Friday, June 30, 2023

Shit! I Ain't Got Shit To Loose! My Ass Is Broke!

 Shit I remembah in thah early Two-thousands', I interviewed with 'Kroger' to be an assistant manager! 

Shit, if I mUSt say so myself, that was thah best muh fuckin interview my ol Black sorry broke ass has evah had!


CaUSe shit! Ah niggah had his tailored made navy blue (Damn! Okay? Off their rack! And altered by them muh fuckahs! Happy now?!), Anyway, "Kuppenheimer's" suit on! Pierre Cardin light blue highly starched dress shirt donned! Nunn Bush's shinin like polished marble bitches! Braces droppin! Tie slammin! Thirty inch athletic track and field waist! With three spritzes, okay two for thah muh fuckin road, of "Grey Flannel" cologne!? Couldn't tell my young Black ass shit! What?! What!?...

Shiiiought! And ah niggah needed ah muh fuckin job!?

Fuck that noise!?

What chall muh fuckahs talkin bout?!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Non-Compliant US!

 Shit! US alone can stop this muh fuckin evil heavy leaden dastardly bullshit!

In thah muh fuckin words of 'Voltaire':

"Let US take care of our own garden."!...

One step at ah time my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Can't rush this shit that needs tah be thah fuck done!

But aftah this evil shit is all said and done?!

We'll say amongst one and another,

"Job well done!"

And have ah muh fuckin ice cold

Beer...or six?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Holy Bible KJV! And History Is Sho Nuff Gonnah Repeat Itself! Unless...

 Does it mean everything!

Shit yes!

We should already know from reading the words!

But most don't!


Cause them muh fuckahs don't want ah muh fuckin read!

Wannah be told and led!


God damn it!

If we don't get US's asses in ordah thah fuck quickly!


Is goin tah have tah go through all that ill shit ah broke muh fuckah gots tah deal with knowingly!?


(Peace! More to come...)

democrat or republican? Fucking One And The Same Yo!

Fuck it! Fuck with 'em! God damn! Thah least our sorry broke asses can do tah 'em!

It's absurd as hell thah way we get caught up in some bullshit!

Most of my life bein ah democrat then after undah-fuckin-standin some shit!

Fuck it! 

I's be ah republican!

CaUSe what thah fuck does it mattah any-fuckin-way!

We all votin for thah same ill bullshit!

But if yah ol Black muh fuckin ass gonnah waste yo muh fuckin ass time and fuckin vote!

At least vote republican tah piss some evil muh fuckahs


(Peace! More to come....)

evil Ass Done-Nation!

 Oh them evil muh fuckahs fuckin with US's Heavens so fuckin bad!


Golf-ball size hail!

Tornadoes in abundance!

Snowin and icy conditions where snowin and icy conditions ain't supposed tah be!


They gonnah have tah pay for that evil ass shit!


Y'all sorry ass evil muh fuckahs are gonnah undahfuckinstand finally 

Thy Human Credo:

Just becaUSe yo sorry ass can do some shit!

Doesn't fuckin mean it needs tah be


(Peace! More to come...)

Dicyanin Dye II

 Research thah shit?

Blow yo ass away!

USed in military night vision goggles in Vietnam for ah sec!

Some trippy ass shit about




And othah existences coinciding 

With US!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Bottom Feeders Eat Human Parts!

 Muh fuckahs braggin bout their states' shrimp, lobster, crab...

Them shit's are bottom feeders!

That means what?!

Yeah, them muh fuckahs done got busy with some dead Human carcasses!

Yah heard may?

Think about them shits from thah muh fuckin


Ah shitload of dead bodies in those muh fuckin waters!

"But, them shellfish are so sweet and delicious!"


I wondah thah fuck why?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Uber Driver Shooting Passenger Gets No Jail Time, "Florida's - Stand Your Ground Law."

 That shit had my ol Black broke ass laughin like ah muh fuckah!

Shit! Fuck Gacy! Fuck Bundy! Fuck Gein!...

Take yo happy serial killin ass tah Florida and have ah 

Grand Killing



Where did thah muh fuckin series


Take place?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Shame On US!

 Muh fuckahs throughout US's History talkin bout US bad!

Them muh fuckahs be turnin ovah in their muh fuckin graves and shit!

CaUSe US about ready tah be ah muh fuckin victim!


Victims... foretold about thah future 


Once US gets

Ignorant of US's

US Rights!...

And I'll be fuck!

That muh fuckin shit has come tah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come!...)

Human Echoes of Life

 There will come a time in the very near future.

Where the sounds on this firmament will become silenced!

And any movement whatsoever subsequently in this


Will be heard throughout

Pangea again! 

Attenuated only with other Human sounds made by

US still being righteoUSly


(Peace! More to come...)

Speak On It!

 So I was listenin tah this Black ass muh fuckah goin off! 

God damn!

Heard thah othah muh fuckah say somethin like, "Ah, fuck that man! Them muh fuckahs got money and shit!"

"Shit money ain't got shit tah do with shit! Shit, you wannah know what God thinks of money?! Just look at thah muh fuckahs he gives thah shit too!"

I almost lost it! Couldn't do thah shit because I was sho nuff ear hustlin!

But when I got in thah muh fuckin car!?

Shit! I laughed my ol Black sorry broke ass off!

Still gigglin bout that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

ABS (Anti-Lock Breaking System)? Not! ABS (Aluminum, Barium and Strontium)? Fuck Yes!

Modern day geoengineering!


Water? Didn't work!

Some shit floats!

Fire? Ain't gonnah work! Will make this firmament even more verdant! 

So fuck it!

Them evil muh fuckahs killin our firmament!

Them sorry ass muh fuckahs tryin tah smother thah muh fuckin shit out of it!

The thundah US hears are violent coughs!

The lightening are sneezes!

The mighty winds?

Now them evil muh fuckahs are fuckin some shit up!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Once The Plunge Commences! The Bottom Will Soon Follow And End Most of US!

 Every muh fuckah that's in control of some shit,

Starts takin advantage of thah shit them muh fuckahs are in control of!


The president?! Congress!? The Senate?!...

Look at Law Enforcement Officials?!

Local political figures?!

religious organizations?!




Every single one of thah trusted professions,

Failed US mightily during thah ill "COVID pandemic'!

And thah shit's jUSt gettin worse!


US has tah murder all them 

UnrighteoUS muh fuckin evil sorry ass bitches!

Sooner than soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck This Race-Bait Shit! The Jews Have Been Turning The Propagandized Racial Screws!

 I don't talk to too many people outside of work!

Not sayin I'm somethin special or some shit!

Far from it!

Just ah choice I guess?

Get in casual conversations with muh fuckahs in grocery stores, auto part stores, fast-food restaurants...every-muh-fuckin-body wants tah talk thah same ol ill shit!

Propagandized spewed conditioned rhetoric!

But thah othah day I got tired!

Muh fuckah wanted tah start talkin bout "evil White people"! And how racist they are and shit! In thah "Wendy's" waitin line!

All I could say tah thah muh fuckah was like I USually say tah some hackneyed bullshit,

'I heard that!'

But unlike me! I put my lil two cents in this ill shit.

'But God damn man! Jordan got all that muh fuckin reported money! That muh fuckah ain't busted one move tah help some niggahs out! I mean shit, can some niggahs get ah "Michael Jordan Local Bank" some shit! At least in Chicago?! I mean God damn!'

The waitin muh fuckah jUSt started bustin out laughin! 

Shit! Then,

I started laughin too!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CBDC In Every US City!? Ain't Gonnah Work! A-fucking-gain!

 Them evil muh fuckahs already done planned ah 01July2023 rollout of thah muh fuckin ill ass shit!

So their evil fun is jUSt starting!

And our demise commencing thah


Cycle from them sinning!

Causing another

US Humans'



With US's Humans


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 29, 2023

This Is A Firmament! This World Is Round?



(Peace! More to come...)

360 Always

 They're going to take you on an evil trip!

Not hip!

Filled with hype!

You'll only have a little sip!

Then you'll go back to eating


Then you don't even have to 


(Peace! More to come...)

Went The Wrong Way?

 I mean there were eleven of US boys born from the seeds of Morgan and Elaine Henderson-Hopson!

None of US went intah thah auto repair industry!

A fucking shame!

God damn!

US sorry muh fuckin asses have not ah clue the amount of money ovah ah lifetime of havin muh fuckahs in thah family, let alone yo non-automobile repairin ass, that know how tah repair modern day automobiles?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US-Haze?! II

 "Make no mistake about it you fucking worthless broke ass feeders! We are in charge!"


With all that money!

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs still gottah cheat?

God fuckin damn!

They ain't fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Whatever It Takes To Get The Shit Done...RighteoUSly! II

 It's ah shame really!

BecaUSe it's ah righteoUS two way street!

"Well I paid y'all muh fuckahs tah do thah muh fuckin job! Just do thah job muh fuckah!"

Hold up now!

Let me make this perfectly clear!

Oh, US paid US!

But it's becaUSe US's sorry asses couldn't do thah shit our-damn-selves! And it needed tah be fuckin done!

And our sorry asses couldn't fuckin do it ourselves!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US-Haze?!

 Thee Holy fuck!?

Forest fires in Canada?!


You see that muh fuckin movie, "The Mist"?!


And US still think this shit US Hollywood watchin for entertainment value is jUSt for muh fuckin


Them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs comin aftah that ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Needle In A Mother Fucking Haystack!

 So they somehow in thah vast seas and vast oceans in this firmament found debris from some lil sorry ass piece of nothin of some sub muh fuckin shit!? 

How thah fuck does that happen!? 

Kindah convenient!?

Fuck yes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Black Walnut Hulls 500 mg BID (On empty stomach) For Two Weeks. Repeat Every Thirteen - Sixteen Weeks (for maintenance).

 Muh fuckahs talkin bout parasites maybe bein in US's Human systems!?

Yah think?!

Howevah old yo ass is, I guaran-fuckin-tee there are some muh fuckin parasites in our nasty ass digestive systems!

I mean shit!

Yeah, shit!

Muh fuckin Human


I mean, what thah fuck is ah niggah missin?

And yo muh fuckin ol ass abs will start gettin flatter than shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Are You Alright?!" Now That's What Muh FuckUS Should Be Asking?!

 I get very uncomfortable when someone falls and people laugh. 

Shit, all I can think tah thah ones laughin is,

'Y'all muh fuckahs ain't nevah fuckin fell then!

CaUSe that shit hurts like fuck!'

And especially when you's an old ass muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Whatever It Takes To Get The Shit Done...RighteoUSly!

The best work we feel ah muh fuckah does is when they feel comfortable in their workin environment! 

Shit whenevah we got muh fuckahs comin in thah hoUSe tah do some home repair?

I inform thah muh fuckahs!

'Just suggestin tah yah! If yah vape or smoke? Vape or smoke! If yah listen tah music? Play yo muh fuckin music! If yah got tah take ah hit, take ah hit!...Whatever you need to facilitate what you need to do? And I mean that. Okay?'

Every-fuckin-one of them appreciate thah shit out of that lil anecdotal suggestion!

And thah shit gets done 

Comfortably by all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

H2O No-No?

 There is always somethin these evil muh fuckahs comin up with!

Now they talkin bout drinkin too much fuckin water can be detrimental tah yo muh fuckin health!?

Wasn't it not so long ago them evil degenerates paid thah experts tah tell US sheep tah stay fuckin

"Hydrated. And drink more water."

Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

"Fila Men's Mb" Manufactured Known Emblazoned Pedophile Kicks!

 Really look at those muh fuckin kicks!

Them shits have FBI known symbols of pedophilia on thah side of the muh fuckin


And does "Mb" mean "Men's boys"!?

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...

Home Maintenance Schedule With Purchase?

 A new home is probably one of thah biggest purchases US will evah fuckin make!

Where thee Holy fuck is the "Home Manual"?

Shit when US buys ah muh fuckin car, thah second most expensive purchases US will make, US gets ah muh fuckin car manual with that muh fuckin new car! Givin US maintenance schedules and shit!

God damn!

Can ah niggah get that 

"Home Manual"

Playesses and Playahs?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Rich Muh Fuckahs Are Fucking Stupid!

 These elite evil muh fuckahs ain't nothin but children and shit!

Poutin, throwin things, threatenin and shit!


Cause them evil muh fuckahs thought their dastardly plan with this ill vaccine shit would lure more of US!?

And it fuckin didn't!

Now them sorry evil muh fuckahs throwin tantrums and shit cause they didn't get their fuckin way!

By not murdering enough of 


And them stupid muh fuckahs still tryin tah market and push that ill ass muh fuckin shit!

(Peace! More to come...)...

Numbing Reality

 I do believe there are stages in this cyclical 

Human Life!

"And what stages may those be?"

I feel yah!

But let me hit this shit again first!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Trying To Exit Properly

 Yah see this is thah kindah bullshit that I fuckin do!

Seein how ah niggah will respond tah ignant muh fuckahs on thah job with lil sleep?!

Stupid muh fuckin shit right?! 

I hear yah!

But think about US's 


Mental states?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Human Accountable Creators (USHACs)

Do you know how much I'm tired?!

Oh Our Father!


Yo broke sorry ass had fun doin it!

But God damn!

If them lil muh fuckahs ain't gonnah be ah productive part of 


Here! Lil muh fuckahs! Hemlock! Tried and True!

Please read?

If US don't get our Youths understanding this shit isn't all about money, fame...


We are going tah be in a shitload of 


(Peace! More to come...)

For Real! Shit, I can't help but smile??

 There is something severely wrong with me! Ain't pinpointed thah shit!

"Oh fuck! This old nigger is going to kill us mother fuckers!"

Shit! I get ah kick out of muh fuckahs! 

I'll tell yah some truths from numeroUS muh fuckUS I've spoken with throughout my fifty-seven years old life:

"I jUSt want to go to work!  

And be left thah fuck alone!"

That's all US muh fuckahs want!

I labor like US supposed to!


Leave my broke ass thah fuck 


(Peace! More to come...)

Cosmic Fail: Them evil Muh Fuckahs Be Ill Yo!

 Do US not undastand thah energy that each one of US sends and electrically charge this out of control luciferian bullshit US hath witnessed!?


Controls this shit!

Our Father's words!

I laugh oft times!

Them evil sorry worthless muh fuckahs have nevah had ah muh fuckin 


But big ups for continuin tah keep fuckin tryin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Number One Answer To This Ill Ass US Shit!

 If ah lifelong muh fuckah can't do thah muh fuckin shit that muh fuckah been training tah be!

Goddamn! Yo lazy sorry ass ain't got no vision at thah fuck all! And yo sorry broke ass ain't shit!




Quit listening to that conditioned mindset?

And start listening to that 

Human Electrical Impulse righteoUS kindah shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 A personal relationship with your


"What about Mother?!"

Shit! Go head! I can't call it?! But yah feelin me?

"Go head mister man?"

Thank you Sis!

'"You're welcome."

Thank you again Sis! All I'm sayin is, of course my Father is going to be male! BecaUSe I'm male! Your Mother is going to be female! Because You're female! 

A duality of course! But you do understand where this hackneyed tired ass script has been formulated so muh fuckin so long ago?! 

Them evil sorry ass muh fuckin stupid muh fuckahs, still ain't worked out thah kinks!? 

I'll be God fucking damned!

Talkin bout throwin good muh fuckin money away?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil elite rulers! Will Always Lie!!!

 The Protestant Reformation: 

"No middleman to Our Father!"

God damn!...

Now that's some 

RighteoUS muh fuckin solid


(Peace! More to come...)


 Yah only got so many hours of 

Sonshine in this controlling infinite life!


Start sharin yo muh fuckin beautiful effulgent 


From thah many abandoned

Human Beaconed


(Peace! More to come....)

Pay Now? Or Pay Fucking Executionally Painfully Later!?

 US cannot be scared!


Fuck no!

Read the transcript or video of Yuri Bezmenov talkin bout this soon tah be rained upon Communistic 


Some thirty odd years in 

US's muh fuckin past!?




This ill shit!

Once thah fuck again!

Will hurt US like ah muh fuckah!


Once thah pain goes away for 


Human muh fuckahs!

CaUSe it always goes away with thah help of 

Our Father!

Them evil alien broken downed genes, Nephilim, fallen angel, undahground, controllin,... muh fuckahs are gonnah be in ah heap-load of muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

All In?!

This shit ain't no muh fuckin poker hand no shit!

CaUSe in that poker hand fantasy muh fuckin bullshit!

Yo sorry broke ass! 

Holdin nothin!

Can muh fuckin 


US's some absurd ridiculoUS muh fuckahs!

Absolutely ab-fuckin-surd!

US remembah that ol ass commercial talkin that gov'ment's propagandized bullshit

"The mind! Is a terrible thing to waste!"?


Even back then!?


US broke sorry


But US!

In these

Current times!?...


How much US willing tah


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Trying To Get Clean! CaUSe The evil Muh Fukcin Dirty...Is Sho Nuff Comin!

 I have muh fuckin sleepin problems! my Wife can sleep like ah muh fuckin baby!?

"Well, maybe you need to take some melatonin? Or maybe curb your alcohol intake?"

I ain't feelin yah with thah melatonin bullshit! Tried it! My ass was off for muh fuckin two weeks! I took that shit! With my many supplementations ol Black sorry muh fuckin takin ass! No fuckin sale! Anyway!...

But God damn!

Yo ass sho nuff hit thah nail on thah muh fuckiton head about

"Alcohol Intake"!

And who knows?!

Maybe that 

Melatonin bullshit will finally be effective tah my

Ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Sans inflammatory, now Sobrietal ol muh fuckin Black sorry broke disease causing

Alcohol havin ass!!!???...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thy Human Angels Are RighteoUSly Among US!

 Throughout my sorry broke Black ass muh fuckin Human Life!

There has always been someone protecting my now ol Black sorry unworthy ungrateful broke ass!

Whethah it be my Wife! my Daughter! Mommy! my Sister!...

Shit! Our Father!...

If US truly 



Is gonnah be jUSt fine


(Peace! More to come....)

Reality Bites! Big Time! VII

 I still remembah Daddy in that rehabilitation facility!

Eyes focused on thah white textured ceiling! Looking at everything and 


'That muh fuckah's gone!'

Shit! That's jUSt thah way my ol Black sorry broke ass interprets memories and muh fuckin

Detrimental memories of critical


(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time! VI

 Nigresses and Niggahs!

When I saw Daddy lookin up at thah muh fuckin ceilin! Blank eyed! Involuntary movement! Lookin pitiful as all get out! Shit! I asked thah muh fuckin nurse at thah rehabilitation facility,

'Is my father DNR?'

"Are you in the medical field?" She asked?

'I read a doctor's order or three."

"Yeah, I can tell. Mister Hopson, in my experience, will not come back from this. Involuntary movement? Displacement of visual acuity? Not voluntarily intaking sustenance? You really want the truth?"

'Yes!' I said confidently.

"Meredith. Your Father is not here!" With the utmost empathetic shit I have evah felt in my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin life!

Shit! I called Joy! 

'Hey Sis! Tell me when it happens? Please?

"Meredith! You think?"

Daddy's gone! Call me when  all of US come tah this truth?

"Okay!'' Joy stated.

Daddy was dead within eighteen hours of this conversation!

That one muh fuckin event of thah first traumatic loss in my life!

Has brought me currently, curioUSly


To this muh fuckin mindset!...


Is gonnah sho nuff muh fuckin blessedly 




(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time! V

 my Daughter kind of let me off thah hook not pressing! 

But shit! She asked such ah profound question for ah muh fuckin Teen these days, I had tah tell her thah truth! Without some bullshit response!


Because I'm half of her Human Creation! 

Thy Human Creation asks?

Thy mUSt answah!

Howevah fucked up thah 


US creatin asses has tah respond with thah utmost



(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time! IV


But aftah this!

I ain't makin no more muh fuckin excuses! 

Oh shit!

"Our Father. Who art in Heaven..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time! III

 "What was so shameful?"

Listen? Please?...


God damn!...

Shit! Again!...



Let me think about this shit?

Not that I'm ashamed of what I was thinking or thought when they passed!

God damn!

I don't know?! 

Some shit's jUSt 

Heavy as fuck!...

I'm sorry?


Get back with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time! II

 I don't give ah Holy fuck what any-muh-fuckin-body says!?

There's some shit US is gonnah take tah thah grave! 

CaUSe US is so ashamed about some shit!

"I don't know what you're talking about? I'm not ashamed of anything that has happened in my life!"


Big ups!



This niggah is!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Reality Bites! Big Time!

 my Daughter asked me thah othah day for some reason,

"When your Mom and Dad, my Grandmother and Grandfather died? Were you sad?"

Yah see?!

God damned!

Thah truth is thah muh fuckin truth!



God damn!...

I Loved Daddy! Still do!

But...when Mommy died?!

Yah talk about an ol muh fuckah 


Thee Holy fuck!

But I jUSt mUSt confess this shit tah y'all my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Daddy died @ 1998!

Mommy died @ 2004!

And I didn't answah her instantaneoUSly!

Shit! Had tah be careful!?

Shit! I know what my sorry ass creatin ass is sayin! But you, my offspring, let me think about that shit fo ah sec'! Yah know! And I did aftah ah sec! And honestly muh fuckin told her!...

(Peace! More to come...)

evil Muh fuckahs Manipulatin US!

 That's all them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs are doin!

Muh fuckin "PlayStation" plethora of joysticks!?

Them non-workin muh fuckahs don't have shit tah fuckin do!

Can go and do whatevahthahfuck y'alls sorry asses want tah do!

God damn!?


But what y'all evil sorry asses do?!

Always fuckin with 


God damnit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Joe Koskan, pleads guilty to two charges of familial Incest, sentenced to ten years in prison..."

 Thee Holy fuck is happenin tah 


And thah muh fuckah was ah 


It's like seein a wax figure bein set afire!

US real Human muh fuckahs jUSt

Meltin thah fuck 


Can US undahfuckinstand thee Holy fuck diagnosis of

"Ozempic" ass

US's experiencin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The luciferian Bell Tolls: Saturday 01July2023 @ 0003!

 Can't yah jUSt feel thah muh fuckin shit!

Oh shit!

That muh fuckin percolatin so bad!

Bout ready tah explode!...

Then if that's thah way it's goin tah go down!?

Explode then muh fuckahs!

And get this ill ass shit

Ovah with!?

Oh, I'm sorry!

Y'all evil muh fuckahs ain't nevah had ah winnin Human Cycle!

Nor, shall yo evil sorry degenerate muh fuckin asses evah 


(Peace! More to come...

evil Ass Muh fuckahs': "New World" Dystopian Environment!

