But don't give niggahs some vodka, tequila or gin!

God damn!

Cause all those muh fuckahs makes broke muh fuckahs 


(Peace! More to come...)

Idleness Will Always Fuck The elite!

 Shit they can't kill US all!

Fuck no!

They need broke sorry muh fuckahs tah make their meals, clean their living environment, clean their nasty ass toilets, launder those funky soiled nasty ass sheets and towels they've utilized...


They won't kill US all!

But yah see!?

That's what has always fucked them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs!

They are lazy as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bank "Bail Ins" (BBIs) VII

 You know how these muh fuckahs in these fuckin Ponzi schemes get caught up!?

Cause their sorry asses got greedy!

That's what these federal governments and the elite are doin right thah fuck now!

Instead of this elaborate Ponzi scheme them evil muh fuckahs done came up with, thah shits still gonnah bite that greedy ass! So they gettin desperate as Holy fuck!

"So what do we do Ladies and Gentlemen?"

They done found thah loophole tah just take US shit!

But them evil muh fuckahs are niggardly ignorant!

Cause once y'all take US shit!


US got rifles, guns and shit!

US ain't no damn 


Cause this shit is 

"The land of the Free! And the home of the Brave!..."


"Punks jump up tah get beat down!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 5, 2023

"Come Alive - Cannons"

 Oh shit!

Head bobbin!

RighteoUS beat!

Come oh naw!?

Yah got tah love these muh fuckahs!

Write yo happy ass ol Black sorry broke ass off on this shit!

Yea! A Lot of my shit was written while I listened tah these muh fuckahs!

Don't know how!? Or why!?

But thah muh fuckin shit works!....

(Peace! More to come...)

It's Fucking Murder of One of US!

 Shit! I ain't no Democrat! I'd like tah considah myself a

"Refined Niggah Republican"!

Don't laugh? 


Y'all right!

That was some funny ass shit! But fuck it!  Anyway...

"We will seek the Death Penalty!"

Naw muh fuckahs y'all will seek the

"Murder Penalty"!

All niceties aside!...

These nice words can kiss US asses!.

Thah fuck's ah niggah missin!?

.(Peace! More to come...)

"You Know I'm No Good - Amy Winehouse"

 The song is my shit!

Cause US ain't shit!

Until US wants tah be


But before that shit!

Think about thah aforementioned shit!?

"I cheated myself/ Like I knew/ I would..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Liquid Meals

 Muh fuckahs drinkin scotch, tequila, rum, wine...

Have I told y'alls asses how much I love beer!?

Shiiiought! Ah muh fuckah could live off thah shit!

Especially if US sorry broke ol Black asses, jUSt indulged in 


Okay, I'm sorry!

You're right!

Ah muh fuckah gotstah keep his facial muscles exact by chewing! 

So, beer and chewing gum, "Dentyne-Fire Spicy Cinnamon."

Put that suit on playahs and playesses!

Droppin straight up and down!?

Niggahs and Nigresses, what!?

Fuck eating!

The right beer is enjoyable and tasty as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let US Have A Little Chit-Chat!

 Who are You!?

Oh, US ain't talkin bout US!

US wants tah know bout lil ol



Speak on it!?


(Peace! More to come...)

Hit It again Niggah! (Funky Daze Haze) Breezeway Park, Sun25Aug2024 II


Just hit again niggah and forget the shit!

Just hit again we don't want to mess with it!

Hit again niggah before the sun shines!

Hit it again niggah and everything is going to be just


Hit It again Niggah! (Funky Daze Haze) Breezeway Park, Sun25Aug2024

 Bust it! Just hit it again niggah! Whatevah is clevah! Whatevah it takes to see US Black asses till the final overcast! I'm a misfit that don't fit tah spit the shit which I chose to diss! Kiss my Daughter's forehead before I'm dead and rock the lead! Mislead in this dope filled smoked scope! But she'll be fine, while I drink strawberry beer with my toothsome veneers! Nope! Got tah take care of them joints, yah hear? Can't stand elitist wine! Pine about my good years full of tears, peers something queer! But I'm fine while the sun shines! I cast a maze with my smoked filled haze! Many days of fucked up ways! Phase two? What am I goin tah do?...

Dick Years

 How do I want to be remembered? Shit I guess I would like muh fuckahs when my ol Black sorry broke ass dies to say is, 

"He was a nice man! A gentleman!" Like my brother Albert.

But I know that shit ain't gonnah happen! Cause yah see I had issues! And still got those muh fuckahs but I have learned a lil bit how tah calm some shit thah fuck down! Ergo, I'm goin tah have some muh fuckahs that say.

"Meredith Hopson! He was a straight up dick!"

