Wednesday, February 8, 2023

"Satanism is on the rise all over the globe!" And Propagandism

 First of all!

Stop with that globe shit!

Second of all, says who!?

You media controlled by the evil sorry ass muh fuckin elite!?

Just because y'alls sorry muh fuckahs shows and reports on some sorry ass shit!

Don't fuckin mean thah shit is muh fuckin happenin on ah broad fuckin scale!

That's jUSt thah agenda them muh fuckahs pushin on US!

"The World's Gone Mad!" 

Then they bring in Marshal Law!

Then US done fell for thah fuckin okee-doke!...


US done learned thah hard fuckin way!

Oh, but US 's sho nuff muh fuckin learned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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