Thy rapture is upon US!

Yo broke ass really thought that yo sorry no-count havin ass was goin tah be takin up before thah shit?!

Oh, US amid this evil ass bitch now!

Kill myself? Shit! I don't even have tah care about that shit any-fuckin-more! Shit if age don't take me? Them evil ass muh fuckahs definitely will! Anyway...

Them evil muh fuckahs so muh fuckin foul!

God damned relentless!

Got ah muh fuckin dystopian haze hangin ovah our beautiful city of 


Talkin bout Canada and Chicago and shit!

That shit don't make any fuckin sense at thah fuck all!

They jUSt think all US some stupid muh fuckUS!

Burns my sorry ol Black sorry broke ass up! Anyway..

I smiled today lookin at thah 

Sonsetting tryin tah shine so brightly upon US!


And failin like ah muh fuckah caUSe of this muh fuckin evil

Manmade muh fuckin sorry ass

Haze shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 26, 2023


 Okay so I researched some shit post RX! Started messin with different supplements and shit! Aftah dealin with this shit for some ten years or more! I'm jUSt suggestin somethin tah US! Try different supplements for that shit!

"What do you mean? Like what?"

Well, ovah thah decade I've been dealin with thah shit done found out some tried and true supp's:

Saw Palmetto? Works but sometimes makes yah leak! Starts makin yo ol ass male titties more prominent and shit! Just sayin?!!

Pumpkin Seed Oil! Purchase!

Swedish Pollen Flower! Purchase!

Stinging Nettle Root! Purchase!

Rosemary? Definitely purchase!

Cranberry concentrate? Purchase!

Caprylic Acid? The numbah  one shit tah purchase with yo old bad ass muh fuckin

Prostate! Anyway...

Just suggestin my Beautiful 


(Peace! More to come...)


 Shit! My ol Black broke sorry ass on ah good muh fuckin void was gettin ah half stream!

Muh fuckin doctah wanted tah prescribe my ass some shit named, "Flomax"!


I'll always take thah drugs and store 'em away! Shit who knows in thah future ah muh fuckah may need some shit?! Anyway...

Read about thah ill shit! Nope!

It's still in thah big ass "Non USed Prescribed Drug Drawer!"

Straight up! 

Started researchin some shit cause thah shit was gettin critical! Sometimes my ol Black sorry broke ass was like, 'Man if I don't go soon! I may have tah go tah thah muh fuckin emergency room!" And that's how I obtained ah prescription for thah shit! Now, mind you! Yo ol ass in so much pain, caUSe yo sorry ass can't piss? You will not care what thah fuck they do! As long as that God damned pain subsides at least ah fuckin lil bit! And when those muh fuckahs stick that catheter up yo urethra?! You will not give ah shit from that pain! Cause that muh fuckin pain givin yo miserable ass some muh fuckin well needed relief! 

But...yo ol sorry Black broke ass don't want tah evah make that painful muh fuckin trip again!

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Miracle Workers

 Any muh fuckin A&R Representatives at these muh fuckin record labels!

When muh fuckahs can make Taylor Swift, Brittany Spears, The Jonas Brothers, Christopher Cross (with his ugly pudgy ass), Ricky Martin, Jon B...often times household names?!


Big ups muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Live To Tell - Madonna"

 Can't stand thah Luciferian ugly ass mtf muh fuckah!

Can't sing for shit!

But God damn!

I saw thah depressing ass movie "At Close Range"! Sean Penn played that muh fuckin part! Anyway...

Captured thah muh fuckin song!

Been one of my favorite songs and one of my favorite movies of all time!


Shit, if ah niggah gonnah tell thah muh fuckin truth!?

Niggah gots tah 'fess up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Computer Love - Zapp"

 Bad ass shit! 

Takes my ol Black sorry broke ass back!

When ah niggah didn't care about shit!

But fuck!

Shit done changed like ah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Soulless elite

 US's asses ain't shit!

Not tah them evil sorry ass worthless muh fuckahs!

I remembah Mommy tellin me on more than one occasion,

"A grain of sand Meredith! That's all that you are! A grain...of sand!"...

God damn!

Them evil elite sorry ass muh fuckahs commandin,

"Next booty on duty! You sorry ass broke lazy mother fuckers!"

And them rich sorry muh fuckahs are



In whatevahthahfuck 

Form! ...

(Peace! More to come...)

These Muh FuckUS Out Here Ain't Playin That Bullshit No More!

 Can't tell no-fuckin-body what tah fuckin do!

Yo sorry ass can suggests some shit!

But tell?!


Grown muh fuckahs ain't tryin tah hear that noise!

"I told that muh fuckah! Wahn-wahn! Wahn-wahn-wahn-wahn!"

Whatevah thah fuck!

You picked thah right muh fuckin one!

Keep talkin tah these muh fuckahs all crazy and shit!

But soonah or later yo ass gonnah pick thah wrong fuckin one!

Yo muh fuckin ass wind up gettin fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

Sunday, June 25, 2023

"Ain't Nobody - Rufus"

 Bad ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Back To Life - Soul II Soul"


These muh fuckahs can jUSt play this muh fuckin song!

And thah shit is goin tah work itself 



(Peace! More to come...)

And US Still Got A Mother Fucking Shot!

 Our Father left US one muh fuckin thing tah get this muh fuckin shit togethah!


(Peace! More to come....)

"Romance Dance - Peter White"

 Takes my ol Black ass back tah my college days!

"FM 104.5  WAJC.  So glad you're still up and with me on this early Sunday morning! Here's "Romance Dance - Peter White". On FM 104.5 Butler University's WAJC."...

Quality life's time!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Heart Still Beating - Ottmar Liebert"

 Wait and insatiate the hate!

The wait wasn't worth it!?


Fuck it!

Time goes on while we are all still Strong!

If not,

Hit that muh fuckin pristine glass muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

"Island - Heather Nova" II

"Somewhere to bury you! Somewhere to go?!..."

 God damn!

Just God damn!...


(Peace! More to come..."

"I Will Find You - Clannad"

 These evil rich deplorable muh fuckahs motto for no muh fuckin reason!

"No matter where you go? I will find you!"

So, US should start gettin fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

"Virtual Insanity - Jamiroquai"

 Funky ass muh fuckin shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Expense Personal Vacations!

 Remembah Kylie Minogue?

"Can't Get You Out of My Head"?

Shit's bangin all day long!


CaUSe thah shit is funky as 


"La-la-la! La-la-la-la-la! La la la..."...

(Peace! More to come...)

When The RighteoUS Call Comes?! Pick That Shit up!

 Often times I hear white noise my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I smile because that's my body tellin this old ass Black broke sorry muh fuckah he needs tah rest!

I mean there's shit tah do negro!

"And here yo ass is writin?

Must be nice!?"...

'No! Not thah fuck really! I jUSt don't know what else I can muh fuckin do for 


(Peace! More to come....)

Death! Open 24 and 7!

 There is ah place in this muh fuckin shit,

For muh fuckahs that are tired of this muh fuckah!

But shit Sonshines!

That shit is always muh fuckin


I mean, God damn!

Try tah work through that muh fuckin bullshit!

If US can't!?


This ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah definitely 


But shit!

Death is always nigh!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Straight Ahead And Bust That Sharp Right At The Corner!

 No-fuckin-body can stop US!


US wants tah be 


(Peace! More to come...)

Putin Puttin It To 'em

 Muh fuckahs wannah keep writin these muh fuckin headlines and stories about Putin!

My ol Black sorry broke ass be laughin at that propagandized shit!

Talkin about how thah sorry ass Ukraine thah size of Texas is givin Russia problems!?


God fuckin damn you evil worthless sorry ass muh fuckahs!

US ain't that muh fuckin slow!

We be fuckin literate!...

(Peace! More to come...)

That's All!

 "Well how do I fit in?!"

That's easy Sonshine!

Just be yo muh fuckin

Beautiful self!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Say It Ain't So Joe?!"

 So ol Beiden gonnah say aftah his muh fuckin speech,

"God save the queen."

Fuckin idiot!

Thee Holy fuck wrong with that old ugly pedophile evil ass muh fuckah!

"That's because he's old!"

Fuck no!

Somethin's eerily wrong with that ol simple sorry evil ass muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Y'all Rich evil Ugly Asses Mad About?! II

I mean shit!

Show my ol Black broke ass in Human History one muh fuckin ruler that is/was

Handsome or


(Peace! More to come...)

You Ain't Said Nothing But The Truth!

 You remembah on ol "Seinfeld" thah muh fuckah made thah muh fuckin statement,

"Seventy percent of the population is un-dateable."! Cause seventy percent are unattractive!

And I'm lookin at thah set up, Jerry, Kramer, George and Elaine!

I said tah myself,

God damn that shit is correct in this fuckin circumstance!

Cause thah only dateable one in any capacity was


The othah seventy-five percent that made up thah group of friends on thah show were yeah...


Fuckin busted!...

(Peace! More to come...)

What Y'all Rich evil Ugly Asses Mad About?!

 I've seen thah past and thah muh fuckin future before!

All of US have!

This shit has gone down in every single one of US 

Human Cycles!

And this Cycle is no different!

US has thah sorry ass rich few mad at thah muh fuckin world cause them sorry ass evil muh fuckahs didn't get enough breast milk and shit when they were lil! Sorry ass rich mommas didn't pay'em enough muh fuckin attention!

Looked at their evil rich ass faces in thah muh fuckin mirror and understood at that moment, 

"I'm going to be a butt ugly mother fucker for the rest of my evil ass life!" 

Damn right bout that shit! Y'all rich muh fuckahs are fuckin busted! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fucking Memories!?

 He remembered the day he saw the first plane hit the towers. Then the second. He remembered he had just clocked in at work. The owner asked him, 

"Did you see those planes hit those towers in New York?"

He hadn't.


"Oh you have to see this?!"... 

(Peace! More to come...)

No Matter The Size!? The Muh Fuckah Has To Be Presentable!

 It always formulates!

Gets bigger!

That's the nature of their evil muh fuckin


But don't care how big yo dick is

You hairy nasty sorry ass Beast!

Muh fuckahs will nevah be able tah handle that

Ill ass nasty 

Slimy ass, dripping green pus, repugnant big muh fuckin diseased big ass dick deformed forever  kindah


(Peace! More to come...)

"The Princess - Parov Stelar"

 Funky ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come....)


 I have trouble sleeping!

I'll look up at that textured ceiling until I start seein recognizable faces and shit!

"Well, how? It's at night?"

God damn!

We live in Indianapolis proper!'

Not no muh fuckin rural ass muh fuckin shit!

Pitch Black out in that muh fuckah!

Shit, in thah city!

We can always see what thah fuck is goin


If we want to!?...

(Peace! More to come....)

"Sunset - The xx"

 Take me there!?

The song starts.

While I play on the 


(Peace! More to come,,,,)

"Feel Your Weight - Rhye (Poolside Remix)" And It Don't Cost Your Broke Ass Shit!

 Niggresses and Niggahs!

Fuck that Rap-Hip-Hop muh fuckin  bullshit!

If yah want tah feel fine


Follow thah muh fuckin bad ass

Sounds of this bitch!...

So US sorry broke asses can take ah muh fuckin cheap ass


Uh, yeah!

I said cheap!

Like, jUSt clickin on some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Thah fuck US Human asses gotstah hide?!

Unless US Human asses got some shit tah muh fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

The Anagrams of Evil!?

