Sunday, February 26, 2023

US Eating Habits

 I watch US skin now, since I've been havin allergic reactions tah some shit I'd eaten or I'd drank most of my ol Black sorry broke ass life!

Doctors, once thah shit starts flarin thah fuck up, want tah prescribe some type of medication, firstly bein prednisone!

GIGO! (Garbage In-Garbage Out) That's all!

I mean:

Dairy!? ( And when US goes out tah eat!? Notice the menu items that include: Sour cream, parmesan cheese, american cheese, milk, heavy cream...Then say to the restaurant employee, 'No cheese. No sour cream.' They'll look perplexed and ask, "No cheese? No sour cream?")

Red meat?!

Aspartame, Sucralose, Truvia, High Fructose Corn Syrup...?!

Supplemental probiotics?! (Because they contain dairy enzymes.)

Fluoride!? (A carcinogen and of course allergen! Don't believe their evil hype!?)

Caffeine?! (Which I found out has ah whole host of maladies linked to it! Depression, Hyperhidrosis, Bipolar Disorder... (Hold up! Most of that shit is lil ol me!))...

Take care, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

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