Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Ubiquitous Carried Black Mirror: Cellphone

 Why these lil muh fuckahs so fucked up!?

Shiiiought! I'll tell US why!?

 It's called cellphones muh fuckahs! God damn! 

It ain't that difficult!

Do US not undahstand that when my sorry ass was young, and US sorry ass adults, would have given my testosterone filled fourteen year old body a fuckin cellphone?!

I would have stayed in my room all fuckin day jackin-the-fuck-off!

Shit they got any shit on them muh fuckahs yo old and young ass wants tah see, and not! But at that point it's too late, US done fucked up and opened the shit! Quit doin that shit! Fuck a lot of this dreck!

But then you got muh fuckin parents that say some shit, 

"Well I monitor my sons/daughters cellphones! I know exactly what they are doing!"

Seriously? Well they are some smart lil no count muh fuckahs! Surprisingly so! And US muh fuckin parents do undahstand US sons/daughters have friends that have cellphones, that US parental asses don't know thah shit about what them friends gettin into with that evil electronic shit! Cause US ain't thah friends' parents! And US thinks US sons/daughters gonnah say to their muh fuckin friends,

"Oh no! I can't watch that type of stuff! My parents don't allow me to watch that kind of stuff on my own phone!?" 

That how that shit works now with US youths!?


US bettah deftly start undahstanding some shit,

US ol Black sorry asses was young at a time in our

Lives too!

(Peace! More to come...)

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