 I hear the sounds



Bounds the


Funs being


All the while

Being jUSt as

Vile for US to 


(Peace! More to come...)

A Peaceful Human Journey

 What do you want me to do?!

"Be ah man mothah fuckah! I don't fuckin know!? Shit! I'm yo muh fuckin female side! I don't know no male muh fuckin shit?! I'm jUSt suggestin tah yah Love! We have to do something! For Their innocent asses! And for US's future?!"

I Love You Love!

"I know niggah! I know!...God damn! We jUSt don't got tah be so fuckin apprehensive Love! This shit's goin down! We're Godly Love!?"

I know! I Love You Love! Everyone involved is going to be jUSt fine! I promise Love!

"Oh! I Love You too Love! Thank you ever so much for your reassurance! I needed that."

I know....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hurricane - Cannons" III

 "I'm comin back like ah hurricane! I'm gonnah take yah highah! On ah cloud of ah silver haze..."


Be well my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

It's all jUSt frozen ice!

US jUSt gottah

Melt that shit!...

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come,...)

I...Nor You...Ain't Shit! Until...

 It's "StatUS Quo"!

Don't you know!

No choices in US's many


Bouncing off fed walls!

Who never calls back!?

Cause yah sorry ol broke ass is


Havin an Heart


From thah lack of 

Sustenance !

An abundance of circumstance



(Peace! More to come...)

An Anecdote from evil! "I Do Not Comply With This Evil Bullshit!"

 It's goin tah be jUSt fine


Fuck thah vines that begin thah numeroUS soured


For US tah be just fine!

And thah beers!

Seers' of such vile acrimony!


Shit, could win ah muh fuckin Tony!?

CaUSe that's what this shit's about, acting!

And their evil nasty asses directing!...

But we're all alive 

And we will always thrive!


Beehive be fuckin

God damned


(Peace! More to come...)

Oh! Their evil Asses Day Is Coming!

 Once US make US up our muh fuckin minds!

Them evil degenerate muh fuckahs are goin tah be in muh fuckin shitload of


(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Survive Another One of Their Evil "Apocryphal' Truths!

 Stay in yo muh fuckin lane!


Stay in your lane!?


God damn!

Do thah muh fuckin right thing!

Everything else will take care of its-muh-fuckin-God-damned


(Peace! More to come....)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Forever Flawed?

 I'm ah sweatah! Not like I USed tah be when I was drinkin caffeine, artificial sweeteners, dairy...I still sweat, but it's manageable! 

"Well? Why do you still sweat?"

CaUSe I haven't been able tah give up thah legal cannabinoids, thah legal vape nicotine and thah muh fuckin legal alcohol!

God damn!...

But ah niggah's workin on thah shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's High Time To Erase The Mark of US Beast!

 We've signed up for thah ill shit!

Signed shit! Paid taxes undah thah shit!

Bought and paid for!

"What in the world are you writing about?!"

Buyng and trading?

Goods for evil? 

evil for Goods?

The Book of Revelation?

The Holy fuckin Bible, King James Version?!

Never heard of it?!

God damn!

Then it don't mean shit tah tell yo unknowin one of US that

Yo social security numbah 

Has yah already 


And even has thah masonic ordah of nine digits!

Three divided by three is what?!

And how many threes doth that maketh!?

"But that doesn't make any sense! Three-three-three?"

Three / Three + three!

Three sixes God damnit!

Three muh fuckin sixes!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"You Made A Way - The United House of prayer style" III

 That muh fuckah holdin his own with all those horns and percussions!

Makin those muh fuckahs makin those horns and percussions come alive undah-fuckin-stand!

Y'all makin sounds with anothah!

Y'all's asses can't beat this 

Beautiful God given angelic individual instrument of ah fuckin Human



(Peace! More to come...)

Why Would US Children Lie?! And Conditioned Titles of evil!

We had, "Officer Friendly" comin tah School #110 every God damned week tah visit US young Black ass broke muh fuckahs! Loved that shit! The White Indianapolis Police Department Officers were so kind! They don't do that no fuckin more! And that's ah God damned shame! Anyway...

 Start believin these young lil muh fuckahs!

"He/She touched me inappropriately Mom/Dad!" 

"Oh father/priest/teacher/ police officer/ president of the United States....would never do that nastiness you're accusing them of!"


I don't know what tah say tah that sorry ass conditioned muh fuckin absurd


God damn!...

(Peace! More to come....)

The entitled Menendez Brothers Are Alien elite Beings!

 My Daughter and I were jUSt talkin bout them entitled muh fuckahs!

Then when thah shit got tah thah point where their sorry asses were goin down!?

Them sorry clueless ass muh fuckahs started talkin bout how their father was fuckin 'em in thah ass and shit!

Did thah father do it!?

Most likely!

Did thah muh fuckin mom know about that ill shit!


Yah see!? 

Y'all sorry incarcerated asses should have started out with that ill ass deplorable shit! 

An afterthought?!


Well, that shit wasn't so muh fuckin traumatic tah y'alls lazy muh fuckin allegedly "bung-holed" incarcerated sorry muh fuckin asses after all!?...

Thah muh fuckin elite and their offspring are not muh fuckin thinkin and are not muh fuckin 


Human Beings!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Let's Take A Drive? And Escape For An Hour or Three?!

 I USed tah do thah shit all thah fuckin time!

Get fuckin stressed or some ill shit!?

Get my muh fuckin favorite cassettes or CDs, and roll thah fuck away!

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil Muh Fuckahs Got Most Of US's Sorry Asses!

 Too fuckin old and too fuckin tired for this ill shit!

Muh fuckahs wannah make thah muh fuckin "Topic of Note" while conversin with muh fuckahs: The Topic of Note!?

I shut thah fuck down!

I mean what yo ol Black sorry broke ass gonnah say tah 'em?

"That ill shit didn't happen?"

I mean I have ah Father-in-Law that thinks all this shit he reads and sees about all these shootins on thah muh fuckin "news" is real!?

And he's ah muh fuckin Black mason!...

(Peace! More to come...)

NASA Can Kiss My Old Black Sorry Broke Muh Fuckin Ass!

 I mean what the Holy fuck!?

Y'all muh fuckahs can go out into "outer space"!

Not knowin what thah fuck is out thah fuck there!?

And be fuckin successful!?

Big ups!

But Sonshines!?

These oceans are in this firmament!

Not no fuckin sorry ass made-up outer fuckin space!

But there ain't no federal or commercial submersibles that can deep sea dive on ah regulah without imploding!?

And I don't give ah fuck about thah muh fuckin depth of thah shit!

US experts knows thah muh fuckin many planets and galaxies!

But can't make ah muh fuckin submersible tah see thah depths of US many waters in this firmament?!

I mean God damn!

How gullible can US broke asses be?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Fucked Up Submersible! With A Billionaire Dying In The Sorry Ass Built Shit!?

 I don't believe what them evil muh fuckahs say any-fuckin-more!

Billionaires goin down in ah muh fuckin submersible and thah shit implodes!?

Thah muh fuckah is ah fuckin Billionaire!?

Couldn't that rich muh fuckah as ah muh fuckin hobby 

R&D his own comfortable shit tah see some worthless wreck!?

That would fuckin work as it fuckin should?!

The fuckin shit is foul as fuck!

Remembah ol Judge Judith Sheindlin sayin all thah muh fuckin time tah them muh fuckahs in her muh fuckin courtroom?

"If it doesn't make sense? It's most often is not the truth!"?

Thee Holy fuck is an ol Black broke sorry ass muh fuckah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

CaUSe US Fell For That Ill Ass Stupid Shit! II

 I mean shit! They tellin US what them evil muh fuckahs gonnah do through US entertainment and shit!

You remembah thah movie "Total Recall"? Of course based off Philip K. Dick's brilliant, "We Can Remember it for You wholesale" novel!? On Mars (Ain't no muh fuckin Mars but fuck it!) ol Governor Cohaagan cut thah oxygen off in that bitch!?


That's how them evil degenerate muh fuckahs tryin tah get thah shit in US!

Break our sorry broke asses down so bad, then...

Shit, them evil sorry muh fuckahs ain't spreadin 

Chemtrails for fuckin nothin!?

"We'll tell your broke asses when it's safe to go outside!"

Thee Holy fuck! I ain't no God damned child!

Fuck y'all sorry ass worthless pieces of shit!

I'm ah grown ass muh fuckah!

You evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

I gotshah pay child support you sorry evil ass slothful muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Murder All of The Children Fucking, Vampirical Elite!

 Remembah thah ol muh fuckin niggah maxim,

"Ain't nothin to it! But tah do it!"

Damn right bout that


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 23, 2023

Summer 2026 ( Thirty-Three Years Old, Michael Dees, Dissenter)

 'You don't have to do this Bro? We've been knowing each other forever!"

He saw his friend. One of many executioners on thah dais. He being the first of many to be sacrificed in the name of "Moloch"? Things had went south badly after the crash.

"Bro! You don't have to do this! Who are you Bro!? They've changed you Bro?"

As he saw his friend quickly swipe that gleaming sword...

He now looking up at his still standing torso, blood spirting from it's headless body!

He looked into thah heavens and smiled!

Said inaudibly,

"Thank you Our Father."

And everything went blessedly


(Peace! More to to come...)

US Not Appreciating Regular Human Living Sounds

 I love tah write tah music!

But what I really love is tah write with thah washing machine or dishwasher!

Dependin on thah cycle there's ah certain cadence!

Some rhythmic type of offbeat kindah shit

RighteoUSly happenin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

CaUSe US Fell For That Ill Ass Stupid Shit!

 Thah fuck US gonnah do when these evil muh fuckahs start fuckin with thah power grids aftah they steal US muh fuckin ends!?

"Generac"! For real! Every muh fuckin thing like that shit has ah muh fuckin computer chip embedded in that sorry ass muh fuckah! And what them evil muh fuckahs gonnah do?! US fuckin guessed it! Shut that shit down too!

That's why they want everything tah go electric! Not because of some stupid ass greenhouse emissions, better for the environment...God damned Agenda scripted rhetoric! 



He who controls electricity in the near future!

Controls absolutely!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US's jUSt Ice!

 I've read almost all of the Andrew Vachss novels and shit! Read some of his interviews in different magazines durin thah time he was spittin out some shit! The Burke Novels!  If yah don't read anything else at least read "Flood" then ""Blue Belle"! Good ass shit! Anyway...

Well, if I can remembah I think thah muh fuckah USed tah be in thah muh fuckin district attorney's  office some shit in New York! He studied, on his own muh fuckin time, ill behavior of US! Well in one of the articles he stated,

"Pedophiles cannot be helped or cured!"

God damn!

So what thah fuck is 

US fuckin doin?!

Murder every single one of those evil degenerates!


Yah read that "Law of Return" backfirin like ah muh fuckah in Israel!

Muh fuckahs send them pedophile Jews back tah their homeland!

What them nasty pedophiles Jews do?


Fuck no!

Them nasty pedophilic muh fuckahs start fuckin their own tribe's Jewish children!...

Thee Holy fuck is wrong with 


 And what in thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck Yes! I'm A Niggah! And I Love Watermelon!

 Ain't nothin bettah than some chilled coon-melon on ah hot muh fuckin day!

Give ah fuck!

Shit, I know othah niggahs that won't even eat watermelon in front of muh fuckin White people!? Nor a fuckin banana!? Thah fuck?! Anyway...