If muh fuckahs come tah my funeral, which I very much doubt, but if they do?!

Let them roast my muh fuckin ol Black broke sorry ass! To get thah true picture of me!

And what thah fuck can my ol Black broke sorry ass say about that shit!?

Fuck it! I'm dead at this point!


There was ah time, I sho nuff was ah fuckin dick!

But I'm tryin, my Dear Sweet Sisatahs and Brothas to ultimately become

Dickless before I'm gone!


Fuck naw! And fuck you!...

Just tryin to be ah niggah with ah dick without bein ah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Hey!? Where are you goin!?

It's a Sunday God damnit!

That means a part of US weekend! 

Got tah go tah work on dreaded Mondays!

But at thah very fuckin least,

US sorry asses got something tah at least wake up to!

And this shit!?


So glad US stopped by!

Thank you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dead or Alive!

 Been dealin with depression most of my sorry ol broke Black ass life!

"But there has tah be at least arbitration!?"

Been done!

Got tah work!

Not for me!

But the ones I love that are still among the muh fuckin living puttin up with my ill shit?!

Thank You!

"That's all yo ol broke sorry Black ass got for all of US?!"


Yea! That's all I've got!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Erase, Rewind - Gruppa Svoi"

 Funky ass muh fuckin shit!







"Erase and rewind/ Cause I've been changing my mind..."

(Peace! More to come...)


 Yo ol Black sorry broke ass can go any fuckin place when yo sorry Black sorry broke ass jUSt


Where shall I take US!?

S'il vous plait?

Oh, don't be afraid?!

It's not ever that type of journey!

Oh, no!


Hop on this shit!?

There is nothing to be afraid of Sonshines!...

Finally I ask US!


(Peace! More to come...)

US Real Bottled Tottled Ill Shit Within US

 Take a toke of the truthful inhalation not from alienation bein the infiltration of the denaturing process of this pristine smoke!


Goin tah make US feel right!

In spite 

Of !

Drove and rode thah shit!

Fucked up the same shit!


"Where's the real 


You evil elite bastards and bitches!?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Holy Fuck 's Wrong With Me?!...I'll Figure It Out, Hopefully Before Our Father's Calling Me Home?!

 I'm difficult!

"God damn niggah!

The fuck wrong with you!?"


I know that shit!

Fuck! Thee Holy Fuck!?

When US ol Black sorry broke asses get tah bein fifty-fuckin-seven years old and don't know who thah fuck US is?!

Muh fuckahs!

US got major problems!

As far as my ol Black broke sorry ass tellin US thah muh fuckin truth!?

How my wife puts up with my difficult ol broke Black sorry ass is beyond this niggah's comprehension!

I'd be like, 

"Niggah! I want ah fuckin divorce! Can't take this shit no fucking more!"...

But for some reason she does!

Sometimes ah niggah like me,

Smiles beatifically! Because ah niggah like me thinkin,

'Maybe I'm not that bad!? Not so crazy!?" Then thah voice of reason comes to thah muh fuckin fore tah remind an ol work in progress niggah like me, 

"Now muh fuckah listen?! She does deserve better than yo ol Black broke sorry ass! It's called merciful spiritual innate vision muh fuckah! Get yo shit togethah muh fuckah! At least for your Wife and your Daughter sake! Does yo ass really want ah divorce!? Oh, and yo Daughter end up hatin yo supersilly sorry ol Black sorry broke ass!? Is that what yo sorry ass wants? But I know yo sorry ass bettah!"

Fuckin oft times, ah niggah like me,


When my Wife and my Daughter are not around!

Oh, I know!

I fuckin know!

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I fuckin know...




(Peace! More to come...)

"Oh, I Didn't Really Mean What I Said!?" Uhm! Then Don't Fucking Say It! Our Father Forgives Thoughts!

 US ol Black sorry ass muh fuckahs best be aware of tellin these youths some ill shit!

Fragile ain't even ah good fuckin word!

Even though they pass their young sorry asses off as tough!?

US ol muh fuckahs knows!

US ol muh fuckahs know fuckin bettah!


US was once young and 'tough' too!


US jUSt has tah know,

The wrong fuckin words in the right circumstances when these same youths lookin up to US sorry asses!?

Shall be fatal!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Miley And Craps! US Got JUSt One Fucking Roll! And The Point Does Not Matter Any Longer!

I've told y'all muh fuckahs before! When Miley in that white and black glittery suit in "Midnight Sky"!? She's fuckin rockin her ass off! Not givin ah fuck! Wearin that shit! Anyway...

 I like that young lady! Say what you want to about her but some muh fuckah that she cared for in her past dearly told her, "You ain't shit!" 

Once US held tah ah highah standard tells ah youthful muh fuckah that type of deplorable shit, US gets what US gets!

