Sunday, February 26, 2023

El Salvador (Mega Prison)

 Supposed tah be one of thah biggest in the Americas!

Capacity of holdin 40,000 of your nicest compatriots!

Murder reports went down 57% last year since stompin on Salvadorians constitutional rights to throw muh fuckahs in this Human pit city!

Now think about what contains most of that pit city's population of criminals? 

Yah damn skippy, technology! Opening and closing various parts of thah institution, communications, electrical gates, electrical fences...

Now the population of Tecoluca, El Salvador is a lil undah thirty thousand!

EMP hits!

Lettin 40,000 or more criminals loose in a city's population less than the Human pit city! Gonnah be like thah muh fuckin Huns! They gonnah tear that city up, rape, pillage, steal, murder...and move tah the next closest town to suffer! And when thah lights eventually get turned back on!?...


And comin tah US real fuckin soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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