Fuck that shit!

"What would you like to order?"

'Oh, I'll have fried chicken, dark meat please? A side of  Collard Greens. Fried green tomatoes. Some sliced onion, pickles and tomatoes on the side. And I hope y'all have Hot Sauce, you know? "Frank's Original"? You do? Thank you? Oh, and do y'all serve watermelon?!..."

Fuck it!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Fed CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Coming in July! Get Your Tickets Now For A Limited Time Only!

 They wannah roll thah shit out officially 01July2023!

Once successful!

Shit, time for them evil muh fuckahs tah pull off thah greatest caper in 

US Human History!

Like in what's happenin tah all of these othah countries all on this firmament!

Them worthless evil muh fuckahs gonnah shut thah banking system down!

Steal all US muh fuckin money!

Crash thah fuckin shit!

Reset this bitch!

And bring on this global

CBDC sorry ass enslavement shit!

Oh, it's comin Sonshines!

Holy shit!

It's already here!..

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sugar Coating Nastiness!

 "He was arrested and convicted! Of multiple counts of child molestations..."

He sexually fucked over and abused them innocent muh fuckin children!

Molestation?! He brutally raped them pitiful lil muh fuckahs!...

Thee Holy muh fuckin fuck!

Is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Make It Better For You, Yours' and Ours'! The Rest Will Take Care of Itself!

"Let US take care of our own garden. - Voltaire" 

I love when my Wife and my "inner female" voice calls me,


Makes me feel all warm and cozy inside!

No! Straight talk! With not a hint of sarcasm!


The only way that I'm still able tah live in this muh fuckah!

Is that I'm ah muh fuckin 


And because of two women,

My Wife and My Daughter!

"What about me Love?"

Does that really need to be written?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Phoenix - Rhye"

 Some funky ass muh fuckin shit!

Go head with y'alls bad muh fuckin asses!...

(Peace! More to come....)

Keep In Touch!...And Appreciate Some Shit!

 Shit when my ol Black sorry broke ass have quit ah muh fuckin gig?!

Shit! I purge all numbers, contacts and texts from ex-team members!

God damn!

I'm jUSt suggestin tah yah othah broke muh fuckin asses?!

Don't do that ill shit!

Because if they gave yo ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass their muh fuckin legitimate cellphone numbah, that them muh fuckahs done had ovah ten fuckin years and countin!

That means...

Them muh fuckahs 

Care about yo sorry broke ass!

And that they trust yo sorry broke ass!

Whatevah thah muh fuckin reason or 


Send them lovin muh fuckahs, of ungrateful you, ah muh fuckin

Message every once in awhile!?...

(Peace! More to come....)


 Don't give ah fuck!

Trust US guts!

Puts ah whole new meaning tah


(Peace! More to come...)


 Based on thah muh fuckin thought yo overworkin broke ass mind conjures up!?

Type that shit!?

Read that shit!

Re-read that shit!

Expound on that individual beautiful shit if US has to!?

Then hit:


(Peace! More to come....)

Sis Sativa

 Will clear yo muh fuckin mind and have yo ass thinkin focused!

No replayin in yo mind filled with muh fuckin endless replays!

No more listenin in yo mind some endless looped mental bullshit!

Hit that shit!

And calm yo ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass


Yah see?! There yah go!

And show some muh fuckin respect!

Ask her ass,

"And how've you been doin Sis?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

That's Your Shit! Not US's Shit?!

 Aftah yah research some shit don't go out and try tah yell it from thah muh fuckin US rooftops!

Fuck! That lacks fuckin glamour!

Shut thah fuck up!

And jUSt listen tah muh fuckUS subsequently!?

It'll tell yo sorry ol Black muh fuckin broke ass everything that you need tah know about US accepting individual


And what thah fuck yo sorry ol Black muh fuckin ass needs tah be yellin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Another USed Family

 Shit my muh fuckin family is ah psy-op in and of itself!

I think I done told y'all this story? But if I didn't?  Here it go.

There were eleven of US male siblings. 

Morgan Roy never enlisted.

George was in the army!

Chauncey (Army), Hubert (Marines), Albert (Navy) went tah Vietnam!

Marcus (Air National Guard) and Herbert (Navy) were on thah tail end of thah conflict in Vietnam!

Jack never served.

Eric I do believe went in thah National Guard!

Kirk re-enlisted two to three times in thah Air Force!


I went into thah Army.

Aftah Basic Training they sent my ass tah Fort Harrison, DINFOS (Defense Information School) 46 Romeo (Broadcast/Journalism)! 

Got out of Basic! Insconced in AIT (Advanced Individual Training), when aftah two weeks ah Drill Sergeant Quattelbaum had US AIT muh fuckahs rollin around in mud!? Thah fuck! I put up with this stupid ass shit in Basic! Fuck this shit! Ah niggah gotstah tah go! 

So I requested ah meeeting with JAG (Judge Advocate General)!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chaotic Call Centers of Cities Cowering!

 Criminal confines of cities, 

Cynically calculated to censure the 

Cost collective cattle-call of congress's


(Peace! More to come...)

"Getting To Know You - Parliament" II

 I listen tah muh fuckahs all thah God damned time!

I put my lil asides in thah conversation tah let thah othah muh fuckah undahstand, 'I'm listenin and sharin! A lil bit!"

Shit, muh fuckahs wannah spill their guts! Shit, I got thah time muh fuckahs! I'm here eight hours muh fuckahs! Talk, preach, vomit...

It's all on thah muh fuckin practice's dime!

What thah owner/operator gonnah say?

"Quit speaking so much with the patients?"

If that day evah comes?!

Time for ah niggah tah get ghost out that bitch!

And most definitely,

"Agitate thah muh fuckin gravel!..."!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Human Electrical Endless Storage

 There are things that fire through your mind endlessly!

Memories from the past!

Memories from the present!

And memories of the future!

"Memories of the future?"


Think about it?...

(Peace! More to come...)

You! Muh fuckah! It Starts With Just Lil Ol You! And Lil Ol me! (Smile)

 Muh fuckahs gonnah set up there and dwell on thah negatives and shit! 

Shit, my ol Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass ain't on that 'real' positive tip! Fuck that shit! my ol Black sorry broke ass is ah fuckin broke realist! That's all! I feel yo positive kindah doin some Human kindah shit ! Big ups!

But shit!....

When we goin tah start tellin these young muh fuckahs thah  God damned muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come....)

Allegorically Speaking

 I listen tah muh fuckahs and shit! 

I shake my muh fuckin ol Black sorry  broke ass head!

I undahstand what yo broke ass is spittin!

Shit, I've been there many of times!

Preach from thah highest mountaintops!?

Don't give ah real good fuck!...

And I guaran-fucking-tee 

Our Father will agree:

"You lie with dogs? You're going to get fucking fleas!"...

Or worse?!

You see?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Listen? II

 "How you doing Meredith?"

'Fine Sister Elsie.'

"Elaine! Out of all your good looking boys. This he's real good lookin!"

Still fucks me up!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Note For US's Broke Asses Future! II

 Now check it?


Paper currency didn't mean shit!?

"Oh, you would really want to go central bank digital currency!"

Thah fuck I do!

Where's my paper money muh fuckahs!?

So I can have some muh fuckin

Proof of 

My shit!

That y'all gonnah try tah steal!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Note For US's Broke Asses Future!

 Have yah seen thah front of any denomination of paper cash? Thah shit says:

"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private"

In thah near future whatevahthefuck government cannot deny this written document of US's soon tah be anothah, Failed Human History!

That's why, these rich evil muh fuckahs done pulled ovah 79 billion dollahs from US bankin systems in thah past muh fuckin week!

Cause them sorry evil asses undah-fuckin-stand legal fuckin tender when thah shit goes south!

Howevah and whenevah this shits gonnah go down 


(Peace! More to come...)

Just One of The elite Warning Signs!

 I jUSt want tah know my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

Just tell me some shit?!

And I'll die quietly from here on 


How thah Holy fuck!?

US, with our hard earned tax payin muh fuckin dollahs, helpin othah countries out and them evil sorry ass muh fuckahs talkin bout

Bail-Ins in US!?

And did I say, "Fuck Africa! Fuck the UK! Fuck Australia! Fuck Israel! Fuck Palestine...and definitely fuck those Ukrainian sorry ass muh fuckahs!

God damn!

Thah fuck wrong with 


And what

Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come!...)


 Mommy once told me, and I have never forgotten thah shit:

"Meredith! This life is about eighty percent of your looks!"

That statement slapped my young Black broke sorry muh fuckin ass in thah face!

And she continued,

"And you're not hard on the eyes at all!"

'That's because you're my Mother!'

"No! It's because I tell you the truth! You remember what I said about Eric? My son? Your Brother?"


(Peace! More to come...)

How Did One Eyed Sammy Sing It, "I've Gotta Be Me"?! Yeah! Some RighteoUS Kind of Shit!

 "Why do you put so much vulgarity in your posts?!"

Now undahstand?! These are one of only two muh fuckahs readin this shit on ah regulah askin this shit!

How you muh fuckahs doin by thah muh fuckin way?!

Excellent? Y'all said?


Well, right on! Go head with y'alls bad ass selves! Anyway...

The query of note?!

That shit's easy!

Ain't no mainstream media gonnah quote my ol Black broke sorry ass!

And that's for damn sho!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"An Alien Invasion Is Imminent!"

 Suck my wrinkly right nut!

And they gonnah try tah pull thah stupid ill shit off?!

God damn!

You sorry ass evil pathetic muh fuckahs!


"Project Blue Beam - Serge Monast" my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?!


Them evil sorry vile muh fuckahs ain't shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Duh?! Because Their Black!" That's It?! All Yo Sorry Professionals Sorry Asses Got!? II

 If them evil muh fuckahs wanted tah really stop this muh fuckin ill ass behavior by US?!

Shit, put out ah state edict:

"On this day Wednesday  June 19, 2024 at nine o'clock on this beautiful state of Indiana morning! In 90 days! If any of our great citizens of this state gets involved in any shooting, robbery, and is found guilty! The guilty's person and every one living in said residence shall forever be banned from any future public assistance in any manner!..."

Check it? Muh fuckahs havin all these muh fuckin lil muh fuckahs! Get hit aftah one pregnancy with ah fuckin close tah 20,000 dollar hospital bill! Shiiiought! If ah niggah don't get fixed aftah that shit!? Shit! Put that muh fuckah undah thah muh fuckin prison!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Duh?! Because Their Black!" That's It?! All Yo Sorry Professionals Sorry Asses Got!?

 They are payin these broke ass muh fuckin niggahs!

Yah heard may my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!?

Have yah seen Compton, California?

San Francisco? New York? Washington, D.C.?...

US don't act like that! Come oh naw?!

That's some scripted bullshit!

Cause and effect! Ain't that what thah muh fuckin "experts" been preachin all this muh fuckin time?!

So what is causin them silly ass niggahs tah act like that?! Then them muh fuckahs want tah jUSt trivialize thah shit, "Well cause they're Black!" God damn!? That's it you sorry muh fuckahs?! US's witnessin thah effects! But what is that muh fuckin cause mister and misses fuckin sorry ass experts in thah muh fuckin 'field'?! Anyway...