And that young lady rollin with that shit!


Makin muh fuckin lemons intah lemonade God damnit!

Thah fuck else yah thought my sorry ass would do aftah sayin some fucked up shit like that tah me!? 



"No mas!?"

At this point in my life, you can kiss my impressionable youthful muh fuckin ass!...


Like rollin the dice!

I know I said some ill shit tah that muh fuckin child! 

But come ohn, I'm in need of ah point of



And US sorry broke ass parental roll has been passed ovah ah long fuckin time ago when thah muh fuckin


Really mattered!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Slothfully Speaking

 What will I be when I regenerate?

I often think!?

Then I see these sloths every-fuckin-where now!

Yea, Niggresses and Niggahs!

I'd love tah be ah muh fuckin sloth!

"Well you know that muh fuckah lazier than ah muh fuckah!"

I'm ah muh fuckin sloth muh fuckah!?

Movin slowly!

Calculatin slowly!

Languidly living!....

But predators, fuck with my slow broke sorry ass!?

I'll kill yah sorry ass quick!

Now, how about that?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Make This Shit US Home! II

 US moves to anothah locale like that place is goin tah get one hundred percent bettah because US happy broke dreamin sorry asses decides tah uproot and replant those roots there! Shiiiought! What thah muh fuckah say on the movie, "Total Recall", 

"When you go on vacation Doug? What's the same? You are!"

Damn skippy!

Like ah muh fuckah US puts up for awhile cause for some fucked up reason! Livin in US shits! Tryin tah find ah muh fuckin job but havin ah hard time doin it! US gets it! But niggah! Yo happy sorry ass can at least bust some suds every once in awhile! Mow thah muh fuckin lawn! Buy some groceries for this bitch!...But what do US sorry broke ungrateful asses do? Sit on US asses like US presence should be enough of a price tah pay!? Niggahs and Nigresses! US got it muh fuckin twisted! 

Get thah fuck out! 

Thee Holy fuck wrong with US!?...

Different environment don't mean a hard dick!

If US ain't willin tah muh fuckin

Change with it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Secret Societies Speech (President John F. Kennedy, "President and The Press", April 27, 1961)

 US Black ass muh fuckin niggahs kill my ol Black sorry broke ass!

"Sunday!? Remember what US talked about?"

Fuck ah Sunday! 

Every fuckin day is ah day for thah muh fuckin truth whatevah thah fuckin sorry ass day!


US niggahs loved thah muh fuckah! 

"He was the best president that we have ever had in US Black History!"

Fuckin bullshit!

Did you witness this speech back in thah day!?

Aftah ovah sixty years have yah even read it?!...

There was ah reason for that love but US Blacks just fucked it away!

President Kennedy informed US about "Secret Societies" fuckin US up!

Ain't no fuckin conspiracy theory!

Documented factoid!

Thah muh fuckah is written so smoothly too! Gettin in that ass! Without gettin in that ass!?

Even used thah muh fuckin word, 'Repugnant'!

I mean, 'God damn'!

Thee Holy fuck!

And them sorry elite/secret societies muh fuckahs murdered his ass. Snitches do get muh fuckin stitches and get their muh fuckin brains blown out! Shiiiought!

Ain't no sorry ass muh fuckah in thah mass media even tappin on this shit!

I wondah why!? (sardonically of course)Every-single -muh-fuckin-body in thah mass media and US for over three scores done said,

Fuck it!


JUSt look at what these 'cautioned' sorry ass elite/"Secret Societies" have and still are doin tah

US sorry broke asses even till this fuckin day!?

And US still have time tah stop and murder these sorry ass sick degenerate elite/secret societies no-count muh fuckahs!

Before they stop and murder most of


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Charity!? Keep US God Damned Money In US Own Pockets!

 Don't donate shit tah these charitable organizations!

Research thah shit!

A fucking scam!

Every single muh fuckin one of 'em!

Do US understand less than five centd of every dollah actually goes toward whatevah thah Holy fuck they beggin about! Thah othah ninety-five cents goes toward administration, advertisin and promotion...


Ain't one of 'em worth ah God damned shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The elites Many Games of Distraction

 I'm lookin at this 'Villanova vs Creighton" game. Good game, down to the wire. But I don't have a dog in thah fight, you know? I don't do that shit no fuckin mo cause ah niggah ain't gettin ah check from none of these teams! I watch college basketball every so often. But professional basketball fuckin sucks ass! Very rare team play or no team play whatsoevah! Anyway...

Look at some of thah muh fuckin faces? Fussin, cussin, gettin mad and shit!

Muh fuckahs!

It's just a muh fuckin sorry ass juvenile


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Franklin Cover-up"

 Nasty sick elite muh fuckhahs!

