Sunday, February 5, 2023

Miley And Craps! US Got JUSt One Fucking Roll! And The Point Does Not Matter Any Longer!

I've told y'all muh fuckahs before! When Miley in that white and black glittery suit in "Midnight Sky"!? She's fuckin rockin her ass off! Not givin ah fuck! Wearin that shit! Anyway...

 I like that young lady! Say what you want to about her but some muh fuckah that she cared for in her past dearly told her, "You ain't shit!" 

Once US held tah ah highah standard tells ah youthful muh fuckah that type of deplorable shit, US gets what US gets!

And that young lady rollin with that shit!


Makin muh fuckin lemons intah lemonade God damnit!

Thah fuck else yah thought my sorry ass would do aftah sayin some fucked up shit like that tah me!? 



"No mas!?"

At this point in my life, you can kiss my impressionable youthful muh fuckin ass!...


Like rollin the dice!

I know I said some ill shit tah that muh fuckin child! 

But come ohn, I'm in need of ah point of



And US sorry broke ass parental roll has been passed ovah ah long fuckin time ago when thah muh fuckin


Really mattered!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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