Showin niggahs shootin othah muh fuckahs; poppin off crazy at thah drop of thah muh fuckin hat (and someone finally got ah muh fuckin cellphone tah video thah ill shit! Uhm!); ridin on top of ah car's hood while ah muh fuckah goin thirty tah sixty miles and hour and shit! Who thah stupid niggahs that made y'alls stupid asses?! Where them muh fuckahs at God damnit! Cause every muh fuckin parent claimin y'all as their children? Should have their asses sterilized! Expeditiously! Nevah tah produce thah fuck again! Anyway!


Shit, I'll tell yah why?!

CaUSe them niggahs gettin paid!

That's "Why?"!!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Them evil political Fuckers Don't Give A Shit About US Broke Muh FuckUS!

 Shit why US broke muh fuckahs gots tah have fucked up streets and shit?!

Shit, we pay state and federal taxes like everybody else up in this bitch! Shit US broke asses gettin on ah payment plan and shit! But we pay thah shit...eventually! I mean God damn! Fuck Hogsett! Lazy muh fuckah! Anyway...

I mean rich muh fuckahs can afford ah muh fuckin tie rod end, ah fuckin tire, ball joint fucked up, a rim needin now tah be replaced...


US broke muh fuckahs still dealin with high ass car payments and shit!

Can't afford ovah ah thousand dollahs in damage from ah fuckin deep ass chuckhole yo ass didn't see comin, and July's high fuckin car payment jUSt around thah muh fuckin cornah!

Do y'alls political jobs sorry muh fuckahs and this kindah shit wouldn't happen tah ah broke ass muh fuckin votin, taxpayin lifelong Hoosier citizen!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Knowing! And Teaching!

 When yah talk tah young muh fuckahs especially yo muh fuckin children!

Undah-fuckin-stand yo ass speakin from experiencing some shit!

Yah remembah on thah muh fuckin, "Streets of Philadelphia" Denzel Washington's character would say tah thah witness, "Explain it like I'm a nine year old?" Or some shit like that?!


I have ah brothah Marcus!

Knows math up and down!

Can he teach that shit tah yah hatin math muh fuckin havin ass?




(Peace! More to come...)


 Research thah shit!

Them some evil sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Will have yo sorry broke ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Cellphones EULAs

 Read thah "EULA" on that muh fuckah!

That shit supposed tah at least be four inches away tah be marginally safe from US's body!

Muh fuckahs got thah shit in their front pockets, back pockets, bras, and holdin that shit like thah shit's goin tah escape or some shit!

It's jUSt ah fuckin technological hindrance and killing apparatus!

That's all!

And please USe with caution


(Peace! More to come...)

Titanic Submersibles

 Don't them muh fuckahs have sonar or some shit?!

Thah fuck is ah niggah missin?

Have yah seen thah submersible?

Looks like an oversized dick!

How thah fuck rich muh fuckahs get caught in ah muh fuckin huge ass coffined dick!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Panic! at the Disco"

 Some weird muh fuckahs!

my youthful co-worker Jasmine hooked me up with these white muh fuckahs!

Them muh fuckahs be jammin on some shit!

Their shit reminds me of some scaled down 'Depeche Mode'!

But these muh fuckahs all fuckin ovah thah muh fuckin place!

Check out, "Old Fashioned", "The Overpass" or "Miss Jackson (feat. LOLO)", "Say Amen (Saturday Night), and "Nicotine"!?...

Thank you


(Peace! More to come...)

Pedophiles Need To Mentally and Physically Suffer Before They Die!

 Grown ass muh fuckahs that abuse sexually/physically/mentally US children!


Put a million flies in ah fuckin muh fuckin chamber aftah puttin them nasty muh fuckahs in there first!

Put them in ah fuckin pit with ah bunch of rabid rats!

Put them in ah pigpen where thah pigs haven't eaten in three days! Of course hands and feet bound! But not thah mouth! Gotstah hear them screams from those degenerates, finally the shoe bein on thah othah foot! Anyway...

Drop them off in the middle of ah fuckin dessert with no muh fuckin water or food!

Drop them in thah middle of thah muh fuckin rainforest!

Drop them off in thah middle of thah ocean, of course alive!

Drop them off in thah middle of Caprini-Green projects...damn, them rich muh fuckahs done took that shit ovah! Shit!...

Or fuck it, 

Put them on that medieval stretching wench until they dismember!...

Fuck lethal injection! Fuck electrocution! Fuck thah sorry ass firing squad! Fuck that costly time in prison...

Any fuckin thing as long as it ain't quick or fast!

But they need tah fuckin die!

Terribly so


Them evil muh fuckahs 'fuckin' up 




Ergo, fuckin up all of 


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 19, 2023


 Some pharmaceutical shit tah straighten out yo bent broke ass dick!


Straight talk!

But that ain't thah best part!

Will have yo ol Black sorry ass on thah muh fuckin floor!

Start listenin tah thah side effects,

"...May cause penile fracture...."

What thah Holy fuck is ah muh fuckin

"Penile fracture"?!...


I hope that 'may someday dick will be straight' shit is worth that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Weight Loss II

 Okay? There's this shit called 

Caprylic Acid 600mg! Take one capsule until maximum amount tolerated!

"Well? What's that?"

Depends on why you takin thah shit?! Candida? What thah shit state? In this instance, weight loss! BID!

Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules/Tablets 550mgs BID.

Taurine capsules 500mgs BID!

Garlic 500mgs BID!

Rosemary 500mgs TID!

Vitamin C 500mgs BID!

Take all on an empty stomach!

Then holla?!

Also, take

Activated Charcoal 1,000mgs on an empty stomach daily! Not taken within two hours of other supplements and on an empty stomach!

Then really hollah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

It Ain't "The Real Ones"!

 They are scared as fuck of y'all!

I'm talkin bout real females!

That's why they have male to females taking over!

Shit, they can't make a real Human


Clone or synthesizing?!



That ain't no real 

Human shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sense of Self!

 I love that shit!

That's ah muh fuckin statement I fell in Love with ah long fuckin time ago!

Cause I fuckin loose it often than not!

Then my alter being gets in my ass,

"Muh fuckah what chew doin?! I know we ain't havin ah pity party up in this muh fuckah?! Cause me havin tah put up with yo shit is thah only muh fuckah bettah be havin ah party! Especially when we talkin bout pity and yo ass!"...

She keeps me living! She rough on ah niggah!

But I Love her all thah muh fuckin same!

She keeps my ol Black sorry broke ass in


(Peace! More to come...)

They're Called Spirits For A Reason!? Beer: A Neutral Spirit, "And It's From The Firmament!" (HOP-Sons Brewing Company, Indianapolis, Indiana) Wednesday, December 2023

 Rum! Fucked up high!

Vodka! Whew! Fucked up high!

Gin! Do it right?! Shit's all right! But if yah don't? Fucked up high!

Bourbon! Is yo muh fuckin friend!

Tequila! The whip!

Wine! Fuck that shit! Who gives ah real fuck!?


Now! Shit's not even ah muh fuckin spirit at all! 


"HOP-Sons DIPA! Get it Sons! Eight Point Three ABV Sons! Tastes what's in your neighborhood!

Located on Coolidge Avenue Downtown! You know? You'll find US! "And it's from the firmament!"


(Peace! More to come...)

The Dot Matrix

 If US looks hard enough?

US will see it!

Oh, it's a fuckin dot!

But keep looking!

Keep working forward,

Being productive!

Look ahead?

Now what do you see?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

COVID Societal Fallout

 Muh fuckahs still in shock and shit!

"I have rights!"


I thought you knew?!

The correct retort tah this ill shit is:

"I thought I have rights?!"


Them evil muh fuckahs may have ah smidgen of sympathy for that broke pitiful ass!

Cause them degenerate evil sorry ass muh fuckahs don't know dick about


(Peace! More to come...)

But...We Were Just Conversing?

 Yah can't jUSt have ah plain ol muh fuckin downhome conversation no fuckin muh fuckin more!

Fuck no!

Muh fuckahs got tah put labels and shit on that ass!

You know how Pentecostals do with sinners!

Soon as yah say somethin that will "Ex" that sorry ass!

Them sorry asses will cut that muh fuckin conversation 

Short as


(Peace! More to come...)

The Glaucoma Effect II

 That's what US has turned into!

Some tunneled vision muh fuckahs!

But while yo broke sorry asses focusin on that material shit damn near blindin yah!


Yo ass has not ah muh fuckin clue what yo severely visually impaired sorry ass bout tah fuckin woefully

Run into!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"One Phone! One Vote" @ Fall 2024

 Can't US envision that shit in thah near muh fuckin future of voting politics!?

God damn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Next Vote! Get Involved! Take A Picture of Your Proud Vote! III

 I mean don't even have votin machines and shit! 

Gov'ment givin out free cell phones and shit!

One vote!

For one cellphone!

But yah got tah have ah verifiable address in these USs and US has tah be ah registered voter! 

With ah federally given passcode of course!

And y'all gonnah hate this aside,

Yah have tah be employed, retired or a proven homemaker (In the traditional sense)! Cause ah man can't work?! God damn! Thah fuck! Thah muh fuckahs' blind some shit? Yes? Call center you go blind muh fuckah! What!?...Anyway...

We could work this shit out!

I mean, if yo ass niggah riggin thah shit anyway!?

Fuck it!

Save my ol Black sorry ass from havin tah go tah thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

The Next Vote! Get Involved! Take A Picture of Your Proud Vote! II

 I mean it's your muh fuckin vote!

It's fuckin public taxpayin property!

Shit, I ain't evah been ashamed of thah muh fuckah I voted for! Muh fuckahs actin like it's some kind of secret and shit! Fuck naw I ain't nevah gonnah vote for sorry ol ass stupid Beiden! Thah fuck I look like?! Anyway...

How thah fuck them muh fuckahs gonnah tell ah registered US tax-fucking-paying voter,

"You're not allowed to verify whether or not your vote counted!"

Fuck that! Get votes in real time and shit! Instantaneously!

They done fucked up with these muh fuckin cellphones!


Thah Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Next Vote! Get Involved! Take A Picture of Your Proud Vote!

 Shit, I ain't seen one polling place that tells yo sorry ass,

"No cellphones allowed!"

So shit, this next election, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Take ah picture of your vote! And instantly upload it! "The Real Vote" Platform! Whatevahthefuck! Anyway...

Shit, every muh fuckah got ah muh fuckin cellphone!

If every voter does this shit!

Then...US will know thah muh fuckin elections are and have always been


(Peace! More to come...)

"Operation Warp Speed"?

 Remembah ol sorry ass Trump talkin that shit rollin out thah vaccine?!


All those political muh fuckahs are in on this ill shit!

Every single one of those  sorry ass 



They gotstah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day 2023? IV

 Shit! I've told my Daughter about my dependency! 

"Why would you do that?!"

Cause, fuck it! Thah shit's legal!

 And Your dad is ah flawed ass muh fuckah!

But... his ass Sonshine yah best believe,

Shall get better!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Weight Loss


I gave up thah shit for five fuckin horrible days!

Dropped ten pounds like nobodies business!

Yah heard?!

Got down tah 158! Almost high school weight! But ain't thah same high school body! Only place I got ah lil musculature is in my core! I get on thah floor and do some shit! But thah shit I do ain't thah worst muh fuckin part! Fuck no! It's gettin up off thah God damned floor! Anyway...

(Peace! More to come....)

Father's Day 2023? III

 "I told all my children! Now listen? I'll pay for your college! But, now if you choose to bypass college to create a business I'll back you one-hundred thousand dollars! The amount of a four year degree! Shit! Do you know til this day, every single one of the five have said in one way or another, "I wished I would have taken you and mom up on the business instead of college?! I mean damn man?!"