And thah sorry ass ill beat just keeps on muh fuckin goin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Rollout of The Future Indianapolis "Shipping Out" Criminal Program Circa March 2024 (Mayor of Indianapolis Indiana) Outside of "Shipping Out Program Administration and Training Facility" II

 The press: "But Mayor? How do you know?"

Mayor: "Because I know! This is important for all of us citizens of Indianapolis! Crucial in fact! The faster we can implement this program. The less strain on everyone and our economy."

The press: "But why is this so important?"

Mayor: "Well on a personal level, this is one of the first things I stated I would do if our gracious citizens elected me. So if this does not get done in the timeframe stated. I will be a liar and not a person of my word to our great voters of Marion County who I gratefully thank for voting for me! On another personal level, like all of the voters that voted for me! We don't want anyone here, living in Indianapolis, Indiana, who doesn't want to really be living in our great city! Stating that fact, just by their actions and subsequent arrests!..." 

The Mayor looked over to his right. His handler smiling giving him a thumbs up sign....

US Excuses Doth Thee Utilize Much?

 US don't have tah live anywhere or anyplace US does not want tah live!

Let me write that again.

US does not have to live anywhere or anyplace US does not fucking want to live!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Indianapolis, Indiana: "Beauty Is Within The Eyes of The Beholder"

 "Oh this place fucking sucks balls! Can't wait to get the fuck out of this backwards mother fucker!"

I'm sorry? And why are you still here?

"Because man, don't have the money! But once I get the money, I'm out this bitch!"

And until then!?

"Until then! Fuckin sucks dude!..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Professional Carries

 Muh fuckahs wannah name drop and shit about somebody bein somebody else's family membah tah ah professional athlete!


Have yah seen how thah majority of those muh fuckahs dress on game day!? Act and dress like on non-game days!?

Oh, they sho nuff athletes!

But professional!?

My left nut!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Make This Shit US Home!

I can't imagine living any place else othah than Indianapolis, Indiana?

"What!? You are nuts!"

Been said many of times before! But that truth don't hurt! Blessedly, no fuckin more! Fuck it! Guilty!...


US wants tah talk about living in Hawaii, Florida, dreaded California, dreaded New York...

Thah fuck for!?

Cause of hype?!


"Oh! There's so much to do!"

So US ain't required tah do shit!?

US can't make ah good lookin place better lookin?!

Fuck naw!

US too lazy fo that shit!

But US sho nuff knows how tah make ah beautiful lookin place

No better lookin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Rollout of The Future Indianapolis "Shipping Out" Criminal Program Circa March 2024 (Mayor of Indianapolis Indiana) Outside of "Shipping Out Program Administration and Training Facility"

 The press: "Mister Mayor when is this beautiful facility supposed to be finally finished?"

Mayor: "Well first of all I would like to thank every single one of you for coming out and speaking with us today. Winter in our fine state is trying to hang on. A little above freezing but I see we are all smiling. It's opening and final housing, Monday June third Twenty-twenty-four."

The press: "Why are you so sure all of this will be finished by that exact date?"

Mayor: "Because it shall be so."...

Rollout of The Future Indianapolis "Shipping Out" Criminal Program Circa May 2024 (Thirty-Three Years Old, Michael Bias, Assistant Prosecutor) Outside of The Indiana Statehouse V

 The press: "So why six-hundred and sixty-six miles? Where'd that figure come from?"

Assistant Prosecutor: "I wouldn't think that question would even be posed and me having to answer it? Well, thank you all for coming today. We'll keep you updated."...

Friday, February 3, 2023

Not Mic'd Up!

 I write on thah fly!

Fuck it!

Microsoft sendin that ill shit,

"It seems as though your Microsoft Windows features have expired!" Or some ill message like that shit!

So fuck it!

Blogger it is!

But it's ah muh fuckin pain in thah ass tah save this shit all thah God damned muh fuckin time!

But Fuck you "Microsoft!"!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Genesis of The Worldwide Practice of "Shipping Out" Criminal Programs. (Indianapolis, Indiana circa December 2020)

Future Mayor (of Indianapolis, Indiana):  "'I have visions of greatness in us my Dear Sweet Sisters and Brothers in our great city of Indianapolis! We are the only ones that can keep the righteous safe! I have visions for this fine city to rid itself of evil! And chase them into the outer barriers! Never to be in this spot of Eden ever more!'... How'd that sound?"

Handler (of Future Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana): "Great! Really! Had me almost in tears really!"

Future Mayor: "Go on stop it!"

Handler: "No, I'm not kidding! You're going to be the next Mayor of this great city! I can feel the passion now! Yea! Fucking yes!.."