Thank you Mister Thompson!

Happy Father's Day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Father's Day 2023? II

 I try tah suggest tah my only child,

'Sure! Go to an university! But, after you get degreed, don't get a job!'

Parents say, "What?!"

Anothah Father before I was ah Father told me one time, 

"I told all of my girls. And I have three as you know. Don't go to college to get a good job!? Go to college to own some shit! Job means you're going to work for somebody! Me and your Mother throwing money away if you're just going to get a good job?!"...

Nevah forgot that shit!

Thank you Mister Wilson!

Happy Father's Day!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Father's Day 2023?

 Ain't thah muh fuckah every muh fuckin day!?

Muh fuckahs wannah belittle shit from 365 tah one fuckin day!

Kindah bullshit is that!?

Shit, if yah ah Father about some shit,

It's Father's fuckin day!



Don't look at me muh fuckah!?

You thah one decided tah create times ten!?

Like me minus nine!

The fuck were you thinkin?...

(Peace! More to come...)

ACU (Acquired Children's Unit) January 2024 II

 This would be his second tour in Utah! He remembered the first time. Couldn't believe it. Children walking alone, 20 sometimes 50 or more, walking to school without any adult supervision! He's thinking, "These people are nuts!" The first day of the assignment. He had ordered a school bus. Wore khaki pants, a purple polo shirt (children love purple for some reason) and black "Sketcher's". Mister school bus driver.

It was amazing! He'd drive up to the numerous of children unguarded walking to school, pull over in the yellow school bus and just say, "Come on? You're being driven to school." The children just got on the bus! No fuss. Took them to the drop-off. 

"God damn! There are at least seventy children!? How the hell did you do this by nine o'clock in the morning?!" His superior asked?

He just pointed at the yellow school bus and said,


(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Drives Are For The elite Vampiricals III

 I mean, think about it?

Who's gonnah be givin blood if they 're ill? Or have a chronic disease?...

US don't do that shit!

It's like goin intah ah porn audition and they've advertised for "Big Dicks" and yo broke ass comin up short on girth and length!?

So why do they ask voluntary blood givers about their individual health history?

Because aftah thah standard tests are done on thah donated blood!

Now, they can talk about cost per pint to thah elite


"This donor has excellent health history! Does not drink. Do any prescribed or illegal drugs. Takes supplements daily. Runs three miles four times a week, so well oxygenated! Non-vaccinated...About thah purest shit yo ass gonnah get playah! Now! How much we talkin?!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Drives Are For The elite Vampiricals II

 I've been researchin lately about thah

Nephilim. The fallen angel seed!

Intersterestin as fuck shit!

A cut down tah size race of whatevahthefuck!

Still fuckin mad about thah shit!

Tryin tah devour US!?

And still feedin off 

US broke asses all thah muh fuckin same!



(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Drives Are For The elite Vampiricals

 Ain't too many surgeries where yo ass undergoin some major shit where yo sorry ass needs ah blood transfusion!

Shit! You know how much ah Perfusionists costs?! Shiiiought! The insurance companies ain't tryin tah hear that kindah ill cost! Unless thah shit is heart surgery! 

Yah evah seen thah movie, "Blade"? Makes ah ol Black broke muh fuckah wondah?! Anyway...


Where thah fuck is all that blood goin


(Peace! More to come...)

Federal Holiday?

 I'm an ol Black sorry ass broke muh fuckah!

And I don't give one good fuck about muh fuckin supersilly


The fuck wrong with


Unless their sorry asses gonnah give ah niggah ah day off for some shit?!

Othah than that?

Shit ain't all that important!

"Juneteenth", talkin bout slavery, and ah niggah got tah go tah fuckin work!? On "Juneteenth"!?

Kindah bullshit?...

Can kiss my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin workin on "Juneteenth" slavin ass!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Reality Bites Big Time! (Chauncey Dewitt Hopson, Muskogee, Oklahoma Inhabitant) @ Summer 1988

 "If my daughter gets harassed again by your family! I will shoot every mothah fuckah that comes out of that muh fuckin door! Until they arrest my documented PTSD havin ass! Do you understand me?!"

(And thah niggah had tah do thah shit while I was in thah muh fuckin vehicle! In Muskogee, Oklahoma no less!?...

But his daughter, my niece, never got bullied again by the unmentioned family!)...

A Bloody Fucking Mess!

 Nigresses and Niggahs!?

Go on The American Red Cross' website!?

Dependin on thah muh fuckin vaccine US's chose?

Them evil muh fuckahs may not want any parts of US's now

Tainted blood!?

God damn!?



Thee Holy fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Maniacal Cadence

 Right, left! Right, left...

Until thine soulfully


(Peace! More to come...)

Time For All Of US To Recalibrate

Havin thah muh fuckin nerves makin laws and shit!

Thah Holy fuck wrong with US!?

I mean God damn!

US done fell for thah muh fuckin 'okee-doke' for real!?

Them evil elite muh fuckahs would be weepin like cowards havin tah exists like most of 


I'm jUSt suggestin my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

Them evil muh fuckahs gottah be


(Peace! More to come...)

It's Going To Be Just Fine Sonshines!

 Take my hand and stand in this 

Promised land!

With me?

You see?

Getting along is quite


(Peace! More to come....)

The End Is Nigh!

 Am I on land or sea?

Maritime Laws never pause for the

Human clause you see?!

Buying and selling flesh



Them evil muh fuckahs can!

At least...

For now!

But not for too much longer!

CaUSe all US land is floatin


Can't make no land law when US shit 's floatin!


(Peace! More to come...)

ACU (Acquired Children's Unit) January 2024

 'Team "Jump" your state for this month is Utah!'

In his head the three year federal recruit said, 

"Yes! Easy fucking pickings!"

Acquire more than two thousand or more children easy!

The two year recruit's team's quota for the winter months....

Some Of US Streets

 "So check it young 'n? Muh fuckah start shootin at that ass?! Run thah opposite way of thah muh fuckin shooter's business hand!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Head Voices Beaconing

 Take a trip with me? Please? Thank you! Oh, feel the breeze, so supple,, beautifully past! Now here's another! Take my hand? Listen? 

Come on?!

It's coming from over there!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Lifecycles Local Imagining Centers (LLIC, LLC) "There's Always One In Your Neighborhood!" Indianapolis, Indiana Circa March 2025

'Client 333,333,333 agreed in writing to take the one way trip. Signed and notarized by parties herein. Are you ready Misses White?'


'Well, Misses White. You have to tell it what you want to do. Because all of this is about your future reality."

Take me away?


"Transaction complete! Take off in: five, four, three, two,


(Inspired by "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale - Philip K. Dick")

Ain't No Fuckin Inherent Choice!

 Deep into our souls!

We know!

If we are thah muh fuckin many God damned


Or thah blessed God fearing jUSt

Tryin tah do thah 

God damned right thing kindah muh fuckah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Swimmers (feat. Jem Cooke) Zero 7"

 Talkin bout some trippy ass 



Hop on board!?

Let's take ah ride?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Today! (Pastor Paul Peterson, Church of The IN Believers, Indianapolis, IN) Fall 2024

 He had informed his parishioners  time and time again,

"Listen saints! It's time to do God's work! Which means we have to get out on the street and preach his word!" What was Pastor Peterson getting? Yeah, grief!

"Have you been out there pastor? It's not safe!" One said. "Yes, Scary!" Said another!

Listen! I'll do it myself! Every Friday! And he saw these mocking eyes looking back at him like, "I hope you seek what you find?"

Oh, he sought! And he found!

Went out his first Friday. Saw some young brothahs just hangin out. Parked his car. Walked casually over to them.

"Yo bro you ah narc or what?"

'No not at all! I'm a pastor at a local church just up the way.'

"Yo, y'all be gettin those tithes and shit!"


"Mostly cash right?"

Pastor Peterson hesitated.

"Hey, pastor? Where'd you say that church is? I'd like tah visit this Sunday?!"

He smiled to himself. Turned and got into his vehicle and drove off. Thinking to himself the scoffing words, "Have you been out there pastor?..." 

Now! And I understand!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Make Peace Proximally. Then? We'll See About This Global Shit!

 Don't think to alienate thah waste by product that sucks, balls and dicks! Pics of suffering many of US through the disgust of lust of historical pus! Formulating, rising...and eventually popping, mopping having to be done through the bottleneck effect which must be selected method, always! When muh fuckahs don't undahstand!?

God damn!

It's not all about


It is all about



(Peace! More to come...)

I Don't Even Know!?

 What do you want!

What do you need!

What God damnit?!


(Peace! More to come....)

Elevating Music

 He had his earbuds in just walking. Getting away. He hit play on track three, "I Can See Clearly Now-Johnny Nash." He, with his newly acquired airflow max running shoes began jogging! "It's gonna be a bright(bright), bright (bright), sunshiny day..." Then he started running for some reason, felt no earth under his feet! Floating, a car went into his path on the sidewalk to make a turn, "I think I can make it now, the pain is gone..." he effortlessly like in parkour skidded across the hood. He heard while passin, 'Damn! You see that shit?!'

"All of the bad feelings have disappeared..." 

While motorists slammed on their brakes witnessing!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Living In The Land Of Nod II

 I mean where yo broke ass gonnah go?!


Them evil pathetic muh fuckahs want this muh fuckin shit 


God damn!

So, get comfy muh fuckahs!

Yah might as well stay yo ol Black sorry broke ass thah fuck at thah muh fuckin


Save yo muh fuckin selves ah shitload of money!

Muh fuckahs gonnah be miserable all ovah this muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Living In The Land Of Nod

 How them muh fuckahs sing thah shit, "No matter where you go? There you are?"

Muh fuckahs talkin that silly ass stupid shit,

"I'm tired of the US. I'm going to live overseas!"

Go head with yo supersilly ass!

Cause when thah next shit, which is soon, really hits thah muh fuckin fan!

Yo ass gonnah regret them muh fuckin words!

That absurd choice of moving away from


Now Chuck is fucking


And quite fucked!...

(Peace! More to come....)

US Dilemma

 It's coming!

No need of all of that silly running!

Sooner or later you are going to have to start


(Peace! More to come...)


 Driving US 

Bat-fucking-shit crazy!

Just wait until thah evil muh fuckahs rollout 

6G and 7G!?

Gonnah be blood on

US streets!...

(Peace! More to come....)

royal Con Artists? Do tell!

 They callin thah no-count niggah Meghan and thah no count evil seed Harry:


Aren't all muh fuckin royalty, politicians, law enforcement officials...



(Peace! More to come...)

Now I Know Why US's In The Shitter!

 Have yah seen US Rep. Rosa Delauro (D-CT)?! 

God fuckin damn!

All these butt ugly ol ass muh fuckahs like her runnin politics, in any capacity, ain't

Gonnah make US muh fuckin sorry asses beautiful!


(Peace! More to come...)

Natty Light/NL

 Okay! I'm gettin it!

I can drink seltzer water! Still don't like thah shit, but at least it has carbonation and a hint of bitterness to it, like beer! Though thah shit has water in thah name!

Maybe that's why I will drink thah shit out of NL!

It's good for me!

I'm staying hydrated!

Thah shit just taste like seltzer water with an infinitesimal hint of thah taste of


So, yeah!

I guess I don't hate water so much aftah all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Podesta Brothers Are The Ped-esta Brothers

 How they gettin away with thah vile shit they've been gettin away with for decades unless they have fuckin political protection?!

'Podesta - (Italian) means power. In medieval Italian communes, the highest judicial and military                  magistrate."

'John - (North American) 1) A toilet. 2) A prostitute's client.'

'Anthony - Priceless one; highly praiseworthy.'

Yah see Anthony reels them lil pitiful muh fuckahs in, then shits 'em out! John, the toilet, flushes everything else away!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cancer And Diabetes? Fuck Cancer And Diabetes! Where Are All US's Missing Children!?

 Them evil muh fuckahs aren't hidin their deplorable nasty ass shit!

Why should they?!

Gates, Beiden, Soros, Podesta brothers, Schwab, Obamas, Bushs', The royal family...

All bein protected by prophesied 'George Orwell's 'Newspeak!'

800,000 or more children go missin every fuckin year jUSt in thah muh fuckin US!

That's more than US dies of muh fuckin

Cancer and diabetes combined deaths each fuckin year!

And mainstream media/'Newspeak' ain't said shit about thah ill ass shit of 

US's innumerable missin muh fuckin children?!

Thah fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Modern Day Fatal Overdoses Are An Euphemism For Some US Over-Vaccinated Deaths

 Drug overdoses!?

When did all these muh fuckahs start dying of drug overdoses?!

Fentanyl et al, my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass!

Does that shit mean in "Newspeak" terms,

Thah muh fuckahs had five vaccinations,

Instead of one 

Or none?!

And died from those multiple sticks!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Screaming Selves Sends Sorrowful Sounds

 Salacious satire sinfully seething by selling

Savory slices of saved 


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, June 16, 2023

Pebble Parks

 Perpetual petulance for political pompousness, 

Peaceful protests of peoples popular 

Penile pump of precise parlance to a

Particular parlay of party's platform


(Peace! More to comes...)

Evident Evidence of Being

 Once you lose your Mommy and your Daddy...well...

Death becomes somethin tah look forward to!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ignorant Simplicity

 What do you foresee?

"I don't foresee nothing Bro!"

What do you need?

"I need unlimited cash Bro!"

What do you want?

"I jUSt want to be left thah fuck alone Bro!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Work It Out II

 ...And look up thah numbers tah thah local trades or look them up on the internet? 

Often times they have apprenticeships; Plumbing, Electrical, Automotive, Opticianry, Construction..

(Peace! More to come...)

There's An Arena For That Ill Ass Shit!?

 "I love tah fight!"

Then get intah that 'octagon' muh fuckah!

Othah than that?!

Act civilized muh fuckah around


And calm yo sorry muh fuckin happy broke ass down!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Will Work It Out

If yah don't want tah get ah real fuckin job right now once finishin high school?! 

All I can suggest tah young muh fuckahs is this:

Get out of your muh fuckin comfort zone!

If yah causin muh fuckin malfeasance with yo non workin asses,

They're two quality choices ah young muh fuckah can make!

Enroll in college/university or trade school!


Enlist in thah military!

And if yah ain't figured thah shit out aftah four fuckin years of eithah?

You can always get your Masters' degree or re-enlist!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

People's Greg Judy Brown Milian...Court?

 "Well if yah look at page four your honah? As you can clearly see, I put ah question mark? Not ah period or an exclamation mark in thah defendant's evidence presented?..."


(Peace! More to come...)


 God damn playah!?

How good is that octogenarian Martha suckin that dick playah?!

Thirty years your seniah Bro?


All up on that ugly ass ol muh fuckah!



(Peace! More to come...)

Semitic People?

 The jews tryin tah avow they 're Semitic people?!

And they can't stand US niggUS!

Let alone hatin thah rest of


Thah fuck is ah quasi-Semitic niggah missin?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Miriam Margolyes, 82, poses nude for 'British Vogue.' - yahoo news"

Talkin bout ah niggah instantly laughin! My wife yellin down, "You okay?!" 

Yeah! Then started laughin ah lil less pronounced!

Still fuckin doubled ovah bout that headline! 

Thee Holy fuck!

That ugly bitch got my ol Black sorry broke ass by 25 years and shit!

And I know for ah fuckin fact,

Don't nobody wannah see my sorry ol Black sorry broke ass naked!

My wife even be sayin, "Put on some clothes! Damn!" She nevah has but I know!? Anyway...

Kind of shit that 82 years old nasty bitch sign up for ah fuckin long time ago?!

Gettin ready tah check thah fuck out and shit!...

"Oh! But before I go! Let me show you my true self!"

Please fuckin don't!?

God damn!

She already fuckin did thah fuckin embarrassin shit!...

Still laughin at that absurdity!

"Well, did you click on it?"

Fuck no! 

Got enough mental trauma in my ol Black sorry broke ass muh fuckin life!

And I don't need tah add tah that ill ass shit!

Thah fuck 's wrong with 


(Peace! More to come...)

Why Is The Alarm Still On?

 We're here Sonshines!

US awakened!

Started another one of Our Father's hopefully many more present and future days!...

I know like most of US, in the interminable quote that goes through my mind since hearin thah shit,

"Yeah, yeah! Water is wet,  the sky is blue, women have secrets. Who gives a fuck? - Joe Hallenbeck (Bruce Willis) 'The Last Boy Scout'"

But US really should?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Will Fuck Yo High Up Fo Sho!

 I have nevah undahstood muh fuckahs smokin weed wantin tah fight and shit!

God damn!


Smokin weed and wantin tah fight or even get muh fuckin angry and shit!?

It's like goin tah ah muh fuckin fried chicken joint you know has that fried chicken niggah! Shiiiought! And even though you know thah shit 's muh fuckin delicious as usual and historic, yo broke ass in ah fuckin ill mood for some stupid ass muh fuckin reason, gonnah say, 

"These are some of the worst wings I have ever had!"

Thah Holy fuck! Anyway...

Will fuck yo good buzz up quickah than shit!

Yo ass be sayin in an altered 'B.B. King' sort of way,

"The buzz is gone! The buzz has gone away!..."


(Peace! More to come..."

Life/Depression And Everybody's Got The Shit! I Ponder Thy Reasons?

 I'm startin tah undahstand depression!

Shit, that shit ain't no depression,

That shit is life!

Gettin out of depression is ah bad muh fuckin thing!

Cause, depressive folk, like I am definitely apart of, sees life as it is!

Muh fuckahs claimin they depressed now takin some kind of pharmaceutical drug for some fucking reason, 

"I'm starting to feel gloom doc! You have to help me out!?" Done!

For real!? Just now, with yo sixty-years old ass! 

Takin some doctah prescribed muh fuckin shit cause life/depression done shown it's ass tah yo triflin ol ass! Now?! Why you takin that shit anyway?! 

"Well, the doctor prescribed it for me! I was getting out of sorts!" 

Uhm, muh fuckahs gotstah blame anothah muh fuckah for their muh fuckin choices! Anyway...


Cause my now narcotized havin sorry ass didn't want tah witness thah shit that's comin in Human real time and 


(Peace! More to come...)

Loose Raiment Firmament

 Take away their evil ass filters: alcohol, weed, legal hard drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, illegal drugs, caffeine, dairy, nicotine, artificial sweeteners, political rhetoric, overindulgence, evil...

And when US do!?

Yo ol Black broke ass, still hears thah negative environment that US's in; 


One starts hearing and witnessing 


Amid, thah negative environment in


(Peace! More to come...)

Four Days And Counting...

 So thah first muh fuckin day,

Okay! I got this shit!

The second muh fuckin day,

Shit! Why, thah fuck I do this shit tah myself for?!

The third muh fuckin day,

God damn, muh fuckin, shit, fucker, fuckin shit, I'll be God damned, why thah fuck...!


Thah Holy fuck! Why did you do this muh fuckin shit tah yo ol Black broke ass self man!?

Fuckin why niggah!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Three Days And Counting...

 What thah fuck was my ol Black sorry ass thinkin when of course I heard,

"Niggah yah need tah quit drinkin! I Love yah Love but our asses are old muh fuckah! Ain't talked tah yah like this in ah long fuckin time, but I guess I got tah get in ah niggah's ass...again! Look at 'em Love?! They pushin alcohol! They pushin pharmaceutical knock out drugs tah reality and shit! Give US legal weed so we never succeed! Vaping! CBD vaping! Crack! Tranq! Ron!...get thah point muh fuckah?! We can't go out like that shit Love! We gots tah start livin real right tah see Our Father's light Love! Remember the stories of the lighthouses Love? How we read in unison, being a Human lighthouse?...Well, I'm glad tah tell yah Love, our asses' about tah burn thah fuck out! We know this! But our asses gots tah keep on  shinin until that time our lights have been taken away, in an instant!"

I Love you too Love! Thank You!

"I hate yo ass when you give up so fuckin quickly cause yo ass knew I was right from jump! That's what I Love about you Love! Yo ass sho nuff learnin!"

Thank You.

"You're welcome Love. Let's take our old asses tah bed?"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, June 12, 2023

The Manipulation of US

 Them evil muh fuckahs are stupid as fuck!

But sometimes I have tah give some big props for their muh fuckin


Fuckin brilliant!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Ted Kaczynski, Jeffrey Epstein...Starting To See A Pattern Here?

 "Died by suicide."

Now, isn't that convenient!?

Next up on their evil dastardly murder list (Drum roll please?)...

Ghislaine Maxell!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Thy Can Only Serve One Master...."

 When I hear ah muh fuckin foreigner!

Talkin bout their beautiful country!?

I fuckin smile inwardly!

Cause no matter what yo sorry ass says about yo muh fuckin country Sonshine!

Here yo sorry as is!

In US country!

And I ain't got tah brag about muh fuckin shit!

Ain't evah busted ah move out this muh fuckah!


Look at you?!

Talkin that absurd stupid shit!

"In my country the fruits are sweeter.", "In my country we have fresh seafood everyday!". "In my counry we have such beautiful people!"...

Shut thah fuck up with that noise!

Then, why thah fuck are you 


Thah fuck is ah niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Aren't We Living In The US?!

 I mean what thah fuck is wrong with US?!

We are thah muh fuckin US!

I live in muh fuckin Indianapolis, Indiana!

I remembah when Jackie muh fuckin Stewart was ah muh fuckin commentator for thah Indianapolis 500! IN Indianapolis! Thah muh fuckin US! I listen tah a lot of foreign radio channels! Ain't evah heard ah muh fuckin American havin ah slot on any of those joints! Anyway....

And thah sorry bastard was from Scotland!

Got ah muh fuckah from TTO, Ato Boldon, commentating on American Track and Field!

What? Gail Devers, Carl Lewis, Renaldo Nehemiah, Jackie Joyner-Kersey...

Weren't available?!...

Got Dwight Stones with his bronzish only ass! And this sorry Trinidad & Tobago muh fuckah!

Thah fuck's ah muh fuckin niggah missin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

No Matter The Language! The Truth Will Fatherly Prevail! II

 Niggahs been massively killed in Chad, Sudan, Liberia...

Oh, I'm sorry, I was speakin about niggahs!

Not jews!

Thah U-fuckin-Kraine!

Some absurd worthless piece of shit of ah country tah US!

So why thah fuck does US care so fuckin much about thah sorry ass


"The U.S. are with the Ukraine!"

Thee Holy fuck!

I don't even know one Ukrainian!


Fuck that 

Ukrainian sorry ass bitch!...

(Peace! More to come...)